
What if the doctor wants to do test on your aaorta. That's the main artery. What could be wrong?

It could be a blockage, Sealy. Is the doctor wanting to do a test on your aorta?
If so I'll be keeping you in my prayers. One thing I would tell you is that the main thing you need to focus on to be well is your diet. Teas and spices are the key to getting the maximum amount of nutrients which feed your body. You can eat smaller amounts of food and get a lot more vitamins and nutrients from the teas and spices you use. Invest fifty dollars in a good spice rack and use those spices every day on your food - toss the sugar - it creates toxins and you don't need toxins in your body - a tea such as oolong tea from GNC is what you should drink in the morning. Cut up 5 lemons and a lime and squeeze the juice into your cup of Oolong Tea. That is about 5 calories and about 15000 nutrients packed with vitamins and nutrients. Lemons are so good for you! So good for you! They prevent cancer, cleanse the body, there are a great deal of benefit from pure lemon juice.

Use natural oils and toss everything artificial. Do not drink sodas. Do not take any kind of sugar at all - ban sugar from your diet. As for food - eggs are full of protein and yes - eat the yellow part too! It won't hurt you - eat healthy salads, fruits, nuts, watch your diet and cut all the sugar. The sugar must go. It's not healthy for you.

Again, your flavor should come from the spices you use. Not processed food that may taste good but it's junk! You need to use Cumin, Ginger, Rosemary, good spices - its also very healthy for your brain! The tea is very important too. I would drink Chinese tea as often as possible. Everything that is an antioxidant? Do it. Cleanse your body with those teas - it will cleanse your arteries, and get you in optimum health. Diet is everything. The teas and the spices is what you need because there are many, many powerful nutrients in spices. There are more nutrients in the spices you eat than the food - many times.
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Another thing about Oolong Tea - it is an excellent appetite suppressant and all natural - when I am fasting I drink it and it works very well.
When did your doctor tell you that you he wanted to do a test on your aorta, Sealy? Was this today?
What if the doctor wants to do test on your aaorta. That's the main artery. What could be wrong?

It could be a blockage, Sealy. Is the doctor wanting to do a test on your aorta?
If so I'll be keeping you in my prayers. One thing I would tell you is that the main thing you need to focus on to be well is your diet. Teas and spices are the key to getting the maximum amount of nutrients which feed your body. You can eat smaller amounts of food and get a lot more vitamins and nutrients from the teas and spices you use. Invest fifty dollars in a good spice rack and use those spices every day on your food - toss the sugar - it creates toxins and you don't need toxins in your body - a tea such as oolong tea from GNC is what you should drink in the morning. Cut up 5 lemons and a lime and squeeze the juice into your cup of Oolong Tea. That is about 5 calories and about 15000 nutrients packed with vitamins and nutrients. Lemons are so good for you! So good for you! They prevent cancer, cleanse the body, there are a great deal of benefit from pure lemon juice.

Use natural oils and toss everything artificial. Do not drink sodas. Do not take any kind of sugar at all - ban sugar from your diet. As for food - eggs are full of protein and yes - eat the yellow part too! It won't hurt you - eat healthy salads, fruits, nuts, watch your diet and cut all the sugar. The sugar must go. It's not healthy for you.

Again, your flavor should come from the spices you use. Not processed food that may taste good but it's junk! You need to use Cumin, Ginger, Rosemary, good spices - its also very healthy for your brain! The tea is very important too. I would drink Chinese tea as often as possible. Everything that is an antioxidant? Do it. Cleanse your body with those teas - it will cleanse your arteries, and get you in optimum health. Diet is everything. The teas and the spices is what you need because there are many, many powerful nutrients in spices. There are more nutrients in the spices you eat than the food - many times.
It's my dad. He's not eating enough and he's not sleeping taking care of my mom with Alzheimer's.

You can't eat any healthier than him. In fact the doc told him to eat some baklava. We're Greek. Lol

He drinks camomile tea. Are there better teas? I'll tell him everything you tell me.

So why would there be blockage if he's not eating?
I wouldn't be too worried if they find a defect.

Surely PP has one on the shelf that will grow up to match what you need. But I'm not sure if they take American Express.

Maybe Kenyan Express?
What if the doctor wants to do test on your aaorta. That's the main artery. What could be wrong?

It could be a blockage, Sealy. Is the doctor wanting to do a test on your aorta?
If so I'll be keeping you in my prayers. One thing I would tell you is that the main thing you need to focus on to be well is your diet. Teas and spices are the key to getting the maximum amount of nutrients which feed your body. You can eat smaller amounts of food and get a lot more vitamins and nutrients from the teas and spices you use. Invest fifty dollars in a good spice rack and use those spices every day on your food - toss the sugar - it creates toxins and you don't need toxins in your body - a tea such as oolong tea from GNC is what you should drink in the morning. Cut up 5 lemons and a lime and squeeze the juice into your cup of Oolong Tea. That is about 5 calories and about 15000 nutrients packed with vitamins and nutrients. Lemons are so good for you! So good for you! They prevent cancer, cleanse the body, there are a great deal of benefit from pure lemon juice.

Use natural oils and toss everything artificial. Do not drink sodas. Do not take any kind of sugar at all - ban sugar from your diet. As for food - eggs are full of protein and yes - eat the yellow part too! It won't hurt you - eat healthy salads, fruits, nuts, watch your diet and cut all the sugar. The sugar must go. It's not healthy for you.

Again, your flavor should come from the spices you use. Not processed food that may taste good but it's junk! You need to use Cumin, Ginger, Rosemary, good spices - its also very healthy for your brain! The tea is very important too. I would drink Chinese tea as often as possible. Everything that is an antioxidant? Do it. Cleanse your body with those teas - it will cleanse your arteries, and get you in optimum health. Diet is everything. The teas and the spices is what you need because there are many, many powerful nutrients in spices. There are more nutrients in the spices you eat than the food - many times.
It's my dad. He's not eating enough and he's not sleeping taking care of my mom with Alzheimer's.

You can't eat any healthier than him. In fact the doc told him to eat some baklava. We're Greek. Lol

He drinks camomile tea. Are there better teas? I'll tell him everything you tell me.

So why would there be blockage if he's not eating?

I'm not sure. I would have to ask a friend of mine who is a doctor. She could tell me. I'll send her an email tonight. In the meantime, I will tell you that the greatest thing I have learned is it isn't the amount of food we eat - it is the quality of it and as the soil is not always that rich - that our food is grown in - the answer is in the spices we put on the foods because many of those spices are super packed with nutrients! Same goes for the teas - antioxidants - they are great for the body!

The lemons I strongly recommend - lemon water - lemon in tea - limes too - lime puts the ph in water at the perfect level - I am not sure if I am getting this right - I'll have to look it up again but I think it actually neutralizes the alkalines in our body - and it is when that is out of balance that our bodies tend to have a weakened immune system - health - etc. Fish oils are great for the heart - salmon from Alaska that is organic and from a health food store - very good for your heart - walking - exercise - circulating our blood by walking / exercise is very good for the heart.

Passion flower tea from the herb stores or GNC is excellent for relaxation - better than Jasmine tea any day - Passion flower tea is so relaxing that it can help people who are on zanax and cannot sleep get off of zanax and get back to sleeping right. I helped my brother get off zanax with nothing but Chinese teas and vitamins from GNC. He has been off zanax for many months now and swears he will never return to it - he was on a huge dose of zanax every day for over 5 years and it was the teas and the vitamins that got him off of it.

Now a question for you. Does your dad smoke a pipe or cigarettes? He will have to give those up and the passion flower tea will certainly help him to calm his nerves. It sounds like this is stress related - perhaps with all the concern he has over your mom. I am going to be praying for him and I will try to get a list together of some healthy / easy to prepare foods for him to eat that he will enjoy and that will also lift him up and help his mood. He sounds like he needs a lift. The right diet and nutrients can do that!
You probably have a chunk of bacon lodged in there.
That's funny because my dad goes on and on about how he would never put sugar or bacon in his body.

It's great that we can rule out the sugar and fats - that is awesome that he watches what he eats and I will tell my friend that when I write her tonight to find out what else you can recommend for him to do to have a healthy heart. I'm believing he is going to be alright, Sealy. Make sure that you get plenty of rest too and do not let yourself get run down. You both need to take care of yourselves. Caring for your mom is a lot of work for both of you. I know it isn't easy. I'm sorry to hear you are going through this and having this news about your father. I truly am.
Alright. I'm going to go and write my friend an email and turn in. I will let you know what she says tomorrow, Sealy. It won't take her long to get back to me (God willing). Goodnight and rest well.

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