Aaron Hernandez dead!

My 2¢ as a former C/O.

Many C/O's are lax in their duties. Some are very lax. Some even assist the offenders in ways which are against policy or even criminal. Many high level events that happen in prisons usually have an employee or 2 involved. Remember the Clinton unit escapees? Now this is not always the case as even a C/O following policy cannot catch everything. However, I read he tried to block his door. Usually cons who are up to something that live in a cell, will try to cover the cell door window. In that event, a C/O doing his job will see it. At the time you immediately tell the con to take it down, if he refuses, you get on the radio and call for immediate assistance. Also, suicidal cons almost always give clues about their upcoming killing. We had training on that all the time. Especially around the holidays. Don't be surprised if the upcoming S.I.R. (serious incident review) has questions about what was going on. In our training we went over many SIR reports and in all of them staff was found to have been "negligent". In one we reviewed, the shift supervisor faked his inmate count (he was busy and thought it would be ok) and two murderers escaped and were not captured. So, no I wasn't there, I'm just saying. I hope no staff was as lax as that in this case.
I didn't know whether to post this here or in the sports section, but it's a little more than your typical sports story, so I figured it was appropriate here.

Apparently, Aaron Hernandez was found dead (suspected suicide) in his jail cell very early this morning. This is breaking news, and this was the only link I could find about it.

Aaron Hernandez found dead in jail cell
CNN Breaking news!!!

One more Patriot refuses to attend White House invitation.

Aarron Hernandez will not be visiting the White House today with his former teammates.
I don't think there are any experienced experts on suicide here.

Suicide takes its experts with it.

Some of us have friends or relatives who have done it though.

Suicide seems to be triggered by extreme despondency.

Ergo A.H. must have felt he was trapped somehow and did not want to deal with the situation.

It is a long fall from NFL star to jailbird.

Too bad he did not think about that before he shot his buddy Odin Lloyd.

Before you do the crime you need to be ready to do the time.

Rogers was apparently not.

A.H. should not have played at being a bad azz thug.
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He's one of my top ten I'd like to see hang themselves in their prison cell.

I was surprised that someone who comes across as so arrogant would off himself. Did he finally realize how stupid he is?

I'm no psychologist, but I think he did it because he realized that he would no longer have any control over his life. He would be in prison, and in his mind, lesser men would have power over him. It was very decent of him to spare the tax payers the burden of keeping him alive for the next 50 years.
I didn't know whether to post this here or in the sports section, but it's a little more than your typical sports story, so I figured it was appropriate here.

Apparently, Aaron Hernandez was found dead (suspected suicide) in his jail cell very early this morning. This is breaking news, and this was the only link I could find about it.

Aaron Hernandez found dead in jail cell

I bet he did, someone wanted to keep his mouth shut on something.
And here come the conspiracy theories! Maybe it was the Patriots organization that killed him? :lol: My gosh, does their evil know NO bounds?

WHen you get educated enough , you might learn where and when that term even came to be as well as why. ( Conspiracy theorist)

When you get educated you will have a brain to realize WTF IS THE GUY GONNA HANG HIMSELF FOR WHEN he jsut had those other MURDER CHARGES DROPPED........

G.D u ...................rs can't think.
And here come the conspiracy theories! Maybe it was the Patriots organization that killed him? :lol: My gosh, does their evil know NO bounds?

When and if you ever are educated and informed enough : You will understand what this even fkn means. Until then you don't even know what you don't know just in general. It was an opinion jackass not a fact.
Since i've followed the story.

In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative
And here come the conspiracy theories! Maybe it was the Patriots organization that killed him? :lol: My gosh, does their evil know NO bounds?

WHen you get educated enough , you might learn where and when that term even came to be as well as why. ( Conspiracy theorist)

When you get educated you will have a brain to realize WTF IS THE GUY GONNA HANG HIMSELF FOR WHEN he jsut had those other MURDER CHARGES DROPPED........

G.D u ...................rs can't think.

Why would he have MURDERED someone to begin with? Hello?
And here come the conspiracy theories! Maybe it was the Patriots organization that killed him? :lol: My gosh, does their evil know NO bounds?

When and if you ever are educated and informed enough : You will understand what this even fkn means. Until then you don't even know what you don't know just in general. It was an opinion jackass not a fact.
Since i've followed the story.

In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative

You don't know ANYTHING about this case yet. Save your zany loon conspiracy theories until you actually have something/anything to back it up. Thanks.
It's those bed sheets. They can be dangerous. He would still be with us if it weren't for the evil bed sheets! #ban bed sheets!

Like I said try educating yourself beyond MSM......

I just heard another update on the news. I guess he hung himself with his bed sheets.
I'm surprised he lasted this long before killing himself. The kind of fall from glory that idiot had was the kind to break any man. What a waste of talent...all because he wanted to be Blood gangsta.

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