Abbas refused peace offer and state in 2008

You forgot to credit your quote.

Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. ~ Ignorant Ass

"You forgot to credit your quote..."

That bothers you (well, pretending it does anyway) ….but Palestinian terrorists don’t ?

Actually, I don’t know where you’re coming from pt frightmore . No one is forcing you to answer questions or give your opinion on things – but you hang around here, so people TRY and ask you direct questions...

.....sometimes you like to do the dance (around serious questions) - Like: What about that picture I always post of the palestinian female suicide bomber ? A young woman--look what “THEY” [the Palestinian “rulers”] did to her, and what she did to herself…and the picture itself, holding her son…..the evilness that picture exudes….

None of it bothers you? you must have some 'feelings' towards it…just wondering what they were ?

if....all of it doesn't bother're dead behind the eyes…
The Palestinians stopped suicide bombing years ago.

You need to update your propaganda.

Of course Israel continues to bomb homes killing entire families and calling it self defense. What is your opinion about that?

Israeli West Bank barrier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Suicide bombings have decreased since the construction of the barrier.[6][41] Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, Hamas, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad have been less able to conduct attacks in Israel, which have decreased in areas where the barrier has been completed.[42][43]

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Israel Security Agency report that in 2002, there were 452 fatalities from terrorist attacks. Before the completion of the first continuous segment (July 2003) from the beginning of the Second Intifada, 73 Palestinian suicide bombings were carried out from the West Bank, killing 293 Israelis and injuring over 1,900. After the completion of the first continuous segment through the end of 2006, there were only 12 attacks based in the West Bank, killing 64 people and wounding 445.[5] Terrorist attacks declined in 2007[5] and 2008[44] to 9 in 2010.[45]

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs predicts that completion of the barrier will continue to prevent terrorist attacks[46] since "[a]n absolute halt in terrorist activities has been noticed in the West Bank areas where the fence has been constructed."[42]

Israeli officials (including the head of the Shin Bet) quoted in the newspaper Maariv have said that in the areas where the barrier was complete, the number of hostile infiltrations has decreased to almost zero. Maariv also stated that Palestinian militants, including a senior member of Islamic Jihad, had confirmed that the barrier made it much harder to conduct attacks inside Israel. Since the completion of the fence in the area of Tulkarm and Qalqilyah in June 2003, there have been no successful attacks from those areas. All attacks were intercepted or the suicide bombers detonated prematurely.[47] In a March 23, 2008 interview, Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Ramadan Shalah complained to the Qatari newspaper Al-Sharq that the separation barrier "limits the ability of the resistance to arrive deep within [Israeli territory] to carry out suicide bombing attacks, but the resistance has not surrendered or become helpless, and is looking for other ways to cope with the requirements of every stage" of the intifada.[48]

I guess the wall is working eh? But that doesn't stop the Palestinians from committing other terror acts like shooting rockets or digging terror tunnels, now does it?
The Palestinians stopped suicide bombing as a policy around 2006. The wall was a long way to being finished and it is still not finished. The wall is not between Israel and the West Bank. Hamas, and other factions, have people inside Israel.

So that is just a load of Israeli bullshit.

The so called terror tunnels were 100% used against invading Israeli troops. That is not terrorism.

Just another load of Israeli bullshit.

Palestinians stopped suicide bombing because Israelis stopped them by building a wall. Palestinian terrorists are no different than the savage terrorists in France today.

Suicide bombings have decreased since the construction of the barrier.[6][41] Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, Hamas, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad have been less able to conduct attacks in Israel, which have decreased in areas where the barrier has been completed.[42][43]

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Israel Security Agency report that in 2002, there were 452 fatalities from terrorist attacks. Before the completion of the first continuous segment (July 2003) from the beginning of the Second Intifada, 73 Palestinian suicide bombings were carried out from the West Bank, killing 293 Israelis and injuring over 1,900. After the completion of the first continuous segment through the end of 2006, there were only 12 attacks based in the West Bank, killing 64 people and wounding 445.[5] Terrorist attacks declined in 2007[5] and 2008[44] to 9 in 2010.[45]

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs predicts that completion of the barrier will continue to prevent terrorist attacks[46] since "[a]n absolute halt in terrorist activities has been noticed in the West Bank areas where the fence has been constructed."[42]

Israeli officials (including the head of the Shin Bet) quoted in the newspaper Maariv have said that in the areas where the barrier was complete, the number of hostile infiltrations has decreased to almost zero. Maariv also stated that Palestinian militants, including a senior member of Islamic Jihad, had confirmed that the barrier made it much harder to conduct attacks inside Israel. Since the completion of the fence in the area of Tulkarm and Qalqilyah in June 2003, there have been no successful attacks from those areas. All attacks were intercepted or the suicide bombers detonated prematurely.[47] In a March 23, 2008 interview, Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Ramadan Shalah complained to the Qatari newspaper Al-Sharq that the separation barrier "limits the ability of the resistance to arrive deep within [Israeli territory] to carry out suicide bombing attacks, but the resistance has not surrendered or become helpless, and is looking for other ways to cope with the requirements of every stage" of the intifada.[48]
Hamas in call to end suicide bombings

Hamas is to abandon its use of suicide bombers, who have killed almost 300 Israelis, in any future confrontations with Israel, its activists have told The Observer.

Yihiyeh Musa, a Hamas member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, said Hamas had moved into a 'new era' which did not require suicide attacks.

'The suicide bombings happened in an exceptional period and they have now stopped,' he said. 'They came to an end as a change of belief.'

Hamas in call to end suicide bombings
Did Israeli apartheid wall really stop suicide bombings?

On Sunday, Yediot Ahronot cited sources within Israel’s “defense establishment” who estimated that around 6,000 Palestinians cross through gaps in the Wall every month. A lower figure of 20-30,000 Palestinians workers a year is cited by Israeli workers’ advocacy group Kav LaOved (which even at its lower end would still mean almost 400 a week).

Even the founder of Israeli campaign group A Fence for Life has admitted that with “tens of thousands of illegal workers” facing “no problem crossing the gaps in the fence,” the lack of attacks is fundamentally due to “the Palestinians’ choice”.

Israel’s apologists, therefore, want you to believe that a partially completed wall, crossed routinely by at least hundreds of Palestinians every week, is the reason for an almost total reduction in suicide bombing attacks.

Did Israeli apartheid wall really stop suicide bombings?
Israel just can't stop shoveling shit.
"You forgot to credit your quote..."

That bothers you (well, pretending it does anyway) ….but Palestinian terrorists don’t ?

Actually, I don’t know where you’re coming from pt frightmore . No one is forcing you to answer questions or give your opinion on things – but you hang around here, so people TRY and ask you direct questions...

.....sometimes you like to do the dance (around serious questions) - Like: What about that picture I always post of the palestinian female suicide bomber ? A young woman--look what “THEY” [the Palestinian “rulers”] did to her, and what she did to herself…and the picture itself, holding her son…..the evilness that picture exudes….

None of it bothers you? you must have some 'feelings' towards it…just wondering what they were ?

if....all of it doesn't bother're dead behind the eyes…
The Palestinians stopped suicide bombing years ago.

You need to update your propaganda.

Of course Israel continues to bomb homes killing entire families and calling it self defense. What is your opinion about that?

Israeli West Bank barrier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Suicide bombings have decreased since the construction of the barrier.[6][41] Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, Hamas, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad have been less able to conduct attacks in Israel, which have decreased in areas where the barrier has been completed.[42][43]

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Israel Security Agency report that in 2002, there were 452 fatalities from terrorist attacks. Before the completion of the first continuous segment (July 2003) from the beginning of the Second Intifada, 73 Palestinian suicide bombings were carried out from the West Bank, killing 293 Israelis and injuring over 1,900. After the completion of the first continuous segment through the end of 2006, there were only 12 attacks based in the West Bank, killing 64 people and wounding 445.[5] Terrorist attacks declined in 2007[5] and 2008[44] to 9 in 2010.[45]

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs predicts that completion of the barrier will continue to prevent terrorist attacks[46] since "[a]n absolute halt in terrorist activities has been noticed in the West Bank areas where the fence has been constructed."[42]

Israeli officials (including the head of the Shin Bet) quoted in the newspaper Maariv have said that in the areas where the barrier was complete, the number of hostile infiltrations has decreased to almost zero. Maariv also stated that Palestinian militants, including a senior member of Islamic Jihad, had confirmed that the barrier made it much harder to conduct attacks inside Israel. Since the completion of the fence in the area of Tulkarm and Qalqilyah in June 2003, there have been no successful attacks from those areas. All attacks were intercepted or the suicide bombers detonated prematurely.[47] In a March 23, 2008 interview, Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Ramadan Shalah complained to the Qatari newspaper Al-Sharq that the separation barrier "limits the ability of the resistance to arrive deep within [Israeli territory] to carry out suicide bombing attacks, but the resistance has not surrendered or become helpless, and is looking for other ways to cope with the requirements of every stage" of the intifada.[48]

I guess the wall is working eh? But that doesn't stop the Palestinians from committing other terror acts like shooting rockets or digging terror tunnels, now does it?
The Palestinians stopped suicide bombing as a policy around 2006. The wall was a long way to being finished and it is still not finished. The wall is not between Israel and the West Bank. Hamas, and other factions, have people inside Israel.

So that is just a load of Israeli bullshit.

The so called terror tunnels were 100% used against invading Israeli troops. That is not terrorism.

Just another load of Israeli bullshit.

Palestinians stopped suicide bombing because Israelis stopped them by building a wall. Palestinian terrorists are no different than the savage terrorists in France today.

Suicide bombings have decreased since the construction of the barrier.[6][41] Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, Hamas, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad have been less able to conduct attacks in Israel, which have decreased in areas where the barrier has been completed.[42][43]

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Israel Security Agency report that in 2002, there were 452 fatalities from terrorist attacks. Before the completion of the first continuous segment (July 2003) from the beginning of the Second Intifada, 73 Palestinian suicide bombings were carried out from the West Bank, killing 293 Israelis and injuring over 1,900. After the completion of the first continuous segment through the end of 2006, there were only 12 attacks based in the West Bank, killing 64 people and wounding 445.[5] Terrorist attacks declined in 2007[5] and 2008[44] to 9 in 2010.[45]

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs predicts that completion of the barrier will continue to prevent terrorist attacks[46] since "[a]n absolute halt in terrorist activities has been noticed in the West Bank areas where the fence has been constructed."[42]

Israeli officials (including the head of the Shin Bet) quoted in the newspaper Maariv have said that in the areas where the barrier was complete, the number of hostile infiltrations has decreased to almost zero. Maariv also stated that Palestinian militants, including a senior member of Islamic Jihad, had confirmed that the barrier made it much harder to conduct attacks inside Israel. Since the completion of the fence in the area of Tulkarm and Qalqilyah in June 2003, there have been no successful attacks from those areas. All attacks were intercepted or the suicide bombers detonated prematurely.[47] In a March 23, 2008 interview, Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Ramadan Shalah complained to the Qatari newspaper Al-Sharq that the separation barrier "limits the ability of the resistance to arrive deep within [Israeli territory] to carry out suicide bombing attacks, but the resistance has not surrendered or become helpless, and is looking for other ways to cope with the requirements of every stage" of the intifada.[48]
Hamas in call to end suicide bombings

Hamas is to abandon its use of suicide bombers, who have killed almost 300 Israelis, in any future confrontations with Israel, its activists have told The Observer.

Yihiyeh Musa, a Hamas member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, said Hamas had moved into a 'new era' which did not require suicide attacks.

'The suicide bombings happened in an exceptional period and they have now stopped,' he said. 'They came to an end as a change of belief.'

Hamas in call to end suicide bombings
Did Israeli apartheid wall really stop suicide bombings?

On Sunday, Yediot Ahronot cited sources within Israel’s “defense establishment” who estimated that around 6,000 Palestinians cross through gaps in the Wall every month. A lower figure of 20-30,000 Palestinians workers a year is cited by Israeli workers’ advocacy group Kav LaOved (which even at its lower end would still mean almost 400 a week).

Even the founder of Israeli campaign group A Fence for Life has admitted that with “tens of thousands of illegal workers” facing “no problem crossing the gaps in the fence,” the lack of attacks is fundamentally due to “the Palestinians’ choice”.

Israel’s apologists, therefore, want you to believe that a partially completed wall, crossed routinely by at least hundreds of Palestinians every week, is the reason for an almost total reduction in suicide bombing attacks.

Did Israeli apartheid wall really stop suicide bombings?
Israel just can't stop shoveling shit.
Idiotic dullness, carrying a suicide belt or a rifle is the same, the wall simply reduced massively the infiltration while the checkpoints help capturing the weapons, and monitoring suspects.

Yet Shin Bet (ISA) foils hundred attacks a year all thanks to wall and checkpoints.

Not having the wall would simply mean that there is a new 'exceptional' time for going back to old habits.

Try harder.
"You forgot to credit your quote..."

That bothers you (well, pretending it does anyway) ….but Palestinian terrorists don’t ?

Actually, I don’t know where you’re coming from pt frightmore . No one is forcing you to answer questions or give your opinion on things – but you hang around here, so people TRY and ask you direct questions...

.....sometimes you like to do the dance (around serious questions) - Like: What about that picture I always post of the palestinian female suicide bomber ? A young woman--look what “THEY” [the Palestinian “rulers”] did to her, and what she did to herself…and the picture itself, holding her son…..the evilness that picture exudes….

None of it bothers you? you must have some 'feelings' towards it…just wondering what they were ?

if....all of it doesn't bother're dead behind the eyes…
The Palestinians stopped suicide bombing years ago.

You need to update your propaganda.

Of course Israel continues to bomb homes killing entire families and calling it self defense. What is your opinion about that?

Israeli West Bank barrier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Suicide bombings have decreased since the construction of the barrier.[6][41] Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, Hamas, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad have been less able to conduct attacks in Israel, which have decreased in areas where the barrier has been completed.[42][43]

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Israel Security Agency report that in 2002, there were 452 fatalities from terrorist attacks. Before the completion of the first continuous segment (July 2003) from the beginning of the Second Intifada, 73 Palestinian suicide bombings were carried out from the West Bank, killing 293 Israelis and injuring over 1,900. After the completion of the first continuous segment through the end of 2006, there were only 12 attacks based in the West Bank, killing 64 people and wounding 445.[5] Terrorist attacks declined in 2007[5] and 2008[44] to 9 in 2010.[45]

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs predicts that completion of the barrier will continue to prevent terrorist attacks[46] since "[a]n absolute halt in terrorist activities has been noticed in the West Bank areas where the fence has been constructed."[42]

Israeli officials (including the head of the Shin Bet) quoted in the newspaper Maariv have said that in the areas where the barrier was complete, the number of hostile infiltrations has decreased to almost zero. Maariv also stated that Palestinian militants, including a senior member of Islamic Jihad, had confirmed that the barrier made it much harder to conduct attacks inside Israel. Since the completion of the fence in the area of Tulkarm and Qalqilyah in June 2003, there have been no successful attacks from those areas. All attacks were intercepted or the suicide bombers detonated prematurely.[47] In a March 23, 2008 interview, Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Ramadan Shalah complained to the Qatari newspaper Al-Sharq that the separation barrier "limits the ability of the resistance to arrive deep within [Israeli territory] to carry out suicide bombing attacks, but the resistance has not surrendered or become helpless, and is looking for other ways to cope with the requirements of every stage" of the intifada.[48]

I guess the wall is working eh? But that doesn't stop the Palestinians from committing other terror acts like shooting rockets or digging terror tunnels, now does it?
The Palestinians stopped suicide bombing as a policy around 2006. The wall was a long way to being finished and it is still not finished. The wall is not between Israel and the West Bank. Hamas, and other factions, have people inside Israel.

So that is just a load of Israeli bullshit.

The so called terror tunnels were 100% used against invading Israeli troops. That is not terrorism.

Just another load of Israeli bullshit.

Palestinians stopped suicide bombing because Israelis stopped them by building a wall. Palestinian terrorists are no different than the savage terrorists in France today.

Suicide bombings have decreased since the construction of the barrier.[6][41] Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, Hamas, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad have been less able to conduct attacks in Israel, which have decreased in areas where the barrier has been completed.[42][43]

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Israel Security Agency report that in 2002, there were 452 fatalities from terrorist attacks. Before the completion of the first continuous segment (July 2003) from the beginning of the Second Intifada, 73 Palestinian suicide bombings were carried out from the West Bank, killing 293 Israelis and injuring over 1,900. After the completion of the first continuous segment through the end of 2006, there were only 12 attacks based in the West Bank, killing 64 people and wounding 445.[5] Terrorist attacks declined in 2007[5] and 2008[44] to 9 in 2010.[45]

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs predicts that completion of the barrier will continue to prevent terrorist attacks[46] since "[a]n absolute halt in terrorist activities has been noticed in the West Bank areas where the fence has been constructed."[42]

Israeli officials (including the head of the Shin Bet) quoted in the newspaper Maariv have said that in the areas where the barrier was complete, the number of hostile infiltrations has decreased to almost zero. Maariv also stated that Palestinian militants, including a senior member of Islamic Jihad, had confirmed that the barrier made it much harder to conduct attacks inside Israel. Since the completion of the fence in the area of Tulkarm and Qalqilyah in June 2003, there have been no successful attacks from those areas. All attacks were intercepted or the suicide bombers detonated prematurely.[47] In a March 23, 2008 interview, Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Ramadan Shalah complained to the Qatari newspaper Al-Sharq that the separation barrier "limits the ability of the resistance to arrive deep within [Israeli territory] to carry out suicide bombing attacks, but the resistance has not surrendered or become helpless, and is looking for other ways to cope with the requirements of every stage" of the intifada.[48]
Hamas in call to end suicide bombings

Hamas is to abandon its use of suicide bombers, who have killed almost 300 Israelis, in any future confrontations with Israel, its activists have told The Observer.

Yihiyeh Musa, a Hamas member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, said Hamas had moved into a 'new era' which did not require suicide attacks.

'The suicide bombings happened in an exceptional period and they have now stopped,' he said. 'They came to an end as a change of belief.'

Hamas in call to end suicide bombings
Did Israeli apartheid wall really stop suicide bombings?

On Sunday, Yediot Ahronot cited sources within Israel’s “defense establishment” who estimated that around 6,000 Palestinians cross through gaps in the Wall every month. A lower figure of 20-30,000 Palestinians workers a year is cited by Israeli workers’ advocacy group Kav LaOved (which even at its lower end would still mean almost 400 a week).

Even the founder of Israeli campaign group A Fence for Life has admitted that with “tens of thousands of illegal workers” facing “no problem crossing the gaps in the fence,” the lack of attacks is fundamentally due to “the Palestinians’ choice”.

Israel’s apologists, therefore, want you to believe that a partially completed wall, crossed routinely by at least hundreds of Palestinians every week, is the reason for an almost total reduction in suicide bombing attacks.

Did Israeli apartheid wall really stop suicide bombings?
Israel just can't stop shoveling shit.

Building a wall to prevent Hamas from suicide bombing Israelis isn't "shoveling shit". It's self defense. All Hamas did was to say that they "chose" to stop suicide bombing, after Israel was able to stop them from doing it.

But good news is that you admit that Hamas are terrorist animals that engaged in suicide bombings. And these are the people you support?
The Palestinians stopped suicide bombing years ago.

You need to update your propaganda.

Of course Israel continues to bomb homes killing entire families and calling it self defense. What is your opinion about that?

Israeli West Bank barrier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Suicide bombings have decreased since the construction of the barrier.[6][41] Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, Hamas, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad have been less able to conduct attacks in Israel, which have decreased in areas where the barrier has been completed.[42][43]

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Israel Security Agency report that in 2002, there were 452 fatalities from terrorist attacks. Before the completion of the first continuous segment (July 2003) from the beginning of the Second Intifada, 73 Palestinian suicide bombings were carried out from the West Bank, killing 293 Israelis and injuring over 1,900. After the completion of the first continuous segment through the end of 2006, there were only 12 attacks based in the West Bank, killing 64 people and wounding 445.[5] Terrorist attacks declined in 2007[5] and 2008[44] to 9 in 2010.[45]

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs predicts that completion of the barrier will continue to prevent terrorist attacks[46] since "[a]n absolute halt in terrorist activities has been noticed in the West Bank areas where the fence has been constructed."[42]

Israeli officials (including the head of the Shin Bet) quoted in the newspaper Maariv have said that in the areas where the barrier was complete, the number of hostile infiltrations has decreased to almost zero. Maariv also stated that Palestinian militants, including a senior member of Islamic Jihad, had confirmed that the barrier made it much harder to conduct attacks inside Israel. Since the completion of the fence in the area of Tulkarm and Qalqilyah in June 2003, there have been no successful attacks from those areas. All attacks were intercepted or the suicide bombers detonated prematurely.[47] In a March 23, 2008 interview, Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Ramadan Shalah complained to the Qatari newspaper Al-Sharq that the separation barrier "limits the ability of the resistance to arrive deep within [Israeli territory] to carry out suicide bombing attacks, but the resistance has not surrendered or become helpless, and is looking for other ways to cope with the requirements of every stage" of the intifada.[48]

I guess the wall is working eh? But that doesn't stop the Palestinians from committing other terror acts like shooting rockets or digging terror tunnels, now does it?
The Palestinians stopped suicide bombing as a policy around 2006. The wall was a long way to being finished and it is still not finished. The wall is not between Israel and the West Bank. Hamas, and other factions, have people inside Israel.

So that is just a load of Israeli bullshit.

The so called terror tunnels were 100% used against invading Israeli troops. That is not terrorism.

Just another load of Israeli bullshit.

Palestinians stopped suicide bombing because Israelis stopped them by building a wall. Palestinian terrorists are no different than the savage terrorists in France today.

Suicide bombings have decreased since the construction of the barrier.[6][41] Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, Hamas, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad have been less able to conduct attacks in Israel, which have decreased in areas where the barrier has been completed.[42][43]

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Israel Security Agency report that in 2002, there were 452 fatalities from terrorist attacks. Before the completion of the first continuous segment (July 2003) from the beginning of the Second Intifada, 73 Palestinian suicide bombings were carried out from the West Bank, killing 293 Israelis and injuring over 1,900. After the completion of the first continuous segment through the end of 2006, there were only 12 attacks based in the West Bank, killing 64 people and wounding 445.[5] Terrorist attacks declined in 2007[5] and 2008[44] to 9 in 2010.[45]

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs predicts that completion of the barrier will continue to prevent terrorist attacks[46] since "[a]n absolute halt in terrorist activities has been noticed in the West Bank areas where the fence has been constructed."[42]

Israeli officials (including the head of the Shin Bet) quoted in the newspaper Maariv have said that in the areas where the barrier was complete, the number of hostile infiltrations has decreased to almost zero. Maariv also stated that Palestinian militants, including a senior member of Islamic Jihad, had confirmed that the barrier made it much harder to conduct attacks inside Israel. Since the completion of the fence in the area of Tulkarm and Qalqilyah in June 2003, there have been no successful attacks from those areas. All attacks were intercepted or the suicide bombers detonated prematurely.[47] In a March 23, 2008 interview, Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Ramadan Shalah complained to the Qatari newspaper Al-Sharq that the separation barrier "limits the ability of the resistance to arrive deep within [Israeli territory] to carry out suicide bombing attacks, but the resistance has not surrendered or become helpless, and is looking for other ways to cope with the requirements of every stage" of the intifada.[48]
Hamas in call to end suicide bombings

Hamas is to abandon its use of suicide bombers, who have killed almost 300 Israelis, in any future confrontations with Israel, its activists have told The Observer.

Yihiyeh Musa, a Hamas member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, said Hamas had moved into a 'new era' which did not require suicide attacks.

'The suicide bombings happened in an exceptional period and they have now stopped,' he said. 'They came to an end as a change of belief.'

Hamas in call to end suicide bombings
Did Israeli apartheid wall really stop suicide bombings?

On Sunday, Yediot Ahronot cited sources within Israel’s “defense establishment” who estimated that around 6,000 Palestinians cross through gaps in the Wall every month. A lower figure of 20-30,000 Palestinians workers a year is cited by Israeli workers’ advocacy group Kav LaOved (which even at its lower end would still mean almost 400 a week).

Even the founder of Israeli campaign group A Fence for Life has admitted that with “tens of thousands of illegal workers” facing “no problem crossing the gaps in the fence,” the lack of attacks is fundamentally due to “the Palestinians’ choice”.

Israel’s apologists, therefore, want you to believe that a partially completed wall, crossed routinely by at least hundreds of Palestinians every week, is the reason for an almost total reduction in suicide bombing attacks.

Did Israeli apartheid wall really stop suicide bombings?
Israel just can't stop shoveling shit.

Building a wall to prevent Hamas from suicide bombing Israelis isn't "shoveling shit". It's self defense. All Hamas did was to say that they "chose" to stop suicide bombing, after Israel was able to stop them from doing it.

But good news is that you admit that Hamas are terrorist animals that engaged in suicide bombings. And these are the people you support?
If the wall was for security it would be on the Green Line.

But it is not.
Israeli West Bank barrier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Suicide bombings have decreased since the construction of the barrier.[6][41] Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, Hamas, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad have been less able to conduct attacks in Israel, which have decreased in areas where the barrier has been completed.[42][43]

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Israel Security Agency report that in 2002, there were 452 fatalities from terrorist attacks. Before the completion of the first continuous segment (July 2003) from the beginning of the Second Intifada, 73 Palestinian suicide bombings were carried out from the West Bank, killing 293 Israelis and injuring over 1,900. After the completion of the first continuous segment through the end of 2006, there were only 12 attacks based in the West Bank, killing 64 people and wounding 445.[5] Terrorist attacks declined in 2007[5] and 2008[44] to 9 in 2010.[45]

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs predicts that completion of the barrier will continue to prevent terrorist attacks[46] since "[a]n absolute halt in terrorist activities has been noticed in the West Bank areas where the fence has been constructed."[42]

Israeli officials (including the head of the Shin Bet) quoted in the newspaper Maariv have said that in the areas where the barrier was complete, the number of hostile infiltrations has decreased to almost zero. Maariv also stated that Palestinian militants, including a senior member of Islamic Jihad, had confirmed that the barrier made it much harder to conduct attacks inside Israel. Since the completion of the fence in the area of Tulkarm and Qalqilyah in June 2003, there have been no successful attacks from those areas. All attacks were intercepted or the suicide bombers detonated prematurely.[47] In a March 23, 2008 interview, Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Ramadan Shalah complained to the Qatari newspaper Al-Sharq that the separation barrier "limits the ability of the resistance to arrive deep within [Israeli territory] to carry out suicide bombing attacks, but the resistance has not surrendered or become helpless, and is looking for other ways to cope with the requirements of every stage" of the intifada.[48]

I guess the wall is working eh? But that doesn't stop the Palestinians from committing other terror acts like shooting rockets or digging terror tunnels, now does it?
The Palestinians stopped suicide bombing as a policy around 2006. The wall was a long way to being finished and it is still not finished. The wall is not between Israel and the West Bank. Hamas, and other factions, have people inside Israel.

So that is just a load of Israeli bullshit.

The so called terror tunnels were 100% used against invading Israeli troops. That is not terrorism.

Just another load of Israeli bullshit.

Palestinians stopped suicide bombing because Israelis stopped them by building a wall. Palestinian terrorists are no different than the savage terrorists in France today.

Suicide bombings have decreased since the construction of the barrier.[6][41] Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, Hamas, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad have been less able to conduct attacks in Israel, which have decreased in areas where the barrier has been completed.[42][43]

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Israel Security Agency report that in 2002, there were 452 fatalities from terrorist attacks. Before the completion of the first continuous segment (July 2003) from the beginning of the Second Intifada, 73 Palestinian suicide bombings were carried out from the West Bank, killing 293 Israelis and injuring over 1,900. After the completion of the first continuous segment through the end of 2006, there were only 12 attacks based in the West Bank, killing 64 people and wounding 445.[5] Terrorist attacks declined in 2007[5] and 2008[44] to 9 in 2010.[45]

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs predicts that completion of the barrier will continue to prevent terrorist attacks[46] since "[a]n absolute halt in terrorist activities has been noticed in the West Bank areas where the fence has been constructed."[42]

Israeli officials (including the head of the Shin Bet) quoted in the newspaper Maariv have said that in the areas where the barrier was complete, the number of hostile infiltrations has decreased to almost zero. Maariv also stated that Palestinian militants, including a senior member of Islamic Jihad, had confirmed that the barrier made it much harder to conduct attacks inside Israel. Since the completion of the fence in the area of Tulkarm and Qalqilyah in June 2003, there have been no successful attacks from those areas. All attacks were intercepted or the suicide bombers detonated prematurely.[47] In a March 23, 2008 interview, Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Ramadan Shalah complained to the Qatari newspaper Al-Sharq that the separation barrier "limits the ability of the resistance to arrive deep within [Israeli territory] to carry out suicide bombing attacks, but the resistance has not surrendered or become helpless, and is looking for other ways to cope with the requirements of every stage" of the intifada.[48]
Hamas in call to end suicide bombings

Hamas is to abandon its use of suicide bombers, who have killed almost 300 Israelis, in any future confrontations with Israel, its activists have told The Observer.

Yihiyeh Musa, a Hamas member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, said Hamas had moved into a 'new era' which did not require suicide attacks.

'The suicide bombings happened in an exceptional period and they have now stopped,' he said. 'They came to an end as a change of belief.'

Hamas in call to end suicide bombings
Did Israeli apartheid wall really stop suicide bombings?

On Sunday, Yediot Ahronot cited sources within Israel’s “defense establishment” who estimated that around 6,000 Palestinians cross through gaps in the Wall every month. A lower figure of 20-30,000 Palestinians workers a year is cited by Israeli workers’ advocacy group Kav LaOved (which even at its lower end would still mean almost 400 a week).

Even the founder of Israeli campaign group A Fence for Life has admitted that with “tens of thousands of illegal workers” facing “no problem crossing the gaps in the fence,” the lack of attacks is fundamentally due to “the Palestinians’ choice”.

Israel’s apologists, therefore, want you to believe that a partially completed wall, crossed routinely by at least hundreds of Palestinians every week, is the reason for an almost total reduction in suicide bombing attacks.

Did Israeli apartheid wall really stop suicide bombings?
Israel just can't stop shoveling shit.

Building a wall to prevent Hamas from suicide bombing Israelis isn't "shoveling shit". It's self defense. All Hamas did was to say that they "chose" to stop suicide bombing, after Israel was able to stop them from doing it.

But good news is that you admit that Hamas are terrorist animals that engaged in suicide bombings. And these are the people you support?
If the wall was for security it would be on the Green Line.

But it is not.

Right, like Hamas honors a green line. Hamas motto: destroy Israel and replace with the Islamic caliphate of Palestine. Somehow I don't think the world is hungry for yet another Islamic terrorist caliphate shithole.
The Palestinians stopped suicide bombing as a policy around 2006. The wall was a long way to being finished and it is still not finished. The wall is not between Israel and the West Bank. Hamas, and other factions, have people inside Israel.

So that is just a load of Israeli bullshit.

The so called terror tunnels were 100% used against invading Israeli troops. That is not terrorism.

Just another load of Israeli bullshit.

Palestinians stopped suicide bombing because Israelis stopped them by building a wall. Palestinian terrorists are no different than the savage terrorists in France today.

Suicide bombings have decreased since the construction of the barrier.[6][41] Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, Hamas, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad have been less able to conduct attacks in Israel, which have decreased in areas where the barrier has been completed.[42][43]

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Israel Security Agency report that in 2002, there were 452 fatalities from terrorist attacks. Before the completion of the first continuous segment (July 2003) from the beginning of the Second Intifada, 73 Palestinian suicide bombings were carried out from the West Bank, killing 293 Israelis and injuring over 1,900. After the completion of the first continuous segment through the end of 2006, there were only 12 attacks based in the West Bank, killing 64 people and wounding 445.[5] Terrorist attacks declined in 2007[5] and 2008[44] to 9 in 2010.[45]

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs predicts that completion of the barrier will continue to prevent terrorist attacks[46] since "[a]n absolute halt in terrorist activities has been noticed in the West Bank areas where the fence has been constructed."[42]

Israeli officials (including the head of the Shin Bet) quoted in the newspaper Maariv have said that in the areas where the barrier was complete, the number of hostile infiltrations has decreased to almost zero. Maariv also stated that Palestinian militants, including a senior member of Islamic Jihad, had confirmed that the barrier made it much harder to conduct attacks inside Israel. Since the completion of the fence in the area of Tulkarm and Qalqilyah in June 2003, there have been no successful attacks from those areas. All attacks were intercepted or the suicide bombers detonated prematurely.[47] In a March 23, 2008 interview, Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Ramadan Shalah complained to the Qatari newspaper Al-Sharq that the separation barrier "limits the ability of the resistance to arrive deep within [Israeli territory] to carry out suicide bombing attacks, but the resistance has not surrendered or become helpless, and is looking for other ways to cope with the requirements of every stage" of the intifada.[48]
Hamas in call to end suicide bombings

Hamas is to abandon its use of suicide bombers, who have killed almost 300 Israelis, in any future confrontations with Israel, its activists have told The Observer.

Yihiyeh Musa, a Hamas member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, said Hamas had moved into a 'new era' which did not require suicide attacks.

'The suicide bombings happened in an exceptional period and they have now stopped,' he said. 'They came to an end as a change of belief.'

Hamas in call to end suicide bombings
Did Israeli apartheid wall really stop suicide bombings?

On Sunday, Yediot Ahronot cited sources within Israel’s “defense establishment” who estimated that around 6,000 Palestinians cross through gaps in the Wall every month. A lower figure of 20-30,000 Palestinians workers a year is cited by Israeli workers’ advocacy group Kav LaOved (which even at its lower end would still mean almost 400 a week).

Even the founder of Israeli campaign group A Fence for Life has admitted that with “tens of thousands of illegal workers” facing “no problem crossing the gaps in the fence,” the lack of attacks is fundamentally due to “the Palestinians’ choice”.

Israel’s apologists, therefore, want you to believe that a partially completed wall, crossed routinely by at least hundreds of Palestinians every week, is the reason for an almost total reduction in suicide bombing attacks.

Did Israeli apartheid wall really stop suicide bombings?
Israel just can't stop shoveling shit.

Building a wall to prevent Hamas from suicide bombing Israelis isn't "shoveling shit". It's self defense. All Hamas did was to say that they "chose" to stop suicide bombing, after Israel was able to stop them from doing it.

But good news is that you admit that Hamas are terrorist animals that engaged in suicide bombings. And these are the people you support?
If the wall was for security it would be on the Green Line.

But it is not.

Right, like Hamas honors a green line. Hamas motto: destroy Israel and replace with the Islamic caliphate of Palestine. Somehow I don't think the world is hungry for yet another Islamic terrorist caliphate shithole.
Is deflection all you have?
Palestinians stopped suicide bombing because Israelis stopped them by building a wall. Palestinian terrorists are no different than the savage terrorists in France today.

Suicide bombings have decreased since the construction of the barrier.[6][41] Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, Hamas, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad have been less able to conduct attacks in Israel, which have decreased in areas where the barrier has been completed.[42][43]

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Israel Security Agency report that in 2002, there were 452 fatalities from terrorist attacks. Before the completion of the first continuous segment (July 2003) from the beginning of the Second Intifada, 73 Palestinian suicide bombings were carried out from the West Bank, killing 293 Israelis and injuring over 1,900. After the completion of the first continuous segment through the end of 2006, there were only 12 attacks based in the West Bank, killing 64 people and wounding 445.[5] Terrorist attacks declined in 2007[5] and 2008[44] to 9 in 2010.[45]

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs predicts that completion of the barrier will continue to prevent terrorist attacks[46] since "[a]n absolute halt in terrorist activities has been noticed in the West Bank areas where the fence has been constructed."[42]

Israeli officials (including the head of the Shin Bet) quoted in the newspaper Maariv have said that in the areas where the barrier was complete, the number of hostile infiltrations has decreased to almost zero. Maariv also stated that Palestinian militants, including a senior member of Islamic Jihad, had confirmed that the barrier made it much harder to conduct attacks inside Israel. Since the completion of the fence in the area of Tulkarm and Qalqilyah in June 2003, there have been no successful attacks from those areas. All attacks were intercepted or the suicide bombers detonated prematurely.[47] In a March 23, 2008 interview, Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Ramadan Shalah complained to the Qatari newspaper Al-Sharq that the separation barrier "limits the ability of the resistance to arrive deep within [Israeli territory] to carry out suicide bombing attacks, but the resistance has not surrendered or become helpless, and is looking for other ways to cope with the requirements of every stage" of the intifada.[48]
Hamas in call to end suicide bombings

Hamas is to abandon its use of suicide bombers, who have killed almost 300 Israelis, in any future confrontations with Israel, its activists have told The Observer.

Yihiyeh Musa, a Hamas member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, said Hamas had moved into a 'new era' which did not require suicide attacks.

'The suicide bombings happened in an exceptional period and they have now stopped,' he said. 'They came to an end as a change of belief.'

Hamas in call to end suicide bombings
Did Israeli apartheid wall really stop suicide bombings?

On Sunday, Yediot Ahronot cited sources within Israel’s “defense establishment” who estimated that around 6,000 Palestinians cross through gaps in the Wall every month. A lower figure of 20-30,000 Palestinians workers a year is cited by Israeli workers’ advocacy group Kav LaOved (which even at its lower end would still mean almost 400 a week).

Even the founder of Israeli campaign group A Fence for Life has admitted that with “tens of thousands of illegal workers” facing “no problem crossing the gaps in the fence,” the lack of attacks is fundamentally due to “the Palestinians’ choice”.

Israel’s apologists, therefore, want you to believe that a partially completed wall, crossed routinely by at least hundreds of Palestinians every week, is the reason for an almost total reduction in suicide bombing attacks.

Did Israeli apartheid wall really stop suicide bombings?
Israel just can't stop shoveling shit.

Building a wall to prevent Hamas from suicide bombing Israelis isn't "shoveling shit". It's self defense. All Hamas did was to say that they "chose" to stop suicide bombing, after Israel was able to stop them from doing it.

But good news is that you admit that Hamas are terrorist animals that engaged in suicide bombings. And these are the people you support?
If the wall was for security it would be on the Green Line.

But it is not.

Right, like Hamas honors a green line. Hamas motto: destroy Israel and replace with the Islamic caliphate of Palestine. Somehow I don't think the world is hungry for yet another Islamic terrorist caliphate shithole.
Is deflection all you have?

Deflection of what? YOU stated that Hamas admitted to conducting suicide bombing terrorism for years, and then one sunny day in Gaza try, THEY suddenly decided to stop the suicide bombing and focus on terrorism through rockets and terror tunnels. We agree.
Get it right
Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.
You forgot to credit your quote.

Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. ~ Ignorant Ass

"You forgot to credit your quote..."

That bothers you (well, pretending it does anyway) ….but Palestinian terrorists don’t ?

Actually, I don’t know where you’re coming from pt frightmore . No one is forcing you to answer questions or give your opinion on things – but you hang around here, so people TRY and ask you direct questions...

.....sometimes you like to do the dance (around serious questions) - Like: What about that picture I always post of the palestinian female suicide bomber ? A young woman--look what “THEY” [the Palestinian “rulers”] did to her, and what she did to herself…and the picture itself, holding her son…..the evilness that picture exudes….

None of it bothers you? you must have some 'feelings' towards it…just wondering what they were ?

if....all of it doesn't bother're dead behind the eyes…
The Palestinians stopped suicide bombing years ago.

You need to update your propaganda.

Of course Israel continues to bomb homes killing entire families and calling it self defense. What is your opinion about that?

Get it right they were stopped by Israel putting up the barriers, but they still try it on by sending mentally infirm and children through with bomb vests on
Get it right
Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.
You forgot to credit your quote.

Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. ~ Ignorant Ass

"You forgot to credit your quote..."

That bothers you (well, pretending it does anyway) ….but Palestinian terrorists don’t ?

Actually, I don’t know where you’re coming from pt frightmore . No one is forcing you to answer questions or give your opinion on things – but you hang around here, so people TRY and ask you direct questions...

.....sometimes you like to do the dance (around serious questions) - Like: What about that picture I always post of the palestinian female suicide bomber ? A young woman--look what “THEY” [the Palestinian “rulers”] did to her, and what she did to herself…and the picture itself, holding her son…..the evilness that picture exudes….

None of it bothers you? you must have some 'feelings' towards it…just wondering what they were ?

if....all of it doesn't bother're dead behind the eyes…
The Palestinians stopped suicide bombing years ago.

You need to update your propaganda.

Of course Israel continues to bomb homes killing entire families and calling it self defense. What is your opinion about that?

Get it right they were stopped by Israel putting up the barriers, but they still try it on by sending mentally infirm and children through with bomb vests on
That is what Israel told you to say.

Good boy!
Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.
You forgot to credit your quote.

Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. ~ Ignorant Ass

"You forgot to credit your quote..."

That bothers you (well, pretending it does anyway) ….but Palestinian terrorists don’t ?

Actually, I don’t know where you’re coming from pt frightmore . No one is forcing you to answer questions or give your opinion on things – but you hang around here, so people TRY and ask you direct questions...

.....sometimes you like to do the dance (around serious questions) - Like: What about that picture I always post of the palestinian female suicide bomber ? A young woman--look what “THEY” [the Palestinian “rulers”] did to her, and what she did to herself…and the picture itself, holding her son…..the evilness that picture exudes….

None of it bothers you? you must have some 'feelings' towards it…just wondering what they were ?

if....all of it doesn't bother're dead behind the eyes…
The Palestinians stopped suicide bombing years ago.

You need to update your propaganda.

Of course Israel continues to bomb homes killing entire families and calling it self defense. What is your opinion about that?

I guess the wall is working eh? But that doesn't stop the Palestinians from committing other terror acts like shooting rockets or digging terror tunnels, now does it?
The Palestinians stopped suicide bombing as a policy around 2006. The wall was a long way to being finished and it is still not finished. The wall is not between Israel and the West Bank. Hamas, and other factions, have people inside Israel.

So that is just a load of Israeli bullshit.

The so called terror tunnels were 100% used against invading Israeli troops. That is not terrorism.

Just another load of Israeli bullshit.

So what about the ones dug underneath Israeli schools and packed with H.E. set to go off when the schools were full of children ?
He had the power but without agreement by the Palestinians he could not act unilaterally and be seen as weak. Isreal learnt their lesson in 2005 when they unilaterally implemented Oslo 2 and the Palestinians increased the violence and illegal rockets
You forgot to credit your quote.

Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. ~ Ignorant Ass

"You forgot to credit your quote..."

That bothers you (well, pretending it does anyway) ….but Palestinian terrorists don’t ?

Actually, I don’t know where you’re coming from pt frightmore . No one is forcing you to answer questions or give your opinion on things – but you hang around here, so people TRY and ask you direct questions...

.....sometimes you like to do the dance (around serious questions) - Like: What about that picture I always post of the palestinian female suicide bomber ? A young woman--look what “THEY” [the Palestinian “rulers”] did to her, and what she did to herself…and the picture itself, holding her son…..the evilness that picture exudes….

None of it bothers you? you must have some 'feelings' towards it…just wondering what they were ?

if....all of it doesn't bother're dead behind the eyes…
The Palestinians stopped suicide bombing years ago.

You need to update your propaganda.

Of course Israel continues to bomb homes killing entire families and calling it self defense. What is your opinion about that?

I guess the wall is working eh? But that doesn't stop the Palestinians from committing other terror acts like shooting rockets or digging terror tunnels, now does it?
The Palestinians stopped suicide bombing as a policy around 2006. The wall was a long way to being finished and it is still not finished. The wall is not between Israel and the West Bank. Hamas, and other factions, have people inside Israel.

So that is just a load of Israeli bullshit.

The so called terror tunnels were 100% used against invading Israeli troops. That is not terrorism.

Just another load of Israeli bullshit.

So what about the ones dug underneath Israeli schools and packed with H.E. set to go off when the schools were full of children ?
When did that happen?

Or is that just more Israeli bullshit?
"You forgot to credit your quote..."

That bothers you (well, pretending it does anyway) ….but Palestinian terrorists don’t ?

Actually, I don’t know where you’re coming from pt frightmore . No one is forcing you to answer questions or give your opinion on things – but you hang around here, so people TRY and ask you direct questions...

.....sometimes you like to do the dance (around serious questions) - Like: What about that picture I always post of the palestinian female suicide bomber ? A young woman--look what “THEY” [the Palestinian “rulers”] did to her, and what she did to herself…and the picture itself, holding her son…..the evilness that picture exudes….

None of it bothers you? you must have some 'feelings' towards it…just wondering what they were ?

if....all of it doesn't bother're dead behind the eyes…
The Palestinians stopped suicide bombing years ago.

You need to update your propaganda.

Of course Israel continues to bomb homes killing entire families and calling it self defense. What is your opinion about that?

Israeli West Bank barrier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Suicide bombings have decreased since the construction of the barrier.[6][41] Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, Hamas, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad have been less able to conduct attacks in Israel, which have decreased in areas where the barrier has been completed.[42][43]

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Israel Security Agency report that in 2002, there were 452 fatalities from terrorist attacks. Before the completion of the first continuous segment (July 2003) from the beginning of the Second Intifada, 73 Palestinian suicide bombings were carried out from the West Bank, killing 293 Israelis and injuring over 1,900. After the completion of the first continuous segment through the end of 2006, there were only 12 attacks based in the West Bank, killing 64 people and wounding 445.[5] Terrorist attacks declined in 2007[5] and 2008[44] to 9 in 2010.[45]

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs predicts that completion of the barrier will continue to prevent terrorist attacks[46] since "[a]n absolute halt in terrorist activities has been noticed in the West Bank areas where the fence has been constructed."[42]

Israeli officials (including the head of the Shin Bet) quoted in the newspaper Maariv have said that in the areas where the barrier was complete, the number of hostile infiltrations has decreased to almost zero. Maariv also stated that Palestinian militants, including a senior member of Islamic Jihad, had confirmed that the barrier made it much harder to conduct attacks inside Israel. Since the completion of the fence in the area of Tulkarm and Qalqilyah in June 2003, there have been no successful attacks from those areas. All attacks were intercepted or the suicide bombers detonated prematurely.[47] In a March 23, 2008 interview, Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Ramadan Shalah complained to the Qatari newspaper Al-Sharq that the separation barrier "limits the ability of the resistance to arrive deep within [Israeli territory] to carry out suicide bombing attacks, but the resistance has not surrendered or become helpless, and is looking for other ways to cope with the requirements of every stage" of the intifada.[48]

I guess the wall is working eh? But that doesn't stop the Palestinians from committing other terror acts like shooting rockets or digging terror tunnels, now does it?
The Palestinians stopped suicide bombing as a policy around 2006. The wall was a long way to being finished and it is still not finished. The wall is not between Israel and the West Bank. Hamas, and other factions, have people inside Israel.

So that is just a load of Israeli bullshit.

The so called terror tunnels were 100% used against invading Israeli troops. That is not terrorism.

Just another load of Israeli bullshit.

Palestinians stopped suicide bombing because Israelis stopped them by building a wall. Palestinian terrorists are no different than the savage terrorists in France today.

Suicide bombings have decreased since the construction of the barrier.[6][41] Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, Hamas, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad have been less able to conduct attacks in Israel, which have decreased in areas where the barrier has been completed.[42][43]

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Israel Security Agency report that in 2002, there were 452 fatalities from terrorist attacks. Before the completion of the first continuous segment (July 2003) from the beginning of the Second Intifada, 73 Palestinian suicide bombings were carried out from the West Bank, killing 293 Israelis and injuring over 1,900. After the completion of the first continuous segment through the end of 2006, there were only 12 attacks based in the West Bank, killing 64 people and wounding 445.[5] Terrorist attacks declined in 2007[5] and 2008[44] to 9 in 2010.[45]

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs predicts that completion of the barrier will continue to prevent terrorist attacks[46] since "[a]n absolute halt in terrorist activities has been noticed in the West Bank areas where the fence has been constructed."[42]

Israeli officials (including the head of the Shin Bet) quoted in the newspaper Maariv have said that in the areas where the barrier was complete, the number of hostile infiltrations has decreased to almost zero. Maariv also stated that Palestinian militants, including a senior member of Islamic Jihad, had confirmed that the barrier made it much harder to conduct attacks inside Israel. Since the completion of the fence in the area of Tulkarm and Qalqilyah in June 2003, there have been no successful attacks from those areas. All attacks were intercepted or the suicide bombers detonated prematurely.[47] In a March 23, 2008 interview, Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Ramadan Shalah complained to the Qatari newspaper Al-Sharq that the separation barrier "limits the ability of the resistance to arrive deep within [Israeli territory] to carry out suicide bombing attacks, but the resistance has not surrendered or become helpless, and is looking for other ways to cope with the requirements of every stage" of the intifada.[48]
Hamas in call to end suicide bombings

Hamas is to abandon its use of suicide bombers, who have killed almost 300 Israelis, in any future confrontations with Israel, its activists have told The Observer.

Yihiyeh Musa, a Hamas member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, said Hamas had moved into a 'new era' which did not require suicide attacks.

'The suicide bombings happened in an exceptional period and they have now stopped,' he said. 'They came to an end as a change of belief.'

Hamas in call to end suicide bombings
Did Israeli apartheid wall really stop suicide bombings?

On Sunday, Yediot Ahronot cited sources within Israel’s “defense establishment” who estimated that around 6,000 Palestinians cross through gaps in the Wall every month. A lower figure of 20-30,000 Palestinians workers a year is cited by Israeli workers’ advocacy group Kav LaOved (which even at its lower end would still mean almost 400 a week).

Even the founder of Israeli campaign group A Fence for Life has admitted that with “tens of thousands of illegal workers” facing “no problem crossing the gaps in the fence,” the lack of attacks is fundamentally due to “the Palestinians’ choice”.

Israel’s apologists, therefore, want you to believe that a partially completed wall, crossed routinely by at least hundreds of Palestinians every week, is the reason for an almost total reduction in suicide bombing attacks.

Did Israeli apartheid wall really stop suicide bombings?
Israel just can't stop shoveling shit.

It could only be apartheid if it was built in Israel, and was there to keep the non Jews segregated from the rest of the world. The wall stopped the Palestinians from crossing into Israel and so stopped the suicide bombing, look at the complaint put in to the UN in this regard by the Palestinians.
The Palestinians stopped suicide bombing years ago.

You need to update your propaganda.

Of course Israel continues to bomb homes killing entire families and calling it self defense. What is your opinion about that?

Israeli West Bank barrier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Suicide bombings have decreased since the construction of the barrier.[6][41] Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, Hamas, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad have been less able to conduct attacks in Israel, which have decreased in areas where the barrier has been completed.[42][43]

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Israel Security Agency report that in 2002, there were 452 fatalities from terrorist attacks. Before the completion of the first continuous segment (July 2003) from the beginning of the Second Intifada, 73 Palestinian suicide bombings were carried out from the West Bank, killing 293 Israelis and injuring over 1,900. After the completion of the first continuous segment through the end of 2006, there were only 12 attacks based in the West Bank, killing 64 people and wounding 445.[5] Terrorist attacks declined in 2007[5] and 2008[44] to 9 in 2010.[45]

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs predicts that completion of the barrier will continue to prevent terrorist attacks[46] since "[a]n absolute halt in terrorist activities has been noticed in the West Bank areas where the fence has been constructed."[42]

Israeli officials (including the head of the Shin Bet) quoted in the newspaper Maariv have said that in the areas where the barrier was complete, the number of hostile infiltrations has decreased to almost zero. Maariv also stated that Palestinian militants, including a senior member of Islamic Jihad, had confirmed that the barrier made it much harder to conduct attacks inside Israel. Since the completion of the fence in the area of Tulkarm and Qalqilyah in June 2003, there have been no successful attacks from those areas. All attacks were intercepted or the suicide bombers detonated prematurely.[47] In a March 23, 2008 interview, Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Ramadan Shalah complained to the Qatari newspaper Al-Sharq that the separation barrier "limits the ability of the resistance to arrive deep within [Israeli territory] to carry out suicide bombing attacks, but the resistance has not surrendered or become helpless, and is looking for other ways to cope with the requirements of every stage" of the intifada.[48]

I guess the wall is working eh? But that doesn't stop the Palestinians from committing other terror acts like shooting rockets or digging terror tunnels, now does it?
The Palestinians stopped suicide bombing as a policy around 2006. The wall was a long way to being finished and it is still not finished. The wall is not between Israel and the West Bank. Hamas, and other factions, have people inside Israel.

So that is just a load of Israeli bullshit.

The so called terror tunnels were 100% used against invading Israeli troops. That is not terrorism.

Just another load of Israeli bullshit.

Palestinians stopped suicide bombing because Israelis stopped them by building a wall. Palestinian terrorists are no different than the savage terrorists in France today.

Suicide bombings have decreased since the construction of the barrier.[6][41] Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, Hamas, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad have been less able to conduct attacks in Israel, which have decreased in areas where the barrier has been completed.[42][43]

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Israel Security Agency report that in 2002, there were 452 fatalities from terrorist attacks. Before the completion of the first continuous segment (July 2003) from the beginning of the Second Intifada, 73 Palestinian suicide bombings were carried out from the West Bank, killing 293 Israelis and injuring over 1,900. After the completion of the first continuous segment through the end of 2006, there were only 12 attacks based in the West Bank, killing 64 people and wounding 445.[5] Terrorist attacks declined in 2007[5] and 2008[44] to 9 in 2010.[45]

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs predicts that completion of the barrier will continue to prevent terrorist attacks[46] since "[a]n absolute halt in terrorist activities has been noticed in the West Bank areas where the fence has been constructed."[42]

Israeli officials (including the head of the Shin Bet) quoted in the newspaper Maariv have said that in the areas where the barrier was complete, the number of hostile infiltrations has decreased to almost zero. Maariv also stated that Palestinian militants, including a senior member of Islamic Jihad, had confirmed that the barrier made it much harder to conduct attacks inside Israel. Since the completion of the fence in the area of Tulkarm and Qalqilyah in June 2003, there have been no successful attacks from those areas. All attacks were intercepted or the suicide bombers detonated prematurely.[47] In a March 23, 2008 interview, Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Ramadan Shalah complained to the Qatari newspaper Al-Sharq that the separation barrier "limits the ability of the resistance to arrive deep within [Israeli territory] to carry out suicide bombing attacks, but the resistance has not surrendered or become helpless, and is looking for other ways to cope with the requirements of every stage" of the intifada.[48]
Hamas in call to end suicide bombings

Hamas is to abandon its use of suicide bombers, who have killed almost 300 Israelis, in any future confrontations with Israel, its activists have told The Observer.

Yihiyeh Musa, a Hamas member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, said Hamas had moved into a 'new era' which did not require suicide attacks.

'The suicide bombings happened in an exceptional period and they have now stopped,' he said. 'They came to an end as a change of belief.'

Hamas in call to end suicide bombings
Did Israeli apartheid wall really stop suicide bombings?

On Sunday, Yediot Ahronot cited sources within Israel’s “defense establishment” who estimated that around 6,000 Palestinians cross through gaps in the Wall every month. A lower figure of 20-30,000 Palestinians workers a year is cited by Israeli workers’ advocacy group Kav LaOved (which even at its lower end would still mean almost 400 a week).

Even the founder of Israeli campaign group A Fence for Life has admitted that with “tens of thousands of illegal workers” facing “no problem crossing the gaps in the fence,” the lack of attacks is fundamentally due to “the Palestinians’ choice”.

Israel’s apologists, therefore, want you to believe that a partially completed wall, crossed routinely by at least hundreds of Palestinians every week, is the reason for an almost total reduction in suicide bombing attacks.

Did Israeli apartheid wall really stop suicide bombings?
Israel just can't stop shoveling shit.

It could only be apartheid if it was built in Israel, and was there to keep the non Jews segregated from the rest of the world. The wall stopped the Palestinians from crossing into Israel and so stopped the suicide bombing, look at the complaint put in to the UN in this regard by the Palestinians.
"You forgot to credit your quote..."

That bothers you (well, pretending it does anyway) ….but Palestinian terrorists don’t ?

Actually, I don’t know where you’re coming from pt frightmore . No one is forcing you to answer questions or give your opinion on things – but you hang around here, so people TRY and ask you direct questions...

.....sometimes you like to do the dance (around serious questions) - Like: What about that picture I always post of the palestinian female suicide bomber ? A young woman--look what “THEY” [the Palestinian “rulers”] did to her, and what she did to herself…and the picture itself, holding her son…..the evilness that picture exudes….

None of it bothers you? you must have some 'feelings' towards it…just wondering what they were ?

if....all of it doesn't bother're dead behind the eyes…
The Palestinians stopped suicide bombing years ago.

You need to update your propaganda.

Of course Israel continues to bomb homes killing entire families and calling it self defense. What is your opinion about that?

Israeli West Bank barrier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Suicide bombings have decreased since the construction of the barrier.[6][41] Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, Hamas, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad have been less able to conduct attacks in Israel, which have decreased in areas where the barrier has been completed.[42][43]

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Israel Security Agency report that in 2002, there were 452 fatalities from terrorist attacks. Before the completion of the first continuous segment (July 2003) from the beginning of the Second Intifada, 73 Palestinian suicide bombings were carried out from the West Bank, killing 293 Israelis and injuring over 1,900. After the completion of the first continuous segment through the end of 2006, there were only 12 attacks based in the West Bank, killing 64 people and wounding 445.[5] Terrorist attacks declined in 2007[5] and 2008[44] to 9 in 2010.[45]

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs predicts that completion of the barrier will continue to prevent terrorist attacks[46] since "[a]n absolute halt in terrorist activities has been noticed in the West Bank areas where the fence has been constructed."[42]

Israeli officials (including the head of the Shin Bet) quoted in the newspaper Maariv have said that in the areas where the barrier was complete, the number of hostile infiltrations has decreased to almost zero. Maariv also stated that Palestinian militants, including a senior member of Islamic Jihad, had confirmed that the barrier made it much harder to conduct attacks inside Israel. Since the completion of the fence in the area of Tulkarm and Qalqilyah in June 2003, there have been no successful attacks from those areas. All attacks were intercepted or the suicide bombers detonated prematurely.[47] In a March 23, 2008 interview, Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Ramadan Shalah complained to the Qatari newspaper Al-Sharq that the separation barrier "limits the ability of the resistance to arrive deep within [Israeli territory] to carry out suicide bombing attacks, but the resistance has not surrendered or become helpless, and is looking for other ways to cope with the requirements of every stage" of the intifada.[48]

I guess the wall is working eh? But that doesn't stop the Palestinians from committing other terror acts like shooting rockets or digging terror tunnels, now does it?
The Palestinians stopped suicide bombing as a policy around 2006. The wall was a long way to being finished and it is still not finished. The wall is not between Israel and the West Bank. Hamas, and other factions, have people inside Israel.

So that is just a load of Israeli bullshit.

The so called terror tunnels were 100% used against invading Israeli troops. That is not terrorism.

Just another load of Israeli bullshit.

Palestinians stopped suicide bombing because Israelis stopped them by building a wall. Palestinian terrorists are no different than the savage terrorists in France today.

Suicide bombings have decreased since the construction of the barrier.[6][41] Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, Hamas, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad have been less able to conduct attacks in Israel, which have decreased in areas where the barrier has been completed.[42][43]

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Israel Security Agency report that in 2002, there were 452 fatalities from terrorist attacks. Before the completion of the first continuous segment (July 2003) from the beginning of the Second Intifada, 73 Palestinian suicide bombings were carried out from the West Bank, killing 293 Israelis and injuring over 1,900. After the completion of the first continuous segment through the end of 2006, there were only 12 attacks based in the West Bank, killing 64 people and wounding 445.[5] Terrorist attacks declined in 2007[5] and 2008[44] to 9 in 2010.[45]

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs predicts that completion of the barrier will continue to prevent terrorist attacks[46] since "[a]n absolute halt in terrorist activities has been noticed in the West Bank areas where the fence has been constructed."[42]

Israeli officials (including the head of the Shin Bet) quoted in the newspaper Maariv have said that in the areas where the barrier was complete, the number of hostile infiltrations has decreased to almost zero. Maariv also stated that Palestinian militants, including a senior member of Islamic Jihad, had confirmed that the barrier made it much harder to conduct attacks inside Israel. Since the completion of the fence in the area of Tulkarm and Qalqilyah in June 2003, there have been no successful attacks from those areas. All attacks were intercepted or the suicide bombers detonated prematurely.[47] In a March 23, 2008 interview, Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Ramadan Shalah complained to the Qatari newspaper Al-Sharq that the separation barrier "limits the ability of the resistance to arrive deep within [Israeli territory] to carry out suicide bombing attacks, but the resistance has not surrendered or become helpless, and is looking for other ways to cope with the requirements of every stage" of the intifada.[48]
Hamas in call to end suicide bombings

Hamas is to abandon its use of suicide bombers, who have killed almost 300 Israelis, in any future confrontations with Israel, its activists have told The Observer.

Yihiyeh Musa, a Hamas member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, said Hamas had moved into a 'new era' which did not require suicide attacks.

'The suicide bombings happened in an exceptional period and they have now stopped,' he said. 'They came to an end as a change of belief.'

Hamas in call to end suicide bombings
Did Israeli apartheid wall really stop suicide bombings?

On Sunday, Yediot Ahronot cited sources within Israel’s “defense establishment” who estimated that around 6,000 Palestinians cross through gaps in the Wall every month. A lower figure of 20-30,000 Palestinians workers a year is cited by Israeli workers’ advocacy group Kav LaOved (which even at its lower end would still mean almost 400 a week).

Even the founder of Israeli campaign group A Fence for Life has admitted that with “tens of thousands of illegal workers” facing “no problem crossing the gaps in the fence,” the lack of attacks is fundamentally due to “the Palestinians’ choice”.

Israel’s apologists, therefore, want you to believe that a partially completed wall, crossed routinely by at least hundreds of Palestinians every week, is the reason for an almost total reduction in suicide bombing attacks.

Did Israeli apartheid wall really stop suicide bombings?
Israel just can't stop shoveling shit.

It could only be apartheid if it was built in Israel, and was there to keep the non Jews segregated from the rest of the world. The wall stopped the Palestinians from crossing into Israel and so stopped the suicide bombing, look at the complaint put in to the UN in this regard by the Palestinians.
Israeli West Bank barrier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Suicide bombings have decreased since the construction of the barrier.[6][41] Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, Hamas, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad have been less able to conduct attacks in Israel, which have decreased in areas where the barrier has been completed.[42][43]

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Israel Security Agency report that in 2002, there were 452 fatalities from terrorist attacks. Before the completion of the first continuous segment (July 2003) from the beginning of the Second Intifada, 73 Palestinian suicide bombings were carried out from the West Bank, killing 293 Israelis and injuring over 1,900. After the completion of the first continuous segment through the end of 2006, there were only 12 attacks based in the West Bank, killing 64 people and wounding 445.[5] Terrorist attacks declined in 2007[5] and 2008[44] to 9 in 2010.[45]

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs predicts that completion of the barrier will continue to prevent terrorist attacks[46] since "[a]n absolute halt in terrorist activities has been noticed in the West Bank areas where the fence has been constructed."[42]

Israeli officials (including the head of the Shin Bet) quoted in the newspaper Maariv have said that in the areas where the barrier was complete, the number of hostile infiltrations has decreased to almost zero. Maariv also stated that Palestinian militants, including a senior member of Islamic Jihad, had confirmed that the barrier made it much harder to conduct attacks inside Israel. Since the completion of the fence in the area of Tulkarm and Qalqilyah in June 2003, there have been no successful attacks from those areas. All attacks were intercepted or the suicide bombers detonated prematurely.[47] In a March 23, 2008 interview, Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Ramadan Shalah complained to the Qatari newspaper Al-Sharq that the separation barrier "limits the ability of the resistance to arrive deep within [Israeli territory] to carry out suicide bombing attacks, but the resistance has not surrendered or become helpless, and is looking for other ways to cope with the requirements of every stage" of the intifada.[48]

I guess the wall is working eh? But that doesn't stop the Palestinians from committing other terror acts like shooting rockets or digging terror tunnels, now does it?
The Palestinians stopped suicide bombing as a policy around 2006. The wall was a long way to being finished and it is still not finished. The wall is not between Israel and the West Bank. Hamas, and other factions, have people inside Israel.

So that is just a load of Israeli bullshit.

The so called terror tunnels were 100% used against invading Israeli troops. That is not terrorism.

Just another load of Israeli bullshit.

Palestinians stopped suicide bombing because Israelis stopped them by building a wall. Palestinian terrorists are no different than the savage terrorists in France today.

Suicide bombings have decreased since the construction of the barrier.[6][41] Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, Hamas, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad have been less able to conduct attacks in Israel, which have decreased in areas where the barrier has been completed.[42][43]

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Israel Security Agency report that in 2002, there were 452 fatalities from terrorist attacks. Before the completion of the first continuous segment (July 2003) from the beginning of the Second Intifada, 73 Palestinian suicide bombings were carried out from the West Bank, killing 293 Israelis and injuring over 1,900. After the completion of the first continuous segment through the end of 2006, there were only 12 attacks based in the West Bank, killing 64 people and wounding 445.[5] Terrorist attacks declined in 2007[5] and 2008[44] to 9 in 2010.[45]

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs predicts that completion of the barrier will continue to prevent terrorist attacks[46] since "[a]n absolute halt in terrorist activities has been noticed in the West Bank areas where the fence has been constructed."[42]

Israeli officials (including the head of the Shin Bet) quoted in the newspaper Maariv have said that in the areas where the barrier was complete, the number of hostile infiltrations has decreased to almost zero. Maariv also stated that Palestinian militants, including a senior member of Islamic Jihad, had confirmed that the barrier made it much harder to conduct attacks inside Israel. Since the completion of the fence in the area of Tulkarm and Qalqilyah in June 2003, there have been no successful attacks from those areas. All attacks were intercepted or the suicide bombers detonated prematurely.[47] In a March 23, 2008 interview, Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Ramadan Shalah complained to the Qatari newspaper Al-Sharq that the separation barrier "limits the ability of the resistance to arrive deep within [Israeli territory] to carry out suicide bombing attacks, but the resistance has not surrendered or become helpless, and is looking for other ways to cope with the requirements of every stage" of the intifada.[48]
Hamas in call to end suicide bombings

Hamas is to abandon its use of suicide bombers, who have killed almost 300 Israelis, in any future confrontations with Israel, its activists have told The Observer.

Yihiyeh Musa, a Hamas member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, said Hamas had moved into a 'new era' which did not require suicide attacks.

'The suicide bombings happened in an exceptional period and they have now stopped,' he said. 'They came to an end as a change of belief.'

Hamas in call to end suicide bombings
Did Israeli apartheid wall really stop suicide bombings?

On Sunday, Yediot Ahronot cited sources within Israel’s “defense establishment” who estimated that around 6,000 Palestinians cross through gaps in the Wall every month. A lower figure of 20-30,000 Palestinians workers a year is cited by Israeli workers’ advocacy group Kav LaOved (which even at its lower end would still mean almost 400 a week).

Even the founder of Israeli campaign group A Fence for Life has admitted that with “tens of thousands of illegal workers” facing “no problem crossing the gaps in the fence,” the lack of attacks is fundamentally due to “the Palestinians’ choice”.

Israel’s apologists, therefore, want you to believe that a partially completed wall, crossed routinely by at least hundreds of Palestinians every week, is the reason for an almost total reduction in suicide bombing attacks.

Did Israeli apartheid wall really stop suicide bombings?
Israel just can't stop shoveling shit.

It could only be apartheid if it was built in Israel, and was there to keep the non Jews segregated from the rest of the world. The wall stopped the Palestinians from crossing into Israel and so stopped the suicide bombing, look at the complaint put in to the UN in this regard by the Palestinians.

To what ?
The Palestinians stopped suicide bombing as a policy around 2006. The wall was a long way to being finished and it is still not finished. The wall is not between Israel and the West Bank. Hamas, and other factions, have people inside Israel.

So that is just a load of Israeli bullshit.

The so called terror tunnels were 100% used against invading Israeli troops. That is not terrorism.

Just another load of Israeli bullshit.

Palestinians stopped suicide bombing because Israelis stopped them by building a wall. Palestinian terrorists are no different than the savage terrorists in France today.

Suicide bombings have decreased since the construction of the barrier.[6][41] Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, Hamas, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad have been less able to conduct attacks in Israel, which have decreased in areas where the barrier has been completed.[42][43]

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Israel Security Agency report that in 2002, there were 452 fatalities from terrorist attacks. Before the completion of the first continuous segment (July 2003) from the beginning of the Second Intifada, 73 Palestinian suicide bombings were carried out from the West Bank, killing 293 Israelis and injuring over 1,900. After the completion of the first continuous segment through the end of 2006, there were only 12 attacks based in the West Bank, killing 64 people and wounding 445.[5] Terrorist attacks declined in 2007[5] and 2008[44] to 9 in 2010.[45]

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs predicts that completion of the barrier will continue to prevent terrorist attacks[46] since "[a]n absolute halt in terrorist activities has been noticed in the West Bank areas where the fence has been constructed."[42]

Israeli officials (including the head of the Shin Bet) quoted in the newspaper Maariv have said that in the areas where the barrier was complete, the number of hostile infiltrations has decreased to almost zero. Maariv also stated that Palestinian militants, including a senior member of Islamic Jihad, had confirmed that the barrier made it much harder to conduct attacks inside Israel. Since the completion of the fence in the area of Tulkarm and Qalqilyah in June 2003, there have been no successful attacks from those areas. All attacks were intercepted or the suicide bombers detonated prematurely.[47] In a March 23, 2008 interview, Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Ramadan Shalah complained to the Qatari newspaper Al-Sharq that the separation barrier "limits the ability of the resistance to arrive deep within [Israeli territory] to carry out suicide bombing attacks, but the resistance has not surrendered or become helpless, and is looking for other ways to cope with the requirements of every stage" of the intifada.[48]
Hamas in call to end suicide bombings

Hamas is to abandon its use of suicide bombers, who have killed almost 300 Israelis, in any future confrontations with Israel, its activists have told The Observer.

Yihiyeh Musa, a Hamas member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, said Hamas had moved into a 'new era' which did not require suicide attacks.

'The suicide bombings happened in an exceptional period and they have now stopped,' he said. 'They came to an end as a change of belief.'

Hamas in call to end suicide bombings
Did Israeli apartheid wall really stop suicide bombings?

On Sunday, Yediot Ahronot cited sources within Israel’s “defense establishment” who estimated that around 6,000 Palestinians cross through gaps in the Wall every month. A lower figure of 20-30,000 Palestinians workers a year is cited by Israeli workers’ advocacy group Kav LaOved (which even at its lower end would still mean almost 400 a week).

Even the founder of Israeli campaign group A Fence for Life has admitted that with “tens of thousands of illegal workers” facing “no problem crossing the gaps in the fence,” the lack of attacks is fundamentally due to “the Palestinians’ choice”.

Israel’s apologists, therefore, want you to believe that a partially completed wall, crossed routinely by at least hundreds of Palestinians every week, is the reason for an almost total reduction in suicide bombing attacks.

Did Israeli apartheid wall really stop suicide bombings?
Israel just can't stop shoveling shit.

It could only be apartheid if it was built in Israel, and was there to keep the non Jews segregated from the rest of the world. The wall stopped the Palestinians from crossing into Israel and so stopped the suicide bombing, look at the complaint put in to the UN in this regard by the Palestinians.

To what ?
That UN document you mentioned.
P F Tinmore, Phoenall, Roudy, et al,

Everyone that is even remotely familiar with counterterrorism, anti-terrorist security and measures to prevent and combat terrorism, is well aware that there is no one countermeasure, like the Israeli Security Barrier (what the Palestinians like to call the "Apartheid Wall" as part of their propaganda effort), is singularly responsible for the mitigation and neutralization of any asymmetric threat.

The UN does not write counterterrorism Intelligence Threat Assessments. There is no "LINK" from the UN, which is directly involved in the containment or the Detection, Exploitation and Neutralization (DEN). The UN OFFICE FOR THE COORDINATION OF HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS (OCHA) periodically publishes its single-sided data dramatizing the effective application of their program to location of HAMAS Activities inside densely populated areas --- and --- endangerment of Palestinians Civilians from the Vicinity of HAMAS target in the effort to “utilize the presence of a vulnerable HAMAS terrorist supporting civilian to render rocket launch points, tunnel entrances, ordnance storage, and facilities used by HAMAS Leaders as command, control, and communications areas or military forces immune from military operations.”

Palestinians stopped suicide bombing because Israelis stopped them by building a wall. Palestinian terrorists are no different than the savage terrorists in France today.

Suicide bombings have decreased since the construction of the barrier.[6][41] Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, Hamas, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad have been less able to conduct attacks in Israel, which have decreased in areas where the barrier has been completed.[42][43]

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Israel Security Agency report that in 2002, there were 452 fatalities from terrorist attacks. Before the completion of the first continuous segment (July 2003) from the beginning of the Second Intifada, 73 Palestinian suicide bombings were carried out from the West Bank, killing 293 Israelis and injuring over 1,900. After the completion of the first continuous segment through the end of 2006, there were only 12 attacks based in the West Bank, killing 64 people and wounding 445.[5] Terrorist attacks declined in 2007[5] and 2008[44] to 9 in 2010.[45]

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs predicts that completion of the barrier will continue to prevent terrorist attacks[46] since "[a]n absolute halt in terrorist activities has been noticed in the West Bank areas where the fence has been constructed."[42]

Israeli officials (including the head of the Shin Bet) quoted in the newspaper Maariv have said that in the areas where the barrier was complete, the number of hostile infiltrations has decreased to almost zero. Maariv also stated that Palestinian militants, including a senior member of Islamic Jihad, had confirmed that the barrier made it much harder to conduct attacks inside Israel. Since the completion of the fence in the area of Tulkarm and Qalqilyah in June 2003, there have been no successful attacks from those areas. All attacks were intercepted or the suicide bombers detonated prematurely.[47] In a March 23, 2008 interview, Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Ramadan Shalah complained to the Qatari newspaper Al-Sharq that the separation barrier "limits the ability of the resistance to arrive deep within [Israeli territory] to carry out suicide bombing attacks, but the resistance has not surrendered or become helpless, and is looking for other ways to cope with the requirements of every stage" of the intifada.[48]
Hamas in call to end suicide bombings

Hamas is to abandon its use of suicide bombers, who have killed almost 300 Israelis, in any future confrontations with Israel, its activists have told The Observer.

Yihiyeh Musa, a Hamas member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, said Hamas had moved into a 'new era' which did not require suicide attacks.

'The suicide bombings happened in an exceptional period and they have now stopped,' he said. 'They came to an end as a change of belief.'

Hamas in call to end suicide bombings
Did Israeli apartheid wall really stop suicide bombings?

On Sunday, Yediot Ahronot cited sources within Israel’s “defense establishment” who estimated that around 6,000 Palestinians cross through gaps in the Wall every month. A lower figure of 20-30,000 Palestinians workers a year is cited by Israeli workers’ advocacy group Kav LaOved (which even at its lower end would still mean almost 400 a week).

Even the founder of Israeli campaign group A Fence for Life has admitted that with “tens of thousands of illegal workers” facing “no problem crossing the gaps in the fence,” the lack of attacks is fundamentally due to “the Palestinians’ choice”.

Israel’s apologists, therefore, want you to believe that a partially completed wall, crossed routinely by at least hundreds of Palestinians every week, is the reason for an almost total reduction in suicide bombing attacks.

Did Israeli apartheid wall really stop suicide bombings?
Israel just can't stop shoveling shit.
It could only be apartheid if it was built in Israel, and was there to keep the non Jews segregated from the rest of the world. The wall stopped the Palestinians from crossing into Israel and so stopped the suicide bombing, look at the complaint put in to the UN in this regard by the Palestinians.
To what ?
That UN document you mentioned.

I will be honest that, although the commentary that I present here is directly attributable the below listed documents, by the same token I know that in some cases - the point of origin was Israeli Defense Force (IDF):

• Israel’s Counter-Terrorism Strategy and its Effectiveness by Jerry D. Smith at the Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943-5000 MAR 2005.

• Israeli-Palestinian Fatalities Since 2000 - Key Trends* -- United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs AUG 2007

• Israeli Counterterrorism Decision-Making: The Causes and Costs of A-Strategic Incoherence by
Rachel E. Tecott, Wesleyan University, The Honors College --- Class of 2011


There is a correlation between the reduction of bombings and the increase in border protection countermeasures. And, it is NOT "Apartheid" to institute border, immigration and customs (BIC) controls. Nearly every country has, to some degree, these controls. The association of "Apartheid" and BIC controls is merely Arab-Palestinian trying to incite conflict with and to attach some connection with the Black South African Communities with the terrorist movement of the Palestinians.

There are two graphs that I would like to call your attention to:

Screen Shot 2015-11-22 at 11.32.49 AM.png
Screen Shot 2015-11-22 at 11.34.15 AM.png

There is definitely a correlation, but it maybe not one solely attributed to the Security Fence and Barrier singly. It is a total effort of which the Security Fence and Barrier is a key factor.

“Terror” is a subset of insurgency warfare. The concept “terror” encompasses four types of terror, but all employ deliberate violence against civilians in order to obtain political, religious, national, or ideological objectives." (Major General IDF Reserve Yaakov Amidror, former commander of the IDF’s National Defense
College and the IDF Staff and Command College. He is also the former head of the IDF Intelligence Research and Assessment division, with special responsibility for preparing the National Intelligence Assessment. In addition, he served as the military secretary of the Minister of Defense)
And clearly MG Amidros believed that a proportional response to Hostile Arab-Palestinians (HoIS) would drag Israel into a war of attrition whose rules will be determined by the HoIS (terrorists) based on accumulated sympathy by playing the virtual victim. "A country like Israel can successfully cope with terrorism and guerrilla tactics only if it retains the ability to respond disproportionately; otherwise, it will find itself fighting according to the enemy’s rules."

Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
P F Tinmore, Phoenall, Roudy, et al,

Everyone that is even remotely familiar with counterterrorism, anti-terrorist security and measures to prevent and combat terrorism, is well aware that there is no one countermeasure, like the Israeli Security Barrier (what the Palestinians like to call the "Apartheid Wall" as part of their propaganda effort), is singularly responsible for the mitigation and neutralization of any asymmetric threat.

The UN does not write counterterrorism Intelligence Threat Assessments. There is not "LINK" from the UN, which is not directly involved in the containment or the Detection, Exploitation and Neutralization (DEN). The UN OFFICE FOR THE COORDINATION OF HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS (OCHA) periodically publishes its single-sided data dramatizing the effective application of their program to location of HAMAS Activities inside densely populated areas --- and --- endangerment of Palestinians Civilians from the Vicinity of HAMAS target in the effort to “utilize the presence of a vulnerable HAMAS terrorist supporting civilian to render rocket launch points, tunnel entrances, ordnance storage, and facilities used by HAMAS Leaders as command, control, and communications areas or military forces immune from military operations.”

Hamas in call to end suicide bombings

Hamas is to abandon its use of suicide bombers, who have killed almost 300 Israelis, in any future confrontations with Israel, its activists have told The Observer.

Yihiyeh Musa, a Hamas member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, said Hamas had moved into a 'new era' which did not require suicide attacks.

'The suicide bombings happened in an exceptional period and they have now stopped,' he said. 'They came to an end as a change of belief.'

Hamas in call to end suicide bombings
Did Israeli apartheid wall really stop suicide bombings?

On Sunday, Yediot Ahronot cited sources within Israel’s “defense establishment” who estimated that around 6,000 Palestinians cross through gaps in the Wall every month. A lower figure of 20-30,000 Palestinians workers a year is cited by Israeli workers’ advocacy group Kav LaOved (which even at its lower end would still mean almost 400 a week).

Even the founder of Israeli campaign group A Fence for Life has admitted that with “tens of thousands of illegal workers” facing “no problem crossing the gaps in the fence,” the lack of attacks is fundamentally due to “the Palestinians’ choice”.

Israel’s apologists, therefore, want you to believe that a partially completed wall, crossed routinely by at least hundreds of Palestinians every week, is the reason for an almost total reduction in suicide bombing attacks.

Did Israeli apartheid wall really stop suicide bombings?
Israel just can't stop shoveling shit.
It could only be apartheid if it was built in Israel, and was there to keep the non Jews segregated from the rest of the world. The wall stopped the Palestinians from crossing into Israel and so stopped the suicide bombing, look at the complaint put in to the UN in this regard by the Palestinians.
To what ?
That UN document you mentioned.

I will be honest that, although the commentary that I present here is directly attributable the blow listed documents, by the same token I know that in some cases - the point of origin was Israeli Defense Force (IDF):

• Israel’s Counter-Terrorism Strategy and its Effectiveness by Jerry D. Smith at the Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943-5000 MAR 2005.

• Israeli-Palestinian Fatalities Since 2000 - Key Trends* -- United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs AUG 2007

• Israeli Counterterrorism Decision-Making: The Causes and Costs of A-Strategic Incoherence by
Rachel E. Tecott, Wesleyan University, The Honors College --- Class of 2011


There is a correlation between the reduction of bombings and the increase in border protection countermeasures. And, it is NOT "Apartheid" to institute border, immigration and customs (BIC) controls. Nearly every country has, to some degree, these controls. The association of "Apartheid" and BIC controls is merely Arab-Palestinian trying to incite conflict with and to attach some connection with the Black South African Communities with the terrorist movement of the Palestinians.

There are two graphs that I would like to call your attention to:

There is definitely a correlation, but it maybe not one solely attributed to the Security Fence and Barrier singly. It is a total effort of which the Security Fence and Barrier is a key factor.

“Terror” is a subset of insurgency warfare. The concept “terror” encompasses four types of terror, but all employ deliberate violence against civilians in order to obtain political, religious, national, or ideological objectives." (Major General IDF Reserve Yaakov Amidror, former commander of the IDF’s National Defense
College and the IDF Staff and Command College. He is also the former head of the IDF Intelligence Research and Assessment division, with special responsibility for preparing the National Intelligence Assessment. In addition, he served as the military secretary of the Minister of Defense)
And clearly MG Amidros believed that a proportional response to Hostile Arab-Palestinians (HoIS) would drag Israel into a war of attrition whose rules will be determined by the HoIS (terrorists) based on accumulated sympathy by playing the virtual victim. "A country like Israel can successfully cope with terrorism and guerrilla tactics only if it retains the ability to respond disproportionately; otherwise, it will find itself fighting according to the enemy’s rules."

Most Respectfully,
Indeed, sourced from Israel. Not a credible source.

Terrorism? Like this?


BTW, if it is for security, why isn't it on the green line?
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