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ABC Claims Not Calling On Mainstream Media A Violation of 1st Amendment ... Or Something

ABC News analyst: Trump ‘shutting down’ part of First Amendment by not calling on mainstream outlets

Butt-hurt media outlets, many of who have called / compared Trump to Hitler and worse, are pi$$ed they are no longer getting preferential treatment, the type they think they deserve....so they are going bat-shit crazy!


"ABC News analyst Matthew Dowd accused President Donald Trump Tuesday of “shutting down” part of the First Amendment because of his pattern of calling on conservative media outlets at White House news conferences."

Ummmm, no one is preventing ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, Buzzfeed from exercising their right to Freedom of the Press. No one is stopping them from doing so. The Constitution does NOT say that a President has to call on / show favoritism to specific news outlets. (Where were the 'big media's concerns when smaller media sources were not being called upon?)

"Trump’s decision to force mainstream media outlets to take a back seat caused a number of reporters and analysts at CNN, MSNBC and the three broadcast networks to voice their frustrations on air."
-- Both CNN and MSNBC have been caught engaging in 'FAKE NEWS' and in 'All-In' Liberal Media reporting....yet they still want 'special' treatment / considerations by the Trump Administration?

“I think there’s no other way to describe it but the fix is in,” CNN’s Jim Acosta said Wednesday"


This is the SAME FAKE NEWS / ALL-IN 'News' source that openly, on the air, declared they had done EVERYTHING they could to help Hillary win, to include ignoring all of Hillary's scandals:

And they are now bit@hing because Trump is treating them like the 'Fake News' / 'All-In' Biased Liberal Propaganda arm of the DNC they are?!

Not calling on them in press conferences is 'Un-Constitutional'....

View attachment 112730

Like you care about access. Paid shill.

If he doesn't get asked and have to answer hard questions you're left with trumpster delusions.

Oh right ... that's how you paid freaks want it

Wait, NOW the press is supposed to ask hard questions of the POTUS? What brought about that massive change?

What change? Is there some delusional brain blip you're having?

I don't recall Obama being asked many hard questions by the sycophantic press. Who, for example, challenged him on his famous lie that we could keep our doctors, our health insurance plans and families would save $2,500/yr? Who called him on his grandiose promise that his inauguration would mark the day the oceans stopped rising?
Ahahahahahahahahahaha I made a joke about this weeks ago, that Trump should just not call on the MSM to torture them and then he goes and does it outstanding. Great minds think alike, good job president Trump!!!:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
If there is one thing that pisses the left off...its being ignored. Fake news outlets shut up and sit down I'm not calling on you today...or ever ahahahaha that's brilliant!!!
I might be wrong but I don't believe the President whoever it is is under any obligation to hold a press conference at all.
Article II says that the President is required to "from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient".

It says nothing about press conferences.
Maybe THIS has something to do why pi$$ed-off CNN doesn't get to ask any questions at WH Press Conferences...

CNN Chief: Antagonism Toward Trump 'Boosting Morale' of Network Employees - Breitbart

"CNN is viewing its antagonism toward President Donald J. Trump as a “badge of honor” — and according to CNN president Jeff Zucker the network’s daily aggression aimed at Trump is “boosting” employee morale.

President Trump renewed his assault on the veracity of the “fake media” by jousting with CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta at a Thursday press conference. During the back and forth, Trump joked that he was downgrading CNN from merely “fake news,” to “very fake news.” He also poked at the network over its ratings.

slipped into third place — even behind little-watched MSNBC. And just this week Medialife Magazine reported that Fox News took all the top spots in the most viewed cable news programs. The magazine also reported that Fox and MSNBC came in first and second respectively, with CNN showing in at third place."

There is a reason fewer and fewer people are watching you, CNN...

Let's see how morale continues to hold up as CNN drops lower and lower in the ratings, causing layoffs and the potential collapse of the 'Very Fake News' Propaganda Media Arm of the DNC... :p
Trump is not violating the first amendment

But he is exhibiting a bunker mentality where everyone is out to get him and he is shielding himself from reality
ABC News analyst: Trump ‘shutting down’ part of First Amendment by not calling on mainstream outlets

Butt-hurt media outlets, many of who have called / compared Trump to Hitler and worse, are pi$$ed they are no longer getting preferential treatment, the type they think they deserve....so they are going bat-shit crazy!


"ABC News analyst Matthew Dowd accused President Donald Trump Tuesday of “shutting down” part of the First Amendment because of his pattern of calling on conservative media outlets at White House news conferences."

Ummmm, no one is preventing ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, Buzzfeed from exercising their right to Freedom of the Press. No one is stopping them from doing so. The Constitution does NOT say that a President has to call on / show favoritism to specific news outlets. (Where were the 'big media's concerns when smaller media sources were not being called upon?)

"Trump’s decision to force mainstream media outlets to take a back seat caused a number of reporters and analysts at CNN, MSNBC and the three broadcast networks to voice their frustrations on air."
-- Both CNN and MSNBC have been caught engaging in 'FAKE NEWS' and in 'All-In' Liberal Media reporting....yet they still want 'special' treatment / considerations by the Trump Administration?

“I think there’s no other way to describe it but the fix is in,” CNN’s Jim Acosta said Wednesday"


This is the SAME FAKE NEWS / ALL-IN 'News' source that openly, on the air, declared they had done EVERYTHING they could to help Hillary win, to include ignoring all of Hillary's scandals:

And they are now bit@hing because Trump is treating them like the 'Fake News' / 'All-In' Biased Liberal Propaganda arm of the DNC they are?!

Not calling on them in press conferences is 'Un-Constitutional'....

View attachment 112730

Like you care about access. Paid shill.

If he doesn't get asked and have to answer hard questions you're left with trumpster delusions.

Oh right ... that's how you paid freaks want it

Wait, NOW the press is supposed to ask hard questions of the POTUS? What brought about that massive change?

What change? Is there some delusional brain blip you're having?
Well, it's tough for them, the press is a little out of shape from spending the last eight years on their knees.
Trump is not violating the first amendment
But he is exhibiting a bunker mentality where everyone is out to get him and he is shielding himself from reality

The 'media' he has refused to call on HAS been out to get him, HAS compared him to Hitler, HAS openly declared they were / are 'All-In' for Hillary / the DNC....

It's not paranoia when you're right and 'they' - the media themselves - prove they are out to get you. :p
Was ABC at the press conference?
I watched it and Trump answered unscripted and unreviewed questions in a first come first serve open Press Conference.

Obama has never answered a question he did not review and approve of first.

Even CNN was giving Trump credit for having such an open and unscripted press conference.

Here is what is going on with The Media:

Only 6% of Americans have a favorable opinion of The Media.

When it comes to being trusted and you break it down along political lines.............

85% of Conservatives\Libertarians\Republicans DO NOT trust the media. Their ratings are lower than Congress.

70% of Independents DO NOT trust the media.

But the Shocker? The Left, who believes every single word the proceeds out of the mouth of their god.....

49% of The Left now DO NOT Trust THE MSM!

America, even subversive Americans who hate Trump, hate The Media even more.

That's not America's fault.

It's the responsibility then of The MSM to win back The American People, and to Earn Their Trust again, by engaging in REAL JOURNALISM. By being UNBIASED.

It's the Media's job to engage in honest effort by doing the hard work of reporting, and being accurate, truthful, and telling the whole story, and never taking things out of context and twisting them in to convenient political lies to serve an agenda instead of promoting an honest and truthful media to serve THE PEOPLE.

DO YOUR JOB MSM, and America may come back to you and start to trust you again.
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Notice the flip flop here from the recent claims of how Milo whatshisname had his free speech rights violated at Berkeley?
Explain that one. It came out of some kind of blender.

Put your blender on reverse then until it makes sense.
Snowflakes don't like hearing differing opinions on campus and the president of the US is allowed to criticize who he wants as a citizen and is free to talk to who he wants.

There is no comparison so you ran it through the blender between your ears.
Done peeing?

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."""

Trump can't prohibit the free exercise of the press, but he's damn sure trying to defame and libel them as "fake". Why? Because he's got a lot to hide and he's a compulsive liar and the more he makes idiots like you think the press is "fake" the better he can keep his shit hidden, like his tax returns.

Lol! Not calling on certain members of the press is restricting the rights of the press? How?

So when Obama made statements against Fox News he was some how defaming them and libel them? Were you OUTRAGED over that?

Under what obligation is Trump to show his tax returns?

Sounds like you are against freedom.
Obama has never answered a question he did not review and approve of first.


You win lie of the day.
Which coming from a liberal really means....

Well let me get out Google Translator for Liberal Speak, or as some like to call it NEWSPEAK:


The Truth Hurts!

Here have some more salt in your butt hurt wounds...

Even Democrats are increasingly losing faith in The Media!

Have some of that. In fact, have seconds.
I might be wrong but I don't believe the President whoever it is is under any obligation to hold a press conference at all.

True . But when he does he can't then discriminate in an unconstitutional way . For example , only allowing Christians to ask questions.

How is his press conferences "unconstitutional"? As far as I can tell he isn't catering to big boys and the big boys need to put on their big boy pants and just deal with it.

"Mr. President....

I know I compared you to Hitler
I know I called you a racist
I know my news outlet was caught several times engaging in fake news against you
I know our company did everything we could to help Hillary win
I know we mocked you
I know whatever you say, if you answer my question, will be spun into a lie

...but can I please ask a question?"


:haha: Next...you in the back - 'Animal Planet'.....

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Provide some specific examples and lets see if it is true
Was ABC at the press conference?
I watched it and Trump answered unscripted and unreviewed questions in a first come first serve open Press Conference.

Obama has never answered a question he did not review and approve of first.

Even CNN was giving Trump credit for having such an open and unscripted press conference.

Here is what is going on with The Media:

Only 6% of Americans have a favorable opinion of The Media.

When it comes to being trusted and you break it down along political lines.............

85% of Conservatives\Libertarians\Republicans DO NOT trust the media. Their ratings are lower than Congress.

70% of Independents DO NOT trust the media.

But the Shocker? The Left, who believes every single word the proceeds out of the mouth of their god.....

49% of The Left now DO NOT Trust THE MSM!

America, even subversive Americans who hate Trump, hate The Media even more.

That's not America's fault.

It's the responsibility then of The MSM to win back The American People, and to Earn Their Trust again, by engaging in REAL JOURNALISM. By being UNBIASED.

It's the Media's job to engage in honest effort by doing the hard work of reporting, and being accurate, truthful, and telling the whole story, and never taking things out of context and twisting them in to convenient political lies to serve an agenda instead of promoting an honest and truthful media to serve THE PEOPLE.

DO YOUR JOB MSM, and America may come back to you and start to trust you again.

Please provide a credible link because 86.2% of statistics spouted on message boards are made up on the spot
I might be wrong but I don't believe the President whoever it is is under any obligation to hold a press conference at all.

True . But when he does he can't then discriminate in an unconstitutional way . For example , only allowing Christians to ask questions.

How is his press conferences "unconstitutional"? As far as I can tell he isn't catering to big boys and the big boys need to put on their big boy pants and just deal with it.

Maybe CNN should go to that Seattle judge to get another phony order.
Phony order for fake news.

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