ABC News..Brian Ross says Batman shooter has tea party page.

Who cares and so what ?

If the guy belonged to the Tea what ?

If the guy belonged to the communist what ?

He must be off his rocker....and there are plenty of those in all camps. Just look at this board.

Just so.

Comprehension such a hard thing at times. I never said that there were not fools blaming other fools for what happened. What I said was that the liberal left would not put out the information regardless of the evidence. Do you really think that Ross would have jumped on the OWS band wagon? I condemn all who place blame for the actions of an obviously deranged person. Try and keep up.

Well, no I don't think he'd have drawn that conclusion because OWS don't show up to rallies with guns and signs like this.


TeaBaggers have a bad habit of doing that sort of thing.

OWS types show up with tamborines and guitars.

Now, if he killed 12 people with a guitar, then maybe he'd have a good reason to suspect some OWS Hippy.

The only gun I see in that photo is on a poster,and an image on paper is hardly a lethal weapon. I've yet to see anyone shot with a piece of paper. If there were any REAL guns present, they were carried lawfully.
You m iss the point. The Teabaggers fascination with guns is probably what makes people think, "Hey, maybe the gun nut that just shot up a bunch of people MIGHT have been a Teabagger."
except the real guy that is in the tea party has grounds to sue ABC and Brian Ross. I hope he does.

Yeah, me too. Maybe a few lawsuits and we'll see less of this crap.



Maybe not. He'd actually have to show harm to collect damages.

The only harm he suffered was a bunch of people called him before he disconnected his phone, and as I pointed out earlier, this was probably the case of the other 21 people named James Holmes living in CO.

His whole point was to hit at the tea party. Not another Holmes. He knew exactly what he was doing.

He should be fired.
You m iss the point. The Teabaggers fascination with guns is probably what makes people think, "Hey, maybe the gun nut that just shot up a bunch of people MIGHT have been a Teabagger."

You are a lunatic. You shouldn't be allowed near a keyboard.
Yeah, me too. Maybe a few lawsuits and we'll see less of this crap.



Maybe not. He'd actually have to show harm to collect damages.

The only harm he suffered was a bunch of people called him before he disconnected his phone, and as I pointed out earlier, this was probably the case of the other 21 people named James Holmes living in CO.

His whole point was to hit at the tea party. Not another Holmes. He knew exactly what he was doing.

He should be fired.

Yes, it was all a conspiracy to make a statement they would have to withdraw within an hour and most people hadn't heard until AFTER he withdrew it.

Ummmm.... what was that supposed to accomplish again, exactly?
There is no integrity in Journalism any more.

Yup. And I blame a book.

My degree is in Broadcast Journalism. My first assignment in my first class on my first day in college -- it was Journalism 101, really, that was the name of the freakin' class -- was to read All The President's Men.

It would later occur to me how that book altered the landscape of journalism. Sure, it was a fascinating account of two curious reporters, how they uncovered and nurtured information, all that, but it really served as a precedent for Journalist As Celebrity. There was Cronkite, and Murrow and the rest before them, but these guys really brought journalism into a new era with the book and the movie.

Over time, journalists figured out that advocacy journalism was the ticket to career success. Don't just report the story, pump that sucker up with some spice. Bend the story to match a narrative, an agenda. Not only do you become more visible and successful, you get to push your views at the same time. Win-win there.

Advocacy journalism has replaced traditional journalism. Sadly. This was just the latest example.

There is no integrity in Journalism any more.

Yup. And I blame a book.

My degree is in Broadcast Journalism. My first assignment in my first class on my first day in college -- it was Journalism 101, really, that was the name of the freakin' class -- was to read All The President's Men.

It would later occur to me how that book altered the landscape of journalism. Sure, it was a fascinating account of two curious reporters, how they uncovered and nurtured information, all that, but it really served as a precedent for Journalist As Celebrity. There was Cronkite, and Murrow and the rest before them, but these guys really brought journalism into a new era with the book and the movie.

Over time, journalists figured out that advocacy journalism was the ticket to career success. Don't just report the story, pump that sucker up with some spice. Bend the story to match a narrative, an agenda. Not only do you become more visible and successful, you get to push your views at the same time. Win-win there.

Advocacy journalism has replaced traditional journalism. Sadly. This was just the latest example.


Interesting theory, but I don't think the notion of "Reporter as celebrity" or "Reporter with an agenda" began with Woodward and Bernstein.
You m iss the point. The Teabaggers fascination with guns is probably what makes people think, "Hey, maybe the gun nut that just shot up a bunch of people MIGHT have been a Teabagger."

I had to revisit this insane post of yours.

"fascination with guns". I was just a kid when I held my first. No gang banger. Just a little girl visiting family in Kirkland Lake when my great uncle let me hold his. You could actually order them at the time thru the catalogue.

I loved the feel of it. I loved the weight. And all of them taught me the seriousness of cradling one in your arms. No gang banger. My great uncle and other men in my family taught me the seriousness of this beast. We don't take it lightly. It kills.
It is not a joke.

For you to turn around and post what you just did, makes you such a whore for the left that is unreal.

You are a pig.
There is no integrity in Journalism any more.

Yup. And I blame a book.

My degree is in Broadcast Journalism. My first assignment in my first class on my first day in college -- it was Journalism 101, really, that was the name of the freakin' class -- was to read All The President's Men.

It would later occur to me how that book altered the landscape of journalism. Sure, it was a fascinating account of two curious reporters, how they uncovered and nurtured information, all that, but it really served as a precedent for Journalist As Celebrity. There was Cronkite, and Murrow and the rest before them, but these guys really brought journalism into a new era with the book and the movie.

Over time, journalists figured out that advocacy journalism was the ticket to career success. Don't just report the story, pump that sucker up with some spice. Bend the story to match a narrative, an agenda. Not only do you become more visible and successful, you get to push your views at the same time. Win-win there.

Advocacy journalism has replaced traditional journalism. Sadly. This was just the latest example.


Interesting theory, but I don't think the notion of "Reporter as celebrity" or "Reporter with an agenda" began with Woodward and Bernstein.

No, agreed. But this is when it went mainstream, when it became the culture of journalism, at least in my estimation.

There is no integrity in Journalism any more.

Yup. And I blame a book.

My degree is in Broadcast Journalism. My first assignment in my first class on my first day in college -- it was Journalism 101, really, that was the name of the freakin' class -- was to read All The President's Men.

It would later occur to me how that book altered the landscape of journalism. Sure, it was a fascinating account of two curious reporters, how they uncovered and nurtured information, all that, but it really served as a precedent for Journalist As Celebrity. There was Cronkite, and Murrow and the rest before them, but these guys really brought journalism into a new era with the book and the movie.

Over time, journalists figured out that advocacy journalism was the ticket to career success. Don't just report the story, pump that sucker up with some spice. Bend the story to match a narrative, an agenda. Not only do you become more visible and successful, you get to push your views at the same time. Win-win there.

Advocacy journalism has replaced traditional journalism. Sadly. This was just the latest example.


I was Ryerson when it counted. Journalism at that point in time was an honorable profession that did not include kneepads.
Well now Breitbart contradicts ABC and claims the shooter is a Registered Democrat

Contra ABC News, Dark Knight Aurora, CO Shooting Suspect James Holmes Could Be Registered Democrat
Exclusive: Contra ABC News, Dark Knight Aurora, CO Shooting Suspect James Holmes Could Be Registered Democrat

Doesn't matter though. The one thing we know for sure, is the guys is totally nuts.
We all know how Democrats love to stockpile guns and explosives.

Well this guy did.

For some reason he doesn't have that "Larry The Cable-guy" persona about him.
NO I was doing exactly what the MSM is doing NOW MAKING news NOT reporting!
This is a perfect example of BIASED reporting influencing people's opinions!
Tea Party has NO history of violence ... yet every occasion like this Tea Party tried to linked and it is just disgusting because the VAST majority of people are law abiding!

Oh yeah, how old is Brian Ross you think? And does he live in St Albans?

Tell me again how that is the same?

Why did Brain Moss report this without making sure if it was the right guy?

By commenting early he could plant the seed of division and have the greatest impact possible againts the only popular uprising in this country in recent years, and the only one that puts the government-owned-media (his camp) to the test.

Comprehension such a hard thing at times. I never said that there were not fools blaming other fools for what happened. What I said was that the liberal left would not put out the information regardless of the evidence. Do you really think that Ross would have jumped on the OWS band wagon? I condemn all who place blame for the actions of an obviously deranged person. Try and keep up.

Well, no I don't think he'd have drawn that conclusion because OWS don't show up to rallies with guns and signs like this.


TeaBaggers have a bad habit of doing that sort of thing.

OWS types show up with tamborines and guitars.

Now, if he killed 12 people with a guitar, then maybe he'd have a good reason to suspect some OWS Hippy.

Joe, you are such a fucking hack! It boggles the mind that you could be so dumb as to try and pass off that OBVIOUSLY photoshopped picture as legitimate.

What a piece of shit! The cocksucker knew what he was doing and did it anyways. 80% of the fools will only know about the BASELESS INACCURATE GARBAGE that came out of Ross's mouth and know nothing about the apology!

The leftist media has no honor!

James Holmes 'incorrect' tea party report: ABC News apologizes -
ABC News and Brian Ross are apologizing for an "incorrect" report that James Holmes, the suspect in the Colorado theater shooting, may have had connections to the Tea Party.

"An earlier ABC News broadcast report suggested that a Jim Holmes of a Colorado Tea Party organization might be the suspect, but that report was incorrect," ABC News said in a statement. "ABC News and Brian Ross apologize for the mistake, and for disseminating that information before it was properly vetted."

In a similar statement released minutes earlier, ABC News said the report was "incorrect" but did not include the apology. "Several other local residents with similar names were also contacted via social media by members of the public who mistook them for the suspect," the initial statement read.

ABC's apology comes after Ross reported this morning that there is "a Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado, page on the Colorado Tea party site... talking about him joining the Tea Party last year."

You need to expand that to any Obama supporter.

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