ABC News..Brian Ross says Batman shooter has tea party page.

You m iss the point. The Teabaggers fascination with guns is probably what makes people think, "Hey, maybe the gun nut that just shot up a bunch of people MIGHT have been a Teabagger."

I had to revisit this insane post of yours.

"fascination with guns". I was just a kid when I held my first. No gang banger. Just a little girl visiting family in Kirkland Lake when my great uncle let me hold his. You could actually order them at the time thru the catalogue.

I loved the feel of it. I loved the weight. And all of them taught me the seriousness of cradling one in your arms. No gang banger. My great uncle and other men in my family taught me the seriousness of this beast. We don't take it lightly. It kills.
It is not a joke.

For you to turn around and post what you just did, makes you such a whore for the left that is unreal.

You are a pig.

Again, the fact some of you really think clinging to your guns and your bibles empowers you is actually kind of sad.

Fact is most citizens don't need guns for any valid reason and the top two reason the fetishists have for wanting them are silly. YOu'll never be able to beat the government and a gun in your house is a greater danger to you than any criminal. These are sad truths you guys are just going to have to learn to deal with.

Now here's the thing. I don't want to ban guns. I just want to make sure that we aren't letting some guy who thinks he's the Joker buy a small arsenal at the Bass Pro Shop.
Not just signs, but the tea baggers have shown up and paraded with assault rifles and hand guns at their events.

Automatic Weapons at Political Rally - YouTube

It's called the 'right to bear arms'.

But I do recall one certain news outlet having an outright hissy fit about some 'white guy with an assualt rifle' at a TEA Party event. Turned out, that particular TEA Partier was black. Don't you ever feel embarrassed being led around by the nose by your masters?

Learned the difference between 'vile' and 'vial' yet, moron?

No matter what it turned out to really be, the left is still repeating the original lie. In six months or less, Ross's lie will be repeated as if it were out of the Gospel. James Holmes being in the tea party will be an accepted fact.

Sad but true.
But I've come to expect that from those people.
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As much as the lies that president is a Kenyan, a Muslim, and not a natural born citizen?

Good Americans know the truth and will have nothing to do with the lies of the extremists on left or right or libertarian.
Comprehension such a hard thing at times. I never said that there were not fools blaming other fools for what happened. What I said was that the liberal left would not put out the information regardless of the evidence. Do you really think that Ross would have jumped on the OWS band wagon? I condemn all who place blame for the actions of an obviously deranged person. Try and keep up.

Well, no I don't think he'd have drawn that conclusion because OWS don't show up to rallies with guns and signs like this.


TeaBaggers have a bad habit of doing that sort of thing.

OWS types show up with tamborines and guitars.

Now, if he killed 12 people with a guitar, then maybe he'd have a good reason to suspect some OWS Hippy.

Joe, you are such a fucking hack! It boggles the mind that you could be so dumb as to try and pass off that OBVIOUSLY photoshopped picture as legitimate.


I'm not sure why you think this was "photoshopped". Especially since hundreds of similar signs showed up at Teabagger rallies...

You know, you teabaggers (before the REpublican Establishment got done teabagging you, and tossed you to the side) were all happy to brandish your guns, until every mass shooting whacko became a suspected Teabagger.

But it was ok for ABC to dishonestly link him to the TEA Parties. That's a tad hypocritical, don't you think?

ABC screwed up and ABC will take a hit to it's credibility

Will Breitbart?

Breitbart was mocking ABC... personally, I can see the funny side of that... but I'm not a big fan of Breitbart.... any more than I am of ABC. Generally, I'm not a fan of the 'news' media. They are, in the main, a bunch of agenda and ratings driven hacks who long ago sacrificed the truth in favor of their particular brand of politics. The rest of you can regurgitate their crap, I won't. I'm far too intelligent.
But it was ok for ABC to dishonestly link him to the TEA Parties. That's a tad hypocritical, don't you think?

ABC screwed up and ABC will take a hit to it's credibility

Will Breitbart?

Breitbart was mocking ABC... personally, I can see the funny side of that... but I'm not a big fan of Breitbart.... any more than I am of ABC. Generally, I'm not a fan of the 'news' media. They are, in the main, a bunch of agenda and ratings driven hacks who long ago sacrificed the truth in favor of their particular brand of politics. The rest of you can regurgitate their crap, I won't. I'm far too intelligent.


ABC screwed up and ABC will take a hit to it's credibility

Will Breitbart?

Breitbart was mocking ABC... personally, I can see the funny side of that... but I'm not a big fan of Breitbart.... any more than I am of ABC. Generally, I'm not a fan of the 'news' media. They are, in the main, a bunch of agenda and ratings driven hacks who long ago sacrificed the truth in favor of their particular brand of politics. The rest of you can regurgitate their crap, I won't. I'm far too intelligent.



How the fuck would you know? You're far too stupid to understand irony. Moron.

Still butthurt because Gingrich didn't beat Romney, huh? :lol::lol::lol:
But it was ok for ABC to dishonestly link him to the TEA Parties. That's a tad hypocritical, don't you think?

ABC screwed up and ABC will take a hit to it's credibility

Will Breitbart?

Breitbart was mocking ABC... personally, I can see the funny side of that... but I'm not a big fan of Breitbart.... any more than I am of ABC. Generally, I'm not a fan of the 'news' media. They are, in the main, a bunch of agenda and ratings driven hacks who long ago sacrificed the truth in favor of their particular brand of politics. The rest of you can regurgitate their crap, I won't. I'm far too intelligent.

We have heard your bullshit before

When are you going to start using your self professed intelligence to begin enlightening the rest of us on what the media is not telling us?
ABC screwed up and ABC will take a hit to it's credibility

Will Breitbart?

Breitbart was mocking ABC... personally, I can see the funny side of that... but I'm not a big fan of Breitbart.... any more than I am of ABC. Generally, I'm not a fan of the 'news' media. They are, in the main, a bunch of agenda and ratings driven hacks who long ago sacrificed the truth in favor of their particular brand of politics. The rest of you can regurgitate their crap, I won't. I'm far too intelligent.

We have heard your bullshit before

When are you going to start using your self professed intelligence to begin enlightening the rest of us on what the media is not telling us?

Where did I claim I knew what the media is not telling you? See, that's what I mean... you are incapable of basic comprehension, you demonstrate absolutely no critical thought. You lack the capacity to understand the word 'question' when applied to the media... you just accept what they tell you as gospel. I don't. That's what makes me smarter than you. I don't presume the media is honest. I don't regurgitate the media's bullshit and call it 'fact'. You do. Twit.
Breitbart was mocking ABC... personally, I can see the funny side of that... but I'm not a big fan of Breitbart.... any more than I am of ABC. Generally, I'm not a fan of the 'news' media. They are, in the main, a bunch of agenda and ratings driven hacks who long ago sacrificed the truth in favor of their particular brand of politics. The rest of you can regurgitate their crap, I won't. I'm far too intelligent.

We have heard your bullshit before

When are you going to start using your self professed intelligence to begin enlightening the rest of us on what the media is not telling us?

Where did I claim I knew what the media is not telling you? See, that's what I mean... you are incapable of basic comprehension, you demonstrate absolutely no critical thought. You lack the capacity to understand the word 'question' when applied to the media... you just accept what they tell you as gospel. I don't. That's what makes me smarter than you.
I don't regurgitate the media's bullshit and call it 'fact'. You do. Twit.

Sorry babe...

But you are no smarter than Stephanie or Willow
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ABC screwed up and ABC will take a hit to it's credibility

Will Breitbart?

Breitbart was mocking ABC... personally, I can see the funny side of that... but I'm not a big fan of Breitbart.... any more than I am of ABC. Generally, I'm not a fan of the 'news' media. They are, in the main, a bunch of agenda and ratings driven hacks who long ago sacrificed the truth in favor of their particular brand of politics. The rest of you can regurgitate their crap, I won't. I'm far too intelligent.



You know, I just read the report at Brietbart, and the irony here is inescapable.
Breitbart was mocking ABC... personally, I can see the funny side of that... but I'm not a big fan of Breitbart.... any more than I am of ABC. Generally, I'm not a fan of the 'news' media. They are, in the main, a bunch of agenda and ratings driven hacks who long ago sacrificed the truth in favor of their particular brand of politics. The rest of you can regurgitate their crap, I won't. I'm far too intelligent.



How the fuck would you know? You're far too stupid to understand irony. Moron.

Still butthurt because Gingrich didn't beat Romney, huh? :lol::lol::lol:

The ironic thing is you think you are intelligent... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
We have heard your bullshit before

When are you going to start using your self professed intelligence to begin enlightening the rest of us on what the media is not telling us?

Where did I claim I knew what the media is not telling you? See, that's what I mean... you are incapable of basic comprehension, you demonstrate absolutely no critical thought. You lack the capacity to understand the word 'question' when applied to the media... you just accept what they tell you as gospel. I don't. That's what makes me smarter than you.
I don't regurgitate the media's bullshit and call it 'fact'. You do. Twit.

Sorry babe...

But you are no smarter than Stephanie or Willow

I think there is a combined IQ of about 5 between the three of them.
ABC screwed up and ABC will take a hit to it's credibility

Will Breitbart?

Breitbart was mocking ABC... personally, I can see the funny side of that... but I'm not a big fan of Breitbart.... any more than I am of ABC. Generally, I'm not a fan of the 'news' media. They are, in the main, a bunch of agenda and ratings driven hacks who long ago sacrificed the truth in favor of their particular brand of politics. The rest of you can regurgitate their crap, I won't. I'm far too intelligent.

We have heard your bullshit before

When are you going to start using your self professed intelligence to begin enlightening the rest of us on what the media is not telling us?

Now, dammit, RW, when people flaunt their superiority, the last thing you do is ask them to actually DEMONSTRATE it.
The psychos at Breitbart thought they had a scoop. Sad...

James Holmes, the suspect arrested in connection with the mass shootings at a screening of the new Batman movie early this morning in Aurora, CO, could be a registered Democrat, according to documents obtained by Breitbart News. Earlier, ABC News’ Brian Ross and George Stephanopoulos speculated on Good Morning America that Holmes was a Tea Party member, based solely on a name appearing on a Tea Party website.

» Dark Knight Shooting Suspect James Holmes Could Be Registered Democrat Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

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