ABC News..Brian Ross says Batman shooter has tea party page.

We no longer have journalist on TV we have news hacks that have an agends and need ratings. What ever happened to verifing facts before putting the news out there. The tea party has never advocated violence.
The tea partying Jim Holmes should own ABC.

Just like the Trayvon case, the libtard media blew its load too soon. For the love of humanity, I hope they are better than that in bed. Sheesh.
The silence we've endured on this guy's affiliation, if any, has been deafening since the first barrage of "The Right Wingers Did It" from the Leftie commentators Could it be that this guy Holmes has left wing affiliations instead, ie OWS, and the folks over at ABC, CBS, CNN, and NBC are just busy figuring out a way to spin it. A 24 year old Colorado university grad student from Southern Cal, how much more liberal a background would you want? Its not like he graduated from Liberty University either.

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Colorado Tea Partier Fingered By ABC News’ Brian Ross As Batman Movie Shooter Says He Still Hasn’t Heard From Them Or Received An Apology…
You all are sounding pretty defensive. We don't know whether this guy has a Teaparty website or not.
You all are sounding pretty defensive. We don't know whether this guy has a Teaparty website or not.

That's just the problem. It was assumed and wished for that he did. Instead of discovering a connection, he has to prove that there is not one.
Not just signs, but the tea baggers have shown up and paraded with assault rifles and hand guns at their events.

Automatic Weapons at Political Rally - YouTube

It's called the 'right to bear arms'.

But I do recall one certain news outlet having an outright hissy fit about some 'white guy with an assualt rifle' at a TEA Party event. Turned out, that particular TEA Partier was black. Don't you ever feel embarrassed being led around by the nose by your masters?

Learned the difference between 'vile' and 'vial' yet, moron?
Ross's speculation was irresponsible and damaging. I have seen no evidence that it was deliberate or that it was intended to advance a political narrative. If Ross thought that there wasn't any evidence that the alleged shooter was affiliated with the Tea Party surely he would have realized that claiming otherwise would damage his own credibility. Far more likely, Ross thought that what he suggested was true and was trying to get the notion out as fast as possible to avoid being "scooped".

I doubt ABC could be successfully sued over this. Ross made it clear that he wasn't saying that the alleged shooter was definitely associated with the Tea Party, and there does not seem to be a falsehood on which to hang a libel charge. Ross's words were irresponsible, but not factually inaccurate.

Where I see malice is he had to look to find a reference to the Tea Party. There is no way that you could have Googled James Holmes and found a reference to a small Tea Party group in the top results before yesterday.
Ross's speculation was irresponsible and damaging. I have seen no evidence that it was deliberate or that it was intended to advance a political narrative. If Ross thought that there wasn't any evidence that the alleged shooter was affiliated with the Tea Party surely he would have realized that claiming otherwise would damage his own credibility. Far more likely, Ross thought that what he suggested was true and was trying to get the notion out as fast as possible to avoid being "scooped".

I doubt ABC could be successfully sued over this. Ross made it clear that he wasn't saying that the alleged shooter was definitely associated with the Tea Party, and there does not seem to be a falsehood on which to hang a libel charge. Ross's words were irresponsible, but not factually inaccurate.

Any media who cares more about the 'scoop' than the truth does not deserve to be in business.... which may explain why ABC's ratings are diving. You can only lie so often before people stop believing you.

Anyone who defends ABC is either a cretin or a left wing hack. Which are you?
Not just signs, but the tea baggers have shown up and paraded with assault rifles and hand guns at their events.

Automatic Weapons at Political Rally - YouTube

It's called the 'right to bear arms'.

But I do recall one certain news outlet having an outright hissy fit about some 'white guy with an assualt rifle' at a TEA Party event. Turned out, that particular TEA Partier was black. Don't you ever feel embarrassed being led around by the nose by your masters?

Learned the difference between 'vile' and 'vial' yet, moron?

Eat a dick California_fatty, no one cares what you bubber shaking triple chin has to say.

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Eat a dick California_fatty, no one cares what you bubber shaking triple chin has to say.

Phenomenal retort. Here is an example of the masterful rhetorical skills we've come to treasure from our resident Lefties. Just brilliant. Tells us BL, were you the president of your debating team in college or just the star pupil?

Either way, genius...just genius :eusa_whistle:

Hey, what's a 'bubber'?
Not just signs, but the tea baggers have shown up and paraded with assault rifles and hand guns at their events.

Automatic Weapons at Political Rally - YouTube

It's called the 'right to bear arms'.

But I do recall one certain news outlet having an outright hissy fit about some 'white guy with an assualt rifle' at a TEA Party event. Turned out, that particular TEA Partier was black. Don't you ever feel embarrassed being led around by the nose by your masters?

Learned the difference between 'vile' and 'vial' yet, moron?

No matter what it turned out to really be, the left is still repeating the original lie. In six months or less, Ross's lie will be repeated as if it were out of the Gospel. James Holmes being in the tea party will be an accepted fact.

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