ABC News..Brian Ross says Batman shooter has tea party page.

But it was ok for ABC to dishonestly link him to the TEA Parties. That's a tad hypocritical, don't you think?

ABC screwed up and ABC will take a hit to it's credibility

Will Breitbart?

Breitbart was mocking ABC... personally, I can see the funny side of that... but I'm not a big fan of Breitbart.... any more than I am of ABC. Generally, I'm not a fan of the 'news' media. They are, in the main, a bunch of agenda and ratings driven hacks who long ago sacrificed the truth in favor of their particular brand of politics. The rest of you can regurgitate their crap, I won't. I'm far too intelligent.

Damn, that's funny. An articulate idiot - is still an idiot...
ABC screwed up and ABC will take a hit to it's credibility

Will Breitbart?

Breitbart was mocking ABC... personally, I can see the funny side of that... but I'm not a big fan of Breitbart.... any more than I am of ABC. Generally, I'm not a fan of the 'news' media. They are, in the main, a bunch of agenda and ratings driven hacks who long ago sacrificed the truth in favor of their particular brand of politics. The rest of you can regurgitate their crap, I won't. I'm far too intelligent.

Damn, that's funny. An articulate idiot - is still an idiot...

who's posting under your name?
We have heard your bullshit before

When are you going to start using your self professed intelligence to begin enlightening the rest of us on what the media is not telling us?

Where did I claim I knew what the media is not telling you? See, that's what I mean... you are incapable of basic comprehension, you demonstrate absolutely no critical thought. You lack the capacity to understand the word 'question' when applied to the media... you just accept what they tell you as gospel. I don't. That's what makes me smarter than you.
I don't regurgitate the media's bullshit and call it 'fact'. You do. Twit.

Sorry babe...

But you are no smarter than Stephanie or Willow

And I suppose you think you are smart?
you're so smart you got atta boys from the two troll
Breitbart was mocking ABC... personally, I can see the funny side of that... but I'm not a big fan of Breitbart.... any more than I am of ABC. Generally, I'm not a fan of the 'news' media. They are, in the main, a bunch of agenda and ratings driven hacks who long ago sacrificed the truth in favor of their particular brand of politics. The rest of you can regurgitate their crap, I won't. I'm far too intelligent.

Damn, that's funny. An articulate idiot - is still an idiot...

who's posting under your name?

Did you pull that out of a fortune cookie, or what?
Where did I claim I knew what the media is not telling you? See, that's what I mean... you are incapable of basic comprehension, you demonstrate absolutely no critical thought. You lack the capacity to understand the word 'question' when applied to the media... you just accept what they tell you as gospel. I don't. That's what makes me smarter than you.
I don't regurgitate the media's bullshit and call it 'fact'. You do. Twit.

Sorry babe...

But you are no smarter than Stephanie or Willow

And I suppose you think you are smart?
you're so smart you got atta boys from the two troll

I just complimented you

I said you are as intelligent as California Girl. You should be proud. She has a Masters from Oxford you know
Sorry babe...

But you are no smarter than Stephanie or Willow

And I suppose you think you are smart?
you're so smart you got atta boys from the two troll

I just complimented you

I said you are as intelligent as California Girl. You should be proud. She has a Masters from Oxford you know

Stepford, maybe, but not Oxford.

American Madrasas: Inside the Stepford Republiban Factory
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Sorry babe...

But you are no smarter than Stephanie or Willow

And I suppose you think you are smart?
you're so smart you got atta boys from the two troll

I just complimented you

I said you are as intelligent as California Girl. You should be proud. She has a Masters from Oxford you know

I thought she said she was parking cars. Or that she had access to a private jet. Or something . . .
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And I suppose you think you are smart?
you're so smart you got atta boys from the two troll

I just complimented you

I said you are as intelligent as California Girl. You should be proud. She has a Masters from Oxford you know

I thought she said she was parking cares.

Hey, you're back to posting on the bottom...I was worried about you there for awhile...they get the meds straight I take it?:lol:
I think you need to get back on your medication.

Clearly, anyone with that name would have to take precautions thanks to stupid people.

I think what Ross did was unprofessional, but he works in a business where that sort of thing abounds, and he wanted to go with it before anyone else got it.

Do you think he just went to air with this? I've been in media for decades. I know this inside out. He didn't just pop off like on twitter.

Ross went to air with this. He went thru a quizzillion checks to put this out there.

So he went through a quizzillion checks to put out information they would have to retract within minutes, with egg all over their faces? Really?

Do you people hear yourselves sometimes.

People make mistakes. Like when Fox News identified Tim Foley as a Democrat when he was caught "Bending over the Pages".

It's the Axelrod game. Mapes is of the same school. We accuse. You defend. We make the headline the story be damned. I know how David works.

It's disgusting.
ABC's Brian Ross reported this morning that there is "a Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado, page on the Colorado Tea party site... talking about him joining the Tea Party last year."

"Now, we don't know if this is the same Jim Holmes," Ross cautioned "but it's Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado."
Aurora shooting: ABC News draws possible Jim Holmes Tea Party connection -

I must also note that Brian Ross who maybe of ABC news pleaded not guility..

ST. ALBANS — Four men pleaded not guilty today at Franklin County District Court for their alleged roles in the ongoing case surrounding the death of Christopher Davis, 22.

Brian Ross, 23, Travis Bugbee, 23, Joshua Fortine, 29, and Stephen Wells, 36, all pleaded not guilty, with their defense attorneys arguing for their release.

Ross and Bugbee are charged with the assault and robbery of Davis who was found dead in the St. Albans City swimming pool more than three weeks after the alleged attack. Bugbee also faces an unlawful mischief count.

Death case arrests made | The Saint Albans Messenger

The Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado that is a member of the tea party is 51, Jim Holmes Aurora, Colorado the shooter is 22
I think you need to get back on your medication.

Clearly, anyone with that name would have to take precautions thanks to stupid people.

I think what Ross did was unprofessional, but he works in a business where that sort of thing abounds, and he wanted to go with it before anyone else got it.

Do you think he just went to air with this? I've been in media for decades. I know this inside out. He didn't just pop off like on twitter.

Ross went to air with this. He went thru a quizzillion checks to put this out there.

So he went through a quizzillion checks to put out information they would have to retract within minutes, with egg all over their faces? Really?

Do you people hear yourselves sometimes.

People make mistakes. Like when Fox News identified Tim Foley as a Democrat when he was caught "Bending over the Pages".

Yes you people...

1) You must mean Mark Foley
2) It was onscreen texts in a segment that labeled Foley a Democrat on
the O'Reilly Factor, not the main news

Besides, in the segment, where this "great conspiracy" occurred
“In the ‘Personal Story’ segment tonight [of the O'Reilly show] the conservative Washington Times today called for the resignation of
House Speaker Dennis Hastert over the Foley scandal,” reported O’Reilly. “The issue, it seems, is dividing conservatives.”

3) "Bending over" as you say, there was never accusations by the House that Mark Foley actually had sexual relations

4) Granted the Democrats were able to make political hay out of the sex scandal involving Rep. Mark Foley.

Of course their "outrage" is very selective. For example the Democrats were not as outraged when a Democrat, Gerry Studds,
had a sexual liaison with a House of Representative's 17-year-old male page. In fact, Gerry Studds, actually accused the
House of Representatives of invading his privacy. Studds was not just communicating with the boy, but involved in a sexual affair.

"Do you people hear yourselves sometimes"

Really, if one attempts to spin they need to make sure their
information is factual enough to be plausible. Granted, truth to the Left is never
very important and tends to be against them; but, the lie still needs to be plausible.

No doubt "you people" need to rework this line of defense of the MSM.
This one should go back into the hopper...
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You know the leftists/liberals/progressives/democraps are just chomping at the bit to politicize this. They don't give a rats ass about the victims. All they're frothing at the mouth about is the first chance they can get to scream "CONSERVATIVE," or "REPUBLICAN," or "TEA PARTY," and then start their pathetic demands for "MORE" GUN CONTROL. Sickening sons a bitches.

I wonder how many bloody, violent video games the shooter played? That's what people should take a look at, not more gun control.

One should look at these OWS loons in action, as well
h/t Gateway Pundit

Considering what just happened in Aurora, Colorado this was not only in poor taste but potentially dangerous.
An #Occupy goon taunted the police on Friday at a protest dressed as a clown and using an umbrella as if it were a gun – pointing and firing at police.

[ame=]Occupy Seattle Clown "Shoots" At Police With Umbrella Prop Gun - YouTube[/ame]

Even here one can see the MSM left template, at work
in terms of their lack of coverage

Just imagine if a white Tea Party member did this to a black police officer
We would be seeing this story every night on the news for at least, a month
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Do you think he just went to air with this? I've been in media for decades. I know this inside out. He didn't just pop off like on twitter.

Ross went to air with this. He went thru a quizzillion checks to put this out there.

So he went through a quizzillion checks to put out information they would have to retract within minutes, with egg all over their faces? Really?

Do you people hear yourselves sometimes.

People make mistakes. Like when Fox News identified Tim Foley as a Democrat when he was caught "Bending over the Pages".

It's the Axelrod game. Mapes is of the same school. We accuse. You defend. We make the headline the story be damned. I know how David works.

It's disgusting.

Or they just made a simple mistake.

I think that the MSM really does expect one of you teabaggers to go off on a shooting spree at some point, because a lot of you are unstable.

It just wasn't the case this time, and after they got it wrong with Giffords, they should have been more careful.
My first thought was "Did Holder arm this guy too?"

Well, yeah, but you're the kind of douche who will use the picture of a murdered officer to make a cheap political point...

Reminding people that the Attorney General an accomplice in the murder of a US citizen is now a "cheap political ploy"

You Obama Fluffers are fucking priceless
ABC's Brian Ross reported this morning that there is "a Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado, page on the Colorado Tea party site... talking about him joining the Tea Party last year."

"Now, we don't know if this is the same Jim Holmes," Ross cautioned "but it's Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado."
Aurora shooting: ABC News draws possible Jim Holmes Tea Party connection -

I must also note that Brian Ross who maybe of ABC news pleaded not guility..

ST. ALBANS — Four men pleaded not guilty today at Franklin County District Court for their alleged roles in the ongoing case surrounding the death of Christopher Davis, 22.

Brian Ross, 23, Travis Bugbee, 23, Joshua Fortine, 29, and Stephen Wells, 36, all pleaded not guilty, with their defense attorneys arguing for their release.

Ross and Bugbee are charged with the assault and robbery of Davis who was found dead in the St. Albans City swimming pool more than three weeks after the alleged attack. Bugbee also faces an unlawful mischief count.

Death case arrests made | The Saint Albans Messenger

The Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado that is a member of the tea party is 51, Jim Holmes Aurora, Colorado the shooter is 22

Good point.
As soon as information trickled out that the shooter was Jim Holmes from Aurora Co, someone at ABC Googled it and up popped the Tea Party Holmes. The obscure College student was below the radar. If the initial information about Holmes had an age, they probably would have realize they had the wrong guy.
But in the rush to be first, ABC screwed up, quickly acknowledged the error and somebody probably got canned

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