ABC News..Brian Ross says Batman shooter has tea party page.

Comprehension such a hard thing at times. I never said that there were not fools blaming other fools for what happened. What I said was that the liberal left would not put out the information regardless of the evidence. Do you really think that Ross would have jumped on the OWS band wagon? I condemn all who place blame for the actions of an obviously deranged person. Try and keep up.

Well, no I don't think he'd have drawn that conclusion because OWS don't show up to rallies with guns and signs like this.

TeaBaggers have a bad habit of doing that sort of thing.

OWS types show up with tamborines and guitars.

Now, if he killed 12 people with a guitar, then maybe he'd have a good reason to suspect some OWS Hippy.

Hello? Your fake photos are obvious. Sad. Just sad.

OMG someone on the frindge showed up with a sign, run for the hills. Yet the violence by the OWS is well known and widespread, not so with the Tea Parites.

Morning Bell: Occupy Wall Street Gets More Violent

Occupy Wall Street Gets More Violent

Comprehension such a hard thing at times. I never said that there were not fools blaming other fools for what happened. What I said was that the liberal left would not put out the information regardless of the evidence. Do you really think that Ross would have jumped on the OWS band wagon? I condemn all who place blame for the actions of an obviously deranged person. Try and keep up.

Well, no I don't think he'd have drawn that conclusion because OWS don't show up to rallies with guns and signs like this.


TeaBaggers have a bad habit of doing that sort of thing.

OWS types show up with tamborines and guitars.

Now, if he killed 12 people with a guitar, then maybe he'd have a good reason to suspect some OWS Hippy.

Hey mr tamborine man I lived those days.

My hair is still down to my waist and I still fight the good fight. You asswhipes are pitiful.
Breitbart News spoke to James Michael Holmes, the Tea Party member falsely identified this morning by ABC News' Brian Ross and George Stephanopoulos on Good Morning America as the possible suspect in the mass shooting early this morning at a screening of the new Batman movie, The Dark Knight Rises. He is a 52-year-old Hispanic conservative who joined the Tea Party after becoming disillusioned with the Republican party.

"It was freaky," said Holmes, describing his reaction when ABC News speculated that he was the culprit who entered a crowded theater and opened fire on dozens of innocent men, women, and children. He disconnected his telephone and says that he is worried about members of his family who might be contacted by the media

Exclusive: Interview With James Michael Holmes, Hispanic Tea Party Member Falsely Accused by ABC
Who cares and so what ?

If the guy belonged to the Tea what ?

If the guy belonged to the communist what ?

He must be off his rocker....and there are plenty of those in all camps. Just look at this board.

An earlier ABC News broadcast report suggested that a Jim Holmes of a Colorado Tea Party organization might be the suspect, but that report was incorrect," ABC News said in a statement. "ABC News and Brian Ross apologize for the mistake, and for disseminating that information before it was properly vetted."
This is why you can never trust these corrupt traitors they feel no obligation to the truth only their agenda-- to spread big government anti American way bullshit! So mad look how stupid this scumbag thinks of the Democrats he wants to idk "stir up"? What a punk hope I see him I'll tell him a thing or two lol :asshole:

Ross saw an opportunity and ran with it.

The seed is already planted, regardless of any apologies, so mission accomplished.

Your media.


I've just been having too much fun this summer. My tomatoes are rocking and my jalapenos are producing so wickedly.

I didn't want to get serious till September. Just having fun posting here and there.

Ross has changed the game. I want blood. I really want blood on the wall for what Ross did.

I'm coming out of the garden.

Ross saw an opportunity and ran with it.

The seed is already planted, regardless of any apologies, so mission accomplished.

Your media.


except the real guy that is in the tea party has grounds to sue ABC and Brian Ross. I hope he does.
Well now Breitbart contradicts ABC and claims the shooter is a Registered Democrat

Contra ABC News, Dark Knight Aurora, CO Shooting Suspect James Holmes Could Be Registered Democrat
Exclusive: Contra ABC News, Dark Knight Aurora, CO Shooting Suspect James Holmes Could Be Registered Democrat

Doesn't matter though. The one thing we know for sure, is the guys is totally nuts.
We all know how Democrats love to stockpile guns and explosives.

what we all know is that democrats kill innocent babies. it's called abortion.

Ross saw an opportunity and ran with it.

The seed is already planted, regardless of any apologies, so mission accomplished.

Your media.


except the real guy that is in the tea party has grounds to sue ABC and Brian Ross. I hope he does.

Yeah, me too. Maybe a few lawsuits and we'll see less of this crap.


So, have any of the right-wingers here demanded an apology from "The Daily Mail" for claiming he was a members of OWS without any proof whatsoever?

If you haven't, you really should. Otherwise, you're a massive hypocrite.

At least ABC did immediately issue a strong retraction, and an apology, when they found out the story was inaccurate.

I won't hold my breath to see the same from the Daily Mail, or any of you people, for that matter.
I don't know why anyone is surprised. He's no different than lying liberals everywhere.

They don't speak without lying, and when they get caught in lies, they drag out the ad hominems in an attempt to debase, degrade, and marginalize the opposition.

So it starts out like this...

Liberal: Tells a big fat lie.

Human: Points out the lie.

Liberal: Tells another lie about the human who caught them lying, usually something about that person's children, or maybe about their intelligence.

So he's told this humongous lie, and he'll defend himself by saying it's someone else's fault that he's a liar.

I believe that would be Rush Limbaugh you're thinking of.

He's not really a "Liberal".
There is no integrity in Journalism any more. The Main Stream Media is the worst at throwing integrity out the window. I'm just glad in this day and age we have other means to get news, between the two sides there is a middle and the truth.

Brian Ross wanted to "get the story first", the damage was done, there's no undoing it any more that what Obama said about business owners not doing it on their own.
So have the other 21 James Holmes' living in Colorado, I'd imagine.

You are such a liberal pig.You are one fucked up human being.

I think you need to get back on your medication.

Clearly, anyone with that name would have to take precautions thanks to stupid people.

I think what Ross did was unprofessional, but he works in a business where that sort of thing abounds, and he wanted to go with it before anyone else got it.

Really, Joe? Then I suppose you'd be OK with just letting an embezzling banker or broker go as well; I mean, after all, don't they also "work in a business where that sought of thing abounds" (at least according to you)? "But,but...everybody else does it!" is NOT an excuse, as every irresponsible teenager knows (perhaps your parents didn't teach you that?). If Ross were in the other political camp, and did something like this, you'd be demanding his head on a platter, no less, and you damn well know it. This was no "accident", no "mistake"; it was a deliberate lie told for the sake of a political agenda. Brian Ross knew the info wasn't vetted, but didn't care-it served his masters' agenda, and if it turned out to be false, what the hell, the impression would remain-reminds me of a lawyer saying something he knows is inadmissible; he knows it will be stricken, and the jury told to disregard it-but the suggestion will still be implanted in the minds of the jurors, even so. Lying, by any other name, is still LYING! It's not clever, it's not funny, and it's NOT excusable! Fire the sonofabitch!

Ross saw an opportunity and ran with it.

The seed is already planted, regardless of any apologies, so mission accomplished.

Your media.


except the real guy that is in the tea party has grounds to sue ABC and Brian Ross. I hope he does.

Yeah, me too. Maybe a few lawsuits and we'll see less of this crap.



Maybe not. He'd actually have to show harm to collect damages.

The only harm he suffered was a bunch of people called him before he disconnected his phone, and as I pointed out earlier, this was probably the case of the other 21 people named James Holmes living in CO.
except the real guy that is in the tea party has grounds to sue ABC and Brian Ross. I hope he does.

Yeah, me too. Maybe a few lawsuits and we'll see less of this crap.



Maybe not. He'd actually have to show harm to collect damages.

The only harm he suffered was a bunch of people called him before he disconnected his phone, and as I pointed out earlier, this was probably the case of the other 21 people named James Holmes living in CO.

I think he should try. ABC needs to have their asses handed back to them.
There is no integrity in Journalism any more. The Main Stream Media is the worst at throwing integrity out the window. I'm just glad in this day and age we have other means to get news, between the two sides there is a middle and the truth.

Brian Ross wanted to "get the story first", the damage was done, there's no undoing it any more that what Obama said about business owners not doing it on their own.

That's not new; there's NO integrity or ethics among the "journalists" of the MSM, and hasn't been, since dear old Uncle Walter went on the tube and called the Tet Offensive a "Military victory" for the Viet Cong and the NVA. That of course, was a direct, bald-faced lie - one more such "victory" for them, and we could have walked into Hanoi unopposed, and strung up Uncle Ho by his testicles! They've lied consistently ever since. There are three professions akin to the "world's oldest", but even less respectable and more immoral; prostitutes only sell their bodies; lawyers, politicians, and journalists sell their souls, which is something even the lowest common gutter slut won't do.
Yeah, me too. Maybe a few lawsuits and we'll see less of this crap.



Maybe not. He'd actually have to show harm to collect damages.

The only harm he suffered was a bunch of people called him before he disconnected his phone, and as I pointed out earlier, this was probably the case of the other 21 people named James Holmes living in CO.

I think he should try. ABC needs to have their asses handed back to them.

Yes, because a media that doesn't report or investigate anything out of fear of litigation would be a great boon....

The problem we have now is that most "news" organizations don't have reporters. They just repeat what each other say.

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