ABC News..Brian Ross says Batman shooter has tea party page.

Ross's speculation was irresponsible and damaging. I have seen no evidence that it was deliberate or that it was intended to advance a political narrative. If Ross thought that there wasn't any evidence that the alleged shooter was affiliated with the Tea Party surely he would have realized that claiming otherwise would damage his own credibility. Far more likely, Ross thought that what he suggested was true and was trying to get the notion out as fast as possible to avoid being "scooped".

I doubt ABC could be successfully sued over this. Ross made it clear that he wasn't saying that the alleged shooter was definitely associated with the Tea Party, and there does not seem to be a falsehood on which to hang a libel charge. Ross's words were irresponsible, but not factually inaccurate.

I understand absence of malice. So don't hand me shit. Ross specifically would see if this would fly. He wanted to throw it out there.

I have no doubt Ross will use absence of malice. I think a lawsuit against the company would do wonders though to force the left wing rabid maniacs at various media outlets to revisit the current policy of putting their politics on the front page instead of news.
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Yeah, and if there was a James Holmes associated with OWS, you can rest assured that they would have triple checked their facts before putting it out there.

Why would they bother triple checking? They would never have put it out they would do as Ross did and lie.
One thing for sure: Ross & ABC will have the bejeezus sued out of them, and rightfully so. This guy already had to turn his phone off and flee.

So have the other 21 James Holmes' living in Colorado, I'd imagine.

You are such a liberal pig.You are one fucked up human being.

I think you need to get back on your medication.

Clearly, anyone with that name would have to take precautions thanks to stupid people.

I think what Ross did was unprofessional, but he works in a business where that sort of thing abounds, and he wanted to go with it before anyone else got it.
I will give Ross a break on this because to my knowledge he does not have a history of doing sloppy or biased reporting and has been fair and down the middle in his reporting. Outside of this one incident I have been fairly impressed that the media did not go into the is he a Tea Party member or a Romney supporter or was he inspired by conservative talk radio like they did only hours after the Gabby Giffords shooting.

Maybe the shooter should be also forgiven because he too never committed a crime before. Or maybe your memory of Ross just ain't that good.
Yeah, and if there was a James Holmes associated with OWS, you can rest assured that they would have triple checked their facts before putting it out there.

Why would they bother triple checking? They would never have put it out they would do as Ross did and lie.

Try again, the radical right already did,..

Comprehension such a hard thing at times. I never said that there were not fools blaming other fools for what happened. What I said was that the liberal left would not put out the information regardless of the evidence. Do you really think that Ross would have jumped on the OWS band wagon? I condemn all who place blame for the actions of an obviously deranged person. Try and keep up.
Yeah, and if there was a James Holmes associated with OWS, you can rest assured that they would have triple checked their facts before putting it out there.

Why would they bother triple checking? They would never have put it out they would do as Ross did and lie.

Ross had a staffer looking for it. Can you imagine? The shooting wasn't bad enough to warrant headlines, the bastard had a staffer looking for a link to conservatives.

One more person ever tells me that the Main Stream Media is unbiased ( including my father in law )they're going to eat a knuckle sandwich.
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A factual mistake was reported THEN it was corrected.

How quickly was that done? Quickly enough that I only heard about the mistaken AND the correction at the same new cycle.

Trying to make a big damned deal about this is exactly the sort of nonsense that I'd expect from the right.
Why would they bother triple checking? They would never have put it out they would do as Ross did and lie.

Try again, the radical right already did,..

Comprehension such a hard thing at times. I never said that there were not fools blaming other fools for what happened. What I said was that the liberal left would not put out the information regardless of the evidence. Do you really think that Ross would have jumped on the OWS band wagon? I condemn all who place blame for the actions of an obviously deranged person. Try and keep up.

Well, no I don't think he'd have drawn that conclusion because OWS don't show up to rallies with guns and signs like this.


TeaBaggers have a bad habit of doing that sort of thing.

OWS types show up with tamborines and guitars.

Now, if he killed 12 people with a guitar, then maybe he'd have a good reason to suspect some OWS Hippy.
Yeah, and if there was a James Holmes associated with OWS, you can rest assured that they would have triple checked their facts before putting it out there.

Why would they bother triple checking? They would never have put it out they would do as Ross did and lie.

Ross had a staffer looking for it. Can you imagine? The shooting wasn't bad enough to warrant headlines, the bastard had a staffer looking for a link to conservatives.

One more person ever tells me that the Main Stream Media is unbiased ( including my father in law )they're going to eat a knuckle sandwich.

I think it a shame that ANYONE would make such a comment, about either side, without the facts. Without doubt that is what Ross did to say otherwise is to live in a fantasy land of liberal delusions.
So have the other 21 James Holmes' living in Colorado, I'd imagine.

You are such a liberal pig.You are one fucked up human being.

I think you need to get back on your medication.

Clearly, anyone with that name would have to take precautions thanks to stupid people.

I think what Ross did was unprofessional, but he works in a business where that sort of thing abounds, and he wanted to go with it before anyone else got it.

Do you think he just went to air with this? I've been in media for decades. I know this inside out. He didn't just pop off like on twitter.

Ross went to air with this. He went thru a quizzillion checks to put this out there.

Comprehension such a hard thing at times. I never said that there were not fools blaming other fools for what happened. What I said was that the liberal left would not put out the information regardless of the evidence. Do you really think that Ross would have jumped on the OWS band wagon? I condemn all who place blame for the actions of an obviously deranged person. Try and keep up.

Well, no I don't think he'd have drawn that conclusion because OWS don't show up to rallies with guns and signs like this.


TeaBaggers have a bad habit of doing that sort of thing.

OWS types show up with tamborines and guitars.

Now, if he killed 12 people with a guitar, then maybe he'd have a good reason to suspect some OWS Hippy.

Hello? Your fake photos are obvious. Sad. Just sad.
You are such a liberal pig.You are one fucked up human being.

I think you need to get back on your medication.

Clearly, anyone with that name would have to take precautions thanks to stupid people.

I think what Ross did was unprofessional, but he works in a business where that sort of thing abounds, and he wanted to go with it before anyone else got it.

Do you think he just went to air with this? I've been in media for decades. I know this inside out. He didn't just pop off like on twitter.

Ross went to air with this. He went thru a quizzillion checks to put this out there.

So he went through a quizzillion checks to put out information they would have to retract within minutes, with egg all over their faces? Really?

Do you people hear yourselves sometimes.

People make mistakes. Like when Fox News identified Tim Foley as a Democrat when he was caught "Bending over the Pages".
Comprehension such a hard thing at times. I never said that there were not fools blaming other fools for what happened. What I said was that the liberal left would not put out the information regardless of the evidence. Do you really think that Ross would have jumped on the OWS band wagon? I condemn all who place blame for the actions of an obviously deranged person. Try and keep up.

Well, no I don't think he'd have drawn that conclusion because OWS don't show up to rallies with guns and signs like this.


TeaBaggers have a bad habit of doing that sort of thing.

OWS types show up with tamborines and guitars.

Now, if he killed 12 people with a guitar, then maybe he'd have a good reason to suspect some OWS Hippy.

Hello? Your fake photos are obvious. Sad. Just sad.

Signs like this are seen at nearly every Tea Party rally..

Let's enjoy some more, shall we?


Why would they bother triple checking? They would never have put it out they would do as Ross did and lie.

Ross had a staffer looking for it. Can you imagine? The shooting wasn't bad enough to warrant headlines, the bastard had a staffer looking for a link to conservatives.

One more person ever tells me that the Main Stream Media is unbiased ( including my father in law )they're going to eat a knuckle sandwich.

I think it a shame that ANYONE would make such a comment, about either side, without the facts. Without doubt that is what Ross did to say otherwise is to live in a fantasy land of liberal delusions.

It's not a shame. It's not a fantasy land. Axelrod was sitting there with the data coming at him and he unloaded to make sure some one out there could make the connection to right wing.

Axelrod loves this shit. Just like Rahmn did. But now we catch them.

Always remember that Axelrod is a Mapes protege. we accuse you defend That's their motto.
Not just signs, but the tea baggers have shown up and paraded with assault rifles and hand guns at their events.

[ame=]Automatic Weapons at Political Rally - YouTube[/ame]
I think you need to get back on your medication.

Clearly, anyone with that name would have to take precautions thanks to stupid people.

I think what Ross did was unprofessional, but he works in a business where that sort of thing abounds, and he wanted to go with it before anyone else got it.

Do you think he just went to air with this? I've been in media for decades. I know this inside out. He didn't just pop off like on twitter.

Ross went to air with this. He went thru a quizzillion checks to put this out there.

So he went through a quizzillion checks to put out information they would have to retract within minutes, with egg all over their faces? Really?

Do you people hear yourselves sometimes.

People make mistakes. Like when Fox News identified Tim Foley as a Democrat when he was caught "Bending over the Pages".

It was purposeful.

It was by design.

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