ABC News..Brian Ross says Batman shooter has tea party page.

Yeah, and if there was a James Holmes associated with OWS, you can rest assured that they would have triple checked their facts before putting it out there.
I could certainly be wrong, but I don't think that a court would award damages to this James Holmes. My inexpert understanding of US libel law is that it generally requires a malicious falsehood. I don't see clear evidence for either malice on Ross's part or that his statements were factually incorrect. ABC might well settle with this Holmes if a suit is filed, of course. Such a decision would not hinge solely on the legal merits of his case.

Does he have a responsibility to at least check his facts? He said he was investigating and found... How do you investigate, and be this inaccurate?

In regards to your question as to whether Ross was behaving responsibly I would refer you to my first post in this thread (post 27) wherein I described his conduct as "irresponsible". I'm not sure I would say it was inaccurate, though. As far as I know, there was a James Holmes of Aurora, CO associated with the Tea Party and Ross did not know at the time whether this was the alleged shooter. I believe that is what he said.

The only reason he sputtered the info out was to stir the fire, he has a responsibility to be sure and not be the first to break the story. He was incredibly stupid and irresponsible and you noted that but now you are letting him off the hook.
Yet another example of newies trying to scoop each other..and irresponsibly.

Very bad form.

Sure it is.

Then why didn't they automatically like it to Holder and Fast and Furious?

I suggest folks respond as little as possible to this racist, he purposely has the N word in his sig so he can say it over and over and over, like racists like to do, so even though I am responding here, I suggest everyone stop responding to this filthy, disgusting racist and bigot

The only thing "racist " I see in that sig is not the quote, but the man who originally uttered it-that would be the "great, liberal democrat hero", Lyndon Baines Johnson.
he didnt kill anyone did he?

why is it OK for fox to flat out lie and not OK for a reporter to report that someone with the same name as the gunman and living in the same town as the gunman had ties to something in the middle of a breaking news report.

He NEVER claimed it was the same guy.

he said it might be him.

they appologised and said it wasnt him when they fleshed it out.

I have heard and seen Fox do much worse

Yes they should have confirmed the identity first.

Ive seen fox do it on purpose

Like all issues, you are asking disgusting excuses for human beings to use their brains, rightwingers never do that....

Fox lies all day long to the point of committing treason, the rest of the MSM has a lot of catching up to do...

You are the only person I have ever seen who made Truthmatters look smart by agreeing with her.
Yes they should have confirmed the identity first.

Ive seen fox do it on purpose

Like all issues, you are asking disgusting excuses for human beings to use their brains, rightwingers never do that....

Fox lies all day long to the point of committing treason, the rest of the MSM has a lot of catching up to do...

You are the only person I have ever seen who made Truthmatters look smart by agreeing with her.


That about gave me an asthma attack!
Making excuses.

That's what they do. It's someone else's fault that it happened. You watch.

You will note the only people who ignored the disclaimer in the original broadcast and spread it as if it were gospel it in the first place were liberal loons.
He kinda reminds me of one of those dudes who cracks and shoots up a movie theater. :eusa_whistle:

Precisely. "Mad" portends blind outrage without understanding why as in 'knee-jerk' without forethought. 'Angry' portends upset and knowing why and controlled response.

My mother told me long time ago that Humans get angry...animals go mad.

dear god, do you racist bigot morons need to be reminded what the entire planet thinks of you



You mean, what YOU think of us? The entire planet, no less, supposedly agrees with YOU, a creature which has yet to offer up anything resembling an original thought since it oozed, crawled or slithered in here? Wherever did you get the idea that such a comment is even remotely creative or amusing as an insult here? Well, it's not. Now, if you want to trade some REAL insults, head on over to the Flame Zone, where I can really light you up. I think you'll find you are a bit out of your depth, because you are not down in the meadow in the itty bitty poo anymore, and you ain't in Kansas, either.

What a surprise. The liberal media at it again.

I wonder how many threads will be started by the lefty parrots here claiming the same false association?

shh, stupid and ignorant people who viciously hate America, like you , need to learn to be quiet when an adult is speaking

Adult? What adult? Surely you are not implying that YOU.....naaah, couldn't be. Now, be a good little larva of whatever questionable species you belong to, and go hide behind Truthdoesn'tmatter's skirt, before someone accidentally steps on you.
What a piece of shit! The cocksucker knew what he was doing and did it anyways. 80% of the fools will only know about the BASELESS INACCURATE GARBAGE that came out of Ross's mouth and know nothing about the apology!

The leftist media has no honor!

James Holmes 'incorrect' tea party report: ABC News apologizes -
ABC News and Brian Ross are apologizing for an "incorrect" report that James Holmes, the suspect in the Colorado theater shooting, may have had connections to the Tea Party.

"An earlier ABC News broadcast report suggested that a Jim Holmes of a Colorado Tea Party organization might be the suspect, but that report was incorrect," ABC News said in a statement. "ABC News and Brian Ross apologize for the mistake, and for disseminating that information before it was properly vetted."

In a similar statement released minutes earlier, ABC News said the report was "incorrect" but did not include the apology. "Several other local residents with similar names were also contacted via social media by members of the public who mistook them for the suspect," the initial statement read.

ABC's apology comes after Ross reported this morning that there is "a Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado, page on the Colorado Tea party site... talking about him joining the Tea Party last year."

This was predicable and it's only the beginning. Every time there is a shooting like this, the left tries to make it political. Well, except for the Fort Hood shooting. On that one, they downplayed everything, especially the guy yelling "Allah" when he fired on those people.

They deem it politically incorrect to keep talking about the incident if it's a Muslim, liberal or minority suspect, otherwise they attempt to connect it with anything on the right. Facts are irrelevant. This is campaign season, so they try to tie it in with the tea party and hope that will somehow reflect on the Republican candidate.

Never mind that the guy went to several liberal colleges.

Every time something like this happens, the innocent people are told they shouldn't have guns. The criminals don't give a shit one way or the other what the lawmakers do.

I wish one of those people in that theater had a concealed weapon permit and that they had taken the guy out right away. That never happens because the innocent people obey the law. We may never see an incident where the innocent people come out unharmed and only the nutjob gets hauled away in the coroner's van.

There are places, like malls, that are known to be gun free, at least it's known that the honest people don't walk in with guns. Criminals could take that as a green light. No resistance if they chose to go in and shoot the place up.

Expect even more wild theories to surface. They are extremely desperate and will latch on to damn near anything if they think it might further their agenda.
TDM posts nekkid from the waist down. They take her pants to keep her from choking herself with them.
Election year? No appetite for gun-law reform? That's a shame.

It's a very bad joke to kill innocent people or to be a governor whose government allows anyone to get so much firepower for their own personal unsupervised use and allows that unnecessary fire-power to be used against defenceless citizens.

What a piece of shit! The cocksucker knew what he was doing and did it anyways. 80% of the fools will only know about the BASELESS INACCURATE GARBAGE that came out of Ross's mouth and know nothing about the apology!

The leftist media has no honor!

James Holmes 'incorrect' tea party report: ABC News apologizes -
ABC News and Brian Ross are apologizing for an "incorrect" report that James Holmes, the suspect in the Colorado theater shooting, may have had connections to the Tea Party.

"An earlier ABC News broadcast report suggested that a Jim Holmes of a Colorado Tea Party organization might be the suspect, but that report was incorrect," ABC News said in a statement. "ABC News and Brian Ross apologize for the mistake, and for disseminating that information before it was properly vetted."

In a similar statement released minutes earlier, ABC News said the report was "incorrect" but did not include the apology. "Several other local residents with similar names were also contacted via social media by members of the public who mistook them for the suspect," the initial statement read.

ABC's apology comes after Ross reported this morning that there is "a Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado, page on the Colorado Tea party site... talking about him joining the Tea Party last year."

This was predicable and it's only the beginning. Every time there is a shooting like this, the left tries to make it political. Well, except for the Fort Hood shooting. On that one, they downplayed everything, especially the guy yelling "Allah" when he fired on those people.

They deem it politically incorrect to keep talking about the incident if it's a Muslim, liberal or minority suspect, otherwise they attempt to connect it with anything on the right. Facts are irrelevant. This is campaign season, so they try to tie it in with the tea party and hope that will somehow reflect on the Republican candidate.

Never mind that the guy went to several liberal colleges.

Every time something like this happens, the innocent people are told they shouldn't have guns. The criminals don't give a shit one way or the other what the lawmakers do.

I wish one of those people in that theater had a concealed weapon permit and that they had taken the guy out right away. That never happens because the innocent people obey the law. We may never see an incident where the innocent people come out unharmed and only the nutjob gets hauled away in the coroner's van.

There are places, like malls, that are known to be gun free, at least it's known that the honest people don't walk in with guns. Criminals could take that as a green light. No resistance if they chose to go in and shoot the place up.

Expect even more wild theories to surface. They are extremely desperate and will latch on to damn near anything if they think it might further their agenda.

They don't just make it political, they lyingly attribute it to the right...knowing full well they are lying as they do it. It's a criminal act of criminals who seek to overthrow and overpower a majority.

That's who they are. And they will continue in this vein. That's why Obama's not concerned about the election. He believes his goons will protect him and preserve his status as leader regardless of the election results.
What a piece of shit! The cocksucker knew what he was doing and did it anyways. 80% of the fools will only know about the BASELESS INACCURATE GARBAGE that came out of Ross's mouth and know nothing about the apology!

The leftist media has no honor!

James Holmes 'incorrect' tea party report: ABC News apologizes -
ABC News and Brian Ross are apologizing for an "incorrect" report that James Holmes, the suspect in the Colorado theater shooting, may have had connections to the Tea Party.

"An earlier ABC News broadcast report suggested that a Jim Holmes of a Colorado Tea Party organization might be the suspect, but that report was incorrect," ABC News said in a statement. "ABC News and Brian Ross apologize for the mistake, and for disseminating that information before it was properly vetted."

In a similar statement released minutes earlier, ABC News said the report was "incorrect" but did not include the apology. "Several other local residents with similar names were also contacted via social media by members of the public who mistook them for the suspect," the initial statement read.

ABC's apology comes after Ross reported this morning that there is "a Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado, page on the Colorado Tea party site... talking about him joining the Tea Party last year."

Actually, I don't think he knew what he was doing. I do not believe he did this trying to make a political statement. Someone fed him the info and he went with not thinking it could be wrong. Bottom line though is that it was typical bad reporting as we have seen much of lately. It seems like every news service is so worried about beating their rivals to the punch that they will report anything without confirmation. It really has been getting bad and has become an embarrassment for a number of news organizations.
Ross's speculation was irresponsible and damaging. I have seen no evidence that it was deliberate or that it was intended to advance a political narrative. If Ross thought that there wasn't any evidence that the alleged shooter was affiliated with the Tea Party surely he would have realized that claiming otherwise would damage his own credibility. Far more likely, Ross thought that what he suggested was true and was trying to get the notion out as fast as possible to avoid being "scooped".

I doubt ABC could be successfully sued over this. Ross made it clear that he wasn't saying that the alleged shooter was definitely associated with the Tea Party, and there does not seem to be a falsehood on which to hang a libel charge. Ross's words were irresponsible, but not factually inaccurate.

You don't think the wrong guy (fifty year old James Holmes) they fingered has a great case for a lawsuit? I disagree.

Not likely. I heard what he said, and he did state they weren't certain it was the same James Holmes. He said it was a Jim Holmes, but he also stated it hadn't been confirmed that it was the same person. What he reported was actually truthful, he didn't know, and ABC didn't know. The bigger point is that they shouldn't be throwing stuff out there without confirming it first, even if they do say "it may not be so".
Maybe they'll read it on air!

Ok ok just kidding, we all know that won't happen. It's not like they're committed to actually reporting anything in the first place.
Aurora Shooting: ABC's Brian Ross Incorrectly Suggests Tea Party Link (VIDEO)

Earlier today, paulitician said he's "Democrat".

We saw the same thing happen with the Giffords shooter. We're all in such a big hurry to lay blame but trut is, he's none of those.

What he really is - is crazy. He's sad and truly sick and his life is over. He was pre-med, PhD candidate, apparently intelligent and mentally ill.

You can say he's left of left or right of right but none of it matters because, he's SICK.

BTW, in that way, he's very much like George Zimmerman.

What is wrong here is that we go out of our way to make sure the sickest and most evil among us can go online and buy tear gas and assault weapons and ammo clips that hold more rounds than any normal user needs.

What happens now?

We will rant and rave and say we should "DO" something about it but then, we'll all go back to our day to day worries and some will come here and screech "asswipe" but our congress is terrified of the NRA and nothing will happen.

Until the next time.

We don't have all the facts. For example, how many people in the theatre attacked him and started banging his head on the concrete before he started shooting?

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