ABC News..Brian Ross says Batman shooter has tea party page.

Aurora Shooting: ABC's Brian Ross Incorrectly Suggests Tea Party Link (VIDEO)

Earlier today, paulitician said he's "Democrat".

We saw the same thing happen with the Giffords shooter. We're all in such a big hurry to lay blame but trut is, he's none of those.

What he really is - is crazy. He's sad and truly sick and his life is over. He was pre-med, PhD candidate, apparently intelligent and mentally ill.

You can say he's left of left or right of right but none of it matters because, he's SICK.

BTW, in that way, he's very much like George Zimmerman.

What is wrong here is that we go out of our way to make sure the sickest and most evil among us can go online and buy tear gas and assault weapons and ammo clips that hold more rounds than any normal user needs.

What happens now?

We will rant and rave and say we should "DO" something about it but then, we'll all go back to our day to day worries and some will come here and screech "asswipe" but our congress is terrified of the NRA and nothing will happen.

Until the next time.

For the most part I agree. Well said luddly.

Politics should be the LAST thing we move to in a situation like this.
Our hearts go out to the victims and thier familes.

I just hope we as a people dont jump to changing how we enjoy our friday nights... this guy is not the norm.... we Americans are great people and will deal with this horrible event and move on as a society.

As a side note, my daughters went to a movie theatre last night... this could have happened to any of us.
shh, stupid and ignorant people who viciously hate America, like you , need to learn to be quiet when an adult is speaking

Either support or retract that accusation, you low-life little piece of shit. Hurry up.

Why give it the satisfaction of getting bent out of shape over its bullshit? Just laugh at it. It doesn't mean it... it's just trying to get you to make a fool of yourself. Not that you need any help doing that.

When your opinion is needed you'll be told to speak. Until then, STFU.
Either support or retract that accusation, you low-life little piece of shit. Hurry up.

Why give it the satisfaction of getting bent out of shape over its bullshit? Just laugh at it. It doesn't mean it... it's just trying to get you to make a fool of yourself. Not that you need any help doing that.

stop pretending you are a girl, for one, and stop pretending you have a brain

it really is obvious that you dont

now there is no way for me to know your gender, but if you are female and you are a con, then you are really not very bright, are you
I can guarantee that she is both a young woman AND a damned site brighter than you.
What a piece of shit! The cocksucker knew what he was doing and did it anyways. 80% of the fools will only know about the BASELESS INACCURATE GARBAGE that came out of Ross's mouth and know nothing about the apology!

The leftist media has no honor!

James Holmes 'incorrect' tea party report: ABC News apologizes -
ABC News and Brian Ross are apologizing for an "incorrect" report that James Holmes, the suspect in the Colorado theater shooting, may have had connections to the Tea Party.

"An earlier ABC News broadcast report suggested that a Jim Holmes of a Colorado Tea Party organization might be the suspect, but that report was incorrect," ABC News said in a statement. "ABC News and Brian Ross apologize for the mistake, and for disseminating that information before it was properly vetted."

In a similar statement released minutes earlier, ABC News said the report was "incorrect" but did not include the apology. "Several other local residents with similar names were also contacted via social media by members of the public who mistook them for the suspect," the initial statement read.

ABC's apology comes after Ross reported this morning that there is "a Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado, page on the Colorado Tea party site... talking about him joining the Tea Party last year."

Yep he's objective, what a tool, this guy will probably blame the tea party for every shooting, and will look like a fool everytime
The left always tries to tie events like this to someone linked to the Republican Party, Tea Party or Conservatives in general. They never check their facts first and just come out with what they think will stick. It's their standard operating procedure. The shooter, being from California, most likely was a strong Obama supporter I'm guessing...
They were desperate and they took a chance. Who is going to criticize ABC?.... NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, Media Matters? Nobody in the liberal media is going to be outraged about the cheap trick ABC tried to pull so they are pretty much in the clear. Years ago before the advent of talk radio and fair and balanced news sources and the independent internet they wouldn't even have to apologize.
I will give Ross a break on this because to my knowledge he does not have a history of doing sloppy or biased reporting and has been fair and down the middle in his reporting. Outside of this one incident I have been fairly impressed that the media did not go into the is he a Tea Party member or a Romney supporter or was he inspired by conservative talk radio like they did only hours after the Gabby Giffords shooting.
I have yet to speak of the shooting itself in a political light and will not start now, But I am condemning the right wing reaction on this board. I do not watch TV news for the very good reason that it is usually full of crap so I cannot speak to the specific statement made on ABC but I can speak directly to reactions of various members of this board and I find many of them to be disgustingly misdirected into tea party damage control and unmindful and without sympathy for the dead.

You are condemning the right wing reaction on this board....fucking priceless....:clap2:

Yes I am, Except for one notable exception I have yet to see anything that looks like sympathy and respect for the innocent dead.

I haven't seen the dead. Too many leftists standing on top of them screeching "See? SEE?! Tea Partiers!!"
The people calling for his firing are hypocrites, expecting levels of accuracy they do not even want from their own "trusted" sources of "news".
Remember the Gabby Giffortds shooting, how the left immediately jumped to the conclusion that the shooter was a right wing extremeist.

I fully expected to hear the same thing in this tragedy.
I don't know why anyone is surprised. He's no different than lying liberals everywhere.

They don't speak without lying, and when they get caught in lies, they drag out the ad hominems in an attempt to debase, degrade, and marginalize the opposition.

So it starts out like this...

Liberal: Tells a big fat lie.

Human: Points out the lie.

Liberal: Tells another lie about the human who caught them lying, usually something about that person's children, or maybe about their intelligence.

So he's told this humongous lie, and he'll defend himself by saying it's someone else's fault that he's a liar.
Ross's speculation was irresponsible and damaging. I have seen no evidence that it was deliberate or that it was intended to advance a political narrative. If Ross thought that there wasn't any evidence that the alleged shooter was affiliated with the Tea Party surely he would have realized that claiming otherwise would damage his own credibility. Far more likely, Ross thought that what he suggested was true and was trying to get the notion out as fast as possible to avoid being "scooped".

I doubt ABC could be successfully sued over this. Ross made it clear that he wasn't saying that the alleged shooter was definitely associated with the Tea Party, and there does not seem to be a falsehood on which to hang a libel charge. Ross's words were irresponsible, but not factually inaccurate.
Ross's speculation was irresponsible and damaging. I have seen no evidence that it was deliberate or that it was intended to advance a political narrative. If Ross thought that there wasn't any evidence that the alleged shooter was affiliated with the Tea Party surely he would have realized that claiming otherwise would damage his own credibility. Far more likely, Ross thought that what he suggested was true and was trying to get the notion out as fast as possible to avoid being "scooped".

I doubt ABC could be successfully sued over this. Ross made it clear that he wasn't saying that the alleged shooter was definitely associated with the Tea Party, and there does not seem to be a falsehood on which to hang a libel charge. Ross's words were irresponsible, but not factually inaccurate.

You don't think the wrong guy (fifty year old James Holmes) they fingered has a great case for a lawsuit? I disagree.
You don't think the wrong guy (fifty year old James Holmes) they fingered has a great case for a lawsuit? I disagree.

I could certainly be wrong, but I don't think that a court would award damages to this James Holmes. My inexpert understanding of US libel law is that it generally requires a malicious falsehood. I don't see clear evidence for either malice on Ross's part or that his statements were factually incorrect. ABC might well settle with this Holmes if a suit is filed, of course. Such a decision would not hinge solely on the legal merits of his case.
You don't think the wrong guy (fifty year old James Holmes) they fingered has a great case for a lawsuit? I disagree.

I could certainly be wrong, but I don't think that a court would award damages to this James Holmes. My inexpert understanding of US libel law is that it generally requires a malicious falsehood. I don't see clear evidence for either malice on Ross's part or that his statements were factually incorrect. ABC might well settle with this Holmes if a suit is filed, of course. Such a decision would not hinge solely on the legal merits of his case.

Does he have a responsibility to at least check his facts? He said he was investigating and found... How do you investigate, and be this inaccurate?
You don't think the wrong guy (fifty year old James Holmes) they fingered has a great case for a lawsuit? I disagree.

I could certainly be wrong, but I don't think that a court would award damages to this James Holmes. My inexpert understanding of US libel law is that it generally requires a malicious falsehood. I don't see clear evidence for either malice on Ross's part or that his statements were factually incorrect. ABC might well settle with this Holmes if a suit is filed, of course. Such a decision would not hinge solely on the legal merits of his case.

Does he have a responsibility to at least check his facts? He said he was investigating and found... How do you investigate, and be this inaccurate?

By allowing an emotional political agenda to trump rational thought.
You don't think the wrong guy (fifty year old James Holmes) they fingered has a great case for a lawsuit? I disagree.

I could certainly be wrong, but I don't think that a court would award damages to this James Holmes. My inexpert understanding of US libel law is that it generally requires a malicious falsehood. I don't see clear evidence for either malice on Ross's part or that his statements were factually incorrect. ABC might well settle with this Holmes if a suit is filed, of course. Such a decision would not hinge solely on the legal merits of his case.

Does he have a responsibility to at least check his facts? He said he was investigating and found... How do you investigate, and be this inaccurate?

In regards to your question as to whether Ross was behaving responsibly I would refer you to my first post in this thread (post 27) wherein I described his conduct as "irresponsible". I'm not sure I would say it was inaccurate, though. As far as I know, there was a James Holmes of Aurora, CO associated with the Tea Party and Ross did not know at the time whether this was the alleged shooter. I believe that is what he said.

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