ABC News..Brian Ross says Batman shooter has tea party page.

"mad" is appropriate. Humans grow angry...a distinction there...:eusa_whistle:

He kinda reminds me of one of those dudes who cracks and shoots up a movie theater. :eusa_whistle:

Precisely. "Mad" portends blind outrage without understanding why as in 'knee-jerk' without forethought. 'Angry' portends upset and knowing why and controlled response.

My mother told me long time ago that Humans get angry...animals go mad.

dear god, do you racist bigot morons need to be reminded what the entire planet thinks of you


While the rhetoric from both sides on the board has gotten heated, I'm more than a little confused by those posting here who are now mad at people who defended the Tea Party through the morning.

When people suggested that it was too soon to be discussing the shooter's motivations and that stating that a) He might belong to the Tea Party and therefore implying b) that his possible affiliation with the Tea Party might be relevant to why he committed mass murder...people here were quick to shout back a litany of excuses including some that can only be meant to silence dialogue ("How dare you defend the Tea Party when these people aren't even cold yet!").

In other words...we should allow the media to vilanize NOT the actual monster who shot these people, but rather a political organization based on flimsy, speculative, and downright shoddy journalism.


It seems to me that the real problem here is an out-of-control media with an agenda...and those citizens who support the media's CONTINUED promotion of its own agenda despite its claims of impartiality and non-bias.

The victims of this crime deserve our prayers. I do not doubt for a moment that everyone on this board, regardless of political leaning, feels sorry for these people and their families.

But this is a political message board - not a prayer vigil. The discussion about the media's ongoing "1984-esque" desire to make the news tell the story it wants to tell, rather than what is actually occurring should be as important to us as any other story currently being discussed today.

If we can not discuss it when we have such a BLATANT, FLAGRANT example of how casually the news media can use poor journalism during a tragedy as an excuse to crucify a political group...then when CAN we discuss it?

You are working from the concept that the corporate media is indeed the evil liberal media bent on the destruction of the right, going to have to prove that load of crap first.

I'm glad you ask to "prove it" first...
Would you say that if you donate money to a political party that would mean hmmm I'd like to see my money back a winner! I mean you wouldn't give money to a party that you didn't want to win upcoming elections would you?

" identified 144 journalists who made political contributions
from 2004 through the start of the 2008 campaign, according to the public records of the Federal Election Commission.
Most of the newsroom checkbooks leaned to the left:
125 journalists gave to Democrats and liberal causes.

Only 17 gave to Republicans.
Two gave to both parties."
Journalists give campaign cash - politics -

So which party did over 85% of Identified journalists donate $$ to ? Democrats.

So would you say a MSM Editor would have some opinion regarding political bias?
"There is a liberal bias. It's demonstrable. You look at some statistics.
About 85 percent of the reporters who cover the White House vote Democratic, they have for a long time.
There is a, particularly at the networks, at the lower levels, among the editors and the so-called infrastructure, there is a liberal bias.-
Newsweek Washington Bureau Chief Evan Thomas

This same NewsWeek editor when asked:
our job is to bash the president, that's what we do." -- Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington, February 2, 2007. Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President' |

But what does this hardened "professional journalist" say about Democrat Obama??
I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God." –
"he's sort of God"! Really.. Objective hard newsmagazine editor referring to Obama as a "God"!

* More than four-fifths of the journalists interviewed voted for the Democratic presidential candidate in every election between 1964 and 1976.
* “Fifty-four percent placed themselves to the left of center, compared to only 19 percent who chose the right side of the spectrum,” Lichter and Rothman’s survey of journalists discovered"
* “Fifty-six percent said the people they worked with were mostly on the left, and only 8 percent on the right — a margin of seven-to-one.”
* Nearly half of the journalists surveyed agreed that “the very structure of our society causes people to feel alienated,” while the authors found “five out of six believe our legal system mainly favors the wealthy.”
* 30 percent disagreed that “private enterprise is fair to workers;” 28 percent agreed that “all political systems are repressive.”
* 54 percent did not regard adultery as wrong, compared to only 15 percent who regarded it as wrong.
* “Ninety percent agree that a woman has the right to decide for herself whether to have an abortion; 79 percent agree strongly with this pro-choice position.”
* Majorities of journalists agreed with the statements: “U.S. exploits Third World, causes poverty” (56 percent); and “U.S. use of resources immoral” (57 percent). Three-fourths disagreed that the “West had helped Third World.”

Exhibit 1-1: The Media Elite | Media Research Center

Want more Proof??? of MSM bias???
Yes they should have confirmed the identity first.

Ive seen fox do it on purpose

Like all issues, you are asking disgusting excuses for human beings to use their brains, rightwingers never do that....

Fox lies all day long to the point of committing treason, the rest of the MSM has a lot of catching up to do...

they used to call clinton a murderer and have called Obama an non citizen.

all based on crazy assed lies.

they labeled Rs who got in trouble as dems.

they held back reporting on tainted milk to help a sponser.

then sued for the right to lie to their viewers.

LINKS on all that please? We all want to see them.
And your last item is totally open to interpretation so lets leave that one alone for now. It's been hashed and rehashed to our complete boredom.
For those who live in the region:

Bonfils Blood Center is currently accepting appointments from community members wanting to donate blood on behalf of the Aurora movie theatre shootings that occurred early this morning. All six Denver metro donor centers are open today until 7 p.m. and there are also mobile drives open to the public. Please call 303-363-2300 or visit to schedule your appointment and find a donor center/mobile drive nearest you. We are particularly in need of O-, A- and platelets and ask that donors with those blood types please consider donating. As of this time, Bonfils has met the needs of the local hospitals involved in this tragedy and is asking that donors not only donate today but make appointments in the coming days to help replenish our blood supply.

:clap2::clap2: Well done, Emma.

I agre with you "Girl" and Emma good post!!!!
They have no agenda other than ratings and profits. Even Fox would change their political tone if it was no longer profitable to act as if they actually like the libertarian/conservative segment of society. snip
Are you out of your mind?
Look at their ratings compared to FoxNews and tell me again their motivation is "ratings and profits"
I'm surprised that CEO of ABC News isn't a Cabinet level position in the obama administration.

Quit whining that the truth often has a liberal bias.

The truth isn't biased, dumb ass.
What a piece of shit! The cocksucker knew what he was doing and did it anyways. 80% of the fools will only know about the BASELESS INACCURATE GARBAGE that came out of Ross's mouth and know nothing about the apology!

The leftist media has no honor!

James Holmes 'incorrect' tea party report: ABC News apologizes -
ABC News and Brian Ross are apologizing for an "incorrect" report that James Holmes, the suspect in the Colorado theater shooting, may have had connections to the Tea Party.

"An earlier ABC News broadcast report suggested that a Jim Holmes of a Colorado Tea Party organization might be the suspect, but that report was incorrect," ABC News said in a statement. "ABC News and Brian Ross apologize for the mistake, and for disseminating that information before it was properly vetted."

In a similar statement released minutes earlier, ABC News said the report was "incorrect" but did not include the apology. "Several other local residents with similar names were also contacted via social media by members of the public who mistook them for the suspect," the initial statement read.

ABC's apology comes after Ross reported this morning that there is "a Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado, page on the Colorado Tea party site... talking about him joining the Tea Party last year."
What a piece of shit! The cocksucker knew what he was doing and did it anyways. 80% of the fools will only know about the BASELESS INACCURATE GARBAGE that came out of Ross's mouth and know nothing about the apology!

The leftist media has no honor!

James Holmes 'incorrect' tea party report: ABC News apologizes -
ABC News and Brian Ross are apologizing for an "incorrect" report that James Holmes, the suspect in the Colorado theater shooting, may have had connections to the Tea Party.

"An earlier ABC News broadcast report suggested that a Jim Holmes of a Colorado Tea Party organization might be the suspect, but that report was incorrect," ABC News said in a statement. "ABC News and Brian Ross apologize for the mistake, and for disseminating that information before it was properly vetted."

In a similar statement released minutes earlier, ABC News said the report was "incorrect" but did not include the apology. "Several other local residents with similar names were also contacted via social media by members of the public who mistook them for the suspect," the initial statement read.

ABC's apology comes after Ross reported this morning that there is "a Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado, page on the Colorado Tea party site... talking about him joining the Tea Party last year."

He is a cocksucker that's for damn sure. Do you think he'll lose his job? Why hell fucking no he won't.

What a surprise. The liberal media at it again.

I wonder how many threads will be started by the lefty parrots here claiming the same false association?

shh, stupid and ignorant people who viciously hate America, like you , need to learn to be quiet when an adult is speaking

Either support or retract that accusation, you low-life little piece of shit. Hurry up.
What a piece of shit! The cocksucker knew what he was doing and did it anyways. 80% of the fools will only know about the BASELESS INACCURATE GARBAGE that came out of Ross's mouth and know nothing about the apology!

The leftist media has no honor!

James Holmes 'incorrect' tea party report: ABC News apologizes -
ABC News and Brian Ross are apologizing for an "incorrect" report that James Holmes, the suspect in the Colorado theater shooting, may have had connections to the Tea Party.

"An earlier ABC News broadcast report suggested that a Jim Holmes of a Colorado Tea Party organization might be the suspect, but that report was incorrect," ABC News said in a statement. "ABC News and Brian Ross apologize for the mistake, and for disseminating that information before it was properly vetted."

In a similar statement released minutes earlier, ABC News said the report was "incorrect" but did not include the apology. "Several other local residents with similar names were also contacted via social media by members of the public who mistook them for the suspect," the initial statement read.

ABC's apology comes after Ross reported this morning that there is "a Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado, page on the Colorado Tea party site... talking about him joining the Tea Party last year."

He is a cocksucker that's for damn sure. Do you think he'll lose his job? Why hell fucking no he won't.

Not a chance! If he defames the left he would be gone, but the right gets him a bonus!
Liberals tell lies just get it out there to mold people's minds.

Some won't find out it is a lie and then believe it, see who posts here.

They claimed the AZ shooter was a "Republican" until it was proven he was an anarchist, but they got their message across...."White, male conservative Republican in the west shoots innocent people in parking lot, especially a female Democrap politician."
Who cares and so what ?

If the guy belonged to the Tea what ?

If the guy belonged to the communist what ?

He must be off his rocker....and there are plenty of those in all camps. Just look at this board.
What a surprise. The liberal media at it again.

I wonder how many threads will be started by the lefty parrots here claiming the same false association?

shh, stupid and ignorant people who viciously hate America, like you , need to learn to be quiet when an adult is speaking

Either support or retract that accusation, you low-life little piece of shit. Hurry up.

Why give it the satisfaction of getting bent out of shape over its bullshit? Just laugh at it. It doesn't mean it... it's just trying to get you to make a fool of yourself. Not that you need any help doing that.
fox lied about tainted milk to save a advertiser some shame.

then sued for the right to lie about anything
One thing for sure: Ross & ABC will have the bejeezus sued out of them, and rightfully so. This guy already had to turn his phone off and flee.
He kinda reminds me of one of those dudes who cracks and shoots up a movie theater. :eusa_whistle:

Precisely. "Mad" portends blind outrage without understanding why as in 'knee-jerk' without forethought. 'Angry' portends upset and knowing why and controlled response.

My mother told me long time ago that Humans get angry...animals go mad.

dear god, do you racist bigot morons need to be reminded what the entire planet thinks of you



There's NOTHING racist or bigoted in my post.

TWERP. :eusa_hand:
Oh for F's sake. Twice in two separate threads I've found myself agreeing with Soggy in NOLA. It must be time for a Friday afternoon cocktail or three...
Are you out of your mind?
Look at their ratings compared to FoxNews and tell me again their motivation is "ratings and profits"
I'm surprised that CEO of ABC News isn't a Cabinet level position in the obama administration.

Quit whining that the truth often has a liberal bias.

The truth isn't biased, dumb ass.

absolutely. The Truth has no agenda. [See my sigline]


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