ABC News suppressed Jeffrey Epstein story for years

Shocking! Just shocking I tell you!

Suppression of news that is important to Americans?!?? Just....... Just shocking.

Who would do such a thing??

Hint: The scummiest scumbag pieces of fucking shit to ever exist on the Planet Earth -- dimocrap FILTH.

That's who
Where were the Rs when all this happened?
No. The R Party did nothing. They are just as culpable as the Ds. It’s a duopoly after all.

Just leave children alone.

They don't belong to society, they are not sex toys, educate them properly and leave the nefarious out of it

And absolutely anyone paying attention knows it's not happening
Fox News is hardly the biggest News Network in the world. In fact, they deal more in Commentary than they do in News. Plus, they kinda suck as a news network. Bigly. Trump hates them, and I'm not wild about them. The only reason I go there is because the Legacy media sucks so very, very badly. And since Rupert has given the keys to the Kingdom to his worthless spawn things have gotten, and I suspect will continue to get, worse.

All they got anymore is Gutfeld. Hannity can't speak the English Language since he got his teeth worked on. He spits and hisses all over everything like a rabid cat. Jesse Waters is okay but -- Again, it's all commentary. News commentary.

I don't consider FNC a 'Hard News' outlet. If I want 'hard' news, I go to the Daily Mail. They're fairly centered and don't have a dog-in-the-fight.

Smaller sites that are USA-Based are sometimes okay. But they're almost exclusively aggregators.

All the rest are propagandists. Period. Trust me on that. I have known and worked with Media Types off and on much of my life. I know the type. The hard-bitten, trenchcoat-wearing, tough-as-nails reporter who will risk his life to get at the truth is long gone. What's left is mostly females that want 'change the world' and be a part of that change.

The problem is -- They'll work for nothing, or next-to-nothing because they're not Journalists, they're evangelists. Most of them come from money, the vast majority of them do, and they are exactly the wrong people to have in one of the most important industries in our Country.
1. They actually are the biggest news network, at least legally.
2. Why didn't they cover it?
1. They actually are the biggest news network, at least legally.
2. Why didn't they cover it?

It's not even close. ABC gets almost 8 times the viewers in the same time slot as FNC. In fact, when all the evening news shows are on, FNC ranks well below the DISGUSTING FILTH.

Did you not know that or were you, as usual, playing games with the truth?

That's what I thought.
Where were the Rs when all this happened?

Ask Alex Acosta, corruption, blackmail, bribery, nor pedos know any political party boundaries. There are only 2 things that matter, money and power.
Here's an ABC reporter talking about it on camera. The network suppressed the story for years.

They knew, and did nothing. In fact, they threatened anyone who would try to get the story out.

All to protect a bunch of shitstain pedophiles like Bill Clinton and Bill Gates.

This was even posted here aon usmb a while ago

I'm sure theirs leftards on the thread flat out flailing their arms like the massive tards they are

Why don't you ask them, why don't you ask ABC why they refused to report the story, or do you only care about Fox?
The OP picked out ABC, why didn't he ask them instead of posting this thread?

I'm simply doing what he did.
The OP picked out ABC, why didn't he ask them instead of posting this thread?

I'm simply doing what he did.

So you don't care that ABC intentionally buried the story, you only care why Fox didn't report it when it was an ABC journalist who did the story to begin with (which is what the op is about, idiot) and was told it wouldn't be aired?

You're not very bright. :dunno:
So you don't care that ABC intentionally buried the story, you only care why Fox didn't report it when it was an ABC journalist who did the story to begin with (which is what the op is about, idiot) and was told it wouldn't be aired?

You're not very bright. :dunno:

Well he was watching Fox..... roflmao

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