Abe Lincoln had a team of rivals, FDR had a team of geniuses, Trump has a team of killers, now Joe Biden wants Kasich & Meg Whitman in his cabinet!

Biden is willing to listen to opposing points of view.

Trump only wants a Cabinet that tells him how great he is
Biden is willing to listen to opposing points of view.

Trump only wants a Cabinet that tells him how great he is
Biden gonna do what the newly minted potentially Prog Congress and Prog puppet masters tell him to do. Trump had the then Progs at the White House a year into his job or so and they fed them the Communist Manifesto. The Prog plays to win in everything. But others lose because of it. Social Justice equals the destruction of traditional marriages. And that can only happen for so long before the system caves in on itself. Despots when they take over have always push the traditional family unit. Global government people not withstanding.
Biden is willing to listen to opposing points of view.

Trump only wants a Cabinet that tells him how great he is
Biden gonna do what the newly minted potentially Prog Congress and Prog puppet masters tell him to do. Trump had the then Progs at the White House a year into his job or so and they fed them the Communist Manifesto. The Prog plays to win in everything. But others lose because of it. Social Justice equals the destruction of traditional marriages. And that can only happen for so long before the system caves in on itself. Despots when they take over have always push the traditional family unit. Global government people not withstanding.
Biden has made it clear that HE is the Democratic Party

He is calling the shots
Is there any chance that Elizabeth Warren would serve in his cabinet? I’m not against somebody like Ohio Governor Kasich serving — that may be wise politically — but there are crucial tax and banking and Wall Street reforms that will need to be at least raised (I don’t expect much to be adopted) if the Democrats — after an interim Biden Presidency — expect to have any appeal or ammunition ready for the next period. The “left” of the party is pathetic at present, absorbed mostly by identity politics, and to grow and mature it needs to create a program that makes economic sense in this new age of Modern Monetary Theory state capitalism.

If the Democrats win a significant victory (hardly certain) they will preside over a major infrastructure job-creating program, but the country will remain deeply in debt and divided. Even if they manage to avoid an economic collapse, Democrats will need a real social democratic program including raising funds by taxing the great international corporations, speculative capital transactions, the 1% of the super-wealthy, etc. They will have to avoid wars, and show they are moving to meet the social needs of the working people!

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