Abolish the political parties within the government

Leave it to someone who calls himself a "revolutionary" to call for abolishing political parties. How do you go about accomplishing that little revolutionary tactic? Call out the Army and shoot every American who has the nerve to call himself a republican or democrat? Raid the headquarters of political parties and place the leaders in jail? A guy with a funny little moustache tried it in Germany about 80 years ago.
What makes you think we have different parties?

Republican and Democrat parties... lol am I missing something

There are no real differences in the end result of what they do. They make claims and pay lip service to ideals but when they get in office they make government larger more invasive. What you are calling for would end up becoming a single party and that is the first step towards fascism. That is where we are heading now but your way would just get rid of the pretense.
I do not understand why it is so hard to realize that I am not talking about banning political parties. I am trying to get people to NOT vote Republican or Democrat. I feel that neither candidates are beneficial for this country. All the 2 parties do is fight on their ideologies, while the American people suffer. We need to stop ascribing to political parties and vote Independent. How many times do people not like either republican or democratic representative, but vote for the one who they think is "the lesser of the two evils". We as American should vote for who we want out of hope, not fear. We can't be scared of one candidate, so we vote for the other. Political Parties vote within their party lines and screw whoever feels different. How does that sound like a democracy? The candidate should only speak for the people in their district who elected them. We can all stop voting for political parties, it really is that simple. Nobody is holding a gun to our head and forcing us to continue this madness.
Government can't ban parties or funding.

With a Constitutional amendment funding could be changed. That's what would have to happen. Whine all you want about parties and lobbyists, but it's the money that makes the world go round. If we're the ones providing the money, then the world revolves around US.
You kids should grow up and learn something about our laws and Constitution before hatching any more stupid 'movements' or making uninformed declarations.

my dear friend you are the one who sounds ignorant..so perhaps you should go back to school and learn to think before you talk

That statement was as empty and meaningless as your head, kid.

Ok buddy if you have nothing intelligent to say, which I haven't seen anything yet, then go play with the little children.. they like to point fingers and call people names just like you do lol
Leave it to someone who calls himself a "revolutionary" to call for abolishing political parties. How do you go about accomplishing that little revolutionary tactic? Call out the Army and shoot every American who has the nerve to call himself a republican or democrat? Raid the headquarters of political parties and place the leaders in jail? A guy with a funny little moustache tried it in Germany about 80 years ago.

simple minds have to see beyond party lines and see that we are ALL Americans. Parties do nothing but seek what is best for their party, not the country as a whole.
i think the ts has the right idea at heart.

i am all for more political parties getting more mainstream attention and exposure. unfortunately it seems as if the only way that happens is with the money to pay for advertising and getting your message out to the public.

i think more people are waking up and realizing an oligarchy runs this country
the only difference between the 2 parties is rhetoric.

divide and conquer. look at how worked up people here get over issues
the only difference between the 2 parties is rhetoric.

divide and conquer. look at how worked up people here get over issues

I know which is sad lol I am not trying to attack anyone, just trying to make this country the best that it possibly can. And while republicans AND democrats continue to fight over which party is right, we as Americans get left behind..
i think the ts has the right idea at heart.

i am all for more political parties getting more mainstream attention and exposure. unfortunately it seems as if the only way that happens is with the money to pay for advertising and getting your message out to the public.

i think more people are waking up and realizing an oligarchy runs this country

Good! Maybe they'll listen to reasons for getting the money out of politics. Create a system where more voices can be heard without drowning them out with cash and you'll get the other parties you want.

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