Aborted fetus = Lucky bastard?

...for you to acknowledge that their are only two possible outcomes relating to a pregnancy.

Im still waiting on your to acknowledge that there is the reality of equality regarding prenatal decisions about the life of the child.

but, I don't have a vagina to follow around like a cat to a laser pointer so...
Im still waiting on your to acknowledge that there is the reality of equality regarding prenatal decisions about the life of the child.

I have numerous times. The reality of equality is that equality can NEVER be achieved if the two parents disagree about bringing the child into this world.

Do you even know what the word equal means?
Again you miss the point by a country mile. Those sources support my position. They are using the issue to help republicans get elected you idiot.

I can't prove what is in the heart of another anymore than you can. To suggest that a few news sources does any such thing is to out-Allie Allie.


I tellya.. not a bad bargain considering the rest of W's clusterfuck. Are you really this stupid to think that the two new guys, ONE who took Renquist's fucking chair, are NOT about to overturn RvW at the very first chance

Finds no support for abortion rights in Constitution
Judge Roberts' public positions on abortion and Roe vs. Wade appear to be inconsistent. In 1990, as the principal deputy solicitor general in President George H.W. Bush's administration, Roberts wrote a legal brief for the Supreme Court in a case regarding federal funding for abortion providers. "We continue to believe that Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided and should be overruled," Roberts wrote. His brief added: "The Supreme Court's conclusion in Roe that there is a fundamental right to an abortion finds no support in the text, structure or history of the Constitution."

But during the 2003 Senate confirmation hearings on his appellate court nomination, Roberts took the position that abortion rights were no longer debatable. "Roe vs. Wade is the settled law of the land," he told lawmakers. "There's nothing in my personal views that would prevent me from fully and faithfully applying that precedent." But abortion rights groups are convinced that Roberts is opposed to abortion.


* Roe v. Wade is more than settled as precedent. (Jan 2006)
* Wife is strongly pro-life. (Jul 2005)
* Finds no support for abortion rights in Constitution. (Jul 2005)
* Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided. (Jul 2005)
* Prohibit family-planning programs from giving abortion info. (Jul 2005)
* Ok for Operation Rescue to target abortion clinics. (Jul 2005)
* Roe v. Wade is settled law. (Jul 2005)
* Doctors who get federal fund may not mention abortion. (Jul 2005)
* Limit funding for abortion clinics. (Feb 2003)


Roberts Avoids Specifics on Abortion Issue

hook, line and WHAT? I guess it could be the case that you really are this fucking stupid.
I only wish that we could actually place a wager on this. I'd bet a king's ransom and laugh all the way to the bank. You are a fool if you really believe that RvW is in any real danger of being overturned.
I have numerous times. The reality of equality is that equality can NEVER be achieved if the two parents disagree about bringing the child into this world.

Do you even know what the word equal means?

and, that is where you are wrong.

as it once was the case that abortion was illegal, your short sighted, stale ass opinion will facilitate the return of such draconian policy. You really have nothing to stand on besides kissing female ass, dude. The science isn't in your corner. The POLITICS isnot in your corner. Culture is not even really in your corner since no one will insist that paternal rights are the product of a mysogeny in this day and age of fatherless homes.

but hey.. at least you creamed this thread all up and maybe even impressed some e-nooky, eh?
So you think it is possible to be half-pregnant. I get it.

Thanks for demonstrating your stupidity in front of God and everyone.
e·qual·i·ty (-kwl-t)
n. pl. e·qual·i·ties
1. The state or quality of being equal.
2. Mathematics A statement, usually an equation, that one thing equals another.

and there is the fucking definition, dude. Maybe you can point out where it says Imopssible to Establish.
e·qual·i·ty (-kwl-t)
n. pl. e·qual·i·ties
1. The state or quality of being equal.
2. Mathematics A statement, usually an equation, that one thing equals another.

and there is the fucking definition, dude. Maybe you can point out where it says Imopssible to Establish.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Keep swinging retard!!
...even after considerable prodding, Shogun still refuses to acknowledge the simple fact of reality that a pregnancy can result in ONE OF ONLY TWO discrete possible outcomes.
I only wish that we could actually place a wager on this. I'd bet a king's ransom and laugh all the way to the bank. You are a fool if you really believe that RvW is in any real danger of being overturned.

yup... because a 30 year old byproduct of a supreme court case IS just like fucking infinity plated diamonds!

for fucks sake, dude... more drastic social policy in place for hudreds of years have been repealed and you think RvW is the teflon don of Scotus cases?

Yes, I would love to place a long term wager too. In fact, I hope you remember me laughing at you someday when you are foaming at the mouth wondering how the majority of the voting American population moves to solve the abortion issue outside of what YOU think is entirely a female decision.
So you think it is possible to be half-pregnant. I get it.

Thanks for demonstrating your stupidity in front of God and everyone.

um, can you quote me?

who said anything about being HALF pregnant? Were women HALF pregnant when they were giving birth to children before RvW?

holy SHIT you are really this desperate, arent you?
...even after considerable prodding, Shogun still refuses to acknowledge the simple fact of reality that a pregnancy can result in ONE OF ONLY TWO discrete possible outcomes.

um, how is this in any way, shape or form even remotely close to your suggestion that there simply can be NO prenatal equality? Have I said anything to the effect of mentioning a half-birth? a deflated fetus? a semi-child? no?


poor guy.. I'd probably try to run to weird non-sequiters too if I were having my ass handed to me this bad in a thread, dude.

Maybe if you took as much time to comprehend....

It's the only logical inference considering your refusal to acknowledge that there are only two possible, discrete outcomes from a pregnancy.

no, it's really not.

but thanks for playing!
um, how is this in any way, shape or form even remotely close to your suggestion that there simply can be NO prenatal equality?

Since leaps of logic are not your strong suit, I need to explain this step by step. The first step is to recognize that a pregnancy has only TWO discrete, possible outcomes.

Once you've acknowledged this, I'll move on to the next step.
Since leaps of logic are not your strong suit, I need to explain this step by step. The first step is to recognize that a pregnancy has only TWO discrete, possible outcomes.

Once you've acknowledged this, I'll move on to the next step.

ahhh.. so you are just ASSuming that his is my position. Well, that makes more sense given your pattern of profound posts and mountain of science supporting your silly position.

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