Aborted fetus = Lucky bastard?

are you fucking kidding me?

If you ever have sex,, if he ever has sex, etc are NOT speculating about the sex life of those posting in this thread, eh?


way to be disingenuous. I mean, I talk shit too but at least I have the fucking backbone to stand behind what I post.

and yes, when a man's DNA mixes with a woman's DNA to make a brand fucking new human then the man should have, at the very least, AS MUCH perogative as the woman. You seem to think that women get to call every shot REGARDLESS OF THEIR SIMILAR ZIPPER DECISION. Sorry, killing a human that is NOT merely your body isn't your vaginal prerogative any more than it is a drunk driver who achieves the same result..

Honestly, I had no idea you and Taoman were a couple...and I did not speculate about your sex life with him. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Sorry, it's impossible for the man to have the same say. It's been explained to you over and over yet again but you just refuse to grasp the logic.

They sure have you fooled.

prove it. I'll match you source for source.

I'll post evidence of the 04 charge to overturn RvW (hence the whole litmus test question and avoided answer by each nominee) and you can post whatever it is that you think suggests otherwise.

OR, continue giving Ravir those puppydog eyes as if kissing female ass will make your point for you.
No. Not that specific.

Merely that on one issue he rails against government regulation of what he wants to do and on another issue calls for more government regulation of what he doesn't want others to do. Even though the issues themselves are markedly dissimilar, his self-serving hypocrisy stills shines right on through.

Got it. He should just admit that in each and every case he believes he should get his own way and the rest of the population be damned.

And having it in their election tool-kit keeps a fairly sizable segment of their base wholly intact and voting republican every election. Sure, they'd love to piss that away.


yea... every political platform is just a facade!

nope.. NO effort in 30 ears to politically pull RvW by the pubs..


wow you both crack me up.
prove it. I'll match you source for source.

I'll post evidence of the 04 charge to overturn RvW (hence the whole litmus test question and avoided answer by each nominee) and you can post whatever it is that you think suggests otherwise.

OR, continue giving Ravir those puppydog eyes as if kissing female ass will make your point for you.

Hook, line and sinker.

I never took you for such a simpleton, but I'm glad you've now set me straight.
well, it's simply your OPINION to be sure. and, maybe it's very true that they won't get support from the birkenstock crowd.. so be it.

but, please, do be as stupid as Mani and suggest that there is not a motivated effort to overturn RvW 30 years after the fact.

Sweetie, Mani's got more sense in his pinkie toe than you've got in that huge fat head of yours.
In a world where so few things are as simple as black and white, Shogun, mantle-bearer for the arrogant ignoratti, is desperately trying to shade gray one of those few things. At the end of the day, either the kid is aborted, or the kid is born, there is no in-between compromise. Shogun can't even acknowledge this simple fact of reality.

meh.. your ad hominems are about as interesting as a gray bowl of paste for lunch, dude. Hell, at least mine are humorous.

I can acknowledge something simple alright.. your ability to comprehend the law outside of the typical left wing "gosh I wish I could protest something" standard issue mehlman-esque talking points.
Wow, you give us slack in the work force? So impressive. You really have no concept of constitutional rights, do you Shogun?

funny that YOU would talk about constitutional rights given that you seem to think they only apply to women in the case of parental rights..

and yes, men made room for you in the work force. boofuckinghoo if you have to do the same when it comes to the product of your mutually shared promiscuity.
...for you to acknowledge that their are only two possible outcomes relating to a pregnancy.
No. Not that specific.

Merely that on one issue he rails against government regulation of what he wants to do and on another issue calls for more government regulation of what he doesn't want others to do. Even though the issues themselves are markedly dissimilar, his self-serving hypocrisy stills shines right on through.

oh well..

THAT kinda backfired, didn't it?

shit.. better scramble, dude!

Honestly, I had no idea you and Taoman were a couple...and I did not speculate about your sex life with him. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Sorry, it's impossible for the man to have the same say. It's been explained to you over and over yet again but you just refuse to grasp the logic.

I am at all suggesting that we ARE a couple. You've made disparaging references to the sexual frequency of any man who makes a comment that doesn't sound like Mani's yearning for his own vagina. You do this in order to insinuate that a man who wants his paternal rights is some ogre who cant get laid. As if lilith fair feminazis have a monopoly on pussy..

And no, it's not impossible for a man to have prenatal input. You might just find yourself knowing this after the pro-life crowd remind you that your tired ass "my body" bullshit arguement is about 30 years overdone.
Got it. He should just admit that in each and every case he believes he should get his own way and the rest of the population be damned.

um.. because I CANT dig up stories of men being fucked out of their paternal rights but are routinely raked through the child support coals?> Or, did you mean because there is no evidence that a FETUS is the product of shared DNA and is NOT merely an extension of your body?


holy SHIT that's not ironic considering what you want to tell half of the entire fucking population about their parental rights, eh?


btw, what is lilith fair? Lesbian? Are you implying that women that are rational are lesbians?

lolol! You are a grumpy old man worried about penis envy.

no, Im insinuating that you uber-vagina types have no more interest in equality that chaffes your vaginal opinon any more than the good le boy network has room for a female at the golf outing. Has nothing to do with penis envy. Has everything to do with equality. If you can't handle that then perhaps you should recall what suffrage was all about rather than use your vagina like a new secret handshake for a new dominant class.
Hook, line and sinker.

I never took you for such a simpleton, but I'm glad you've now set me straight.

Did you want to play this game or is this where you slink off into the shadows hoping no one rememnbers that I just called you out on your stupid shit?

say when bitch. I have no less than 5 tabs from news sources open right now that convey the impact of pro-lifers in the 04 election - specifically relevant were the nomination of SCOTUS judges.

come on, dude.. don't, uh, PUSS out now!

Sweetie, Mani's got more sense in his pinkie toe than you've got in that huge fat head of yours.

yea.. because he's kissing your ass in this particular thread. Don't you think i've seen how fragile are these gay little temporary teams are in this forum by now?

Daunting, lemme tellya. YOu champion the guy all to willing to kiss your ass for female attention.


That is simply.

Far out of this unpredictable world.

Did you want to play this game or is this where you slink off into the shadows hoping no one rememnbers that I just called you out on your stupid shit?

say when bitch. I have no less than 5 tabs from news sources open right now that convey the impact of pro-lifers in the 04 election - specifically relevant were the nomination of SCOTUS judges.

Again you miss the point by a country mile. Those sources support my position. They are using the issue to help republicans get elected you idiot.

I can't prove what is in the heart of another anymore than you can. To suggest that a few news sources does any such thing is to out-Allie Allie.

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