Aborted fetus = Lucky bastard?

Why won't you acknowledge that there are only TWO possible outcomes from a pregnancy? Too chickenshit?

Oh wait...

maybe it's because you know you've been thrashed and you can't bear the humilation of admitting in an open forum that you were wrong.
naaa.. I figured I'd give you enough rope to hang yourself before reminding you that this compramise was never about a half-dead child, a half- birthed child, etc etc. I specifically mentioned a living child or an aborted child in my official explanation. Feel free to scroll up if you are not too stupid to figure out the scroll bar. I never once mentioned anything of the sort.

NOW, just because your simple piss-ant mind can't fathom a reality outside of your personal opinion doesn't reflect the evolving debate of parental rights.
I am at all suggesting that we ARE a couple. You've made disparaging references to the sexual frequency of any man who makes a comment that doesn't sound like Mani's yearning for his own vagina. You do this in order to insinuate that a man who wants his paternal rights is some ogre who cant get laid. As if lilith fair feminazis have a monopoly on pussy..

And no, it's not impossible for a man to have prenatal input. You might just find yourself knowing this after the pro-life crowd remind you that your tired ass "my body" bullshit arguement is about 30 years overdone.

Since you're gay, why are you having sex with women anyway? The only reason I can figure is to have a child...you are telling them you are trying to have a child, correct?
yea.. because he's kissing your ass in this particular thread. Don't you think i've seen how fragile are these gay little temporary teams are in this forum by now?

Daunting, lemme tellya. YOu champion the guy all to willing to kiss your ass for female attention.


That is simply.

Far out of this unpredictable world.


Nope. He's just not afraid to admit he's wrong like you are. It's really kind of funny, watching you act the idiot.
Since you're gay, why are you having sex with women anyway? The only reason I can figure is to have a child...you are telling them you are trying to have a child, correct?

oh im GAY now, eh?


clearly, you have lost this debate.
naaa.. I figured I'd give you enough rope to hang yourself before reminding you that this compramise was never about a half-dead child, a half- birthed child, etc etc. I specifically mentioned a living child or an aborted child in my official explanation. Feel free to scroll up if you are not too stupid to figure out the scroll bar. I never once mentioned anything of the sort.

NOW, just because your simple piss-ant mind can't fathom a reality outside of your personal opinion doesn't reflect the evolving debate of parental rights.

bawk bawk baaaaaaaaaaaawk!
Nope. He's just not afraid to admit he's wrong like you are. It's really kind of funny, watching you act the idiot.

yup.. an idiot who can provide evidence to support his position moreso than relying on a Mani's slug trail even.

Did you ever want to address the genetic reality of the fetus, Ravir? I mean, nothing says YOUR body quite like a fetus that consists of holf your DNA...

I mean, I guess you can always insinuate that I cant get laid, or am gay or whatever else deflects from the genetic facts of the fetus.
yup.. an idiot who can provide evidence to support his position moreso than relying on a Mani's slug trail even.

Did you ever want to address the genetic reality of the fetus, Ravir? I mean, nothing says YOUR body quite like a fetus that consists of holf your DNA...

I mean, I guess you can always insinuate that I cant get laid, or am gay or whatever else deflects from the genetic facts of the fetus.

I'd like you to demonstrate exactly how giving someone your DNA gives you the option to have the final say.
bawk bawk baaaaaaaaaaaawk!

was this supposed to be your dissection of my posted compromise?

Gosh.. It's a total MYSTERY why you run to the flame zone after I keep handing you your ass in this thread.
I'm sorry, but a woman just can't be half-pregnant, no matter how unfair and unequitable that fact may seem to you.
I thought Taoman was a guy? My bad.

and you probably think that our mutual comprehension of paternal rights indicates that we just want a kitchen shaped harem for bitches to cook and clean in too.

your bad, indeed.

anything else you wanna tack on to the collection of your stupid assumptions?
anything else you wanna tack on to the collection of your stupid assumptions?

Sure. It was astonishingly stupid of both Ravi and me to assume that you possessed even the slightest measure of intellectual honesty.
I'm sorry, but a woman just can't be half-pregnant, no matter how unfair and unequitable that fact may seem to you.

and no one ever said anything about being half pregnant.

insisting as much won't make it any more true no matter how many times your stupid reptilian brain interprets it that way.
and you probably think that our mutual comprehension of paternal rights indicates that we just want a kitchen shaped harem for bitches to cook and clean in too.

your bad, indeed.

anything else you wanna tack on to the collection of your stupid assumptions?

You said you two were a couple you moron.

I don't think he's even weighed in on the topic of this thread...I could have missed it but I don't remember him doing so.
I can see why you'd [Shogun] run away from such a stupid implication, epecially considering what a fragile ego you're burdened with.
Sure. It was astonishingly stupid of both Ravi and me to assume that you possessed even the slightest measure of intellectual honesty.

which is what keeps drawing you back to this thread AND posting numerous fanboi threads in the flame forum, eh?


INTELLECTUAL HONESTY? HA! yea, i'd bring that up after all your posts if I were you too, dude. for real.
You said you two were a couple you moron.

I don't think he's even weighed in on the topic of this thread...I could have missed it but I don't remember him doing so.

I never said any such thing. Can you quote me?

Remember what happened the last time you asked me to quote you? Let's see if you can dig up anything similarly solid.

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