Aborted fetus = Lucky bastard?

I can see why you'd [Shogun] run away from such a stupid implication, epecially considering what a fragile ego you're burdened with.

says the guy who likes to fawn over my posts in the flame zone with rather obvious hero worship.

Indeed, the guy "running away" probably IS the same guy who has dared post evidence in this thread so far.


trust me, dude. You are not the caliber of poster to cause one to flee.
Why are you afraid to answer his question?

he's not asking a question. He's assuming that I've said anything about some deflated half-fetus when I didn't. It's a simple strawman tactic. Maybe YOU can quote me on this one too since you seem to be an ACE when it comes to assumptions about my position. I've posted the ramifications of my compramise. If that's not a vaginal-enough solution for you then feel free to wait for the abortion conflict to blow over since it's clearly an issue that is dying off.

Of course.



Why don't you clarify that and let me know how I must either be gay or not getting laid. Im sure thats an obvious rationalization for anything that is not quick to prostrate themselves before the alter of your vaginal prerogative.
he's not asking a question. He's assuming that I've said anything about some deflated half-fetus when I didn't. It's a simple strawman tactic. Maybe YOU can quote me on this one too since you seem to be an ACE when it comes to assumptions about my position. I've posted the ramifications of my compramise. If that's not a vaginal-enough solution for you then feel free to wait for the abortion conflict to blow over since it's clearly an issue that is dying off.


Translation: I'm afraid to, replied Shogun
Here ya go,

1. I already quoted you making comments equating opposing positions to not getting laid and being gay.

2. The word "NOT" is clearly left out from between "I am at all suggesting that we ARE a couple."

If you can't figure that out then i makes a certain amount of sense that you keep sticking to such bullshit tactics. But, don't let that keep you from insinuating what you need to for the sake of your lame assed opinion.
1. I already quoted you making comments equating opposing positions to not getting laid and being gay.

2. The word "NOT" is clearly left out from between "I am at all suggesting that we ARE a couple."

If you can't figure that out then i makes a certain amount of sense that you keep sticking to such bullshit tactics. But, don't let that keep you from insinuating what you need to for the sake of your lame assed opinion.

I would have thought that too, but since I never said anything to Taoman about the subject you are either gay, not that there's anything wrong with it, or a complete moron.
Translation: I'm afraid to, replied Shogun

Indeed, a guy willing to continue kicking the shit out of Mani in this thread sure is probably AFRAID to address the topic at hand. What I do not feel compelled to address, however, is bullshit strawmen arguements that have nothing to do with the premise of my position. Scroll up and re-read the compramise for yourself. In FACT, treat yourself and go read the thread that Bennylava posted that you bitches thought would be so much fun.

funny how reality just doesn't match your goofy chatter.

Hey, don't worry. I hear reality is just gay like that.
Let's just pretend for a minute that Shogun actually grew a pair and acknowledged that a pregnancy can lead to only one of two outcomes.

The rest of the simple, logical proof goes like this:

Shogun's goal: To give both the father and the mother EQUAL say in deciding which of the two outcomes to pursue.

Here is why such a goal is unattainable if the mother and father disagree.

There are only two possible (disagreement) situations:

1. Mother wants child, father wants to terminate.
2. Mother wants to terminate, father wants child.

As acknowledged above, there are only two possible outcomes.

A. A child
B. No child

Now, combining these logical elements can lead to one of four possible decision scenarios:

1-A) Mother wants child, father wants to terminate, the child is born: Mother gets her way, father does not. NO EQUAL SAY achieved.

1-B) Mother wants child, father wants to terminate, the child is terminated: Mother doesn't gets her way, father does get his way. NO EQUAL SAY achieved.

2-A) Mother wants to terminate, father wants child, the child is born: Mother doesn't gets her way, father does get his way. NO EQUAL SAY achieved.

2-B) Mother wants to terminate, father wants child, the child is terminated: Mother gets her way, father does not get his way. NO EQUAL SAY achieved.

NO matter what the decision, it is an absolute fact of reality that NO EQUAL SAY is ever achieved.

It actually boggles the mind that I'd have to spell out the logic like this for someone of Shogun's seeming education to grasp. In fact, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that even spelling it out like this won't be enough for him when his ego is on the line.
I would have thought that too, but since I never said anything to Taoman about the subject you are either gay, not that there's anything wrong with it, or a complete moron.

well it sure didn't keep you from conveluding the thread with such retarded bullshit, did it? I guess identifying such tactic is just like homophobia now too, eh?
Indeed, a guy willing to continue kicking the shit out of Mani in this thread sure is probably AFRAID to address the topic at hand. What I do not feel compelled to address, however, is bullshit strawmen arguements that have nothing to do with the premise of my position. Scroll up and re-read the compramise for yourself. In FACT, treat yourself and go read the thread that Bennylava posted that you bitches thought would be so much fun.

funny how reality just doesn't match your goofy chatter.

Hey, don't worry. I hear reality is just gay like that.

Your opinion is basically that you get to decide because you've given your DNA to someone. It's frankly the opinion of a very young child and breathtakingly idiotic.
well it sure didn't keep you from conveluding the thread with such retarded bullshit, did it? I guess identifying such tactic is just like homophobia now too, eh?

I'm sorry you find being taken for gay an insult. I did not mean it to be one, nor do I think it is one. It did make it odd that you were so opinionated on this subject as I would imagine a gay man would actually only have sex with a woman for the sole purpose of reproducing.
Let's just pretend for a minute that Shogun actually grew a pair and acknowledged that a pregnancy can lead to only one of two outcomes.

The rest of the simple, logical proof goes like this:

Shogun's goal: To give both the father and the mother EQUAL say in deciding which of the two outcomes to pursue.

Here is why such a goal is unattainable if the mother and father disagree.

There are only two possible (disagreement) situations:

1. Mother wants child, father wants to terminate.
2. Mother wants to terminate, father wants child.

As acknowledged above, there are only two possible outcomes.

A. A child
B. No child

Now, combining these logical elements can lead to one of four possible decision scenarios:

1-A) Mother wants child, father wants to terminate, the child is born: Mother gets her way, father does not. NO EQUAL SAY achieved.

1-B) Mother wants child, father wants to terminate, the child is terminated: Mother doesn't gets her way, father does get his way. NO EQUAL SAY achieved.

2-A) Mother wants to terminate, father wants child, the child is born: Mother doesn't gets her way, father does get his way. NO EQUAL SAY achieved.

2-B) Mother wants to terminate, father wants child, the child is terminated: Mother gets her way, father does not get his way. NO EQUAL SAY achieved.

NO matter what the decision, it is an absolute fact of reality that NO EQUAL SAY is ever achieved.

It actually boggles the mind that I'd have to spell out the logic like this for someone of Shogun's seeming education to grasp. In fact, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that even spelling it out like this won't be enough for him when his ego is on the line.

I think you nailed it when you stated that he just can't admit to being wrong.
Let's just pretend for a minute that Shogun actually grew a pair and acknowledged that a pregnancy can lead to only one of two outcomes.

The rest of the simple, logical proof goes like this:

Shogun's goal: To give both the father and the mother EQUAL say in deciding which of the two outcomes to pursue.

Here is why such a goal is unattainable if the mother and father disagree.

There are only two possible (disagreement) situations:

1. Mother wants child, father wants to terminate.
2. Mother wants to terminate, father wants child.

As acknowledged above, there are only two possible outcomes.

A. A child
B. No child

Now, combining these logical elements can lead to one of four possible decision scenarios:

1-A) Mother wants child, father wants to terminate, the child is born: Mother gets her way, father does not. NO EQUAL SAY achieved.

1-B) Mother wants child, father wants to terminate, the child is terminated: Mother doesn't gets her way, father does get his way. NO EQUAL SAY achieved.

2-A) Mother wants to terminate, father wants child, the child is born: Mother doesn't gets her way, father does get his way. NO EQUAL SAY achieved.

2-B) Mother wants to terminate, father wants child, the child is terminated: Mother gets her way, father does not get his way. NO EQUAL SAY achieved.

NO matter what the decision, it is an absolute fact of reality that NO EQUAL SAY is ever achieved.

It actually boggles the mind that I'd have to spell out the logic like this for someone of Shogun's seeming education to grasp. In fact, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that even spelling it out like this won't be enough for him when his ego is on the line.

and THIS is where you convey what kind of a logical retard you really are.

There are only two possible (disagreement) situations:
1. Mother wants child, father wants to terminate.
2. Mother wants to terminate, father wants child.
As acknowledged above, there are only two possible outcomes.
A. A child
B. No child

Scroll up and see that I laid out this very same framework. Notice that you didn't mention a HALF-PREGNANCY just like I didn't. Goly gee.. funny how that works.

Now, combining these logical elements can lead to one of four possible decision scenarios:
1-A) Mother wants child, father wants to terminate, the child is born: Mother gets her way, father does not. NO EQUAL SAY achieved.
1-B) Mother wants child, father wants to terminate, the child is terminated: Mother doesn't gets her way, father does get his way. NO EQUAL SAY achieved.
2-A) Mother wants to terminate, father wants child, the child is born: Mother doesn't gets her way, father does get his way. NO EQUAL SAY achieved.
2-B) Mother wants to terminate, father wants child, the child is terminated: Mother gets her way, father does not get his way. NO EQUAL SAY achieved.

1-a Mother gets her way and, here is what you are too fucking stupid to fathom, FATHER doesn't pay child support. Equal prerogative for both parties.
1-b totally unnecessary since the mother will have her child and the father will not be held responsible for that mutual zipper decision
2-a Mother, in fact, get her way by not having to be responsible for the mutual zipper decision AND is given court ordered prenatal care paid for by the father AND has had every opportunity for birth control from education to a zygote timeframe to terminate the pregnancy.
2-b again, totally unessary since the FACT remains that abortion has only been "legal" for 30 years and we all know damn well that laws applied to drunk drivers should also carry the same weight for mothers who achieve the same result. This is the reason I point to the heartbeat as my line in the sand. If you don't fully understand why an active central nervous system indicates a human being that is not merely some lump of female tissue then so be it.

maybe calling me gay will make your point better than flame zone threads.
Your opinion is basically that you get to decide because you've given your DNA to someone. It's frankly the opinion of a very young child and breathtakingly idiotic.

Not just men.. I put both parties input on an even scale. YOU just don't want to make women face the same "you made your decision at point of zipper" standard as you have no problem applying to men. You are used to feeling as though a human being with distinct DNA is merely another collection of your personal tissue. It's not.

But yes, tell em all about childish, simple opinions again. Idiotic indeed.
I'm sorry you find being taken for gay an insult. I did not mean it to be one, nor do I think it is one. It did make it odd that you were so opinionated on this subject as I would imagine a gay man would actually only have sex with a woman for the sole purpose of reproducing.

Its not so much that you think Im gay; I could really care less. It's that I've seen you use the very same tactics that I've seen you bitch about others using and this kind of shit is one of em. Feel free to address my ideals rather than what you think is my sexuality any time now.
I think you nailed it when you stated that he just can't admit to being wrong.

in this case, it's not that I AM wrong. Again, feel free to look beyond mani's net stalking and strawmanning up the place. I stand by my positions and can provide evidence that supports the Great Shogun Abortion Compromise.

Can you?
1-a Mother gets her way and, here is what you are too fucking stupid to fathom, FATHER doesn't pay child support. Equal prerogative for both parties.
1-b totally unnecessary since the mother will have her child and the father will not be held responsible for that mutual zipper decision
2-a Mother, in fact, get her way by not having to be responsible for the mutual zipper decision AND is given court ordered prenatal care paid for by the father AND has had every opportunity for birth control from education to a zygote timeframe to terminate the pregnancy.
2-b again, totally unessary since the FACT remains that abortion has only been "legal" for 30 years and we all know damn well that laws applied to drunk drivers should also carry the same weight for mothers who achieve the same result. This is the reason I point to the heartbeat as my line in the sand. If you don't fully understand why an active central nervous system indicates a human being that is not merely some lump of female tissue then so be it.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You think this achieves EQUAL SAY????


God, you're a hopeless fucking retard!!
I think it achieves more for equal inclusion of both parties than your goofy fucking "it can never be equal" lunge for lilith fair vagina. Can you dissect it and convey SPECIFICALLY what you think is in error or will another 25 posts of preening your peacock feathers in front of Ravir suffice?

also, notice how NEITHER ONE OF US mentioned anythingabout being "half-pregnant"...

gosh.. kinda makes your signature all that more rich, doesnt it!

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