Aborted fetus = Lucky bastard?

Can you dissect it and convey SPECIFICALLY what you think is in error...

That's easy. Every single solution results in a winner and a loser. How is that equality? Oh yeah, it isn't. And that is the only position I've taken on this entire thread. That equality is not achievable. I've proven it. You've now proven it. It is a fact.
That's easy. Every single solution results in a winner and a loser. How is that equality? Oh yeah, it isn't. And that is the only position I've taken on this entire thread. That equality is not achievable. I've proven it. You've now proven it. It is a fact.

Au contraire, asshole. by allowing both parties to engage in their progative without having to be unfairly wrangled by the progative of the objecting party over child support (men OR women) they both have equality shared by their MUTUAL ZIPPER decision to fuck irresponsibly.

now, run along lil doggy.. You've proven how stupid you are but thats about it.
Au contraire, asshole. by allowing both parties to engage in their progative without having to be unfairly wrangled by the progative of the objecting party over child support (men OR women) they both have equality shared by their MUTUAL ZIPPER decision to fuck irresponsibly.

Ahhhh, so we've come full circle.

You just want the father to have the option to weasel out of child support. A fact that was highlighted several days and pages ago that you vehemently denied. But now you admit it.

I guess that must've been less of a blow to your ego than admitting you were wrong.

btw: your sig line isn't a direct quote so I'd appreciate it if you'd note it as such. :cool:
Ahhhh, so we've come full circle.

You just want the father to have the option to weasel out of child support. A fact that was highlighted several days and pages ago that you vehemently denied. But now you admit it.

I guess that must've been less of a blow to your ego than admitting you were wrong.

btw: your sig line isn't a direct quote so I'd appreciate it if you'd note it as such. :cool:

Father OR mother. both would have equal opportunity to make their progative applied since both made the exact same decsion to fuck at point of zipper. If the idea of no more automatic fleecing of men makes you ucomfortable then choose to fuck classier gals.

and cry me a river, sucker. neither is yours a direct quote. I thought you might appreciate a little turnabout. But, from this thread, I'm pretty sure I know what you think about FAIRPLAY.
Not just men.. I put both parties input on an even scale. YOU just don't want to make women face the same "you made your decision at point of zipper" standard as you have no problem applying to men. You are used to feeling as though a human being with distinct DNA is merely another collection of your personal tissue. It's not.

But yes, tell em all about childish, simple opinions again. Idiotic indeed.

You're still wrong. Both parties can't have input on an even scale. It's just physically impossible.
sure I do... but then neither one of those quotes are even close to a paraphrase of my posts either so...

Hey, why don't you neg rep me like a giant tantrum throwing bitch.. I hear that works.
Its not so much that you think Im gay; I could really care less. It's that I've seen you use the very same tactics that I've seen you bitch about others using and this kind of shit is one of em. Feel free to address my ideals rather than what you think is my sexuality any time now.

I've only addressed your ideas about a million times on this thread. It is hardly my fault that you are not clear in expressing some of them.
You're still wrong. Both parties can't have input on an even scale. It's just physically impossible.

not at all. It's both physically possible AND legally possible.

There really is more to being personally responsible, like you would readily tell a man, than blaming a pair of testicles instead of your MUTUAL decision to fuck.

Thats as even as it gets. Even if you still insist that a fetus is merely as extension of your body.
Ahhhh, so we've come full circle.

You just want the father to have the option to weasel out of child support. A fact that was highlighted several days and pages ago that you vehemently denied. But now you admit it.

I guess that must've been less of a blow to your ego than admitting you were wrong.

btw: your sig line isn't a direct quote so I'd appreciate it if you'd note it as such. :cool:

He admitted it again today. Trouble is, he knows it's a non-starter so he'd rather throw his lot in with the control freaks and outlaw abortion.
sure I do... but then neither one of those quotes are even close to a paraphrase of my posts either so...

Hey, why don't you neg rep me like a giant tantrum throwing bitch.. I hear that works.

Um, were you talking to me? Don't worry, I don't neg rep people.
He admitted it again today. Trouble is, he knows it's a non-starter so he'd rather throw his lot in with the control freaks and outlaw abortion.

Hey, your record of comprehension speaks for itself. If you choose to see my motivation as nothing more than trying to control you and your vag then I guess it makes sense why you'd have to insist that anyone who doesn't agree with your femdom must not be getting any tail.
Hey, your record of comprehension speaks for itself. If you choose to see my motivation as nothing more than trying to control you and your vag then I guess it makes sense why you'd have to insist that anyone who doesn't agree with your femdom must not be getting any tail.

It's got nothing to do with me. You have no control over me.

It's all about you and your inability to grasp the meaning of equality. You still keep insisting it's an issue of feminism but it isn't. It's about the state controlling someone. Women just happen to be the ones you want controlled in this instance.
it's about "the state" controlling someone just like "the state" controls would be murderers. In this case, the comparison could be no more clear. You don't have a "right" to an abortion. You don't have a "right" to marginalize the father of the fetus. RvW was ruled on a right to privacy insinuted by the 14th amendment. Amendments get repealed. Especially Amendments that no longer address the reason for which they were created AND is the reason we now have an infestation of anchor babies.. Making it PRIME for repeal without having to even address RvW.

Like I said, if you think "the state" shouldn't keep murderers from killing then I guess you WOULD see it in some 1984 tone when wanting to do the same ting to a fetus that is not merely a part of your body.


Repealing the fourteenth amendment will never happen.

As for your survey, which is five years old btw, people will just stop getting married. You probably don't realize this, but just because a majority thinks something should be doesn't mean it will ever happen or that it is constitutional.
Broad public support for spousal notification? Of course there is...by men who think women should ask permission for everything.

I think men should have to get written permission before getting vasectomy's and donating sperm.
Broad public support for spousal notification? Of course there is...by men who think women should ask permission for everything.

I think men should have to get written permission before getting vasectomy's and donating sperm.

I dunno, Jillian. If Shogun's dreams come true I think I'll have to perform the vasectomy personally before I consent to have sex with anyone.
it's about "the state" controlling someone just like "the state" controls would be murderers. In this case, the comparison could be no more clear. You don't have a "right" to an abortion. You don't have a "right" to marginalize the father of the fetus. RvW was ruled on a right to privacy insinuted by the 14th amendment. Amendments get repealed. Especially Amendments that no longer address the reason for which they were created AND is the reason we now have an infestation of anchor babies.. Making it PRIME for repeal without having to even address RvW.

Like I said, if you think "the state" shouldn't keep murderers from killing then I guess you WOULD see it in some 1984 tone when wanting to do the same ting to a fetus that is not merely a part of your body.



How does a State keep murderers from killing? By stating it is wrong and against the law.....??? otherwise everybody would be out there murdering and killing if the state did not say it was "wrong"??? lol

it's about "the state" controlling someone just like "the state" controls would be murderers. In this case, the comparison could be no more clear. You don't have a "right" to an abortion. You don't have a "right" to marginalize the father of the fetus. RvW was ruled on a right to privacy insinuted by the 14th amendment. Amendments get repealed. Especially Amendments that no longer address the reason for which they were created AND is the reason we now have an infestation of anchor babies.. Making it PRIME for repeal without having to even address RvW.

Like I said, if you think "the state" shouldn't keep murderers from killing then I guess you WOULD see it in some 1984 tone when wanting to do the same ting to a fetus that is not merely a part of your body.



Personally, I think that a wife should and would discuss the abortion with their husband if it is their husband's child.... but I would NEVER, EVER agree to have our government legislate such, because each individual is responsible for themselves and each individual's circumstances are different, no doubt....

And it is NONE, ABSOLUTELY NONE of your or my business what a husband and wife decide to do together, or alone....PERIOD.

social nazi comes to mind..... :rolleyes:
Personally, I think that a wife should and would discuss the abortion with their husband if it is their husband's child.... but I would NEVER, EVER agree to have our government legislate such, because each individual is responsible for themselves and each individual's circumstances are different, no doubt....

And it is NONE, ABSOLUTELY NONE of your or my business what a husband and wife decide to do together, or alone....PERIOD.

social nazi comes to mind..... :rolleyes:

Thanks, Care. You've hit it and uncovered his motives even if he won't admit to them himself. Most women will give the husband a big say in the possibility of a child. Just like most women won't have a late term abortion and there is no conspiracy of doctors to perform them. I think at issue here is fear on men's part of losing control.

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