Aborted fetus = Lucky bastard?


"The Great Compromise"


Translation: Men should be allowed to sow their seed wherever they see fit and also be allowed to legally say fuck you to the fruit of their loins.

Hey, equality continues to be your goal, I see.


Like I've pointed out over and over, if you had a defense beyond assuming that I want women in shackles you'd have posted them by now. BUT, since all you can do is whip out the same ole rhetoric I guess it's pretty obvious that I'm standing on your neck.

if you had a defense beyond assuming that I want women in shackles you'd have posted them by now.

You're confusing me with Ravi & Jill. I never said nor implied any such thing.

I'm saying that you merely want the father to be able to get off scot free, which is exactly what your "great compromise" (...must resist urge to laugh uncontrollably) accomplishes.
You're confusing me with Ravi & Jill. I never said nor implied any such thing.

I'm saying that you merely want the father to be able to get off scot free, which is exactly what your "great compromise" (...must resist urge to laugh uncontrollably) accomplishes.

no more than it allows a woman to shirk her responsibily. Like I said, if you had anything to post as evidence you'd have done so by now. The LAST time you tried to actually address my Great Compromise I reminded you why it is simply the case that I am smarter than you. I guess your idiot confusion is a byproduct of your lack of comprehension skills. Hey, I hear calling me a faggot works better than evidence.
no more than it allows a woman to shirk her responsibily. Like I said, if you had anything to post as evidence you'd have done so by now. The LAST time you tried to actually address my Great Compromise I reminded you why it is simply the case that I am smarter than you. I guess your idiot confusion is a byproduct of your lack of comprehension skills. Hey, I hear calling me a faggot works better than evidence.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yes, I see that now. Not to mention a poor sport.

you see what you want to see. In this case, a tired caracature of men that stopped being relevant somewhere in the 90s.

oh, I'd take advice from gump too.. he see's antisemites EVERYwhere. Ask him how saturated Wiki and Jpost is with jew hating antisemites. Im sure he gives very accurate depictions of character. Then again, Ravir, considering your quickness to assume that anyone who enjoys paternal rights is either a woman hating beast or gay...
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Again, address the details of my position so I can hand you your ass again..

OR, paint me as whatever boogeyman you need to in order to facilitate a lack of relevant input.
Again, address the details of my position so I can hand you your ass again..

OR, paint me as whatever boogeyman you need to in order to facilitate a lack of relevant input.

I have. And you've been soundly beaten.

All of your protestations to the contrary have indeed become quite the source of amusement.

Explain to me again how a woman can be half-pregnant? :rofl:

And while you're at it, perhaps you could also explain how sheep's bladders can be used to prevent earthquakes. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
you see what you want to see. In this case, a tired caracature of men that stopped being relevant somewhere in the 90s.

oh, I'd take advice from gump too.. he see's antisemites EVERYwhere. Ask him how saturated Wiki and Jpost is with jew hating antisemites. Im sure he gives very accurate depictions of character. Then again, Ravir, considering your quickness to assume that anyone who enjoys paternal rights is either a woman hating beast or gay...

Nope. What I see is you, a doofus on a message board, that wants to have his cake and eat it too...

Again, you posted a few remarks that led me to believe you had a sexual relationship with Taoman. You should make an effort to strive for clarity.

And I know quite a few men that are enjoying paternal rights and aren't women haters. That's quite a chip you're carrying around.
I have. And you've been soundly beaten.

All of your protestations to the contrary have indeed become quite the source of amusement.

Explain to me again how a woman can be half-pregnant? :rofl:

And while you're at it, perhaps you could also explain how sheep's bladders can be used to prevent earthquakes. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


again with the "half-pregnant" thing, eh?

You really don't know that bringing that shit up after neither you nor I mentioned it when you actually tried to address the premise of my great compromise conveys how pathetic you continue to be?

Hey, it's pretty obvious you jumped the shark yesterday. Enjoy wallowing in the estrogen fest since neither one of you have managed to accomplish more than shit talking.
Obviously you've never learned rule number one for getting oneself out of a hole.

Stop digging.

But don't take my word for it, just keep right on demonstrating what a complete retard you are in front of God and everyone here at USMB.
Nope. What I see is you, a doofus on a message board, that wants to have his cake and eat it too...

Again, you posted a few remarks that led me to believe you had a sexual relationship with Taoman. You should make an effort to strive for clarity.

And I know quite a few men that are enjoying paternal rights and aren't women haters. That's quite a chip you're carrying around.

we can both throw names around, hooker. And it really is hilarious that YOU, of all people, are the one charging that someone ELSE wants their cake and gets to eat it too.

Again, YOU are the one who made every effort to avoid the topic by asserting something about my personal sexual behaviour. I'll let you figure out what ad himinems say about the person using them instead of evidence to counter a point. Just a hint: it's a direct reflection of the sum total of your input thus far. Perhaps instead of asking for clarity you can be responsible for your own posts.


how very mysogenist of me to assume that a woman be responcible for something. Clearly, I want a harem of bitches and cock.


and I bet you DO know men who are allowed only the bare minimum inclusion into their childrens lives as if he should worhship you for even that much opportunity. Indeed, your personal opinon of men who "know their role" according to your schema of parental rights is probably a universal model!
Obviously you've never learned rule number one for getting oneself out of a hole.

Stop digging.

But don't take my word for it, just keep right on demonstrating what a complete retard you are in front of God and everyone here at USMB.

Im no more "in a hole" than you are a rhodes scholar. Indeed, I'd probably avoid the premise of my posted compramise like it were evil incarnate too if I had nothing to provide as a rebuttal like we say in your last attempt to ACTUALLY address the Great Plan.
Now you know what it feels like when somebody declares victory when you haven't been defeated.

It's really annoying, isn't it?
Now you know what it feels like when somebody declares victory when you haven't been defeated.

It's really annoying, isn't it?

not really... given that all he can do is talk about help-pregnant women which, of course, has nothing to do with anything. Don't you know that Im the master at shit talking and am only holding back the flood of humor because it's MORE funny watching Mani thrash about without a clue?
we can both throw names around, hooker. And it really is hilarious that YOU, of all people, are the one charging that someone ELSE wants their cake and gets to eat it too.

Again, YOU are the one who made every effort to avoid the topic by asserting something about my personal sexual behaviour. I'll let you figure out what ad himinems say about the person using them instead of evidence to counter a point. Just a hint: it's a direct reflection of the sum total of your input thus far. Perhaps instead of asking for clarity you can be responsible for your own posts.


how very mysogenist of me to assume that a woman be responcible for something. Clearly, I want a harem of bitches and cock.


and I bet you DO know men who are allowed only the bare minimum inclusion into their childrens lives as if he should worhship you for even that much opportunity. Indeed, your personal opinon of men who "know their role" according to your schema of parental rights is probably a universal model!

At least you're funny if nothing else. I don't know why you didn't think it germain to the topic to ask you if you told women before you had sex with them about your darling compromise...but it is, and I truly hope that you state your beliefs upfront.

I'm not into controlling what other people do with their bodies. I also don't subscribe to your definition of life. But keep calling me a hooker and a bitch, it really does nothing but confirm how lame your silly opinion is on this topic.

My opinion on men is that I'm pretty sure you aren't one. :cuckoo:
Im no more "in a hole" than you are a rhodes scholar. Indeed, I'd probably avoid the premise of my posted compramise like it were evil incarnate too if I had nothing to provide as a rebuttal like we say in your last attempt to ACTUALLY address the Great Plan.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Keep telling yourself that.

Your retarded suggestions have been exposed for the ruse they are. Nothing more than a wish to allow men to opt out of personal responsibility for their offspring. Period.

You are an insult to honest, decent men everywhere. Fortunately for everyone, you are a bitter exception that in no way reflects the rule.

Now tell me again how the US government doesn't regulate what people can legally ingest. That's one of my personal favorites.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
What should Hammer say to his girlfriend with two black eyes?

Nothing, he already told the bitch twice!

Note: I wanted to use Shogun instead, but everyone knows he's never so much as sniffed a real live vagina. Even I have standards when it comes to the suspension of disbelief. :cool:

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