Aborted fetus = Lucky bastard?

Given my record of comments that you find intelligent you might want to consider something beyond the same tired ole arguement that your body includes the fetus. It's simply not the case. This will become the next phase in the abortion argument and you'll find that your "but they just want to control women" rebuttal pretty insignificant this far beyond the 50s than what it once was. You are not preserving your sexual perogative.. You are trying to validate wanton killing of a human being without any regard for any input outside of ye who has a vagina... and im telling you that just as abortion was once CRIMINAL activity so too will it be again, without the benefit of the range of options I offer, when the pro life crowd, MEN AND WOMEN, let you know what they think about your lilith fair opinion.

To be honest, at this point, I can't say that I'm not looking forward to a time when equality and the preservation of life trumps the blank check in the after math of radical feminism replacing the idea of equality.

It really, really has nothing to do with controlling women, it has to do with the state deciding what one does with one's body. In this instance, it just happens to be a woman's body. Who knows where the state will turn next.

I've never stated that the man in the equation has no right to work out an arrangement if he wants the child and the woman doesn't. He is certainly welcome to plead his case and if you can find me a few men like that that actually are that eager to be single fathers I will be happy to help them try to convince the woman in question.
Yes, do quote me.


ha ha ah ha

You're a jerk, no offense. If you ever have sex, please make your demands clear in advance.

Yep. I seriously do hope that if he ever has sex in fairness he should make his opinions known ahead of time. Personally, I'd run screaming from him for this reason alone.

I don't know if you beat your wife or not, it's got nothing to do with the topic at hand. I also don't know if you hate women. And I have no idea of your chances of getting laid.

I do know that no one will ever force you to give birth though, and I also know that you do not have the option of forcing someone else to, and all your whining about the unfairness of it all changes nothing.

Hammer, my advice to you: celibacy might be a good option for you.

so.. do you think I cna find MORE or LESS than 4 medical sources that indicte that the genetic makeup of a FETUS =/ your own DNA?

I know, those CARAZY control freaks out at the fuckng AMA!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Now Shogun thinks RvW is going to be overturned!!!


Talk about not getting it at all.

This guy proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that education alone can't remedy mental retardation. :rofl:


yea, douchebag.. because overturning RvW just wasn't a rally cry for the right wing circa 2004! I mean, we DONT have two more judges sitting on the supreme fucking court who danced around the RvW issue like they were about to piss themselves!


yea.. do tell another joke about education and retardation, short bus.

so.. do you think I cna find MORE or LESS than 4 medical sources that indicte that the genetic makeup of a FETUS =/ your own DNA?

I know, those CARAZY control freaks out at the fuckng AMA!

None of those quotes has me speculating about your and Taoman's sex life. :cuckoo:

I repeat once again, just because you've given your dna to someone does not mean you get to have the final decision.

yea, douchebag.. because overturning RvW just wasn't a rally cry for the right wing circa 2004! I mean, we DONT have two more judges sitting on the supreme fucking court who danced around the RvW issue like they were about to piss themselves!


yea.. do tell another joke about education and retardation, short bus.

If RoevWade gets overturned the Republican party will never win another election. It's that simple.
. because overturning RvW just wasn't a rally cry for the right wing circa 2004! I mean, we DONT have two more judges sitting on the supreme fucking court who danced around the RvW issue like they were about to piss themselves!


They sure have you fooled.
If RoevWade gets overturned the Republican party will never win another election. It's that simple.


And having it in their election tool-kit keeps a fairly sizable segment of their base wholly intact and voting republican every election. Sure, they'd love to piss that away.
fwiw, Shogun the dim, I wasn't talking about you being a control freak, though it certainly seems as if that's what you want to be when you grow up. I was talking about the wingnuts you side with.

You really should take a reading for comprehension course.

or maybe you should be a little bit clearer when assuming those interested in paternal rights cant get laid. I'm not representing pro-lifers. Had you taken the time to read the thread Bennylava posted instead of rolling around in Mani-juice you'd see that I give people who can't let go of the standard pro-lifer talking points the same hell Im giving you. I'm not trying to control you. Hell, go fuck to your little hearts content with as many suiters as your groin can handle. BUT, since the repercussions of your actions involve more than your vagina - specifically a developing human being and a father who should have equal rights to the child - you will have to allow men slack on this issue much like WE have given your kind slack in the work force. Otherwise, like I said, keep rolling and force this to a head. This isn't the 60s and your tired ass arguements simply do not reflect science, reality or our current social climate that can differentiate between equal opportunity and rampaging man hating feminists who think their vaginas are a blank check to kill babies regardless of anyone else's input.
In a world where so few things are as simple as black and white, Shogun, mantle-bearer for the arrogant ignoratti, is desperately trying to shade gray one of those few things. At the end of the day, either the kid is aborted, or the kid is born, there is no in-between compromise. Shogun can't even acknowledge this simple fact of reality.
or maybe you should be a little bit clearer when assuming those interested in paternal rights cant get laid. I'm not representing pro-lifers. Had you taken the time to read the thread Bennylava posted instead of rolling around in Mani-juice you'd see that I give people who can't let go of the standard pro-lifer talking points the same hell Im giving you. I'm not trying to control you. Hell, go fuck to your little hearts content with as many suiters as your groin can handle. BUT, since the repercussions of your actions involve more than your vagina - specifically a developing human being and a father who should have equal rights to the child - you will have to allow men slack on this issue much like WE have given your kind slack in the work force. Otherwise, like I said, keep rolling and force this to a head. This isn't the 60s and your tired ass arguements simply do not reflect science, reality or our current social climate that can differentiate between equal opportunity and rampaging man hating feminists who think their vaginas are a blank check to kill babies regardless of anyone else's input.

Wow, you give us slack in the work force? So impressive. You really have no concept of constitutional rights, do you Shogun?
:rofl: :rofl:

It's totally justified to force a woman to bear a child, but Jesus fucking Christ don't you tell me where I can and can't smoke my cancer sticks!!

What a hypocritical asswipe!!

ahh yes... another logical disaster brought to us by Mani.. the KING of stupid posts.

so.. when pro-lifers take notes from pink lungers I guess you'll figure out how stupid that post was, eh?


uh, MAYBE you can compare tobacco with a FETUS too! I mean, hell, SHOGUN argues them so they MUST be related SOMEHOW, right!


good grief, dude. If you didn't have Ravir to keep flexing in front of on the off hand chance of net nookie you could spare yourself this kind of posting fiasco..
None of those quotes has me speculating about your and Taoman's sex life. :cuckoo:

I repeat once again, just because you've given your dna to someone does not mean you get to have the final decision.

are you fucking kidding me?

If you ever have sex,, if he ever has sex, etc are NOT speculating about the sex life of those posting in this thread, eh?


way to be disingenuous. I mean, I talk shit too but at least I have the fucking backbone to stand behind what I post.

and yes, when a man's DNA mixes with a woman's DNA to make a brand fucking new human then the man should have, at the very least, AS MUCH perogative as the woman. You seem to think that women get to call every shot REGARDLESS OF THEIR SIMILAR ZIPPER DECISION. Sorry, killing a human that is NOT merely your body isn't your vaginal prerogative any more than it is a drunk driver who achieves the same result..
I'm not sure I did either. Are you saying one can put whatever one wishes to into their bodies as long as they take responsibility for the consequences?

No. Not that specific.

Merely that on one issue he rails against government regulation of what he wants to do and on another issue calls for more government regulation of what he doesn't want others to do. Even though the issues themselves are markedly dissimilar, his self-serving hypocrisy stills shines right on through.
If RoevWade gets overturned the Republican party will never win another election. It's that simple.

well, it's simply your OPINION to be sure. and, maybe it's very true that they won't get support from the birkenstock crowd.. so be it.

but, please, do be as stupid as Mani and suggest that there is not a motivated effort to overturn RvW 30 years after the fact.

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