Aborted fetus = Lucky bastard?

:rofl: :rofl:

I think if anything you might have it backwards. You should really ask him how many tramps he has impregnated that choose to have his bastard seed scraped out of their uterus without his permission.

again, none.

Im a child of the 90s. It was made clear real quick that there are potential consequences for sexual behavior and none of us have any excuse for being irresponsible..

It;s too bad that women are exempt from this standard of personal behaviour as long as there is a penis to blame something on.
none. and im 31. personal Responsibility =/ external big brother control
That's good to hear.

How about children you have had with ex-wives that you are paying alimony and child support for...?

Just trying to get a handle on your seemingly "anger" and hatred towards women and cock insecurity?


and neither will you explain how a mutual zipper decision exempts you from the same question regarding why you'd give up your eggs is the exact same mutual risk.

I've not given up anything.

Why not just admit you can't think of a coherent answer.
again, none.

Im a child of the 90s. It was made clear real quick that there are potential consequences for sexual behavior and none of us have any excuse for being irresponsible..

It;s too bad that women are exempt from this standard of personal behaviour as long as there is a penis to blame something on.

And so long as abortion is dangled in front of them as the cure-all for irresponsible behavior.
again, none.

Im a child of the 90s. It was made clear real quick that there are potential consequences for sexual behavior and none of us have any excuse for being irresponsible..

It;s too bad that women are exempt from this standard of personal behaviour as long as there is a penis to blame something on.

how are women exempt? having an abortion does not exempt them...i am sure it is a pretty hard decision that comes with alot of other emotions, and sense of failure...

but here's the good news about women, most that get pregnant are taking responsibility and having their babies now....AS SINGLE MOTHERS....we are nearing 45% of all babies born in this country are born to SINGLE MOTHERS....

so you can take your holier than thou attitude that it is men that are the responsible ones and put it where the sun don't shine shogun! :D

it is the MEN in this country that are NOT owning up to their responsibility of fatherhood, is what statistics show....

also, the mothers are not exempt from responsibility, they have to rear this unexpected child for the next 2 decades, while the dad just has to give up a ''little'' money....

the guy has the easy road, for CERTAIN!

here's a figure for ya, that shows how great the almighty penises are that you so righteously fight for shogun....

The US Department of Health and Human Services estimates that 68% of child support cases had arrears owed in 2003 (a figure up from 53% in 1999).

can u say, DEADBEAT DAD's?
here's a figure for ya, that shows how great the almighty penises are that you so righteously fight for shogun....

The US Department of Health and Human Services estimates that 68% of child support cases had arrears owed in 2003 (a figure up from 53% in 1999).

can u say, DEADBEAT DAD's?

the Almighty Penis? "Almighty might be a little excessive. I mean... it's all right. At least average I would even say... but I wouldn't go so far as to call it the almighty or anything. Still, I appreciate the kind word. Love ya too.
the Almighty Penis? "Almighty might be a little excessive. I mean... it's all right. At least average I would even say... but I wouldn't go so far as to call it the almighty or anything. Still, I appreciate the kind word. Love ya too.

hahahahahahahahahahahaha! well, i did think that comment would get some attention from Shogun, cuz he had been using ''penis'' and the ''evil vagina'' so much in his posts, but NOT you!!!!!

btw....thanks for the personal info! i will try to keep it in mind! :rofl:

Are you flirting with me?

moi? hahahaha! i'm a saddie, a married lady!

no.....not flirting!!! lol

were you flirting with me? ;) j/k u.... nevermind....i'm sure you wouldn't have just said you were average if you were flirting! :rofl:

how are women exempt? having an abortion does not exempt them...i am sure it is a pretty hard decision that comes with alot of other emotions, and sense of failure...

but here's the good news about women, most that get pregnant are taking responsibility and having their babies now....AS SINGLE MOTHERS....we are nearing 45% of all babies born in this country are born to SINGLE MOTHERS....

so you can take your holier than thou attitude that it is men that are the responsible ones and put it where the sun don't shine shogun! :D

it is the MEN in this country that are NOT owning up to their responsibility of fatherhood, is what statistics show....

also, the mothers are not exempt from responsibility, they have to rear this unexpected child for the next 2 decades, while the dad just has to give up a ''little'' money....

the guy has the easy road, for CERTAIN!


Haven't you realized by now he suffers from penis envy???
That's good to hear.

How about children you have had with ex-wives that you are paying alimony and child support for...?

Just trying to get a handle on your seemingly "anger" and hatred towards women and cock insecurity?



"cock" insecurity? Do I get to make jabs at your genitalia too or would that be construed as abuse? It must blow your mind that someone cares about equality, eh? I have no ex wives. I have no kids. Does this mean that I may never have either? Should only men with a gold-digging ex and a litter of pups give a damn about paternal rights? Further, how do you figure a concern over parental rights equates into size of genitalia? Do you have a mathematical formula for this? I seem to have missed that lesson in the bio class. Then again, I had a male teacher and you know how those testicle bearers are in maintaining DOMINANCE and CONTROL.

"cock" insecurity? Do I get to make jabs at your genitalia too or would that be construed as abuse? It must blow your mind that someone cares about equality, eh? I have no ex wives. I have no kids. Does this mean that I may never have either? Should only men with a gold-digging ex and a litter of pups give a damn about paternal rights? Further, how do you figure a concern over parental rights equates into size of genitalia? Do you have a mathematical formula for this? I seem to have missed that lesson in the bio class. Then again, I had a male teacher and you know how those testicle bearers are in maintaining DOMINANCE and CONTROL.


Read that over to yourself very slowly. I think it gives some insight into WHY you're not married.

And no, you don't care about equality. you care about veto power.
I've not given up anything.

Why not just admit you can't think of a coherent answer.

why don't you admit that youd rather avoid admitting the reality that a fetus in NOT your body?

After all, in case you were out sucking dick that day in sex ed, your egg, in fact, does separate itself BEFORE it is fertilized.

here.. go tell WebMD how incoherent his answers are.

how are women exempt? having an abortion does not exempt them...i am sure it is a pretty hard decision that comes with alot of other emotions, and sense of failure...

but here's the good news about women, most that get pregnant are taking responsibility and having their babies now....AS SINGLE MOTHERS....we are nearing 45% of all babies born in this country are born to SINGLE MOTHERS....

so you can take your holier than thou attitude that it is men that are the responsible ones and put it where the sun don't shine shogun! :D

it is the MEN in this country that are NOT owning up to their responsibility of fatherhood, is what statistics show....

also, the mothers are not exempt from responsibility, they have to rear this unexpected child for the next 2 decades, while the dad just has to give up a ''little'' money....

the guy has the easy road, for CERTAIN!


bullshit. If you didn't CHOOSE to be JUST AS MUCH OF A WHORE as the dude you are DECIDING to let fuck you then you might have a point. However, unless you are being raped, you've made the exact same decision as the man.

and, to be honest, we see the product of your job at single parenting and it's far, FAR from impressive. Good job.

Given the clear unequal rights involved with your estrogen fest "there can never be equality" mentality it really is no wonder that men avoid using you for anything beyond convenient sex. I advise you to make better decisions about who you let fuck you rather than blame a dude after the fact. You aren't innocent.

HA! yea.. because fathers DONT get raked through the fucking coals for 18 years. yup. you are the ONLY ones who suffer. boofuckinghoo. Hey, at least you'll have cable money, eh? Using your vag seems to be lucrative in this day and age.

NO taxation without representation, 'natch.
here's a figure for ya, that shows how great the almighty penises are that you so righteously fight for shogun....

The US Department of Health and Human Services estimates that 68% of child support cases had arrears owed in 2003 (a figure up from 53% in 1999).

can u say, DEADBEAT DAD's?

sure, deadmeat dads suck. Was that ever my arguement?

Now, imagine how many men might just step up to the plate if they knew they were not merely a meal ticket for some bitch he laid the meat to back in the day. Because, you know, people just LOVE to participate on unequal grounds.


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