Aborted fetus = Lucky bastard?

Very generous of you. If the pill doesn't work, it would still be the woman's choice.

But if you really care about the issue at all, you should lobby your state to provide easy access to this pill.


you have the vagina so you rule the world. Didn't someone tell you that anything less is woman hating misogyny?


I argued FOR the pill all the time. Isee you didn't bother to read the thread Benny posted. I mean, I DO have a pienis and all but seeing how silly your current obstinance is after watching me plow into your antitheis might provide a little insight.. if not a reason to blame a penis.
Their right to force a woman to have or abort the child ends. Yes.

Well, such is your opinion. Sad that you think a guy's claim to his child extends as far as his zipper when both parties make the exact same zipper decision. Hey, I guess there are women who wnat to be barefoot and pregnant too though so..

A woman gets to decide whether to use contraception and must deal with the physical, mental and possibly financial commitments of having or not having the child. As for the cable money thing, why don't you just argue that child support be allotted more fairly? It would be a more reasonable approach.

yea.. because a dude's life is just like spring break while he's out working to live off of a fraction of his income (child support), stressed because his kid will always be the fulcrum used to win anything the baby mamma wants for 18 years (mental) and financial? FINANCIAL? yes... guys are totally ignorant to the financial burdens of procreation. yup.


That's what bothers you. It's not fair? No, it isn't fair either that women have to deal with pregancy and all its complications, but that is just the way things are. Is this why you are so fixated on vaginas? You wish that you had one?

Again, WHAT TWO parties made the zipper decsion to fuck? did the man RAPE the woman? Does he point a gun to her head? Does me MAKE her fuck him?


Maybe you should answer why you are fixated on appeasing a vagina with the reduction of your rights to the mutually genetic offspring that is a fetus.
If you feel abortion is immoral, then argue it on those grounds. Don't trot out a silly and unworkable compromise.

It's not merely a matter of being immoral. Hell, if that were the case then I would not argue that such would be an option in my MUTUAL compromise. BUT, to suggest that ONLY a woman should make the decision because a child is too much of a burden on her is a crock of shit.

You know what else is a burden? prison. People who murder other human beings should remember that.
It's not merely a matter of being immoral. Hell, if that were the case then I would not argue that such would be an option in my MUTUAL compromise. BUT, to suggest that ONLY a woman should make the decision because a child is too much of a burden on her is a crock of shit.

You know what else is a burden? prison. People who murder other human beings should remember that.

Murder is defined by statute, genius. Abortion is legal and not murder.

:rolleyes: :eusa_wall:
I actually think that adopted kids = genetic heirs.

I understand that a man may wish this, but I don't find that compelling. Do you find it compelling that a woman doesn't wish it?

As for alimony, this is again a separate issue. If you feel alimony laws treat men unfairly, then argue for changing those laws.

I find it compelling that there is such a stark acception to a blatant double standard according to gender. Name one fucking thing that a man gets full rights to that is as significant as his child. one fucking thing.

and, again, it may be your OPINION that adpted kids = genetic offspring but such is not a universally held belief, obviously.
hey Jill,

My wife really doesn't think it's fair that I get to pee standing up while she has to sit down. Do you think we could get Shoggie here to craft a master compromise that could usher in a brave new world of equality?
Show me how giving someone your sperm gives you the deciding rule.

show me how accepting a cock into your body signs away a guys rights to the potential genetic offspring..
I've never become pregnant except by express design. You should never impregnate anyone except by express design. If you do, be prepared to deal with the fact that you cannot force a woman to bear your child.

clearly, YOU are the pattern by which everyone else molds their lives!

and, your callous advice might get returned to you if our courts gave a damn about equality. Funny, you don't even TRY to address my question and just whip out the same ole same ole. Kinda like a reflex by now, eh?

I'd vote to put your ass in prison for 10 years with such a cavalier attitude about killing a fetus in spite of the father. Trust me, i'm usually a hardcore lefty but your kind of bullshit is exactly why you haven't gained ground since the ass end of the 70s.
That's a bit better, though your link still doesn't say what you want it to. The article discusses that some men COMPLAIN that child support is used to pay for the ex's lifestyle, but concludes.....

Try again, babe. You might hit it at some point.

yea, Jill.. men pointing out how their "child support" only facilitates a baby mamma standard of living really is just like the elusive fucking bigfoot.

You're kidding, right?

it's the exact same question Ravir has no problem wondering about a man who chooses to fuck whores.

why can't you address the exact same question? Is it because THIS is where that personal responsibility we want to avoid at all costs kicks in?
hey Jill,

My wife really doesn't think it's fair that I get to pee standing up while she has to sit down. Do you think we could get Shoggie here to craft a master compromise that could usher in a brave new world of equality?

urination and the life of a child.
not to mention uneven parental rights

good job, dude. That's the kind of effort we are looking for.
Except that's not what your article said.

Yet it conveys much of the same to what I'm talking about. Of course it's not going to explore an idea that I am bringing to this thread exclusively, jill.
Yet it conveys much of the same to what I'm talking about. Of course it's not going to explore an idea that I am bringing to this thread exclusively, jill.

No. It doesn't. It says "men complain" that women live better on child support and goes on to talk about how men and women pay DIFFERENTLY, but each pays.

Go back and read.
No. It doesn't. It says "men complain" that women live better on child support and goes on to talk about how men and women pay DIFFERENTLY, but each pays.

Go back and read.

what the hell do you think "MEN COMPLAIN" means to a man supporting the standard of living of a baby mamma?


Public Opinion Supports Alito on Spousal Notification Even as It Favors Roe v. Wade
Pew Research Center Pollwatch



all woman hating misogynists, im sure.
NO, the oint is to allow men the same perogative as a woman in the death of their mutual child since they both made the very same zipper decision.

It isn't the same perogative. The same perogative would entail the man bearing the child. That, however, is not possible. When it becomes possible, I may agree with you.

And so what? it has everything to do with this discussion insomuch that tired ass rhetoric and behemoth accusations won't overturn savvy legislation that totally sidesteps RvW. 30 years of fucked up kids that are the product of judical vagina worship is a relevant reason to let fatherts have input in their kids' lives beyond merely being a source for cable tv money and a lifestyle. If a woman knows that her pussy is not so lucrative then perhaps, PERHAPS we can circumvent the abortion issue with a little MUTUAL SEXUAL RESPONSIBILITY.

I mean, blaming a man for not wearing a condom really is the root of all excuses.

The issue with RvW is a moral one. Your compromise does nothing to change that. The pro-choice view argues that others shouldn't have a say over what a woman does with her body (and also contains the argument that a fetus is not alive). Your compromise just gives even more rights to men over a woman's body. That is a shitty compromise. It doesn't satisfy those that oppose abortion and it renders even more rights to men over a woman's body.

I couldn't sleep.
I find it compelling that there is such a stark acception to a blatant double standard according to gender. Name one fucking thing that a man gets full rights to that is as significant as his child. one fucking thing.

First, it isn't a double standard. It is just a different standard. Both men and women have full control over their bodies. Women also have the power to decide whether to have the child, because they have the child. Men do not have the power to decide, because they don't have the child.

and, again, it may be your OPINION that adpted kids = genetic offspring but such is not a universally held belief, obviously.

Lots of opinions are not universally held. That doesn't mean that we should accept all opinions as equally valid. Further, the law doesn't operate on the basis of universal appeal. If everyone agreed, there would be little reason to legislate.
what the hell do you think "MEN COMPLAIN" means to a man supporting the standard of living of a baby mamma?


Public Opinion Supports Alito on Spousal Notification Even as It Favors Roe v. Wade
Pew Research Center Pollwatch

Once again, child support is for the child. If you have a problem with the way child support is allocated, then argue for changing that law.

Spousal notification is vastly different than what you are suggesting. In short, the poll is meaningless.

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