Aborted fetus = Lucky bastard?

Are you ASSuming that I have any horse in the marriage race? No one is forcing a woman to have a child that she, HERSELF, did not make the ZIPPER DECISION to risk creating. If you can strangle a man with those very words then you can share the "wealth" of your mutual genetic decision.

hey, why don't you call me an antisemite too since you are better at projecting than you are comprehending.

Don't cry on my shoulder about the PAIN of childbirth when YOU are the one defending the practive of killing a fucking fetus.

You're losing it again, honey. You really need to control that. You're spewing all over the place, confusing issues and making stuff up.

Might be time for you to hit the bong and calm down.
of COURSE im the guy whose fault it is!

I have a PENIS! It MUST be true!

a WOMAN says so!

Suggesting otherwise is CLEARLY woman hating misogyny!


Just don't go around telling people that you're having sexual relations with Taoman and these little misunderstandings will stop.
True, but it should even satisfy the doofus since it prevents conception.

Maybe. But since vending machines don't dispense cancer sticks anymore, his bitterness would probably still place him in opposition.
What I don't understand is why you would make a woman go through pregancy to satisfy this desire (to the extent that it exists). There are plenty of kids that need to be adopted, and if the father doesn't pass the threshold criteria for adoption, why would you think he would be a capable parent of his biological child?

Good question.

Also, if you were Shogun, wouldn't you make an effort to only have sex with someone that wanted to reproduce? I mean, he wouldn't have sex with any bimbo off the street, would he?
Good question.

Also, if you were Shogun, wouldn't you make an effort to only have sex with someone that wanted to reproduce? I mean, he wouldn't have sex with any bimbo off the street, would he?

I will not address Shogun's sexual proclivities.
Yes, and I would guess it is much more painful and considerably more dangerous. Of course, part of the difference is that an abortion takes 30 minutes and pregnancy last 9 months.

What does it matter to you? As long as the rules are set in advance, a man should be well-equipped to use a condom or not have sex. He can make his own decision knowing the ramifications. If you are right that abortion is painful and dangerous, then a woman has to account for a certain set of ramifications as well, although there may be fewer financial ramifications if she decides to abort.

First, are you arguing about whether abortion should be legal at all, because that is the only way this argument makes sense.

Second, the causal link between the right to abortion and more children uncared for would be a difficult one to show. Your position is attributing a lot to RvW, which, after all, didn't legalize abortion everywhere, as it was already legal in some states. It also stands against what one would generally think the results of the right to abortion would be, and, it deals more with the social system existing after birth than anything else, and would seem to suggest that men should be paying more, not less (or none, as in your compromise).

are you really suggesting that childbirth is MORE dangerous to a mother than a fucking ABORTION is to a fetus?

really? 30 minutes for a woman and a NON-lifetime for the genetic body that has different DNA, eh? indeed, it's a good thing convenience, rather than LIFE, is the midigating factor here.


1. I DO call it the Great ABORTION compromise for a reason, you know..

2. I mention RvW because this seems to be the source where some think they have the right to an abortion. It's simply not the case. And while some states DID allow abortions a lot didn't and this was clearly what was being fought over via RvW. Further, since the result of RvW came from the 14 Amendment, an amendment that has been causeing OTHER issues as well, it wouldn't be a mind blower to see tactfully worded legislation that circumvents RvW AND is supported by our new (remember the litmus test arguement?) supreme court.

If none of that seems clear just ask Ravir to call me a dicks skinning faggot and my posts will interpret themselves.
What does it matter to you? As long as the rules are set in advance, a man should be well-equipped to use a condom or not have sex. He can make his own decision knowing the ramifications. If you are right that abortion is painful and dangerous, then a woman has to account for a certain set of ramifications as well, although there may be fewer financial ramifications if she decides to abort.

so.. a MAN gets the condoms AND their parental rights end at the zipper AND he can choose not to have sex..

but a woman gets to decide if the kid dies, has full control over every aspect of the developing child AND gets 18 years of cable money, eh?

yes.. this IS fair!

are you really suggesting that childbirth is MORE dangerous to a mother than a fucking ABORTION is to a fetus?

No, but we were discussing the mother. The point is after all to kill the fetus.

. I mention RvW because this seems to be the source where some think they have the right to an abortion. It's simply not the case. And while some states DID allow abortions a lot didn't and this was clearly what was being fought over via RvW. Further, since the result of RvW came from the 14 Amendment, an amendment that has been causeing OTHER issues as well, it wouldn't be a mind blower to see tactfully worded legislation that circumvents RvW AND is supported by our new (remember the litmus test arguement?) supreme court.

If none of that seems clear just ask Ravir to call me a dicks skinning faggot and my posts will interpret themselves.

RvW may someday not be the law. So what? That wasn't what we were discussing. You seemed to suggest that uncared for children was somehow the result of RvW. I don't necessarily see that to be the case and don't think it is relevant in any event.
hee hee hee...and then some.

btw, this entire issue would become almost completely moot if vending machines dispensed morning after pills.

and yet a SPECIFIC ramification of my compramize is that, in fact, you would have access to the morning after pill..

but yes, why pay that close attention when you can scream that a man.. with a PENIS even.. wants to come in between your birth control abortion?
Then what you should support is greater supervision over the need for, and expenditure of, child support. I have no problem with that. Your alternative compromise seems to create more issues than it solves.

yea I know... not killing inconvenient human lives that get in the way of your busy schedule sure is a giant new problem...
and yet a SPECIFIC ramification of my compramize is that, in fact, you would have access to the morning after pill..

but yes, why pay that close attention when you can scream that a man.. with a PENIS even.. wants to come in between your birth control abortion?

Very generous of you. If the pill doesn't work, it would still be the woman's choice.

But if you really care about the issue at all, you should lobby your state to provide easy access to this pill.
so.. a MAN gets the condoms AND their parental rights end at the zipper AND he can choose not to have sex..

Their right to force a woman to have or abort the child ends. Yes.

but a woman gets to decide if the kid dies, has full control over every aspect of the developing child AND gets 18 years of cable money, eh?

A woman gets to decide whether to use contraception and must deal with the physical, mental and possibly financial commitments of having or not having the child. As for the cable money thing, why don't you just argue that child support be allotted more fairly? It would be a more reasonable approach.

yes.. this IS fair!


That's what bothers you. It's not fair? No, it isn't fair either that women have to deal with pregancy and all its complications, but that is just the way things are. Is this why you are so fixated on vaginas? You wish that you had one?
What I don't understand is why you would make a woman go through pregancy to satisfy this desire (to the extent that it exists). There are plenty of kids that need to be adopted, and if the father doesn't pass the threshold criteria for adoption, why would you think he would be a capable parent of his biological child?

so adopted kids > genetic heirs?


A fetus is HALF of the man. Thats worth more than your "shoulda wore a rubber" line. for crying out loud we gie women up to HALF in alimony and you can't fathom how a man would want HIS child to live?

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