Aborted fetus = Lucky bastard?

so adopted kids > genetic heirs?


A fetus is HALF of the man. Thats worth more than your "shoulda wore a rubber" line. for crying out loud we gie women up to HALF in alimony and you can't fathom how a man would want HIS child to live?

I actually think that adopted kids = genetic heirs.

I understand that a man may wish this, but I don't find that compelling. Do you find it compelling that a woman doesn't wish it?

As for alimony, this is again a separate issue. If you feel alimony laws treat men unfairly, then argue for changing those laws.
Did you read the article? Or did you just like the title, genius? Or perhaps it was beyond your comprehension? The actual article is about women USING cable television to advertise deadbeat dad's to try to get them to pay child support. (It's also a 14 year old article, but we won't mention that....much).

And it's not about the ex's lifestyle...it's about the child's. Thing is, that usually goes with the custodial parent.

oops.. wrong link. I've got almost 15 browswrs open today.

You can probably blame my penis in some way, im sure..

Child Support or Parent Support?

There is no reason to lie. I've stated quite a few times on this thread that if the man was the one that became pregnant it would then become his decision.

it should be a mutual decision since MUTUAL decisions were made at MUTUAL ZIPPERS about having sex. Further, the product of that decision just insn't in any way shape or form merely YOUR body.
Absolutely, but I'll bet you dollars to doughnuts that the same people who object to reproductive choice also object to the morning after pill.

in this case you'd be wrong again.

What part of "birth control from education to zygote heartbeat" don't you understand?
You're losing it again, honey. You really need to control that. You're spewing all over the place, confusing issues and making stuff up.

Might be time for you to hit the bong and calm down.

Are you kidding me? who is making shit up now? You complain about the PAIN of childbirth but want to ignore the PAIN of having your fetal fucking body clawed out of the womb? gimme a break.

and, being the responsible person that I am, I don't toke until after work.

responsibility is a bitch like that. Maybe I should smoke a fatty at lunch and then cry that someone is trying to control me when company policy gets me fired (instead of, you know, my OWN actions)
Just don't go around telling people that you're having sexual relations with Taoman and these little misunderstandings will stop.

OR, try focusing on the issue rather than trying to assume that you can clairvoyantly know anything about personal behaviour from a position being taken on an internet messageboard.

but, if thats too much woman hating misogyny or ya....
it should be a mutual decision since MUTUAL decisions were made at MUTUAL ZIPPERS about having sex. Further, the product of that decision just insn't in any way shape or form merely YOUR body.

Show me how giving someone your sperm gives you the deciding rule.
OR, try focusing on the issue rather than trying to assume that you can clairvoyantly know anything about personal behaviour from a position being taken on an internet messageboard.

but, if thats too much woman hating misogyny or ya....

You're the one that brought Taoman up. As far as I remember, he didn't express an opinion on the subject at hand.
Maybe. But since vending machines don't dispense cancer sticks anymore, his bitterness would probably still place him in opposition.

We still have tobacco machines in this state. But, if we hold hands and pray to a vagina long enough we can probably blame a man and get that chanced.
Good question.

Also, if you were Shogun, wouldn't you make an effort to only have sex with someone that wanted to reproduce? I mean, he wouldn't have sex with any bimbo off the street, would he?

COULDNT the same be said about YOUR decision to fuck a man who eventually dumps your ass with a child? I mean, you are not putting out for just any schmoe with a cock, are you?

Why does this only apply to men, Ravir?
COULDNT the same be said about YOUR decision to fuck a man who eventually dumps your ass with a child? I mean, you are not putting out for just any schmoe with a cock, are you?

Why does this only apply to men, Ravir?

I've never become pregnant except by express design. You should never impregnate anyone except by express design. If you do, be prepared to deal with the fact that you cannot force a woman to bear your child.
I am getting out while still ahead. It has been a pleasure. Thanks for including me in the conversation. Good night (from London).
I am willing to bet that childbirth is considerably more painful for a woman than an abortion, and fetuses can't feel pain until the third trimester, so this comparison is meaningless.


It is possible that a temporary structure of neurons that appears in a fetus's brain during the second trimester allows it to sense pain. But Rosen and his colleagues believe a fetus's brain doesn't function coherently enough to be conscious.

ya, THATS convincing!


Study Finds 29-Week Fetuses PROBABLY Feel No Pain and Need No Abortion Anesthesia

Fetuses May Not Feel Pain in Early Months

When Can Fetuses Feel Pain?
New Report Says Probably Not Until Final Months Of Pregnancy



Fair enough. But why would someone with his view point have sex outside of a committed relationship with the goal of reproduction?

Why would any woman have sex with a man that wasn't simlilarly in a relationship and will supoort their mutual child?

it works both ways, Ravir. Carazy, I know.
oops.. wrong link. I've got almost 15 browswrs open today.

You can probably blame my penis in some way, im sure..

Child Support or Parent Support?


That's a bit better, though your link still doesn't say what you want it to. The article discusses that some men COMPLAIN that child support is used to pay for the ex's lifestyle, but concludes.....

When child support is calculated, it is almost always calculated for BOTH parents. The parent who resides with the child pays this support directly in every day living expenses while the parent who does not reside with the child pays it through a child support agency or directly to the other parent. But, bottom line, both parents are paying for the support of the child, even if only one is cutting a physical check.

Try again, babe. You might hit it at some point.
No, but we were discussing the mother. The point is after all to kill the fetus.

RvW may someday not be the law. So what? That wasn't what we were discussing. You seemed to suggest that uncared for children was somehow the result of RvW. I don't necessarily see that to be the case and don't think it is relevant in any event.

NO, the oint is to allow men the same perogative as a woman in the death of their mutual child since they both made the very same zipper decision.

And so what? it has everything to do with this discussion insomuch that tired ass rhetoric and behemoth accusations won't overturn savvy legislation that totally sidesteps RvW. 30 years of fucked up kids that are the product of judical vagina worship is a relevant reason to let fatherts have input in their kids' lives beyond merely being a source for cable tv money and a lifestyle. If a woman knows that her pussy is not so lucrative then perhaps, PERHAPS we can circumvent the abortion issue with a little MUTUAL SEXUAL RESPONSIBILITY.

I mean, blaming a man for not wearing a condom really is the root of all excuses.

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