Aborted fetus = Lucky bastard?

so, YOU get to call me a doofus, gay, etc...

but the first time I return the favor and call you a hooker you act like the fucking sky is falling?

Good one! It probably doesn't say anything about your capacity to preserve a double standard for that which you personally identify.

Indeed, I really don't give a fuck if you disagree with the heartbeat line in the sand since you seem to thing a fucking fetus is just a little acess tissue of a womans own body. Trust me, the law addressed your opinon before RvW and 30 years isn't a guarentee that such will not someday be the case again.

put that in your vagina bong and smoke it.

Trust me, your feminazi opinion of men and a dollar might get me a couple cokes out of a soda machine.

For the last time, you are the one that implied you were gay. I'll certainly never make that mistake again since it is such a grave insult to you.

as intrusive as an abortion? painful as an abortion? dangerous as an abortion?

Yes, and I would guess it is much more painful and considerably more dangerous. Of course, part of the difference is that an abortion takes 30 minutes and pregnancy last 9 months.

Like I've said, I don't care who or how much these gals fuck... but, regarding a compromise where both parties must give if they are to take, there is no excuse for a woman who is equipped with the entire expanse of knowledge from Education to zygote termination, not to be AS responsible for HER zipper decision. But they have no problem telling a man that his perogative ended when he unzipped his pants.

What does it matter to you? As long as the rules are set in advance, a man should be well-equipped to use a condom or not have sex. He can make his own decision knowing the ramifications. If you are right that abortion is painful and dangerous, then a woman has to account for a certain set of ramifications as well, although there may be fewer financial ramifications if she decides to abort.

properly cared for?

yes, 30 years of post RvW says that is exactly what we see today. Well taken care of kids.


First, are you arguing about whether abortion should be legal at all, because that is the only way this argument makes sense.

Second, the causal link between the right to abortion and more children uncared for would be a difficult one to show. Your position is attributing a lot to RvW, which, after all, didn't legalize abortion everywhere, as it was already legal in some states. It also stands against what one would generally think the results of the right to abortion would be, and, it deals more with the social system existing after birth than anything else, and would seem to suggest that men should be paying more, not less (or none, as in your compromise).
Shogun doesn't like reality. In fact, Shogun and reality kinda clash.

Apologies to Jerry Seinfeld and The Jimmy!
moreso; moreso and moreso

And you guys have done such a good job taking care of your kids that I heard on the news this morning that the majority of public assistance is the result of divorce.

Good job, guys!! Keep up the good work. And do tell us some more that you want to force women to have children.

If women don't want to be "forced" to have children, they probably shouldn't be getting pregnant in the first place.

Men should have a say.
Your focus is almost exclusively about the man, while child support is about the child.

Do you have some fixation on the word vagina?

It's pretty much the single word that sums up Jillian and Ravir's position..

AND is Mani's childhood nickname.

and no, the focus of child support isn't just about the child or there would never be legal issues cropping up when a woman uses child support to pay cable bills.

Using Cable TV to Get Child Support


WHEN did "supporting the child" become "sustaining an Ex's lifestyle"?
A content and relaxed parent is the epitome of a good parent.

When you meet the parent's needs you free up the parent to meet the needs of the children.

It works both ways, Shogun. Women shouldn't get pregnant if they aren't ready for a child. Likewise, a man shouldn't get a woman pregnant if he isn't prepared to be a father.
What does it matter to you? As long as the rules are set in advance, a man should be well-equipped to use a condom or not have sex. He can make his own decision knowing the ramifications.


Couldn't have said it better myself. Men and women are different, and the ramifications of their decisions can also be different. Very different in this case. And no amount of 3/5 fetus compromise, or any other kind of compromise is going to make men and women the same.
Your focus is almost exclusively about the man, while child support is about the child.

Do you have some fixation on the word vagina?

hee hee hee...and then some.

btw, this entire issue would become almost completely moot if vending machines dispensed morning after pills.
It's pretty much the single word that sums up Jillian and Ravir's position..

AND is Mani's childhood nickname.

and no, the focus of child support isn't just about the child or there would never be legal issues cropping up when a woman uses child support to pay cable bills.

Using Cable TV to Get Child Support


WHEN did "supporting the child" become "sustaining an Ex's lifestyle"?

Then what you should support is greater supervision over the need for, and expenditure of, child support. I have no problem with that. Your alternative compromise seems to create more issues than it solves.
moreso; moreso and moreso

And you guys have done such a good job taking care of your kids that I heard on the news this morning that the majority of public assistance is the result of divorce.

Good job, guys!! Keep up the good work. And do tell us some more that you want to force women to have children.

I heard that, too. I'm still curious to know where these hordes of men are that want to be single fathers that Shogun seems to think exist.
It's pretty much the single word that sums up Jillian and Ravir's position..

AND is Mani's childhood nickname.

and no, the focus of child support isn't just about the child or there would never be legal issues cropping up when a woman uses child support to pay cable bills.

Using Cable TV to Get Child Support


WHEN did "supporting the child" become "sustaining an Ex's lifestyle"?

Did you read the article? Or did you just like the title, genius? Or perhaps it was beyond your comprehension? The actual article is about women USING cable television to advertise deadbeat dad's to try to get them to pay child support. (It's also a 14 year old article, but we won't mention that....much).

And it's not about the ex's lifestyle...it's about the child's. Thing is, that usually goes with the custodial parent.
moreso; moreso and moreso

And you guys have done such a good job taking care of your kids that I heard on the news this morning that the majority of public assistance is the result of divorce.

Good job, guys!! Keep up the good work. And do tell us some more that you want to force women to have children.

Are you ASSuming that I have any horse in the marriage race? No one is forcing a woman to have a child that she, HERSELF, did not make the ZIPPER DECISION to risk creating. If you can strangle a man with those very words then you can share the "wealth" of your mutual genetic decision.

hey, why don't you call me an antisemite too since you are better at projecting than you are comprehending.

Don't cry on my shoulder about the PAIN of childbirth when YOU are the one defending the practive of killing a fucking fetus.
It's pretty much the single word that sums up Jillian and Ravir's position..

AND is Mani's childhood nickname.

and no, the focus of child support isn't just about the child or there would never be legal issues cropping up when a woman uses child support to pay cable bills.

Using Cable TV to Get Child Support


WHEN did "supporting the child" become "sustaining an Ex's lifestyle"?

There is no reason to lie. I've stated quite a few times on this thread that if the man was the one that became pregnant it would then become his decision.
btw, this entire issue would become almost completely moot if vending machines dispensed morning after pills.

Now now, but that doesn't provide for equal say on the part of the sperm donor you man-hating feminazi!!!
For the last time, you are the one that implied you were gay. I'll certainly never make that mistake again since it is such a grave insult to you.


of COURSE im the guy whose fault it is!

I have a PENIS! It MUST be true!

a WOMAN says so!

Suggesting otherwise is CLEARLY woman hating misogyny!

I heard that, too. I'm still curious to know where these hordes of men are that want to be single fathers that Shogun seems to think exist.

What I don't understand is why you would make a woman go through pregancy to satisfy this desire (to the extent that it exists). There are plenty of kids that need to be adopted, and if the father doesn't pass the threshold criteria for adoption, why would you think he would be a capable parent of his biological child?

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