Abortion Barbie Won't Avoid Liar In Chief


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Because she has absolutely no chance of winning.

The best she can hope for is that some dimocrap scumbag wins something somewhere and puts her/it in a position of power like the Liar In Chief did for Kathleen Sebellious... Who was a staunch supporter of Tiller The Baby Killer in case you didn't know.

Sebelius Unfit For HHS Post ? Facts About Her Connections To The Abortion Cartel

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=aMC_70oYV8U]I left my dead baby in a toilet at George Tiller's - YouTube[/ame]

Abortion Barbie Says She Won’t Avoid Being Seen With Obama…


Via Politico:

Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis said Thursday that she would not shy away from being seen with President Barack Obama when he visits the Lone Star State next month.

The Democratic state senator’s comments came two days after she secured her party’s nomination in the deep-red state — but lost a number of border counties, raising questions about her performance among Hispanic voters.

“I’m definitely planning on being at the celebration,” Davis said in a live interview with The Texas Tribune, referring to the April gathering in Austin where Obama and ex-presidents are expected to speak about civil rights at the Lyndon B. Johnson presidential library.

“I’m excited about greeting our president there, and our former presidents,” Davis said.

When the “conversation series” moderator, Texas Tribune Editor-in-Chief Evan Smith, mockingly covered his face to ask whether Davis would shy away from photographs with the president, Davis said, “No, I’m definitely not going to do that.”

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