Abortion Cruises - Schedule Now To Kill Your Baby In International Waters 12 Miles Off the US Coast

As the saying goes, "Where there is a WILL, there is a WAY!"

Perhaps despicable liberals will combine Abortions with Deep Sea Fishing. After the abortion they can use what's left for chum and bait....

View attachment 668988
'WTF Is Wrong With liberals?!'

Got to love the entrepreneurial spirit of some people.
It is incredible to me that the left promotes black genocide and everyone is all for it.

30 million black abortions since 1973.


Is that why blacks fell from 13% of the population in 2010 to 12% in 2020?

I thought it was because of illegal immigration...

Maybe both.

Where is Suberbadcocksucker? Maybe he can explain?
You are the ones who hate science. Look at global warming. The coronavirus.

Oh we hate science - yet you Nazis claim that a being with independent human DNA, heart and brain activity isn't human.

Yet you Nazis claim men can get pregnant.

Yet you Nazis claim that people can change gender at will.

Essentially none ,just fetuses who had the potential of becoming a real child.

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but your accusations of women murdering their babies is backfiring. Over the last 2 years women identifying themselves as prolife has dropped from 51% to 33% and women identifying themselves as prochoice has increased form 44% to 61%. And for the first time in years men identifying themselves as prochoice exceed those identifying themselves as prolife. You may be happy to sacrifice a woman life for a fetus, but the opposition is growing faster now that Roe has been overturned.

Overturning Roe may end up being the best thing that has happened for Prochoice. For over 50 years, overturning Roe was just a distant fear. Now the court has made it a real threat to the lives of women.

Actually I am surprised that Democrats haven't exploited this more. They should remind women that they are being called murderers. In addition Republicans think women take the decision to have a abortion lightly.
Wow,such an emotionally triggered tantrum, devoid of all intellectual honesty.

Democrats talked about passing legislation that would allow a living, breathing US citizen fighting to survive outside the womb after a failed abortion attempt to be killed because that was the original intent before the BABY survived / was born, outside tbe womb.

Democrats responded to the USSC decision by demanding abortions in ALL 9 MONTHS OF A PREGNANCY BE ALLOWED.

Baby killers, would-be assassins, domestic terrorist bombers, criminal / violent / seditious Insurrectionist politicians....

Who the hell do you think you are actually fooling on this board, snowflake?


You are the FOOL. It works because you are appealing to the other fools.

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