Abortion doctor guilty murder 1st


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Maybe they should have gone for the insanity plea. What did the defense team think would happen with testimony that Dr. Gosnel cut the heads off babies or at least cut the spinal column of at least three babies? Did the defense team think the jury would forget that babies outside the womb are considered to be human beings even though the mother had abandoned them? The doctor was also found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the death of a patient.
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I heard the guy was upset about the verdict ..
I wonder if the Democrat party feels a "disturbance in the force" now that one of theirs was taken down.

Well I'm sure there are more ready to take his place.
Maybe it's time to consider the scores of negligent homicide victims in Chicago hospitals after (then) senator Obama decided that the new method of late term abortion would include inducing premature delivery and killing the babies by neglect while they shivered and cried on stainless steel tables without so much as a blanket to comfort them.

Left-wing hero Dr. Gosnell, 72 years old, faces a possible death sentence when the jury reconvenes next week to consider sentencing. Doc's going to check out his new crib...:splat:

Philadelphia Abortion Doctor Gosnell Convicted of Murder - WSJ.com

Maybe they should have gone for the insanity plea. What did the defense team think would happen with testimony that Dr. Gosnel cut the heads off babies or at least cut the spinal column of at least three babies? Did the defense team think the jury would forget that babies outside the womb are considered to be human beings even though the mother had abandoned them? The doctor was also found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the death of a patient.
It was just announced that Gosnell gets life in prison: My Way News - Convicted Pa. abortion doctor gets life in prison

PHILADELPHIA (AP) - A Philadelphia abortion doctor convicted of killing three babies born alive at his grimy clinic was spared a possible death sentence Tuesday in a deal with prosecutors.
Dr. Kermit Gosnell gave up his right to appeal and in return will spend life in prison. Gosnell, 72, was found guilty Monday of first-degree murder in a case that became a flashpoint in the nation's abortion debate.
Did the prosecution offer immunity to Gosnell's people for their testimony? I don't recall the Nuremberg trials offering Nazis immunity when they were also following orders while committing unspeakable crimes.
Did the prosecution offer immunity to Gosnell's people for their testimony? I don't recall the Nuremberg trials offering Nazis immunity when they were also following orders while committing unspeakable crimes.

The employees should be thrown in jail as well, if you ask me.
Maybe it's time to consider the scores of negligent homicide victims in Chicago hospitals after (then) senator Obama decided that the new method of late term abortion would include inducing premature delivery and killing the babies by neglect while they shivered and cried on stainless steel tables without so much as a blanket to comfort them.

Maybe you should mind your own business and stop pretending you have a medical degree.

Only two people should be involved in the medical decision to have an abortion.

The woman and her doctor.

Maybe it's time to consider the scores of negligent homicide victims in Chicago hospitals after (then) senator Obama decided that the new method of late term abortion would include inducing premature delivery and killing the babies by neglect while they shivered and cried on stainless steel tables without so much as a blanket to comfort them.

Maybe you should mind your own business and stop pretending you have a medical degree.

Only two people should be involved in the medical decision to have an abortion.

The woman and her doctor.


Like you mind your own business when it comes to private gun ownership?

Maybe it's time to consider the scores of negligent homicide victims in Chicago hospitals after (then) senator Obama decided that the new method of late term abortion would include inducing premature delivery and killing the babies by neglect while they shivered and cried on stainless steel tables without so much as a blanket to comfort them.

Maybe you should mind your own business and stop pretending you have a medical degree.

Only two people should be involved in the medical decision to have an abortion.

The woman and her doctor.


Like you mind your own business when it comes to private gun ownership?


Since your gun has the potential to kill others, nope, not even a close comparison.
Since your gun has the potential to kill others, nope, not even a close comparison.

Perhaps you could provide us with the circumstances where a firearm killed someone all by itself? I am familair with an organization called "Assualt Weapon Watch" which has 3 assault weapons under continuous 24 hour survellance to see if they antimate themselves and start killing people. I was monitoring a Colt AR-15 assault rifle with 30 round magazine and I think I saw it move..

Assault Weapon Watch - Camera 1
Since your gun has the potential to kill others, nope, not even a close comparison.

Perhaps you could provide us with the circumstances where a firearm killed someone all by itself? I am familair with an organization called "Assualt Weapon Watch" which has 3 assault weapons under continuous 24 hour survellance to see if they antimate themselves and start killing people. I was monitoring a Colt AR-15 assault rifle with 30 round magazine and I think I saw it move..

Assault Weapon Watch - Camera 1

You are absolutely right. When guns aren't given to people who don't know what they are doing, they are perfectly safe.

Which is why we need laws to keep guys like Lanza and Holmes from buying them.

AWESOME, dude. You've seen the light. Praise Jay-a-zus!
Maybe you should mind your own business and stop pretending you have a medical degree.

Only two people should be involved in the medical decision to have an abortion.

The woman and her doctor.


Like you mind your own business when it comes to private gun ownership?


Since your gun has the potential to kill others, nope, not even a close comparison.

Something dies during an abortion 100% of the time. it may not be a full human, but it is a unique organism, and its dead. No amount of doublethink changes that fact.

Support abortion on demand all you want, but dont try to think the end result is not the death of something.
Which is why we need laws to keep guys like Lanza and Holmes from buying them.

AWESOME, dude. You've seen the light. Praise Jay-a-zus!

Seems to me we should have laws available to identify people like Lanza and Holmes and lock them up before they harm people by any means... Or is that too much of a burden?

Something dies during an abortion 100% of the time. it may not be a full human, but it is a unique organism, and its dead. No amount of doublethink changes that fact.

Support abortion on demand all you want, but dont try to think the end result is not the death of something.

Fetuses aren't people, and they aren't alive by virtue of the fact that if they accidently fall out of the womb, they are every bit as dead as if someone pulled them out.

Alive to me means- viable.
Which is why we need laws to keep guys like Lanza and Holmes from buying them.

AWESOME, dude. You've seen the light. Praise Jay-a-zus!

Seems to me we should have laws available to identify people like Lanza and Holmes and lock them up before they harm people by any means... Or is that too much of a burden?

No, not really.

Why lock someone up if they haven't done anything?

But keeping people you aren't sure of away from the ability to inflict mass death... yeah, that's probably a good idea.
Why lock someone up if they haven't done anything? .

Because they are a danger to themselves and to others. We do it all the time. It is called "civil commitment". Look it up some time.

But keeping people you aren't sure of away from the ability to inflict mass death... yeah, that's probably a good idea.

No, you have merely limited the options of a person to inflict mass death. You have in no way eliminated that possibility. And by creatiing a category of people "we are not sure of" you are infringing upon constitutional rights without due process of law...

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