Abortion doctor guilty murder 1st

I am not religous myself, but I dont begrudge people who are. You are just a hateful little man who cant understand that other people can have different worldviews.

You are a self centered, egotistical prick.

If they kept their silly superstitions to themselves in their churches, I'd have no problem with them.

When they vote in assholes who sign free trade treaties and union-busting laws and revoking the rights of workers because some rich people convinced these guliable assholes that Jesus was totally into tax cuts for the rich or on the hope that the government might start regulating people's lady parts, then they are having an effect on my life, and frankly, deserve every bit of mockery I can throw at their beliefs.

So basically if they shut up and reject thier rights to vote as they see fit, you are OK with it?

How asshattish of you. They have every right to vote as they want, elect the people they want, and impose whatever laws the majority want (bound by the constitution of course). The reason for those laws does not matter.

Guy, do REALLY think that the majority wants to work harder for less money because they are competing with some Chinese babe who is forced to have an abortion? Do you really think this is even what these religious asshats want?

Even they aren't that stupid. Well, most of them. When you confront them with this reality, that they are never going to get their way on abortion but they have bartered away their rights as workers (probably causing more abortions), they go off the edge. Kind of like you are doing.

Nope, but they will keep voting for asshats with R's behind their names because these asshats think that the word Rape needs to be qualified with an adjective to give rights to fetuses.

That's the problem. Most of these fuckheads are too stupid to be allowed to vote.

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