Abortion & Incest


Sep 23, 2010
If you want proof of how vicious the mainstream media is when it comes to punishing black conservatives for daring to be black and conservative, look no further than the media's coordinated attack against the openly conservative Dr. Ben Carson for making the exact same kind of argument about same-sex marriage as Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor did on the exact same day.

No Media Outrage After Sotomayor 'Compares' Homosexuality to Incest
by John Nolte30 Mar 2013

No Media Outrage After Sotomayor 'Compares' Homosexuality to Incest

Liberals have a tiger by the tail with their big push for homosexual marriage. Let go of the tail and the tiger might turn to the connection between abortion and incest.

One must begin with incest to fully understand abortion.

For centuries, organized religions’ priesthoods led the way in trying to stop incest; first by moral taboo, then by influencing governments. For the most part, priests represented the first and only group that could honestly be called an educated class.

Early on, priesthoods understood that children born of incestuous unions are the victims injured most grievously both physically and emotionally. There are still no doubts on that score in spite of what today’s permissive educated class in academe promotes. Having said that, I want to try and make the connection between abortion and incest in today’s world.

My reasoning for stopping all abortion is uncomplicated. Infanticide is the cruelest form of murder. In addition to infanticide incest is the unintended consequence of abortion.

Legal abortion removes the fear of pregnancy. Then funding organizations like Planned Parenthood removes the burden of paying for an abortion making it easier for incestuous individuals at the lower end of the economic ladder to abuse children who are close relations. It is those children who need the most protection, but get the least from Democrats —— male and female. No elected Democrat will offend a major constituency just to protect children.


Abortion-on-demand encourages incest because those who might not engage in the practice realize that abortion is available to eliminate their “mistake” without fear of exposure. It’s the same as a person who won’t steal when there’s a chance of getting caught. If killing children in the womb is not enough rational to stop all abortion then giving incest fertile ground should be.

Until the loopholes can be closed, those who are against abortion except in the case of rape, or incest, or the life of the mother do no service to their cause. So long as the loopholes in enforcement exist, every exception is an open door to exploitation by pro-abortion activists. It is the exception that ultimately negates the argument against all abortion. The reason being: If one kind of abortion is acceptable then all abortion should be a matter of choice and legal. Roe v. Wade showed that the High Court leaned in that direction anyway. And let’s not underestimate the influence exercised by the pro-abortion media.

On top of everything else promoting legal abortion made population controls morally acceptable in Christian countries as it did in Communist China.

Mankind will be lucky if the genocide crowd controlling governments stops at abortion. Twentieth century governments used more direct methods of killing when they did not have abortion as moral justification for slaughtering their own people. One can only cringe at the methods governments will adopt when they claim abortion gives them the moral high ground.

Back alleys

Democrats will never admit that fifty million or so babies aborted since Roe v. Wade has been a high price to pay for halting back alley abortions. The number of women who died in such procedures is minuscule when compared to legal infanticide. And those women had two choices: Choose not to get pregnant, and don’t abort if they do get pregnant.

I’m not foolish enough to think that all unwanted pregnancies can be stopped. Nor do I believe that illegal abortions are gone forever should Roe v. Wade be overturned. Abortion-on-demand is not the solution to either problem.

Bottom line: The camouflage abortion gives to incest is a price no civilized society can pay.

Finally, anyone reading this thread who doubts that the infanticide crowd are murderers should have no trouble justifying this:

A lobbyist for a regional division of Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion business in the United States, says a doctor and a mother should be allowed to decide to kill a newborn who survives an abortion.

The stunning position echoed statements made by Barack Obama while he was in the state Senate in Illinois, and repeatedly opposed a proposed law that would have obligated physicians to provide care to a baby surviving the abortion procedure.

Planned Parenthood lobbies for 'post-birth abortion'
Lawmakers told mother's 'choice' to let babies die on table
Published: 2 days ago

Planned Parenthood lobbies for ?post-birth abortion?
Women have a natural right to control their personal reproductive imperatives/schedules.


That fake liberals move heaven and earth to deny the primacy of natural rights while fake conservatives howl at the moon exalting the primacy of natural rights proves both "sides" of the discussion are degenerate, contemptible and unworthy.

Unfortunately the law is now involved. Women will get abortions, so laws against abortion degrade law in a period fewer and fewer respect law. The reality in the year 2013 is that partisan moralists on both sides of artificial divides AGAINST natural law are working overtime to destroy respect for man's laws. That has in history led to bad ends to any number of cultures, nations and other organized groups of degenerates.

The United States shall not be an exception.

As women shall find paths to abortion.


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