Abortion... It's Murder.

Prepare to be blasted by the baby killers. They have no respect for human life, especially the unborn.

Yeah, those who send people to die in made up wars have a very high regard for human life. Those who want to cut food stamp and other programs that help the needy have a real regard for human life, but only so there are others to lord over. Go Fuck yourself you two bit piece of shit hypocrite!
Yeah, fuck you too you welfare sponging, baby hacking, parasitic piece of shit.
The Democrat party has always been the party of the evil, greedy, selfish people.
There are six billion people in the world, only a moron would want more. Abortion should be promoted not subdued.

And Evil chimes in... again.

Demon, there's are ways to not increase the population of the planet and NOT MURDER the most innocent of human beings.

First, don't engage in intercourse where you're not desirous of a child...

Second, if ya can't find the strength of character to not do so: STERILIZE YOURSELF!

Third: Kill the Evil, before they murder the innocent.
The Democrat party has always been the party of the evil, greedy, selfish people.
Not that we want to broad-brush entire communities, but would we describe you bible thumping, screaming, hair-on-fire religious zealots as something, Oh, how shall we say... "less than rational"?
Abortion isn't murder. Murder's illegal. Abortion isn't.

Abortion is the premeditated lawful killing of your own baby. But it's not murder.
You are entitled to believing that Abortion... It's Murder. However, abortion is a legal procedure.
Abortion is not murder.

Thanks to the military, I know what murder feels like. Thanks to my own choices, I also know what abortion feels like.

I felt nothing when I had an abortion. I felt incredible when I took human Life, I mean, it had to be the biggest rush of my Life.

Abortion and murder are nothing alike.​

Murder is the morally unjustified taking of a human life.

Now you claim that you didn't 'feel' like when you took the life of your pre-born baby, what was justification for stripping that human being of its life?
Abortion isn't murder. Murder's illegal. Abortion isn't.

Abortion is the premeditated lawful killing of your own baby. But it's not murder.

Murder is the morally unjustified taking of a human life; meaning that to take a human life without a sound moral justification is immoral and THAT is WHY murder is illegal.
Abortion is not murder.

Thanks to the military, I know what murder feels like. Thanks to my own choices, I also know what abortion feels like.

I felt nothing when I had an abortion. I felt incredible when I took human Life, I mean, it had to be the biggest rush of my Life.

Abortion and murder are nothing alike.​

Murder is the morally unjustified taking of a human life.

Now you claim that you didn't 'feel' like when you took the life of your pre-born baby, what was justification for stripping that human being of its life?

Wrong again, Keys. Murder is the illegal taking of human life. Abortion, not being illegal, is not murder. Also, under the law, a fetus is not a person, so you are wrong on two counts. Also, your religious beliefs on the issue carries absolutely no weight under the law, so you are wrong on three counts. However, if you want to go to a Muslim country, where Muslim beliefs are also the law of the land, you might feel more at home.
Abortion is not murder.

Thanks to the military, I know what murder feels like. Thanks to my own choices, I also know what abortion feels like.

I felt nothing when I had an abortion. I felt incredible when I took human Life, I mean, it had to be the biggest rush of my Life.

Abortion and murder are nothing alike.​

Murder is the morally unjustified taking of a human life.

Now you claim that you didn't 'feel' like when you took the life of your pre-born baby, what was justification for stripping that human being of its life?

Wrong again, Keys. Murder is the illegal taking of human life.

Yes... Murder is Illegal.

And Murder is Illegal, because the taking of a human life absent a sound moral justification is: IMMORAL.

Let's Review: That which is illegal, is such, because it is: immoral. Meaning simply, that where something is morally sound, there is no basis on which to preclude the behavior through legal statute.

You 'feel' that "The Constitution requires a separation between Church and State" and that because of THAT, the legal code is therefore separated from morality.

Those 'feelings' are detached from reality... the 'reasoning' which stems from those 'feelings' is a perversion of sound human reasoning. It is therefore delusional.

That reasoning rests in what is known as "Relativism".

Relativism is the doctrine that knowledge, truth, and morality exist only in relation to one's cultural, societal, historical and personal context, and as such are never the result of soundly reasoned moral absolutes.

As a result, this perversion of human reasoning rejects the objectivity which is essential to truth, thus essential to trust, therefore it is the core to a soundly reasoned morality and as such represents the basis of JUSTICE.

You're literally claiming that Killing the ABSOLUTELY MOST INNOCENT OF HUMAN LIFE is "LEGAL", therefore it is 'right', thus you're entitled to do so ... . This is precisely how the NAZIS saw the world; it is how The Progressives see the world. It is Precisely how the Socialists see the world. It is how the Communists see the world! All ideologies which fail. And they fail because THEY FAIL TO SERVE JUSTICE.

And THAT is how we can know that YOU and people LIKE you, are "THE PROBLEM!".

Which, for those keeping score... YOU ARE: The manifestation of PURE, UNADULTERATED EVIL!
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"Abortion... It's Murder."

Everyone's entitled to his opinion, however ignorant, subjective, and wrong.

you're absolutely correct. Everyone is entitled to ignorant subjective and wrong opinions.

doesn't change the fact that it's murder
"Abortion... It's Murder."

Everyone's entitled to his opinion, however ignorant, subjective, and wrong.

you're absolutely correct. Everyone is entitled to ignorant subjective and wrong opinions.

doesn't change the fact that it's murder

No, it's illegal to murder.

Accept where the individual whose life is at issue, is represented solely by the individual who is otherwise fully responsible for their life and who is innocent of any offense and who is wholly powerless from defending themselves, speaking in their own defense and whose life depends entirely upon the sound reasoning of a viable people whose interests is in the defense of the innocent and the service of justice. A woman ... who is using the only power she has, to take the life of the child she conceived through her own wanton and willful behavior; a child which depends entirely upon her and which she carries inside her very body.

THERE... in THAT circumstance murder is legal.
"Abortion... It's Murder."

Everyone's entitled to his opinion, however ignorant, subjective, and wrong.

you're absolutely correct. Everyone is entitled to ignorant subjective and wrong opinions.

doesn't change the fact that it's murder

No, it's illegal to murder.

Not necessarily. In some nations it is legal to murder a homosexual for being a homosexual. Is that murder? Yes. Is it legal? Yes. In some nations it is legal to put to death someone suspected of being involved in the occult and witchcraft. Is it legal? Yes. Is it murder? Yes. In some nations it is legal to put to death someone who has converted from Islam to Christianity. Is it legal? Yes. Is it murder? Yes, it is.

Abortion is cold blooded murder.

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