CDZ Abortion Perspective

As you know, they are not DONATED, they are SOLD.
They are not sold for profit. They are donated but they are allowed by law to charge a nominal fee to cover their costs for supplying samples.

Your deflection aside, you prefer they're just thrown out rather than be donated to medical research?

They are sold for profit. If you want to get down n the weeds with semantics, go for it!
You need to prove that.

As you saw, I did, thank you!

No, you didn't. The law allows them to charge for the cost involved in samples and shipping. Where is the profit?


Lining the paychecks and bonuses of Planned Parenthood.


That is exactly how I feel about women/men who collect Social Security via their spouses and have never been employed or have not earned enough tax credits to qualify.

I'm really old so speaking of my grandparents, born before the LAST century, is going back in time. All my grandparents were immigrants, in the late 1800s from Norway and Denmark. On my Mother's side, her father came here with a 4th-grade education. There was no Social Security and he departed our life after 50 years of marriage. He had acquired several apartment buildings that provided her with a good income for the rest of her life on the North Side of Chicago.

When he passed away in his late 70s, she qualified for his benefits in spite of the fact that she had never worked outside the home or learned to drive for that matter. That (driving) was a man's work. She thought it was crazy that she got a check from the government every month until she passed at 102. She thought it was crazy BUT, that was HER money and she decided how to spend HER money! :D

First off.........I was going to say you are really old but one of my grandfather's was born in 1919. I don't think I'm far enough behind you to even go there.

Those are Survivor's Benefits. Different category.

I'm talking about Benefits Planner: Retirement | Benefits For Your Spouse | Social Security Administration

It's 2020. That right there is someone's "lifestyle".
As you know, they are not DONATED, they are SOLD.
They are not sold for profit. They are donated but they are allowed by law to charge a nominal fee to cover their costs for supplying samples.

Your deflection aside, you prefer they're just thrown out rather than be donated to medical research?

They are sold for profit. If you want to get down n the weeds with semantics, go for it!
You need to prove that.

As you saw, I did, thank you!

No, you didn't. The law allows them to charge for the cost involved in samples and shipping. Where is the profit?

i see that it wasn't answered. cause it couldn't be answered. howeverrrrrrrrrr......

Planned Parenthood Investigations Find No Fetal Tissue Sales
January 28, 201612:47 PM ET
The videos served as a major rallying point for Americans opposed to abortion. They fueled a threat to shut down the government as well as a push in several states to cut funding to Planned Parenthood.

They also inspired a wave of investigations. After the videos' release last summer, a number of states quickly decided to look into whether the tissue sale the videos purported to show was happening within their borders.

Here's what happened in each of those cases:

South Dakota...

Planned Parenthood Investigations Find No Fetal Tissue Sales

Arizona Officials Find No Instances of Wrongdoing in Fetal Tissue Donation
Jun 14, 2016, 4:02pm Nicole Knight

Arizona Officials Find No Instances of Wrongdoing in Fetal Tissue Donation - Rewire.News

The Facts vs Fiction

[Claim vs Fact]
Planned Parenthood: Fact v. Fiction
" This Anti-Choice Debate Is Mindless "

* Public Lack Of Information *
Why all the deflection? Why not address the fact that the federal government has prohibited the States from determining their own laws regarding abortion? Why should a small group of people be able to impose their political views on majorities who do not share those views? Why should Kansas be forced to adopt the same views as New York?
A state is comprised of citizens , for citizens ; when does one become a citizen and what is a requirement for equal protection ?

Blackmun, Roe V. Wade, "Logically, of course, a legitimate state interest in this area need not stand or fall on acceptance of the belief that life begins at conception or at some other point prior to live birth."

The anti-choice pundits deride federalism foolishly ignoring that us 9th amendment precedes us 10th amendment , so let the anti-federalists cede to the anti-statists , to the individualists as well .

* Public Lexicon *
If anything, your civil rights comparison supports the right to life of the unborn, not the right to terminate that life. That is why the Roe v. Wade Court had to invent a new "right to privacy" in order to justify its otherwise indefensible decision.
The principle basis of roe v wade decision is not a " right to privacy ", as that is an incidental justification , because the fetus is without constitutional protections it is the private property of the mother .

The self ownership ( free roam , free association , progeny ) of individualism assures that is it not the government which dictates where and when individuals are to pass on their genetic identity for a chance of an after life , for a chance of eternal life .
They are not sold for profit. They are donated but they are allowed by law to charge a nominal fee to cover their costs for supplying samples.

Your deflection aside, you prefer they're just thrown out rather than be donated to medical research?

They are sold for profit. If you want to get down n the weeds with semantics, go for it!
You need to prove that.

As you saw, I did, thank you!

No, you didn't. The law allows them to charge for the cost involved in samples and shipping. Where is the profit?


Lining the paychecks and bonuses of Planned Parenthood.


They are sold for profit. If you want to get down n the weeds with semantics, go for it!
You need to prove that.

As you saw, I did, thank you!

No, you didn't. The law allows them to charge for the cost involved in samples and shipping. Where is the profit?


Lining the paychecks and bonuses of Planned Parenthood.




They are not sold for profit. They are donated but they are allowed by law to charge a nominal fee to cover their costs for supplying samples.

Your deflection aside, you prefer they're just thrown out rather than be donated to medical research?

They are sold for profit. If you want to get down n the weeds with semantics, go for it!
You need to prove that.

As you saw, I did, thank you!

No, you didn't. The law allows them to charge for the cost involved in samples and shipping. Where is the profit?


Lining the paychecks and bonuses of Planned Parenthood.



I love ya Eagle, you are one of my special dudes...but, again - what profit? The law allows them to be recompensed for costs related to preparing samples and shipping. That is legit. It's up to you and other to show PP is making money here.
" End To This Debate Stifled By Ignoring Self Interests "

* Good Points Of Issue Nuanced By Contrary Fiscal Pet Peeves *
I love ya Eagle, you are one of my special dudes...but, again - what profit? The law allows them to be recompensed for costs related to preparing samples and shipping. That is legit. It's up to you and other to show PP is making money here.
Perhaps when absentee voting can be completed online , then citizens may disposition a portion of tax collections from a legislative budget directly to their own preferred programs ; and , when that happens , my funds will go to planned parenthood very long before they would go to abstinence only programs , and long before going to neonatal care for children of illegal migrants that should be billed back to the social security system from the country of their origin , and long before funding social welfare for children born of illegal migrants who were given us citizenship rather than citizenship jus sanginis from the country of their parent .

* Know Kneed To Buy A Clue Get This One Four Free *

The roe v wade decision is 100% consistent with us constitution and basic political science theory that a state is comprised of and acts on behalf of its citizens , and an intrinsic requirement of birth is included for equal protection as birth is a prerequisite for citizenship .

* Due Knot Tell Us Hue Will Not Pay For It *

Historically , nearly 75% of abortions are elected by those between 0% and 200% of the poverty line ; though they are economic libertarians - economic liberals , what makes those claiming to be fiscal conservatives believe that any with more than a lick of sense do not see through to the non sense of their denial that they are not promoting future poverty programs ?

The self ownership ( free roam , free association , progeny ) of individualism assures that is it not the government which dictates where and when individuals are to pass on their genetic identity for a chance of an after life , for a chance of eternal life .
They are sold for profit. If you want to get down n the weeds with semantics, go for it!
You need to prove that.

As you saw, I did, thank you!

No, you didn't. The law allows them to charge for the cost involved in samples and shipping. Where is the profit?


Lining the paychecks and bonuses of Planned Parenthood.



I love ya Eagle, you are one of my special dudes...but, again - what profit? The law allows them to be recompensed for costs related to preparing samples and shipping. That is legit. It's up to you and other to show PP is making money here.


Yeah there'd be no conflict of interest in an agency that refers people out to an abortion clinic that turns around and 'donates' the left over fetal parts back to PP so they can 'handle' the sale and distribution of said parts.

Maybe PP should consider expansion and get into handling Special Needs people by recommending SN agencies that run waiver homes so that SN agency can have those special needs people sign papers for organ donation so when those special needs people die the organs can go back to PP for sale and distribution.

Hey!!! Maybe they can even get into adoptions... Longmire - Season 1 - Episode 5 - Dog Soldier

I'll take a nominal $5 fee for every organ they handle and a nominal $100 fee for every adoption, and an extra $100 for every minority child, that PP handles since they're my ideas.....

That'll be all tax free since I'll be a non-profit right?

Of course there'll probably be no incentive for Planned Parenthood directors to encourage their people to highly suggest clients to have abortions, donate organs, or put someone up for adoption, at $50 to $100 a part or $5,000 to $10,000 a warm body in agency handling fees. Now would there?


Last edited:

Hey!!! Does Planned Parenthood actually have to have the equipment to handle said samples or can the abortion clinics do that for them and Planned Parenthood just say they handled the samples? That might make a difference if the Special Needs agencies have to set up clinics and stuff..... Maybe a deal can be worked out at the local hospitals.


You need to prove that.

As you saw, I did, thank you!

No, you didn't. The law allows them to charge for the cost involved in samples and shipping. Where is the profit?


Lining the paychecks and bonuses of Planned Parenthood.



I love ya Eagle, you are one of my special dudes...but, again - what profit? The law allows them to be recompensed for costs related to preparing samples and shipping. That is legit. It's up to you and other to show PP is making money here.


Yeah there'd be no conflict of interest in an agency that refers people out to an abortion clinic that turns around and 'donates' the left over fetal parts back to PP so they can 'handle' the sale and distribution of said parts.

Maybe PP should consider expansion and get into handling Special Needs people by recommending SN agencies that run waiver homes so that SN agency can have those special needs people sign papers for organ donation so when those special needs people die the organs can go back to PP for sale and distribution.

Hey!!! Maybe they can even get into adoptions... Longmire - Season 1 - Episode 5 - Dog Soldier

I'll take a nominal $5 fee for every organ they handle and a nominal $100 fee for every adoption, and an extra $100 for every minority child, that PP handles since they're my ideas.....

That'll be all tax free since I'll be a non-profit right?

Of course there'll probably be no incentive for Planned Parenthood directors to encourage their people to highly suggest clients to have abortions, donate organs, or put someone up for adoption, at $50 to $100 a part or $5,000 to $10,000 a warm body in agency handling fees. Now would there?



There isn't. The laws are that strict. The reality is that you don't have a leg to stand on other than you don't like it. That's fine but it's not a legit argument.

The controversy rages. Both sides at each others throats over an issue that neither will give ground on. One side says that it's murder while the other side says that others no right to tell them what to do with their body. In perspective both are have a point for mankind has many laws both religious and secular. Which in turn can lead to many questions on the subject. One such question that I've never seen asked is the following...

If these pro-abortion people don't want others telling them 'what to do with their body' what gives them the right to demand government funding to support an institution/agency (Planned Parenthood) to tell them what to do with their bodies?



NOTE: This is the Clean Debate Zone and it would be greatly appreciated if mod involvement for flaming and other offences not be required for this thread.

I have never met any "pro-abortion" people.
I have never met any "pro-abortion" people.

Imagine that.

..and here it says on your profile that you have been here since 2013.

Maybe you are talking about "pro-choice" people. I have never met anyone advocating that people should get abortions. Maybe we run in different crowds.

Small confession. :oops:

I did have an argument where a guy asked me for a cut off date for abortions.

So..........I asked him how old he was. :4_13_65:

Sometimes the rulez here are hard.

The controversy rages. Both sides at each others throats over an issue that neither will give ground on. One side says that it's murder while the other side says that others no right to tell them what to do with their body. In perspective both are have a point for mankind has many laws both religious and secular. Which in turn can lead to many questions on the subject. One such question that I've never seen asked is the following...

If these pro-abortion people don't want others telling them 'what to do with their body' what gives them the right to demand government funding to support an institution/agency (Planned Parenthood) to tell them what to do with their bodies?



NOTE: This is the Clean Debate Zone and it would be greatly appreciated if mod involvement for flaming and other offences not be required for this thread.

I have never met any "pro-abortion" people.


If you wish to play with semantics so can I.


As you saw, I did, thank you!

No, you didn't. The law allows them to charge for the cost involved in samples and shipping. Where is the profit?


Lining the paychecks and bonuses of Planned Parenthood.



I love ya Eagle, you are one of my special dudes...but, again - what profit? The law allows them to be recompensed for costs related to preparing samples and shipping. That is legit. It's up to you and other to show PP is making money here.


Yeah there'd be no conflict of interest in an agency that refers people out to an abortion clinic that turns around and 'donates' the left over fetal parts back to PP so they can 'handle' the sale and distribution of said parts.

Maybe PP should consider expansion and get into handling Special Needs people by recommending SN agencies that run waiver homes so that SN agency can have those special needs people sign papers for organ donation so when those special needs people die the organs can go back to PP for sale and distribution.

Hey!!! Maybe they can even get into adoptions... Longmire - Season 1 - Episode 5 - Dog Soldier

I'll take a nominal $5 fee for every organ they handle and a nominal $100 fee for every adoption, and an extra $100 for every minority child, that PP handles since they're my ideas.....

That'll be all tax free since I'll be a non-profit right?

Of course there'll probably be no incentive for Planned Parenthood directors to encourage their people to highly suggest clients to have abortions, donate organs, or put someone up for adoption, at $50 to $100 a part or $5,000 to $10,000 a warm body in agency handling fees. Now would there?



There isn't. The laws are that strict. The reality is that you don't have a leg to stand on other than you don't like it. That's fine but it's not a legit argument.


I disagree.

If you want to argue that Planned Parenthood is simply a health care provider and has nothing to do with abortions then they should distance themselves from said practices totally including the handling of fetal remains. The most they should be allowed is referring women who want/choose to get an abortion to a clinic that provides those services that has no actual connection to Planned Parenthood.


No, you didn't. The law allows them to charge for the cost involved in samples and shipping. Where is the profit?


Lining the paychecks and bonuses of Planned Parenthood.



I love ya Eagle, you are one of my special dudes...but, again - what profit? The law allows them to be recompensed for costs related to preparing samples and shipping. That is legit. It's up to you and other to show PP is making money here.


Yeah there'd be no conflict of interest in an agency that refers people out to an abortion clinic that turns around and 'donates' the left over fetal parts back to PP so they can 'handle' the sale and distribution of said parts.

Maybe PP should consider expansion and get into handling Special Needs people by recommending SN agencies that run waiver homes so that SN agency can have those special needs people sign papers for organ donation so when those special needs people die the organs can go back to PP for sale and distribution.

Hey!!! Maybe they can even get into adoptions... Longmire - Season 1 - Episode 5 - Dog Soldier

I'll take a nominal $5 fee for every organ they handle and a nominal $100 fee for every adoption, and an extra $100 for every minority child, that PP handles since they're my ideas.....

That'll be all tax free since I'll be a non-profit right?

Of course there'll probably be no incentive for Planned Parenthood directors to encourage their people to highly suggest clients to have abortions, donate organs, or put someone up for adoption, at $50 to $100 a part or $5,000 to $10,000 a warm body in agency handling fees. Now would there?



There isn't. The laws are that strict. The reality is that you don't have a leg to stand on other than you don't like it. That's fine but it's not a legit argument.


I disagree.

If you want to argue that Planned Parenthood is simply a health care provider and has nothing to do with abortions then they should distance themselves from said practices totally including the handling of fetal remains. The most they should be allowed is referring women who want/choose to get an abortion to a clinic that provides those services that has no actual connection to Planned Parenthood.



Reproductive health. All aspects of it. They make referrals now. They don't need to "distance" themselves from it.

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