Zone1 Abortion Policy Poll

What is your position on abortion policy?

  • It is a Constitutional Right prior to actual birth.

    Votes: 10 23.3%
  • It should be left up to the States.

    Votes: 22 51.2%
  • There should be a federal law regulating all abortions

    Votes: 11 25.6%

  • Total voters
You can figure those out in the first 12-16 weeks.
Sure, if you have good insurance, and can get referrals quickly.

So what if you can't. What if your doctor doesn't catch it on the first ultrasound?
Sure, if you have good insurance, and can get referrals quickly.

So what if you can't. What if your doctor doesn't catch it on the first ultrasound?

Then Planned Parenthood has the funding to figure it out.

12-16 weeks is where to me the interest between a woman's body and the life of the baby equalize. after that as they say in poker, the woman is pot committed.
Then Planned Parenthood has the funding to figure it out.

12-16 weeks is where to me the interest between a woman's body and the life of the baby equalize. after that as they say in poker, the woman is pot committed.

Except 2% of abortions are performed after that period because problems weren't detected.

How many disabled children are you willing to house and support?
Nice dodge.,,,not.

Not at all. The fact is I am helping an immigrant get right with the law and supporting her.

And just a year of dealing with this bullshit, I can see why the system is the mess that it is.

But here's the thing. Corky the Tard is never going to be self-sufficient. Most undocumented immigrants will be.
Not at all. The fact is I am helping an immigrant get right with the law and supporting her.

And just a year of dealing with this bullshit, I can see why the system is the mess that it is.

But here's the thing. Corky the Tard is never going to be self-sufficient. Most undocumented immigrants will be.

Many of them are close to it, and your disdain of them reeks of eugenics.
Many of them are close to it, and your disdain of them reeks of eugenics.

Well, no, since we can't prevent people from giving birth to them. We can allow them an out, though.

If you are a 40 years old harpy who wants to have a retarded baby because you just feel your biological clock ticking, nothing is stopping you from doing that, unfortunately.

And when he's 20 the state ends up taking care of him.
Well, no, since we can't prevent people from giving birth to them. We can allow them an out, though.

If you are a 40 years old harpy who wants to have a retarded baby because you just feel your biological clock ticking, nothing is stopping you from doing that, unfortunately.

And when he's 20 the state ends up taking care of him.

So "life undeserving of life"?
The GOP liked having it around as an issue because it got the religious crazies excited.

The Democrats, um, not so much. They thought Roe had settled this issue and got complacent.
Bullshit. For decades both sides have used this issue as fear porn to rile up the base.

Vote for me to end abortion

Vote for me or they will end abortion.

Two sides same coin.
They are lifeforms, human lifeforms worthy of protection after a certain point of development.

Also figured you didn't get the reference.
Oh, I got it, I just ignored it.

Fetuses aren't people. That's why it's okay to abort them.

The Census doesn't count fetuses as people.
You cannot claim a fetus as a dependent at tax time.

Down Syndrome is 100% preventable. Iceland has already done it.
Oh, I got it, I just ignored it.

Fetuses aren't people. That's why it's okay to abort them.

The Census doesn't count fetuses as people.
You cannot claim a fetus as a dependent at tax time.

Down Syndrome is 100% preventable. Iceland has already done it.

They are human lives.

Iceland is heading toward eugenics. Not a great idea.
There no such as "Pro-Abortion". It's called "Pro-Women's Right To Control Their Bodies". Or maybe you should wear a rubber.
Actually, they want to control a DIFFERENT body

You are not affording that same right to the developing women still inside the womb.
What restrictions? Should this be a federal law?
1st trimester - mothers choice, no questions asked.
2nd trimester - serious medical issues
3rd trimester - critical medical issues or life of the mother.

Not sure it has to be Federal law but it might make things simpler.

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