Abortion should be banned in the United States

I know one thing. The baby in the woman’s body is NOT her. The baby resides in her. Someday this will become clear but not while the left are allowed to kill it even after drawing the first breath.

Evil is as evil does.

There is one sure way to rid of abortion and that is to push abstinence and contraception so less babies are conceived. This would help but pro lifers are hesitant to be proponents of contraception. Why? Nobody knows. A decline on the birth rate isn't a big deal.
This is a picture of a human embryo, and shows what pro-aborts consider a non-functioning human without rights and tis of little matter. How can anyone say that a human embyro is not a human baby. Imo that really takes some work to twist the facts to believe it is not.

This is what I think it when I think of a "human baby":


That looks nothing like what you posted...
This is what I think it when I think of a "human baby":


That looks nothing like what you posted...
My post was medically accurate: a human embryo precedes neonatal development/ fetal until birth. Different stages of life, not a termite’s nor a lizard’s, but a human’s life.

Either I’ve missed your point or you’ve missed mine, but either way I’m good presenting factual information.
There is one sure way to rid of abortion and that is to push abstinence and contraception so less babies are conceived. This would help but pro lifers are hesitant to be proponents of contraception. Why? Nobody knows. A decline on the birth rate isn't a big deal.
I don’t know any pro-lifers who don’t support contraception, although I have read various religious connotations online supporting abstinence. Even still, you are referencing a specific subset, not a majority. For the sake of accuracy, most well-read adult opinions form at the individual level. Early conditioning of family and/or religious values are either maintained or discarded depending upon one’s choices and circumstances.
" Clown Attire Conjecturing Snuff Films To Validate Delusions Of An After Life "

* Mind Full Of Goo Goo Gaa Gaa *

The stage of development depicted , as an idealized condition of development , is a clear indication of an emotionally immature and intellectually disingenuous perspective by propagandists , as nearly all elective abortions which could be described as " without necessity for cause " are statistically optioned well before the representation .

Seldom does the public at large does seek abortion post 15 weeks except for reasons that could be described as " with necessity for cause " , to address anomalies such as for fetal abnormalities , or for maternal health , all of which has been managed by medical institutions , and none of which is a valid interest to the institution of us states , or to the united states , except that equal protection of negative liberties for the individual are assured - that includes informed consent .
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" Anthropocentric Dark Comedy Series Hue Mammon Apex Predator Vanity Of Exceptions "

* Sentience Requisite For Due Hue Mind Cognitive Objection Legal Victim By Proxy *

My post was medically accurate: a human embryo precedes neonatal development/ fetal until birth. Different stages of life, not a termite’s nor a lizard’s, but a human’s life.

Either I’ve missed your point or you’ve missed mine, but either way I’m good presenting factual information.
A universal scale of exploitation can be subdivided into categories of development based on a sophisticated physical state that is either inchoate , or sentient , or sapient .

On a universal scale of exploitation hue mammon does not exclude inchoate beings and sentience in hue mammon development is not supposed prior to 20 weeks , even by research biased for exaggerated findings .

The anomalies of fetal abnormalities are typically discovered by ultrasound from 15 through 20 weeks , and amniocentesis at 15 weeks includes a 1 in 100 chance of miscarriage and a 1 in 200 miscarriage at 20 weeks .

While the grief of decision to terminate a pregnancy " with necessity for cause " resides with the individual , empathy for suffering is a relevant consideration for the procedures to be implemented .

The macabre of freaks and psychopaths seeking post sentient , and especially post viability abortion , for thrills are unrealistic fantasy devised to facilitate a uniform fetish to quell anxiety about mortality .
Will the Biden administration send free clothes hangers to democrat women?

Abortionists and their clients deserve to die in prison - life sentence without parole, minimum. If there is no doubt whatsoever that the killing took place, then sure, execute their evil asses. Both of them. Abortion is contract homicide, any accessories should receive proportionate penalties as well.
You don't belong in the United States. I'm sure you don't live here, or if you do you are a danger, one who should never own or possess a firearm.

It's my opinion you need to seek a good therapist, one who only takes those who can protect themselves. You seem to be a danger to others.
You don't belong in the United States.
You seem butthurt about someone not liking the scum you support.

Your concept of the United States is that it must tolerate the murder of the innocent.

This insanity of yours means you are a barbarian who doesn’t belong in any country.

I'm sure you don't live here, or if you do you are a danger, one who should never own or possess a firearm.
The danger is presented by the psychopaths you support who kill the innocent for personal gain. You will not disarm us in addition to making it so these scum do not go to prison as they deserve. We have the right to self-defense and thanks to people like you, there is lots of danger.

It's my opinion you need to seek a good therapist, one who only takes those who can protect themselves. You seem to be a danger to others.
Your opinion seems to be retarded, as appropriate reflecting your mental acuity.
You seem butthurt about someone not liking the scum you support.

Your concept of the United States is that it must tolerate the murder of the innocent.

This insanity of yours means you are a barbarian who doesn’t belong in any country.

The danger is presented by the psychopaths you support who kill the innocent for personal gain. You will not disarm us in addition to making it so these scum do not go to prison as they deserve. We have the right to self-defense and thanks to people like you, there is lots of danger.

Your opinion seems to be retarded, as appropriate reflecting your mental acuity.
My graduate degree was in Human Relations, in these ideologies: Psychology, Social Psychology, Sociology, Counseling, Anthropology and Criminal Justice.

It's clear to me that your comments in your post above, as in response to another kook, are examples of pathological hate and disaffected personality disorders, to wit:

I support the death penalty for mass murderers and serial killers even if they are unborn.

Abortionists and their clients deserve to die in prison - life sentence without parole, minimum. If there is no doubt whatsoever that the killing took place, then sure, execute their evil asses. Both of them. Abortion is contract homicide, any accessories should receive proportionate penalties as well.
My graduate degree was in Human Relations
I'm sorry your parents wasted so much money on your useless degree or degrees, but I think it more likely you have no credentials at all.

Please fuck off, dear lunatic.

I don't know why you don't want murderers to go to prison - some kind of defect clearly, of which you seem to have legion - but I also don't care why you think something that inane and stupid, as it's essentially an incorrect opinion to have, unless you just generally think murdering or being murdered is fine, which brings us back to serious character / psychological defects.
" Inconsistency Between Naturalism And ' Natural Law ( sic ) ' "

* Selective Memory When Nothing Is Separable From Itself *

I'm sorry your parents wasted so much money on your useless degree or degrees, but I think it more likely you have no credentials at all.

Please fuck off, dear lunatic.

I don't know why you don't want murderers to go to prison - some kind of defect clearly, of which you seem to have legion - but I also don't care why you think something that inane and stupid, as it's essentially an incorrect opinion to have, unless you just generally think murdering or being murdered is fine, which brings us back to serious character / psychological defects.
Prior to entering into a social civil contract , according to a constitution , individuals are subject to the moral relativism in nature , and to improve ones quality of life and opportunity for survival , one exchanges natural freedoms for protected wrights that exist only because an entity , a state for example , is able to issue a retort or reprise for a violation of those elements writ in law .

A death penalty is a double entendre , whereby one individual removes their own wright to life , for removing a wright to life of another individual , albeit by due process , where equal protection - that includes a wright to life is afforded to those which have met a birth requirement , as birth is a requirement to be a citizen and therefore birth is required for equal protection .

* Lunatics Claim Gawd Wants Tamarin Mothers Locked Up For Life *

Infanticide is disturbingly common in nature. It's typically committed by males that take over a pride or pack and kill whatever babies are present to make room for the ones they plan to father.

The explanation for such pitiless behavior is as cold as it is unavoidable: tamarin mothers are simply very good at balancing their genetic ledgers and know when they're heading for a loss. If they're raising babies that have a poor chance of surviving anyway, why make a pointless investment of time, resources and calories trying to keep them alive? Better to cut their losses, bag the babies and wait for a better season to breed.
I know one thing. The baby in the woman’s body is NOT her. The baby resides in her. Someday this will become clear but not while the left are allowed to kill it even after drawing the first breath.

Evil is as evil does.
The fetus is using the woman's body without permission.
There is one sure way to rid of abortion and that is to push abstinence and contraception so less babies are conceived. This would help but pro lifers are hesitant to be proponents of contraception. Why? Nobody knows. A decline on the birth rate isn't a big deal.
Catholics (the real ones) are against artificial b control.. for moral reasons.

Since that is the Church Christ founded, everyone else needs to listen. The Church is 1) for everyone, 2) speaks for God..

2 reasons to listen to the Church and no better ones exist.

Truth applies to everyone
God's morals apply to everyone
How is that a matter? The difference between bringing a murderer or traitor to justice is worlds apart from murdering an innocent baby.
Not really, when innocent people end up on deathrow. It is the hypocrisy of the so called pro life movement. They aren’t.
Not really, when innocent people end up on deathrow. It is the hypocrisy of the so called pro life movement. They aren’t.
Never seen anyone convicted of murder innocent. Besides ,most of 'em have criminal records anyway. So no loss.

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