Abortion should be banned in the United States

Here's an excellent argument for having abortions.
There are way too many people on this planet already, we're going to hit 8 billion by the end of the year, and the more we grow, the less land we have for food, the more wars are going to happen to control the limited resources like water, agricultural land and the like.
Churches that carry on about the evils of abortion would be handing out free birth control if they wanted to be taken seriously.
Here's an excellent argument for having abortions.
There are way too many people on this planet already, we're going to hit 8 billion by the end of the year, and the more we grow, the less land we have for food, the more wars are going to happen to control the limited resources like water, agricultural land and the like.
Then you get off first. If you leave orbit now and hurry you're still pretty close to Mars and Venus, but really I feel you'd be more comfortable outside our local group, and I'd certainly be more comfortable with you follks just chilling out there, too.
Then you get off first. If you leave orbit now and hurry you're still pretty close to Mars and Venus, but really I feel you'd be more comfortable outside our local group, and I'd certainly be more comfortable with you follks just chilling out there, too.

See, I write a perfectly good reason, and your response is.... well.... to be honest I have no idea, what they fuck are you talking about?

Try talking about THE TOPIC.
See, I write a perfectly good reason, and your response is.... well.... to be honest I have no idea, what they fuck are you talking about?

Try talking about THE TOPIC.
You said we need to kill more kids because there are too many folks on the planet.

I'm saying if you think that there are too many folks on the planet, you and those who think like you are welcome to leave the planet. Funny how you're never in any hurry in that regard, just all too happy to kill others for your deluded beliefs.
You said we need to kill more kids because there are too many folks on the planet.

I'm saying if you think that there are too many folks on the planet, you and those who think like you are welcome to leave the planet. Funny how you're never in any hurry in that regard, just all too happy to kill others for your deluded beliefs.

No, I didn't.
I said abortions, we don't abort "kids", we abort "fetuses".... it's a technical term.

Oh right, so.... your response to a perfectly normal thing, is to go all wacky backy and pretend that all these people can just leave the planet....

Yeah, funny how I'm not going to go off and live on another planet.... Or maybe funny how you're struggling to actually discuss this topic.

Care to try again? Or should we just call this a complete waste of my fucking time and have done with it?
" Republicanism For Individualism Are Pro Choice For Abortion And Capital Punishment "

* Maintaining Focus On The Scope Of Interests Available To Institutions Of State Governance *

No, idiot, in that case the five counts of first-degree murder or capital murder affirm the right to life when some asshole goes out and attacks five randos without cause.

If those neighbors attacked him instead of the other way around, then yes, absolutely, his right to keep and bear arms for self-defense affirms his right to life. It says that his innocent life is important and no one has the right to take it.
A state interest is not concerned with when life begins , or whether life exists at all in the case of capital punishment , rather a state interest is concerned with whether a wright to life exists .

At its inception , a state of governance is comprised of citizens on whose behalf a state interests lay .

The instantiation of constitutional protections and a state of governance are concomitant with the creation of the citizen .

As birth is required to be a citizen , equal protection of negative liberties requires birth .
Here's an excellent argument for having abortions.
There are way too many people on this planet already, we're going to hit 8 billion by the end of the year, and the more we grow, the less land we have for food, the more wars are going to happen to control the limited resources like water, agricultural land and the like.
Birth rates are declining world wide and will continue to do so regardless of abortion legality.
I am pro-life, my view is that unless human rights mean something divergent to "human rights," the unborn should have them. As a consequence, I believe nearly all abortion should be banned (the typical 99% or more or cases). There are potential exceptions which I remain agnostic on but these do not make up the paradigm of incidents. Otherwise, I have never heard a good argument for legal abortion and I will openly argue that it ought to be banned.
I used to be pro life, until i saw what the Marxists have been producing. I thank liberals every night that abort their babies, because since the 1970s 5 million Progressive Democrat voters met the abortion doctors knife. Even the KKK could only wish to have that much blood on their hands. How many of these creatures never got to breathe in the air?

Thank you Marxists for keeping more of these from happening.

" Every Creature Is Sacred Promoting A Good Hunter Rule Of Eat What You Shoot "

* Mock Portfolio Of Hue Mammon Self Idealism In Natural Torsion *

I used to be pro life, until i saw what the Marxists have been producing. I thank liberals every night that abort their babies, because since the 1970s 5 million Progressive Democrat voters met the abortion doctors knife. Even the KKK could only wish to have that much blood on their hands. How many of these creatures never got to breathe in the air?

Thank you Marxists for keeping more of these from happening.

View attachment 710553
Historically , between 0% to 200% of the poverty line have had nearly 75% of abortions .

Many anti-choice pundits rage that abortion rates among japhetic populations resulted in decreased reproduction rates and in reduced political representation .

In 1986 , Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act - Wikipedia was established to abate generational welfare , whereby a stipend of social subsistence codified in state registers was not increased with additional children .

Many pragmatic challenge whether an inability to maintain social independence should be rewarded ; and , good sense would not expect state policy to overtly facilitate increases in poverty .

Any in us should be concerned with those who preface positive liberties through government rather than through personal volition , else expect economic abuse through currency volume - Keynesian economics - Wikipedia .

* Persistence Bantering To Common Ground *

A republic with a credo of e pluribus unum premises independence through individualism .

Negative liberties represent protections , independence and individualism .

Positive liberties represent endowments , dependence and collectivism .

A representative democracy against individualism conspires tyranny by majority .

* State Capitalism Relationship Between Bureaucracy And Corporatism Inclined To Abuse From Kleptocracy With Selective Endowment *

(also spelt as neo-mercantilism) is a policy regime that encourages exports, discourages imports, controls capital movement, and centralizes currency decisions in the hands of a central government.[1] The objective of neomercantilist policies is to increase the level of foreign reserves held by the government, allowing more effective monetary policy and fiscal policy.
Neomercantilism is considered the oldest school of thought in international political economy (IPE).[2] It is rooted in mercantilism, a preindustrial doctrine, and gained ground during the Industrial Revolution.[2] It is also considered the IPE counterpart of realism in the sense that both hold that power is central in global relations.[2] This regime is also associated with corporatocracy particularly during the 1970s when both were treated as components of a functional system and policy goals.[3] In the United States, neomercantilism was embraced in the late 20th century amidst the move to buttress American industries from Japanese competition.[4] American thinkers who subscribed to the doctrine, however, include Alexander Hamilton, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States and the first U.S. secretary of the treasury.

The American School of economics represented the legacy of Alexander Hamilton, who in his Report on Manufactures, argued that the U.S. could not become fully independent until it was self-sufficient in all necessary economic products.
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I mean you’re the imbecile who assumes everyone that disagrees with your unthinking ignorance and lack of scientific know-how must disagree with you because they worship some deity and you just want to attack some religion instead of the argument at hand.

I’ve been reading and watching and participating in these debates for a long time. Pro-life debaters almost never use a religious argument. It’s always the pro-aborts. Non-orthodox Jews hanging their hats on the magical “breath of life,” sure, but mostly just butthurt edgelord atheists who hate “sky fairy” and like to try to quote the Bible to fling accusations.

I assume you’re the latter, and man, do you assholes give atheists a bad name. You could just sleep in on Sundays and NOT be a prick, you know.
I'm sure you've blown something, dipshit, but my argument wasn't it.

If something is illegal because it's immoral, then everything which is immoral would be illegal.
Not true.
Sure, murder is immoral, but you're assuming it's illegal because it's immoral.

I disagree with that. I disagree with that and you don't know how to respond. You can't deal with someone having a different opinion. That's a very common trait among zealots like yourself, so it's really not surprising. At the very least, it exposes you as a hypocrite and a coward...
Why is murder illegal?

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