Abortion should be banned in the United States

" Anti-Federalist Statistism Despots Against Individualism "

* Horse Shit On A Cracker Authority Of Us 10th Amendment Claims *

The dobbs ruling is SEDITION against US 1st , 9th and 14th amendments and TRAITORS support the decision .

No, it is adhering to those amendments. It was the correct ruling.
Not true.

If you're not going to make everything which is immoral illegal, then the immorality of it isn't the compelling factor in determining its legality.

Where would be the logic in using immorality in only some determinations of illegality?

Why is murder illegal?

That doesn't address the point I made.

If you're going to ignore what I say, I'm going to ignore what you say.

If you're not going to make everything which is immoral illegal, then the immorality of it isn't the compelling factor in determining its legality.

Where would be the logic in using immorality in only some determinations of illegality?

That doesn't address the point I made.

If you're going to ignore what I say, I'm going to ignore what you say.

You refuse to hold intelligent discussion, so I guess we're done here then.
You refuse to hold intelligent discussion, so I guess we're done here then.

All I see here is someone who's apparently too fucking stupid to answer simple questions.

You're only going to be happy if I agree with you 100% and, I can assure you, I'll never reach that level of extremist zealotry...
" A Republic Credo Of E Pluribus Unum For Independence As Individualism Through Equally Protected Negative Liberties of INDIVIDUALS "

* Clear And Cut Deceit By Lying Traitors To A Republic Of The United States *

No, it is adhering to those amendments. It was the correct ruling.
An act of any potentate which would suspend us constitution and prohibit the implementation of us law is committing an act of sedition .

The dobbs ruling directed states to prohibit implementation of us 1st , 9th and 14th amendments and is an act of sedition .

sed is a stream editor. A stream editor is used to perform basic text transformations on an input stream (a file or input from a pipeline). But it is sed’s ability to filter text in a pipeline which particularly distinguishes it from other types of editors.
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I support the death penalty for mass murderers and serial killers even if they are unborn.
I appreciate your sarcasm ECB
but that’s coming, actually already here but not yet publicly. Technology has made it so that through a brain scan there will be visible areas that will detect whether or not a person is more likely to commit violent crimes. Not a far stretch that technology also allows for similar brain scans to detect those still in the womb who will most likely commit horrendous crimes beyond fantasizing, and these images and statistics will be presented to parents of unborn babies. This is likely to happen beyond any one’s current lifespan. Of course the propensity for corruptness will be a factor perhaps culling a few “undesirables”in advance, although there will be ethical scientists in the mix. The stated goal will be to reduce future violent crimes.
This is a picture of a human embryo, and shows what pro-aborts consider a non-functioning human without rights and tis of little matter. How can anyone say that a human embyro is not a human baby. Imo that really takes some work to twist the facts to believe it is not.



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" Inchoate Insufficient Sentience Sophistication For Classification As Sapient "

* Pens Needles *

This is a picture of a human embryo, and shows what pro-aborts consider a non-functioning human without rights and tis of little matter. How can anyone say that a human embyro is not a human baby. Imo that really takes some work to twist the facts to believe it is not.

It was surmised that pro-abortion means advocacy to force abortion based on genotype or phenotype .

The term sentience represents a sophisticated state of development which is a prerequisite for sapience .

The hue mammon clad boasts its members with a species classification of homo sapiens sapiens with an extra emphasis on sapience .

A representation of an other by legal proxy must be valid .

Those supposing conscientious objection , or a mind of self , empathy for suffering , as a basis for legal proxy must first establish a sentience prerequisite , with 15 to 20 weeks conjectured as minimal for onset even by bias study .

The public behavior has been that prior to 15 weeks , abortions without cause are complete , whereas after 15 weeks abortions occur because of abnormal health conditions .
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Liberals having abortions does not concern me.

Frankly I'd be comforted if all democrook DNA was flushed down a Planned Unparenthood toilet.

" Orwellian Double Think Speak "

* Loves Liberty Hates Liberal Embraces Authoritarianism *

Liberals having abortions does not concern me.

Frankly I'd be comforted if all democrook DNA was flushed down a Planned Unparenthood toilet.

What the fuck is a liberal ?

The liberal versus conservative paradigm is intellectual buffoonery !

The dumb ass david nolan whom came up with the liberal versus conservative paradigm - a path to public mental retardation - needs to be dug up and buried face down !

" Inchoate Insufficient Sentience Sophistication For Classification As Sapient "

* Pens Needles *

It was surmised that pro-abortion means advocacy to force abortion based on genotype or phenotype .

The term sentience represents a sophisticated state of development which is a prerequisite for sapience .

The hue mammon clad boasts its members with a species classification of homo sapiens sapiens with an extra emphasis on sapience .

A representation of an other by legal proxy must be valid .

Those supposing conscientious objection , or a mind of self , empathy for suffering , as a basis for legal proxy must first establish a sentience prerequisite , with 15 to 20 weeks conjectured as minimal for onset even by bias study .

The public behavior has been that prior to 15 weeks , abortions without cause are complete , whereas after 15 weeks abortions occur because of abnormal health conditions .
Through your mumbo-jumbo are you stating that only sentient beings are truly alive? You better go notify all the families in the hospitals to inform them to go ahead and disconnect their love ones who they’re hoping to wake up from a coma, which happens more frequently than most know. Are you going by the heartbeat in order for sentience, if so you better go inform the families that have loved ones who can still pull through but currently need assistance to have their heart keep beating and can’t do it without the mechanism. Are you a person who thinks that the embryonic and fetal stages of development are somehow not human, that they could turn out to be something else besides human?

It appears your “monk-eye has turned to stink guy if I’m correct in the above assumptions.
" Blubbering That All Must Always Be "

* Engaging The Heap Collector *

Through your mumbo-jumbo are you stating that only sentient beings are truly alive? You better go notify all the families in the hospitals to inform them to go ahead and disconnect their love ones who they’re hoping to wake up from a coma, which happens more frequently than most know. Are you going by the heartbeat in order for sentience, if so you better go inform the families that have loved ones who can still pull through but currently need assistance to have their heart keep beating and can’t do it without the mechanism. Are you a person who thinks that the embryonic and fetal stages of development are somehow not human, that they could turn out to be something else besides human?

It appears your “monk-eye has turned to stink guy if I’m correct in the above assumptions.
A state is not concerned with when life begins , or whether life exists at all , in the case of a death sentence as capital punishment , rather a state is concerned with whether a wright to life exists .

A zygote , or embryo , or fetus has not met a birth requirement to receive equal protection with that of a citizen , that would include a wright to life .

Any subject to capital punishment has had its wright to life removed , albeit by due process , albeit as double entendre - through a necessary contingency from equitable doctrine whereby one removes their own wright to life by removing a wright to life of another .

Any sentenced to death as capital punishment becomes subject to the moral relativism of nature which exists before individuals exchange natural freedoms for membership in a social civil contract , according to constitution , to improve its quality of life and ability to survive .

Any born is entitled to due process to remove a wright to life and that includes anyone on life support .

In addition to a ZEF not being developed to a sophisticated physical state sufficient for sentience , a ZEF has not met a birth requirement to receive equal protection with a citizen that would include due process .

The " national right to life " claims to support the preservation of life from conception to natural death , and does not make a public position as to whether the death penalty is natural death , unlike the catholic church ,

* Rationalizing Mortality From An Immortal Perspective Or Visa Versa *

An altruism for hue mammon kind would be that hue mammon kind should exist in perpetuity - forever , however such a supposition does not expect that every instance of hue mammon kind must therefore exist in perpetuity .

The term human includes an etymology of which hue mammon is an element of digress .

* Power Is Work Per Unit Time What Of Words Or Ideas *

A person includes an etymology of which per is countable by census and son is male .

By declaration of independence , all men are created equal , surreptitiously implying that women are not - see us 19th .

By us 14th amendment , any person born or naturalized may become a citizen of the us , which implies by etymology and letter of the that women are not citizens of the us .

A republic with a credo e pluribus unum expects independence as individualism through equal protection of negative liberties and replacing the term person with individual would be expected for consistency of diction in us constitution .
" Blubbering That All Must Always Be "

* Engaging The Heap Collector *

A state is not concerned with when life begins , or whether life exists at all , in the case of a death sentence as capital punishment , rather a state is concerned with whether a wright to life exists .

A zygote , or embryo , or fetus has not met a birth requirement to receive equal protection with that of a citizen , that would include a wright to life .

Any subject to capital punishment has had its wright to life removed , albeit by due process , albeit as double entendre - through a necessary contingency from equitable doctrine whereby one removes their own wright to life by removing a wright to life of another .

Any sentenced to death as capital punishment becomes subject to the moral relativism of nature which exists before individuals exchange natural freedoms for membership in a social civil contract , according to constitution , to improve its quality of life and ability to survive .

Any born is entitled to due process to remove a wright to life and that includes anyone on life support .

In addition to a ZEF not being developed to a sophisticated physical state sufficient for sentience , a ZEF has not met a birth requirement to receive equal protection with a citizen that would include due process .

The " national right to life " claims to support the preservation of life from conception to natural death , and does not make a public position as to whether the death penalty is natural death , unlike the catholic church ,

* Rationalizing Mortality From An Immortal Perspective Or Visa Versa *

An altruism for hue mammon kind would be that hue mammon kind should exist in perpetuity - forever , however such a supposition does not expect that every instance of hue mammon kind must therefore exist in perpetuity .

The term human includes an etymology of which hue mammon is an element of digress .

* Power Is Work Per Unit Time What Of Words Or Ideas *

A person includes an etymology of which per is countable by census and son is male .

By declaration of independence , all men are created equal , surreptitiously implying that women are not - see us 19th .

By us 14th amendment , any person born or naturalized may become a citizen of the us , which implies by etymology and letter of the that women are not citizens of the us .

A republic with a credo e pluribus unum expects independence as individualism through equal protection of negative liberties and replacing the term person with individual would be expected for consistency of diction in us constitution .

For many years, I’ve been against capital punishment. My belief remains that horrendous mindsets that are so demented (child molesters, child abusers, elderly abusers, serial killers) should never be released out into the populace. The problem is when state incarceration laws are modified reducing maximum sentences and some get paroled, which should never happen regardless of good behavior and “improvement” of mindsets. Many psychotic criminals go to a mental facility instead of jail and can also be given a reduced sentence by some idiot board changing the law. They should never be released. So the dilemma remains if we have no capital punishment to make sure that these sociopaths and twisted types are never released because of their danger to society. They should’ve kept things in their minds as fantasies, but once they act on it throw away the key.

Btw- I’m normally not a member of the grammar police because I’ve learned what one says is more important as opposed to how one says it. Funny how when a writer focuses more on HOW they say things they often come off being a jerk. Dressing up lowly intentions with pretty window dressing is puddle-like shallow. So, what is up with your “wright to life” continuously spelled that way? I thought maybe it was a play on words but after scouring the Internet I see you’ve made it up lol

How does “any person…..”in the 14th amendment exclude women being citizens?
" Preposterous Presumption Pet Peeve Purpose "

* Tactical Choice Of Words *

For many years, I’ve been against capital punishment. My belief remains that horrendous mindsets that are so demented (child molesters, child abusers, elderly abusers, serial killers) should never be released out into the populace. The problem is when state incarceration laws are modified reducing maximum sentences and some get paroled, which should never happen regardless of good behavior and “improvement” of mindsets. Many psychotic criminals go to a mental facility instead of jail and can also be given a reduced sentence by some idiot board changing the law. They should never be released. So the dilemma remains if we have no capital punishment to make sure that these sociopaths and twisted types are never released because of their danger to society. They should’ve kept things in their minds as fantasies, but once they act on it throw away the key.

Btw- I’m normally not a member of the grammar police because I’ve learned what one says is more important as opposed to how one says it. Funny how when a writer focuses more on HOW they say things they often come off being a jerk. Dressing up lowly intentions with pretty window dressing is puddle-like shallow. So, what is up with your “wright to life” continuously spelled that way? I thought maybe it was a play on words but after scouring the Internet I see you’ve made it up lol
The term wright is a neologism of the term right , to out of hand dismiss " natural ( sic ) law " and to stipulate that social norms and public policy are based in legal positivism and perspectivism .

Historically, legal positivism is in opposition to natural law's theories of jurisprudence, with particular disagreement surrounding the natural lawyer's claim that there is a necessary connection between law and morality.

Perspectivism (German: Perspektivismus; also called perspectivalism) is the epistemological principle that perception of and knowledge of something are always bound to the interpretive perspectives of those observing it. While perspectivism does not regard all perspectives and interpretations as being of equal truth or value, it holds that no one has access to an absolute view of the world cut off from perspective.[1]

* Linguistics Analysis Of Writ *

The terms left and right are antonyms of direction , while neither right nor left are equivalent with correct or incorrect , while neither right nor left are antonyms of wrong , while neither right nor left are equivalent with truth .

The term right also commonly refers to a 90 degree angle , or to a right angle as in a perpendicular to a horizon , as in to right a ship , or as in a gnomon that is more generally understood in mathematics as a - Norm (mathematics) - Wikipedia .

The term wright alludes to craftsmen , as a ship wright crafts ships , as a law wright crafts laws which are best described as wrights , or even writes , or even rites , rather than rights , as the term right asserts a pretentious correlation between idealism and public policy , rather than simply understanding wrights as a normative view from multiple perspectives .

* Intelligent Design Of Extraterrestrial Creation In Full Form *
How does “any person…..”in the 14th amendment exclude women being citizens?
A per son is an antiquated reference to a homunculus and to societal patriarchy , in that a rigorous application of etymology to the term person is a reference only to a male domain .

Popularized in sixteenth-century alchemy and nineteenth-century fiction, it has historically referred to the creation of a miniature, fully formed human. The concept has roots in preformationism as well as earlier folklore and alchemic traditions.

Preformationism is the formerly popular theory that animals developed from miniature versions of themselves. Sperm were believed to contain complete preformed individuals called "animalcules". Development was therefore a matter of enlarging this into a fully formed being. The term homunculus was later used in the discussion of conception and birth.
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" Preposterous Presumption Pet Peeve Purpose "

* Tactical Choice Of Words *

The term wright is a neologism of the term right , to out of hand dismiss " natural ( sic ) law " and to stipulate that social norms and public policy are based in legal positivism and perspectivism .

Historically, legal positivism is in opposition to natural law's theories of jurisprudence, with particular disagreement surrounding the natural lawyer's claim that there is a necessary connection between law and morality.

Perspectivism (German: Perspektivismus; also called perspectivalism) is the epistemological principle that perception of and knowledge of something are always bound to the interpretive perspectives of those observing it. While perspectivism does not regard all perspectives and interpretations as being of equal truth or value, it holds that no one has access to an absolute view of the world cut off from perspective.[1]

* Linguistics Analysis Of Writ *

The terms left and right are antonyms of direction , while neither right nor left are equivalent with correct or incorrect , while neither right nor left are antonyms of wrong , while neither right nor left are equivalent with truth .

The term right also commonly refers to a 90 degree angle , or to a right angle as in a perpendicular to a horizon , as in to right a ship , or as in a gnomon that is more generally understood in mathematics as a - Norm (mathematics) - Wikipedia .

The term wright alludes to craftsmen , as a ship wright crafts ships , as a law wright crafts laws which are best described as wrights , or even writes , or even rites , rather than rights , as the term right asserts a pretentious correlation between idealism and public policy , rather than simply understanding wrights as a normative view from multiple perspectives .

* Intelligent Design Of Extraterrestrial Creation In Full Form *

A per son is an antiquated reference to a homunculus and to societal patriarchy , in that a rigorous application of etymology to the term person is a reference only to a male domain .

Popularized in sixteenth-century alchemy and nineteenth-century fiction, it has historically referred to the creation of a miniature, fully formed human. The concept has roots in preformationism as well as earlier folklore and alchemic traditions.

Preformationism is the formerly popular theory that animals developed from miniature versions of themselves. Sperm were believed to contain complete preformed individuals called "animalcules". Development was therefore a matter of enlarging this into a fully formed being. The term homunculus was later used in the discussion of conception and birth.
Provide evidence for your statement that “wright is a neologism of the term right”. Your sources/quotes did not provide any connection to historical reference.
" Trammel Explaining Know Thing "

* Neophytes Play Pen *

Provide evidence for your statement that “wright is a neologism of the term right”. Your sources/quotes did not provide any connection to historical reference.
The description of wright as a neologism of right is empirical evidence of a neologism .

The neologism is part of a history being written and understanding for tautology does not require affirmation by auspices of peer review .

The purveyors of social constructs , which are assuming to be responsible for facilitating the informed consent of a public , have been impotent to convey the basic principles of political science and civics .
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I know one thing. The baby in the woman’s body is NOT her. The baby resides in her. Someday this will become clear but not while the left are allowed to kill it even after drawing the first breath.

Evil is as evil does.

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