Abortion should be banned in the United States

Never seen anyone convicted of murder innocent. Besides ,most of 'em have criminal records anyway. So no loss.
You’ve missed a lot then. Flipping your logic around, one could argue that the embryo might be another Hitler so no loss.
I am pro-life, my view is that unless human rights mean something divergent to "human rights," the unborn should have them. As a consequence, I believe nearly all abortion should be banned (the typical 99% or more or cases). There are potential exceptions which I remain agnostic on but these do not make up the paradigm of incidents. Otherwise, I have never heard a good argument for legal abortion and I will openly argue that it ought to be banned.

No. It shouldn’t.
I am pro-life, my view is that unless human rights mean something divergent to "human rights," the unborn should have them. As a consequence, I believe nearly all abortion should be banned (the typical 99% or more or cases). There are potential exceptions which I remain agnostic on but these do not make up the paradigm of incidents. Otherwise, I have never heard a good argument for legal abortion and I will openly argue that it ought to be banned.
So what you are saying here is that you favor Christian Sharia Law in the U.S.?
" Public Egoism Of Psychological Vampires "

* Sew Says Acclaimed Carnal Knowledge Carnivore *

How is that a matter? The difference between bringing a murderer or traitor to justice is worlds apart from murdering an innocent baby.
By definition a baby has been born , and by us 14th and title 1 section 8 of us code , an per son ( male and countable by census ) born is entitled to equal protection of law that would include a protected wright to life .

A state is not concerned with when life begins , or whether life exists at all in the case of capital punishment , rather a legitimate state interest is only concerned with whether a wright to life exists .

A zygote , embryo , or fetus has not met a live birth requirement to receive equal protection with a citizen and would therefore be subject to the moral relativism within nature .

Any subject to capital punishment has had its wright to life removed and would therefore be subject to the moral relativism within nature .

Any born and on resuscitation would require due process to have its wright to life removed and be subject to the moral relativism within nature .
" Sanctimonious Salivation Venom "

* Exception Or Inclusion Of Self Excuses To Extraterrestrial Apex Predators *

Well we sure as hell didn’t hear a “good argument” from you. Considering you didn’t make one at all.
That is what i keep thinking about thumb buzz down without a competent retort .
" Public Egoism Of Psychological Vampires "

* Sew Says Acclaimed Carnal Knowledge Carnivore *

By definition a baby has been born , and by us 14th and title 1 section 8 of us code , an per son ( male and countable by census ) born is entitled to equal protection of law that would include a protected wright to life .

A state is not concerned with when life begins , or whether life exists at all in the case of capital punishment , rather a legitimate state interest is only concerned with whether a wright to life exists .

A zygote , embryo , or fetus has not met a live birth requirement to receive equal protection with a citizen and would therefore be subject to the moral relativism within nature .

Any subject to capital punishment has had its wright to life removed and would therefore be subject to the moral relativism within nature .

Any born and on resuscitation would require due process to have its wright to life removed and be subject to the moral relativism within nature .
Still murder. If they would not whore around ,there would be no abortion. And Murderers deserve Capital Punishment.
Still murder. If they would not whore around ,there would be no abortion. And Murderers deserve Capital Punishment.
So are you thinking that every unwanted pregnancy is simply the result of the woman "whoring" around?
Only the woman, never the men?

Admit it then.
This is not really about "saving babies" is it?
It is about controlling women's sexuality.
Keeping them in their place like the breeding livestock that God intended for them to be.

So are you thinking that every unwanted pregnancy is simply the result of the woman "whoring" around?
Only the woman, never the men?

Admit it then.
This is not really about "saving babies" is it?
It is about controlling women's sexuality.
Keeping them in their place like the breeding livestock that God intended for them to be.

The Men are called "Players". The Male equivelant of Whores.
" Sanctioned Orwellian Social Vitriol Constructs To Blaspheme Thy Neighbor "

* More Liberal Versus Conservative Numb Skull Lexicon Of The Sanctimonious Dumb Ass *

So are you thinking that every unwanted pregnancy is simply the result of the woman "whoring" around?
Only the woman, never the men?

Admit it then.
This is not really about "saving babies" is it?
It is about controlling women's sexuality.
Keeping them in their place like the breeding livestock that God intended for them to be.

What other core inane internalization would a conservative versus liberal paradigm represent ?

The liberal versus conservative lexicon is based absolutely 100% as a miscreant allusion and distinction between the puritanical as sexually ascetic or conservative and the prurient as sexually egalitarian or liberal .

It can clearly be inferred by observation that hyper aggression in male hue mammon apes can be attributed to uncertainty that an offspring of a female is in fact its own .

* Excellent Public Perspective *

Old lady judges , watch people in pairs
Limited in sex , they dare
To push fake morals , insult and stare
While money doesn't talk , it swears
Obscenity , who really cares
Propaganda , all is phony

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" Perspective Of Random Boundaries Centered In Pugnacious Arrogance "

* No Such Thing As Inalienable Rites And No Such Thing As Murder Within The Moral Relativism Of Nature *

Still murder. If they would not whore around ,there would be no abortion. And Murderers deserve Capital Punishment.
An after life , a chance for eternal life , the life to come , reincarnation , transmutation of soles , being born again , are all metaphors for passing on ones genetic identity , one haploid at a time , so that another , both figuratively and literally as oneself , may have an opportunity to experience sentience and sapience afforded by a sophisticated physical state , where failure to do so in perpetuity is ascribed the metaphors of final judgement or eternal damnation .

By principles of non violence , illegitimate aggression is violence , while self defense against violence is legitimate aggression .

By principles of individualism , illegitimate aggression are acts the deprive an individual of self ownership , as free roam , as free association , as progeny , or that deprive an individual of self determination , as an ability to own an keep private property , as an ability to exercise willful intents through contracts which are made valid through informed consent .

Within a republic with a credo of e pluribus unum , which espouses independence as individualism through equal protection of negative liberties among those entitled by a live birth requirement to receive it , and individuals are responsible for self ownership through progeny , which is not to be dictated by authoritarian collectivists seeking populism and democracy as tyranny by majority .

A wright exists only because there is an entity capable of issuing a retort or reprise for violating precepts of the wright , and an allusion to a macabre of final judgement with all retribution is purported as a conjecture for the blind , for if a commandment of though shalt not " ? unlawfully ? " kill were an actual law , then upon commission of a conjectural " murder " a perpetrator would immediately be dead , whereby risk of ones own life in mortal conflict would be diminished much in purpose .
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I am pro-life, my view is that unless human rights mean something divergent to "human rights," the unborn should have them...
It is your right to entertain such a belief, and to follow it yourself.

It is your right to proselytize, and attempt to persuade others to adopt your belief.

It is not your right to impose your belief upon everyone else, and make them conform to your dictate.

Statist authoritarians are loathe to see personal freedom endure, despite the reality that a woman making a private, personal decision in consultation with trusted spiritual and medical advisers and loved ones is vastly superior to politicians and bureaucrats issuing impersonal blanket prohibitions.

We must all be on guard for repressive, regressive states further eroding personal liberty. Seizing personal mail and spying on personal communications may be next in the Stasi States.

Abortion Pills Now Account for More Than Half of U.S. Abortions

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Governor signs bill criminalizing mail-in abortion drugs

Several states are proposing new restrictions on abortion pills
Would you allow a woman to choose to terminate her pregnancy if it was the result of rape or incest, or if the fetus was so horrible malformed that survival outside the womb wouldn't be possible? What if the mother's health would be severely compromised, to the point of it being life threatening?

Would you have a problem with a woman choosing to terminate in those scenarios?
Would Hitler "terminate" the defective among us?

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