Abortion should be banned in the United States

No, it’s not only our right but our duty as moral human beings who care about human rights and equality / fairness to fix this blatant injustice whereupon innocent human beings are being denied personhood so others can murder them without consequence.
Your fanaticism does not entitle you to dictate your notions to others via government coercion if you are incapable of doing so by proselytization.
At least you admit it.
Admit what, that you’re an idiot?

Abortion is basically banned in many states, like mine, and that’s a great thing.

Not in MI. In MI we are putting it in our state constitution that it's a right.
Scum. May posterity forget you were my countrymen.

But thank you for admitting to people why we should never have a Republican president or Senate that is run by Republicans. Because if given the chance they'd ban it nationally. At least you admit the end game. Most are liars.
The end game is 38 states pass a Constitutional Anendment and then scumbag states like yours can only cry about it.
Your fanaticism does not entitle you to dictate your notions to others via government coercion if you are incapable of doing so by proselytization.

Your insipid irrational bigotry should not be reflected in law, and the human right to life of all human beings should be protected whether morons you object or not.

Proselytize? I don’t care about trying to convert or convince you - what’s the point? You are either too stupid or too far down the rabbit hole of your hate to have a rational thought about the matter. You have no basis in reality for treating the unborn the way you do.

Civil rights are not a popularity contest and cannot be put to a vote.

Since you are an abortion advocate, please explain why an 8 month gestated fetus is not “similarly situated” to a newborn. Similarly Situated is the basis of granting civil rights.
Stumped ya, did I? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Not in the slightest.

It's just that idiot zealots like you believe you can win any argument by injecting the name "Hitler" into a conversation.

But you can't win by doing that, In fact, there's no faster way to make yourself look like an ignorant chucklehead while, at the same time, completely getting your ass handed to you in a debate...
Says the dipshit zealot who believes it's "rational" to view someone who's pro-choice as the equivilent of Hitler...
“Pro-choice?” Heh.

No, bloodthirsty pro-abort filth, I like freedom of choice.

You just like innocent human beings being denied personhood and then getting slaughtered.
“Pro-choice?” Heh.

No, bloodthirsty pro-abort filth, I like freedom of choice.

You just like innocent human beings being denied personhood and then getting slaughtered.

You're a completely ignorant piece of shit.

Where in my position do I take a stance which doesn't allow for choice?
Not in the slightest.

It's just that idiot zealots like you believe you can win any argument by injecting the name "Hitler" into a conversation.

But you can't win by doing that, In fact, there's no faster way to make yourself look like an ignorant chucklehead while, at the same time, completely getting your ass handed to you in a debate...

And you ignore the civil rights legal standard of similarly situated? Just as your hero Adolph did.
Your insipid irrational bigotry should not be reflected in law, and the human right to life of all human beings should be protected whether morons you object or not.

Proselytize? I don’t care about trying to convert or convince you - what’s the point? You are either too stupid or too far down the rabbit hole of your hate to have a rational thought about the matter. You have no basis in reality for treating the unborn the way you do.
You can spew your extremist notions incessantly, but it does not alter the reality that Americans do not want to trash personal liberty and mimic Nicaragua, Iran, and El Salvador in the authoritarian denial of reproductive rights you would foist upon advanced democratic nations.
You can spew your extremist notions incessantly, but it does not alter the reality that Americans do not want to trash personal liberty and mimic Nicaragua, Iran, and El Salvador in the authoritarian denial of reproductive rights you would foist upon advanced democratic nations.
Banning abortion doesn’t “trash personal liberty,” retard.
Banning abortion doesn’t “trash personal liberty,” retard.
Your petty ad hominem aside, if you view Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Iran, in their banning abortion, as championing personal liberty, I do not admire those repressive regimes as you appear to. I prefer advanced democratic nations.

Statists were defeated in votes on ballot measures in Kansas, Michigan and Kentucky. State courts have blocked several bans from taking effect. And myriad efforts are underway to help women in repressive states either get abortions out of state or use the abortion pill for self-managed abortions. Better-educated states are safeguarding the freedom authoritarians are seeking to eviscerate.
Your petty ad hominem aside, if you view Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Iran, in their banning abortion, as championing personal liberty
I don’t know and don’t give two shits about what you’re talking about, moron.

Personal liberty has nothing to do with attacking and killing other human beings, as occurs in every abortion. Your suggestion that this is the case is insane and indefensible. It belies that you are a danger to others, frankly.

You authoritarian scum want those you hate for arbitrary reasons to die. Just be honest and say that. Instead all you do is lie and spew irrelevant nonsense.
I don’t know and don’t give two shits about what you’re talking about, moron.

Personal liberty has nothing to do with attacking and killing other human beings, as occurs in every abortion. Your suggestion that this is the case is insane and indefensible. It belies that you are a danger to others, frankly.

You authoritarian scum want those you hate for arbitrary reasons to die. Just be honest and say that. Instead all you do is lie and spew irrelevant nonsense.
Your fanaticism is noted. You may be happier under an authoritarian regime such as Nicaragua, El Salvador, or Iran that crushes personal liberty, rather than in an advanced democracy that respects it.
Your fanaticism is noted. You may be happier under an authoritarian regime such as Nicaragua, El Salvador, or Iran that crushes personal liberty, rather than in an advanced democracy that respects it.
Alright Fuckface McSpambot.

You lack of rebuttal and any semblance of intelligence is noted.

I don’t need anymore of your useless off-topic prattle, and you don’t have the equipment to have a debate with anyone, so you can fuck off to oblivion now.

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