Abortion should be banned in the United States

Would Hitler "terminate" the defective among us?

Well, there you have it. You're completely unable to answer a question without bringing Hitler into the discussion which is something which almost unfailingly demonstrates a complete and total inability of you being to discuss the topic rationally.

Here's a litmus test for you: If and when you bring up Hitler or Nazis, you lose the argument. Period. There's zero ambiguity on that point.

I laid out some very simple scenarios, yet every single one of them proved to be far too outside your ability to converse about them. You just want to shut down and shout "HITLER!" like an idiot.

You should stop wasting the valuable time of others by pretending you want to discuss the issue, or that you even possess the requisite intelligence to do so...
It is your right to entertain such a belief, and to follow it yourself.

It is your right to proselytize, and attempt to persuade others to adopt your belief.

It is not your right to impose your belief upon everyone else, and make them conform to your dictate.

Philosophically, I disagree with the personally held views of the OP.

But nowhere in the post you quoted did he state anything other than what could reasonably be construed as a personal opinion...
Well, there you have it. You're completely unable to answer a question without bringing Hitler into the discussion which is something which almost unfailingly demonstrates a complete and total inability of you being to discuss the topic rationally.

Here's a litmus test for you: If and when you bring up Hitler or Nazis, you lose the argument. Period. There's zero ambiguity on that point.

I laid out some very simple scenarios, yet every single one of them proved to be far too outside your ability to converse about them. You just want to shut down and shout "HITLER!" like an idiot.

You should stop wasting the valuable time of others by pretending you want to discuss the issue, or that you even possess the requisite intelligence to do so...

Hitler did not feel Jews and defectives were “similarly situated” to the rest of the population and therefore did not deserve government protection of their civil rights.

Slave owners did not believe blacks were “similarly situated” to whites so they did not deserve governments protection of their civil rights.

Pro Choice advocates do not believe an 8 month gestated fetus is “similarly situated” to a newborn so the fetus does not deserve government protection of their civil rights.

Seems a fair comparison to me.
It is your right to entertain such a belief, and to follow it yourself.

It is your right to proselytize, and attempt to persuade others to adopt your belief.

It is not your right to impose your belief upon everyone else, and make them conform to your dictate.

Statist authoritarians are loathe to see personal freedom endure, despite the reality that a woman making a private, personal decision in consultation with trusted spiritual and medical advisers and loved ones is vastly superior to politicians and bureaucrats issuing impersonal blanket prohibitions.

We must all be on guard for repressive, regressive states further eroding personal liberty. Seizing personal mail and spying on personal communications may be next in the Stasi States.

On NPR a guy was saying in a way, it's nice that in the USA, each state can decide for themselves if they want abortion legal or not. Or guns regulated or not. Or to fund their public schools, fire departments, etc. In other countries you're stuck no matter where you go. So if you don't like the laws in Texas you can move to Vermont.

IMO abortion is none of anyone's business but the mom, dad and doctor. That's it. Private.
On NPR a guy was saying in a way, it's nice that in the USA, each state can decide for themselves if they want abortion legal or not. Or guns regulated or not. Or to fund their public schools, fire departments, etc. In other countries you're stuck no matter where you go. So if you don't like the laws in Texas you can move to Vermont.

IMO abortion is none of anyone's business but the mom, dad and doctor. That's it. Private.
Kind of shoots the whole civil rights arguments all to hell though. Similarly situated being the basis for those. And civil rights, as argued rigorously by the left, are never to be determined at the ballot box.

Just sayin.
It is your right to entertain such a belief, and to follow it yourself.

It is your right to proselytize, and attempt to persuade others to adopt your belief.

It is not your right to impose your belief upon everyone else, and make them conform to your dictate.

No, it’s not only our right but our duty as moral human beings who care about human rights and equality / fairness to fix this blatant injustice whereupon innocent human beings are being denied personhood so others can murder them without consequence.

Statist authoritarians are
The ***** like you who supported Roe v. Wade. Thankfully you are losing.

loathe to see personal freedom
Non-sequitur. This is about homicidal violence, not a matter of personal freedom.
Kind of shoots the whole civil rights arguments all to hell though. Similarly situated being the basis for those. And civil rights, as argued rigorously by the left, are never to be determined at the ballot box.

Just sayin.
I think if you want a white community with whites only in your school, you should be allowed.
IMO abortion is none of anyone's business but the mom, dad and doctor. That's it. Private.
Is your opinion also that a rape is no one’s business but the rapist’s?

Obviously you don’t care about victims and preventing / punishing needless violence isn’t neccessary or appropriate to you.
I am pro-life, my view is that unless human rights mean something divergent to "human rights," the unborn should have them. As a consequence, I believe nearly all abortion should be banned (the typical 99% or more or cases). There are potential exceptions which I remain agnostic on but these do not make up the paradigm of incidents. Otherwise, I have never heard a good argument for legal abortion and I will openly argue that it ought to be banned.
We need to allow exceptions for legitimate health concerns for the mother but not much else.

As callous as it sounds I don't think it is moral to allow abortion for rape or incest. A child should be put to death because the father was an asshole.
Is your opinion also that a rape is no one’s business but the rapist’s?

Obviously you don’t care about victims and preventing / punishing needless violence isn’t neccessary or appropriate to you.
No crimes are being committed. Stay in your room and I'll talk to the doctor in mine. In private. Mind your own business.
We need to allow exceptions for legitimate health concerns for the mother but not much else.

As callous as it sounds I don't think it is moral to allow abortion for rape or incest. A child should be put to death because the father was an asshole.
Yup. Because then that woman is going to have to give birth and raise her rapists baby. Nip that shit in the butt quick.
I think the value of human beings is much greater than to allow such.
What about freedom? What if I and a few hundred thousand people want to live with who we want to live with? We could buy up all the land so there is no public roads only private.

I don't believe there is one black member at Augusta. The Masters. Very secret about who their members are and who doesn't get in or why.
Hitler did not feel Jews and defectives were “similarly situated” to the rest of the population and therefore did not deserve government protection of their civil rights.

Slave owners did not believe blacks were “similarly situated” to whites so they did not deserve governments protection of their civil rights.

Pro Choice advocates do not believe an 8 month gestated fetus is “similarly situated” to a newborn so the fetus does not deserve government protection of their civil rights.

Seems a fair comparison to me.

Well, then you're an idiot...
Dipshit, it can and is being criminalized.

Right, a rape is only the business of a rapist. Got it. Very “progressive of you.”
At least you admit it.

Not in MI. In MI we are putting it in our state constitution that it's a right.

But thank you for admitting to people why we should never have a Republican president or Senate that is run by Republicans. Because if given the chance they'd ban it nationally. At least you admit the end game. Most are liars.

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