Abortion should be banned in the United States

dear OP,

unless you vote for those who would raise taxes to feed, clothe, educate, house, & provide medical care for all those forced into gestation & birthed ... then you are not pro 'life'. all you are is a
pro birth hypocrite; & there's a bigley difference in the two definitions.

sincerly, playtime.
Dear playtime,
You are still a blatantly dishonest, imbecilic, fuckstick socialist pro-abort (man that all seems quite redundant) who doesn’t know the definition of the word “hypocrisy.”

Fuck you - taxes should pay for none of those things, none of the time, for anyone. Murder should also be banned all of the time for everyone.

The same standard, in both cases, for everyone, on two very different political questions that have no relation.

Consistency is not hypocrisy.

Stop being a dishonest piece of shit.

Very sincerely,
Someone with at least triple your IQ.
dear OP,

unless you vote for those who would raise taxes to feed, clothe, educate, house, & provide medical care for all those forced into gestation & birthed ... then you are not pro 'life'. all you are is a
pro birth hypocrite; & there's a bigley difference in the two definitions.

sincerly, playtime.

ps ( there are almost 1/2 million unwanted post born children in the foster care system... how many have you taken in? )
We are doing this already. State, local and the federal governments keep increasing the number of resources given to what you typed. A collapse is going to be not nice.
Democrats, at their core, are depopulationists. That's the reason behind abortion support, behind covid Vax support, behind assisted suicide and behind the approval of fentanyl importation. Sterilization is the object of the intense push toward transgenderism.
OK, Canon Shooter, would you allow prohibition in ALL OTHER circumstances? Otherwise, your point is fatuous. You have no point.

Abortion is wrong because it is the taking of a human life. The circumstances surrounding the creation of that life are not relevant, any more than they would be relevant with a small child. If the mother's life would be seriously threatened by bringing a child to term, then we have something to talk about, but this is microscopically rare - as everyone knows.

Kudos on being an absolute failure at answering my question.

Would you allow for those exceptions? It's a yes or no question, yet you seem horribly vexxed by it.

The rarity of a circumstance does not negate the need to discuss it.

I really get the sense, though, that you're afraid to do that.

Can/will you answer my question?
When I was growing up, abortion was basically illegal everywhere. Furthermore, there were very strong social sanctions attached to it in most communities. If a girl/woman got an abortion, it was basically the same as a confirmation that she was a slut/whore/you pick the right word.

But there was a movement afoot around the country in the late 60's and early 70's, and a few states had repealed their laws or stopped trying to enforce them, or making exceptions for "research" or whatever. The Supreme Court figuratively took the world by storm when they decreed that [basically] a woman had a "right" to get an abortion during the first trimester of pregnancy. We now know that this "right" was nothing more than Leftist sophistry that has now been properly tossed into the dustbin of history.

During the looooooong period when abortion was outlawed (from the Founding until, say, 1973) there were occasions when desperate women tried primitive means to self-abort, and occasionally these measures resulted in permanent damage, or even death to the woman using them. The current Leftist Narrative is that huge numbers of women died in these attempts, and that "fact" justifies their campaign to re-establish a "woman's right to choose."

A nationwide ban on abortions could only be created by a Constitutional Amendment, which in turn would require super-majorities in legislatures, etc., which supermajority does not currently exist. There could be a ban in a few states - Utah comes to mind - but it would not be completely effective, as various "rights" groups would seek to avoid it by offering free transportation and services to those in need of an abortion.

Polls create false narratives about abortions being supported and opposed; the result of the poll invariably depends on how the questions are presented. While it pains me to type this, President Clinton was on the right track when he suggested that abortions should be legal, safe, and rare. The only question is how to define "rare."
Clinton was wrong. In the eyes of God (Remember Him, America?) there should NEVER be an abortion, save for ectopic pregnancies where both mother & child would die if something weren't done but I doubt that 'something' has to be murder, what w/ all the new tech and etc..

Life is either precious and created in God's image and therefore worthy of state protection or it is not

Which one is it?

If that is not so, that all life should be protected, and a lot of society leans that way or is that way, we are doomed. We are no longer civilized. The demise of Roe was the beginning of the right way back to civilization and respecting human life. Of course, there is much more work to be done.

I will tell all you anti-life people out there: You are not thinking correctly and not being concerned for.. not someone else's life but YOUR OWN.

Do you really think.. I mean, think about this.. Do u really think that a society that condones the murder of one group of persons will never, ever condone the murder of people like you?

that thought would comical if it weren't so disturbing

Abortionists and their clients deserve to die in prison - life sentence without parole, minimum. If there is no doubt whatsoever that the killing took place, then sure, execute their evil asses. Both of them. Abortion is contract homicide, any accessories should receive proportionate penalties as well.
I agree. That view will never be popular or I doubt it will be because... we have just gone TOO far.. with Roe.. with all the perversity being forced on our young children.. Yes, we can turn things back but the demonic ones have taken control of almost everything--which is why I feel Jesus just has to come back.. His people seem to have had power absolutely wrested from them and only God can do something now.. just my thought
Democrats, at their core, are depopulationists. That's the reason behind abortion support, behind covid Vax support, behind assisted suicide and behind the approval of fentanyl importation. Sterilization is the object of the intense push toward transgenderism.
I totally agree. The Left LIKE that illegals are killing Americans and harming the ones they don't kill.

It's just a way to "cull the herd" but I wish they would start with their own sick group which does need to be culled the hell out of here
LOL.... i know that whatever the reason they were taken outa the home was because they were in danger. & unwanted - or there wouldn't have been taken outa the home.

was it neglect? drug use? physical abuse? sexual?
That is NOT true in many cases. It's called Corruption and greed. Ever heard of it?

Everyone succumbs to it eventually, it seems.. human nature. Why not govt agencies? Hm... nah.. too pure and holy
I am pro-life, my view is that unless human rights mean something divergent to "human rights," the unborn should have them. As a consequence, I believe nearly all abortion should be banned (the typical 99% or more or cases). There are potential exceptions which I remain agnostic on but these do not make up the paradigm of incidents. Otherwise, I have never heard a good argument for legal abortion and I will openly argue that it ought to be banned.
The state forcing gestation on an unwilling person is more of an abomination than abortion is.
Thats why im pro choice.
The state no more forces gestation than the state forces bowel movements. In both cases the result is entirely predicated on precedent acts.
I am against the state forcing gestation on women. If they want to get out of a pregnancy, they should have that right. If the state wont let them, that is "forced gestation"
I am pro-life, my view is that unless human rights mean something divergent to "human rights," the unborn should have them. As a consequence, I believe nearly all abortion should be banned (the typical 99% or more or cases). There are potential exceptions which I remain agnostic on but these do not make up the paradigm of incidents. Otherwise, I have never heard a good argument for legal abortion and I will openly argue that it ought to be banned.
You are pro-life of what?
I am against the state forcing gestation on women. If they want to get out of a pregnancy, they should have that right. If the state wont let them, that is "forced gestation"
If isn't really. But you are entitled to fabricate your own reality.

Pregnancy is the natural and probable result of intercourse. The state has nothing to do with it.
dear OP,

unless you vote for those who would raise taxes to feed, clothe, educate, house, & provide medical care for all those forced into gestation & birthed ... then you are not pro 'life'. all you are is a
pro birth hypocrite; & there's a bigley difference in the two definitions.

sincerly, playtime.

ps ( there are almost 1/2 million unwanted post born children in the foster care system... how many have you taken in? )
Right. If some group of humans "cost too much" (and who gets to decide THAT?)

kill them

makes sense [roll eyes]
The difference is that one is taking a guilty person's life and the other is the taking of an innocent person's life.
Except innocent people end up on death row.

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