Abortion Survivor Melissa Ohden: "What About My Choice?"

We spay and neuter our pets to prevent unwanted dogs and cats . We can be as responsible toward humans. Especially when they exhibit the same level of responsibility toward themselves as do dogs and cats.

Severe forms of birth control and abortion should be readily available to democrats to reduce the surplus population.
Because YOU believe a fetus is not a human...if it is not human what is it?

Murder is the unlawful killing of another human without justification or valid excuse, especially the unlawful killing of another human being with malice aforethought
It is a fetus, by definition, without a functioning brain that cannot respond to emotions or pain. Until the neurology is developed after birth, scientists have never confirmed a fetus feels anything. Can you?

If the life of the mother is in jeopardy of going through the pregnancy because of complications, is the abortion still murder? Because, you can't have it both ways right? And if we let the mother die, isn't that murder too if the law says you can do nothing?

That's false. The developing baby reacts to his environment. He has a functioning brain with detectable brain activity.
Where is the science that tells us that? A reputable link please.

I notice a common tactic, leaping directly to, "the mother's dying, won't you let us help her?". The problem with that one is there would be very little resistance to abortion being used only to protect the life of the mother. It's not. By and large, it is used as after the fact birth control. There simply are not a million plus pregnancies every year that would kill the mother.
I know people personally where that happened.

That's meaningless when talking about the million or so abortions done every year. Like I've said multiple times, opposition to abortion would virtually disappear if it were only legal in those circumstances.
It would only be meaningless to you, unless it happens to you.

That said, there are always the precautions that don't work as well, that have to be taken into account, which is why abortions are legal. Every possible scenario has been taken into account, and that is why the courts ruled in favor of it.

And if abortion were only legal in the cases of rape, incest, and for the life or health of the mother, the women in the anecdote you provided would have been able to get the abortions they wanted, correct?
How neat and orderly. Just declare a group of people to be less than fully human so it's legally and morally justified to mistreat and kill them. Sound familiar? It's been done before, only using different criteria.

By doing that, it can ease their conscience, just as Hitler did with Jews, homosexuals and those of color. Abortion to me is killing a live person as life begins at conception.

Since there is no question that biologically human life begins at conception, they have to hide behind linguistic gymnastics.
It is impossible for life to begin at conception, because that is the beginning of the development process. If the zygote that becomes a Fetus does not develop to the stage of birth, and after, there never was a life. When Does a Human Life Begin? 17 Timepoints | DNA Science Blog

If there is no life, there is no development. Dead things don't change and grow.
the existence of an individual human being or animal. A fertilized zygote is not a fully developed human being.

A prepubescent child is also not a fully developed human being.
How neat and orderly. Just declare a group of people to be less than fully human so it's legally and morally justified to mistreat and kill them. Sound familiar? It's been done before, only using different criteria.

By doing that, it can ease their conscience, just as Hitler did with Jews, homosexuals and those of color. Abortion to me is killing a live person as life begins at conception.

Since there is no question that biologically human life begins at conception, they have to hide behind linguistic gymnastics.
It is impossible for life to begin at conception, because that is the beginning of the development process. If the zygote that becomes a Fetus does not develop to the stage of birth, and after, there never was a life. When Does a Human Life Begin? 17 Timepoints | DNA Science Blog

If there is no life, there is no development. Dead things don't change and grow.
the existence of an individual human being or animal. A fertilized zygote is not a fully developed human being.

No one said anything about a fully developed human being. We are talking on when life begins and it begins when a cell starts developing independently of it's environment. You are moving the goal posts.
Of course it changes everything. A baby has passed through the portal to become a human being. A fetus is still in the stomach being turned into a human while it leeches off the host that will be its mother.

How neat and orderly. Just declare a group of people to be less than fully human so it's legally and morally justified to mistreat and kill them. Sound familiar? It's been done before, only using different criteria.

By doing that, it can ease their conscience, just as Hitler did with Jews, homosexuals and those of color. Abortion to me is killing a live person as life begins at conception.

Since there is no question that biologically human life begins at conception, they have to hide behind linguistic gymnastics.
It is impossible for life to begin at conception, because that is the beginning of the development process. If the zygote that becomes a Fetus does not develop to the stage of birth, and after, there never was a life. When Does a Human Life Begin? 17 Timepoints | DNA Science Blog

If there is no life, there is no development. Dead things don't change and grow.
Thats not true. Crystals grow. After you are dead your fingernails and hair continue to grow.
How neat and orderly. Just declare a group of people to be less than fully human so it's legally and morally justified to mistreat and kill them. Sound familiar? It's been done before, only using different criteria.

By doing that, it can ease their conscience, just as Hitler did with Jews, homosexuals and those of color. Abortion to me is killing a live person as life begins at conception.

Since there is no question that biologically human life begins at conception, they have to hide behind linguistic gymnastics.
It is impossible for life to begin at conception, because that is the beginning of the development process. If the zygote that becomes a Fetus does not develop to the stage of birth, and after, there never was a life. When Does a Human Life Begin? 17 Timepoints | DNA Science Blog

If there is no life, there is no development. Dead things don't change and grow.
Thats not true. Crystals grow. After you are dead your fingernails and hair continue to grow.

Actually, no, they do not. The skin around them shrinks as the body dries out, which makes them appear to grow, but they do not in fact continue growing. Crystals "grow"in the sense that they accrue more and more of the same molecules in larger lattices, but there is no differentiation or replication. A living human, OTOH, has cells that replicate themselves and vastly different kinds of cells all functioning together. So try to split linguistic hairs all you want, but an unborn baby is very much alive.

If the baby were NOT alive, the abortionist would not concern himself with making sure he was dead before pulling him out of the mother's body.
By doing that, it can ease their conscience, just as Hitler did with Jews, homosexuals and those of color. Abortion to me is killing a live person as life begins at conception.

Since there is no question that biologically human life begins at conception, they have to hide behind linguistic gymnastics.
It is impossible for life to begin at conception, because that is the beginning of the development process. If the zygote that becomes a Fetus does not develop to the stage of birth, and after, there never was a life. When Does a Human Life Begin? 17 Timepoints | DNA Science Blog

If there is no life, there is no development. Dead things don't change and grow.
Thats not true. Crystals grow. After you are dead your fingernails and hair continue to grow.

Actually, no, they do not. The skin around them shrinks as the body dries out, which makes them appear to grow, but they do not in fact continue growing. Crystals "grow"in the sense that they accrue more and more of the same molecules in larger lattices, but there is no differentiation or replication. A living human, OTOH, has cells that replicate themselves and vastly different kinds of cells all functioning together. So try to split linguistic hairs all you want, but an unborn baby is very much alive.

If the baby were NOT alive, the abortionist would not concern himself with making sure he was dead before pulling him out of the mother's body.
You are correct. nails and hair dont continue to grow but as I mentioned crystals do grow and they are not living. You said dead (non living) things dont grow. You were wrong. Yes a fetus is alive. Its not a person until its born.
How neat and orderly. Just declare a group of people to be less than fully human so it's legally and morally justified to mistreat and kill them. Sound familiar? It's been done before, only using different criteria.

By doing that, it can ease their conscience, just as Hitler did with Jews, homosexuals and those of color. Abortion to me is killing a live person as life begins at conception.

Since there is no question that biologically human life begins at conception, they have to hide behind linguistic gymnastics.
It is impossible for life to begin at conception, because that is the beginning of the development process. If the zygote that becomes a Fetus does not develop to the stage of birth, and after, there never was a life. When Does a Human Life Begin? 17 Timepoints | DNA Science Blog

If there is no life, there is no development. Dead things don't change and grow.
Thats not true. Crystals grow. After you are dead your fingernails and hair continue to grow.

Crystal's cells are not growing and changing, they are not a living organism. Hair and nails do not grow after death, the skin around them becomes retracted and only appear to be longer.
By doing that, it can ease their conscience, just as Hitler did with Jews, homosexuals and those of color. Abortion to me is killing a live person as life begins at conception.

Since there is no question that biologically human life begins at conception, they have to hide behind linguistic gymnastics.
It is impossible for life to begin at conception, because that is the beginning of the development process. If the zygote that becomes a Fetus does not develop to the stage of birth, and after, there never was a life. When Does a Human Life Begin? 17 Timepoints | DNA Science Blog

If there is no life, there is no development. Dead things don't change and grow.
Thats not true. Crystals grow. After you are dead your fingernails and hair continue to grow.

Crystal's cells are not growing and changing, they are not a living organism. Hair and nails do not grow after death, the skin around them becomes retracted and only appear to be longer.
Yes crystal cells grow. Yes they change size. Thats the point. Non living things can grow and change.
Since there is no question that biologically human life begins at conception, they have to hide behind linguistic gymnastics.
It is impossible for life to begin at conception, because that is the beginning of the development process. If the zygote that becomes a Fetus does not develop to the stage of birth, and after, there never was a life. When Does a Human Life Begin? 17 Timepoints | DNA Science Blog

If there is no life, there is no development. Dead things don't change and grow.
Thats not true. Crystals grow. After you are dead your fingernails and hair continue to grow.

Crystal's cells are not growing and changing, they are not a living organism. Hair and nails do not grow after death, the skin around them becomes retracted and only appear to be longer.
Yes crystal cells grow. Yes they change size. Thats the point. Non living things can grow and change.

The cells do not reproduce. Science for Kids: Crystals
It is impossible for life to begin at conception, because that is the beginning of the development process. If the zygote that becomes a Fetus does not develop to the stage of birth, and after, there never was a life. When Does a Human Life Begin? 17 Timepoints | DNA Science Blog

If there is no life, there is no development. Dead things don't change and grow.
Thats not true. Crystals grow. After you are dead your fingernails and hair continue to grow.

Crystal's cells are not growing and changing, they are not a living organism. Hair and nails do not grow after death, the skin around them becomes retracted and only appear to be longer.
Yes crystal cells grow. Yes they change size. Thats the point. Non living things can grow and change.

The cells do not reproduce. Science for Kids: Crystals
I didnt say the cells reproduced. I said they grow. When you gain weight do you reproduce?
If there is no life, there is no development. Dead things don't change and grow.
Thats not true. Crystals grow. After you are dead your fingernails and hair continue to grow.

Crystal's cells are not growing and changing, they are not a living organism. Hair and nails do not grow after death, the skin around them becomes retracted and only appear to be longer.
Yes crystal cells grow. Yes they change size. Thats the point. Non living things can grow and change.

The cells do not reproduce. Science for Kids: Crystals
I didnt say the cells reproduced. I said they grow. When you gain weight do you reproduce?
The cells are not changing they stay the same, the crystal form not by changing their cells.
Thats not true. Crystals grow. After you are dead your fingernails and hair continue to grow.

Crystal's cells are not growing and changing, they are not a living organism. Hair and nails do not grow after death, the skin around them becomes retracted and only appear to be longer.
Yes crystal cells grow. Yes they change size. Thats the point. Non living things can grow and change.

The cells do not reproduce. Science for Kids: Crystals
I didnt say the cells reproduced. I said they grow. When you gain weight do you reproduce?
The cells are not changing they stay the same, the crystal form not by changing their cells.
When crystal cells grow they are changing you moron. If they stayed the same the crystal wouldnt grow.
Crystal's cells are not growing and changing, they are not a living organism. Hair and nails do not grow after death, the skin around them becomes retracted and only appear to be longer.
Yes crystal cells grow. Yes they change size. Thats the point. Non living things can grow and change.

The cells do not reproduce. Science for Kids: Crystals
I didnt say the cells reproduced. I said they grow. When you gain weight do you reproduce?
The cells are not changing they stay the same, the crystal form not by changing their cells.
When crystal cells grow they are changing you moron. If they stayed the same the crystal wouldnt grow.

The crystals grow by adding moisture and molecules, not by cells growing. If it was taken out of the environment they were in the growing of the crystal would cease. The cells do not grow or change.
By doing that, it can ease their conscience, just as Hitler did with Jews, homosexuals and those of color. Abortion to me is killing a live person as life begins at conception.

Since there is no question that biologically human life begins at conception, they have to hide behind linguistic gymnastics.
It is impossible for life to begin at conception, because that is the beginning of the development process. If the zygote that becomes a Fetus does not develop to the stage of birth, and after, there never was a life. When Does a Human Life Begin? 17 Timepoints | DNA Science Blog

If there is no life, there is no development. Dead things don't change and grow.
the existence of an individual human being or animal. A fertilized zygote is not a fully developed human being.

No one said anything about a fully developed human being. We are talking on when life begins and it begins when a cell starts developing independently of it's environment. You are moving the goal posts.
Actually I'm not. I stated the definition of "Life" in the dictionary. "The existence of a human being". A zygote is not a fully developed human being.
Because YOU believe a fetus is not a human...if it is not human what is it?

Murder is the unlawful killing of another human without justification or valid excuse, especially the unlawful killing of another human being with malice aforethought
It is a fetus, by definition, without a functioning brain that cannot respond to emotions or pain. Until the neurology is developed after birth, scientists have never confirmed a fetus feels anything. Can you?

If the life of the mother is in jeopardy of going through the pregnancy because of complications, is the abortion still murder? Because, you can't have it both ways right? And if we let the mother die, isn't that murder too if the law says you can do nothing?

That's false. The developing baby reacts to his environment. He has a functioning brain with detectable brain activity.
Where is the science that tells us that? A reputable link please.

I notice a common tactic, leaping directly to, "the mother's dying, won't you let us help her?". The problem with that one is there would be very little resistance to abortion being used only to protect the life of the mother. It's not. By and large, it is used as after the fact birth control. There simply are not a million plus pregnancies every year that would kill the mother.
I know people personally where that happened.

That's meaningless when talking about the million or so abortions done every year. Like I've said multiple times, opposition to abortion would virtually disappear if it were only legal in those circumstances.
It would only be meaningless to you, unless it happens to you.

That said, there are always the precautions that don't work as well, that have to be taken into account, which is why abortions are legal. Every possible scenario has been taken into account, and that is why the courts ruled in favor of it.
The courts were wrong. Period.
Since there is no question that biologically human life begins at conception, they have to hide behind linguistic gymnastics.
It is impossible for life to begin at conception, because that is the beginning of the development process. If the zygote that becomes a Fetus does not develop to the stage of birth, and after, there never was a life. When Does a Human Life Begin? 17 Timepoints | DNA Science Blog

If there is no life, there is no development. Dead things don't change and grow.
the existence of an individual human being or animal. A fertilized zygote is not a fully developed human being.

No one said anything about a fully developed human being. We are talking on when life begins and it begins when a cell starts developing independently of it's environment. You are moving the goal posts.
Actually I'm not. I stated the definition of "Life" in the dictionary. "The existence of a human being". A zygote is not a fully developed human being.

IF a human zygote is not a human. What is it...just a lump of cells, says the stupid ABNORMALS!
Since there is no question that biologically human life begins at conception, they have to hide behind linguistic gymnastics.
It is impossible for life to begin at conception, because that is the beginning of the development process. If the zygote that becomes a Fetus does not develop to the stage of birth, and after, there never was a life. When Does a Human Life Begin? 17 Timepoints | DNA Science Blog

If there is no life, there is no development. Dead things don't change and grow.
the existence of an individual human being or animal. A fertilized zygote is not a fully developed human being.

No one said anything about a fully developed human being. We are talking on when life begins and it begins when a cell starts developing independently of it's environment. You are moving the goal posts.
Actually I'm not. I stated the definition of "Life" in the dictionary. "The existence of a human being". A zygote is not a fully developed human being.

So, when are they considered a fully developed human being, because as far as I know it isn't until the late teens when the human is fully developed. Your definition says nothing about the human being needing to be fully developed to be considered a human being.

A zygote is the beginning of a human being in as many scientist agree.
It is impossible for life to begin at conception, because that is the beginning of the development process. If the zygote that becomes a Fetus does not develop to the stage of birth, and after, there never was a life. When Does a Human Life Begin? 17 Timepoints | DNA Science Blog

If there is no life, there is no development. Dead things don't change and grow.
the existence of an individual human being or animal. A fertilized zygote is not a fully developed human being.

No one said anything about a fully developed human being. We are talking on when life begins and it begins when a cell starts developing independently of it's environment. You are moving the goal posts.
Actually I'm not. I stated the definition of "Life" in the dictionary. "The existence of a human being". A zygote is not a fully developed human being.

So, when are they considered a fully developed human being, because as far as I know it isn't until the late teens when the human is fully developed. Your definition says nothing about the human being needing to be fully developed to be considered a human being.

A zygote is the beginning of a human being in as many scientist agree.
Did you say "the beginning"? That's what I thought you said. That's not what the definition of "LIfe" says. It says "human being". The beginning is a developing zygote, transforming into a fully developed human being. The definition doesn't talk about a "beginning human being"?.

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