Abortion Survivor Melissa Ohden: "What About My Choice?"

I advocate killing who or what innocent ?? Link please.

Are you a vegetarian?

It's fascinating, just how clueless you are concerning your flagrant hypocrisy.
Now where on Earth are you going with that bullcrap, and what does abortion have to do with being a vegetarian ? No wait don't answer that, because people's brains are frying now watching you people jump through hoops on the issue.
Fetuses arent babies so we dont agree.

Meh, terminology. The unborn are humans at an early stage of development. Biologically, they are babies. Give them a different name of it makes you feel better, but it doesn't change anything.
Of course it changes everything. A baby has passed through the portal to become a human being. A fetus is still in the stomach being turned into a human while it leeches off the host that will be its mother.

How neat and orderly. Just declare a group of people to be less than fully human so it's legally and morally justified to mistreat and kill them. Sound familiar? It's been done before, only using different criteria.

By doing that, it can ease their conscience, just as Hitler did with Jews, homosexuals and those of color. Abortion to me is killing a live person as life begins at conception.

Since there is no question that biologically human life begins at conception, they have to hide behind linguistic gymnastics.
It is impossible for life to begin at conception, because that is the beginning of the development process. If the zygote that becomes a Fetus does not develop to the stage of birth, and after, there never was a life. When Does a Human Life Begin? 17 Timepoints | DNA Science Blog
Now where on Earth are you going with that bullcrap, and what does abortion have to do with being a vegetarian ?

You were just raging mindlessly about how "killing" is awful. You didn't qualify what was being killed. Since you happily kill animals, it's clear you adore killing, as long it's for your own benefit.

If you need me to dumb that down further, you're out of luck. I can see you're kind of a moron, so we may be at an impasse here.

No wait don't answer that, because people's brains are frying now watching you people jump through hoops on the issue.

So, we've established that you have no problem with killing in general, and that you lied about that before. That's a start.

Now, let's move on to your other lies. You don't care about babies either. You always put your own selfish convenience above the lives of the poor wee babies.

Proof? You could save many babies by paying money out of your own pocket. You don't. You have your priorities, and your own non-essential spending takes precedence over the lives of the babies.

Like most pro-lifers, you think human life is more precious than anything, unless saving it would inconvenience you in any way. If it does, you'll let the babies die.
The Daily Caller ^

Melissa Ohden, abortion survivor and author of "You Carried Me", tells Amber Athey her survival story and asks "What about my choice?"

With New York's passage of a new abortion laws, and Virginia considering them, the time for this conversation is now.

Don’t worry, they said that they would have made her comfortable before they decide wether to murder her. Sounds like a LAST MEAL, for a mass murder....and the baby did WHAT UNFORGIVABLE FELONY?....

How is abortion murder?
Because YOU believe a fetus is not a human...if it is not human what is it?

Murder is the unlawful killing of another human without justification or valid excuse, especially the unlawful killing of another human being with malice aforethought
It is a fetus, by definition, without a functioning brain that cannot respond to emotions or pain. Until the neurology is developed after birth, scientists have never confirmed a fetus feels anything. Can you?

If the life of the mother is in jeopardy of going through the pregnancy because of complications, is the abortion still murder? Because, you can't have it both ways right? And if we let the mother die, isn't that murder too if the law says you can do nothing?

That's false. The developing baby reacts to his environment. He has a functioning brain with detectable brain activity.
Where is the science that tells us that? A reputable link please.

I notice a common tactic, leaping directly to, "the mother's dying, won't you let us help her?". The problem with that one is there would be very little resistance to abortion being used only to protect the life of the mother. It's not. By and large, it is used as after the fact birth control. There simply are not a million plus pregnancies every year that would kill the mother.
I know people personally where that happened.
Now where on Earth are you going with that bullcrap, and what does abortion have to do with being a vegetarian ?

You were just raging mindlessly about how "killing" is awful. You didn't qualify what was being killed. Since you happily kill animals, it's clear you adore killing, as long it's for your own benefit.

If you need me to dumb that down further, you're out of luck. I can see you're kind of a moron, so we may be at an impasse here.

No wait don't answer that, because people's brains are frying now watching you people jump through hoops on the issue.

So, we've established that you have no problem with killing in general, and that you lied about that before. That's a start.

Now, let's move on to your other lies. You don't care about babies either. You always put your own selfish convenience above the lives of the poor wee babies.

Proof? You could save many babies by paying money out of your own pocket. You don't. You have your priorities, and your own non-essential spending takes precedence over the lives of the babies.

Like most pro-lifers, you think human life is more precious than anything, unless saving it woulde inconvenience you in any way. If it does, you'll let the babies die.
Wow.... ROTFLMBO. Unbelievable bullcrap. LOL.
Wow.... ROTFLMBO. Unbelievable bullcrap. LOL.

I'll take that as your surrender.

Now, go back to doing what you do best ,which is rage mindlessly at your moral betters so you can get your hate-boner going. Hating that much sends a serious tingle up your leg, so your life is a quest for reasons to hate.
The people who write this stupidity, like the OP, fail to realize that we already have had the technology for many years to prevent this from happening. How about making birth-control available to all, with any failures being covered by very advanced technology such as Plan B or other hormonal treatments so a pregnancy never advances to the point portrayed by this ridiculous poster that the purge has come up with, which appears to illustrate a nine-month pregnancy?

Purge seems to live in some sort of greeting-card poetic syndrome.
Simple just do what the Nazi's did, and begin using government to start sterilization programs on the poor ?? I know that's what you crats will come up with next. I don't know though, with this abortion stuff, it is far more sinister than the Nazi's and a sterilization program.

You didn't read what I wrote. You right-wingers never explain what is wrong with using technology. Ever hear of the old cliche that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure?

The whole anti-abortion thing seems to be based on some weird anger at the fact that people have sex. Should all couples sleep in separate bedrooms until they want a baby? I think that most of us heterosexuals would disagree.
It would be best to plan a baby like me and the wife did, instead of acting on an animalistic impulse like so many do these days. So I guess if you're gonna act like animals having sex, then of course you need others to help you defend yourselves against unwanted pregnancies. Remember you are supposed to be responsible adults not animals, so needing others to care for you is like taking care of animals who can't seem to care for themselves. Are you people humans or animals ?
So you slept on the couch and only went into her when you wanted her to welp one of your pups? What about your friends who want to deny people access to responsible birth control? Planned Parenthood has furnished for decades the methods and the access that enables people to plan responsibly. What is this right-wing shit all about?

Just whom are you accusing of being "animals"? You and the woman you impregnated and welped your offspring seemed to have managed, despite your fucking, but you mock other people who seek to be responsible as well. What gives?
You remember what you did, don't you?
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The people who write this stupidity, like the OP, fail to realize that we already have had the technology for many years to prevent this from happening. How about making birth-control available to all, with any failures being covered by very advanced technology such as Plan B or other hormonal treatments so a pregnancy never advances to the point portrayed by this ridiculous poster that the purge has come up with, which appears to illustrate a nine-month pregnancy?

Purge seems to live in some sort of greeting-card poetic syndrome.
Simple just do what the Nazi's did, and begin using government to start sterilization programs on the poor ?? I know that's what you crats will come up with next. I don't know though, with this abortion stuff, it is far more sinister than the Nazi's and a sterilization program.

You didn't read what I wrote. You right-wingers never explain what is wrong with using technology. Ever hear of the old cliche that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure?

The whole anti-abortion thing seems to be based on some weird anger at the fact that people have sex. Should all couples sleep in separate bedrooms until they want a baby? I think that most of us heterosexuals would disagree.
It would be best to plan a baby like me and the wife did, instead of acting on an animalistic impulse like so many do these days. So I guess if you're gonna act like animals having sex, then of course you need others to help you defend yourselves against unwanted pregnancies. Remember you are supposed to be responsible adults not animals, so needing others to care for you is like taking care of animals who can't seem to care for themselves. Are you people humans or animals ?
So you slept on the couch and only went into her when you wanted her to welp one of yours? What about your friends who want to deny people access to responsible birth control? Planned Parenthood has furnished for decades the methods and the access that enables people to plan responsibly. What is this right-wing shit all about?

Just whom are you accusing of being "animals"?
Do you really expect someone to reply to such idiotic bullcrap ??
The people who write this stupidity, like the OP, fail to realize that we already have had the technology for many years to prevent this from happening. How about making birth-control available to all, with any failures being covered by very advanced technology such as Plan B or other hormonal treatments so a pregnancy never advances to the point portrayed by this ridiculous poster that the purge has come up with, which appears to illustrate a nine-month pregnancy?

Purge seems to live in some sort of greeting-card poetic syndrome.
Simple just do what the Nazi's did, and begin using government to start sterilization programs on the poor ?? I know that's what you crats will come up with next. I don't know though, with this abortion stuff, it is far more sinister than the Nazi's and a sterilization program.
This is where you republitards go off the rails. Why would you sterilize someone that will want to have a kid at a later date when they can afford to take care of the child?
Guess I am dealing with 1st graders here. Go back and read if you must, but I was sarcastically speaking about the next step that the demon-crats will probably take if they can't get their free contraception. You know government will take care of everything right ? Hitler figured the same way, and so that is what the Germans began depending on. How did that work out for them ?
Next time put up a sign saying you are being sarcastic. You conservatives are bat shit crazy so everything you said is something I have heard before from you cons.
The people who write this stupidity, like the OP, fail to realize that we already have had the technology for many years to prevent this from happening. How about making birth-control available to all, with any failures being covered by very advanced technology such as Plan B or other hormonal treatments so a pregnancy never advances to the point portrayed by this ridiculous poster that the purge has come up with, which appears to illustrate a nine-month pregnancy?

Purge seems to live in some sort of greeting-card poetic syndrome.
Simple just do what the Nazi's did, and begin using government to start sterilization programs on the poor ?? I know that's what you crats will come up with next. I don't know though, with this abortion stuff, it is far more sinister than the Nazi's and a sterilization program.
This is where you republitards go off the rails. Why would you sterilize someone that will want to have a kid at a later date when they can afford to take care of the child?
Guess I am dealing with 1st graders here. Go back and read if you must, but I was sarcastically speaking about the next step that the demon-crats will probably take if they can't get their free contraception. You know government will take care of everything right ? Hitler figured the same way, and so that is what the Germans began depending on. How did that work out for them ?

Please tell me why you hate women and hate sex? You cannot be a heterosexual and yet you hate LGBTQs.Or are you one of those who can only bed someone you look down on and despise as some sort of animal, but can find yourself eagarly between her legs. You are a disgusting moron.
Well looky here y'all.... I have reduced this poster to angry words instead of logical debate. Now isn't that special.... Good grief.

What "logical debate"? Not from your end. Good grief. Women and LGBTQs are not animals, yet you treat them as such. Is this because you are a heterosexual male with a penis? Do you actually think that you are special among humans? Men/husbands are not supposed to disrepect women/wives, or anyone else. Get a grip. You sound like someone who is "married" but treats your wife like she is a loaf of bread to you. Try some respect and remembrance of the promises you openly swore to her.
If that floats your boat.
You didnt answer my question. Are you stalling or just refusing to answer?

Legally, it's not murder. I used the wrong terminology. I should have said it's murder because it's deliberately killing an innocent human being with no justification. Does that help you?
Rape, incest, or the health of the mother is "no justification"?

What percentage of abortions are for "rape, incest, or the health of the mother"? I guarantee you that opposition to abortion would virtually disappear if they all were for those reasons.
That is not the point of my question. Rape, incest, and the health of the mother all happen. For the sake of keeping abortion legal, at a minimum, you can't just go and make it illegal. Not to mention the science that no one seems to have answers for, that further reinforce the case for abortion.

Make abortion illegal except for those cases and opposition would virtually disappear, but that's not what this is about.
Meh, terminology. The unborn are humans at an early stage of development. Biologically, they are babies. Give them a different name of it makes you feel better, but it doesn't change anything.
Of course it changes everything. A baby has passed through the portal to become a human being. A fetus is still in the stomach being turned into a human while it leeches off the host that will be its mother.

How neat and orderly. Just declare a group of people to be less than fully human so it's legally and morally justified to mistreat and kill them. Sound familiar? It's been done before, only using different criteria.

By doing that, it can ease their conscience, just as Hitler did with Jews, homosexuals and those of color. Abortion to me is killing a live person as life begins at conception.

Since there is no question that biologically human life begins at conception, they have to hide behind linguistic gymnastics.
It is impossible for life to begin at conception, because that is the beginning of the development process. If the zygote that becomes a Fetus does not develop to the stage of birth, and after, there never was a life. When Does a Human Life Begin? 17 Timepoints | DNA Science Blog

If there is no life, there is no development. Dead things don't change and grow.
The Daily Caller ^

Melissa Ohden, abortion survivor and author of "You Carried Me", tells Amber Athey her survival story and asks "What about my choice?"

With New York's passage of a new abortion laws, and Virginia considering them, the time for this conversation is now.

Don’t worry, they said that they would have made her comfortable before they decide wether to murder her. Sounds like a LAST MEAL, for a mass murder....and the baby did WHAT UNFORGIVABLE FELONY?....

How is abortion murder?
Because YOU believe a fetus is not a human...if it is not human what is it?

Murder is the unlawful killing of another human without justification or valid excuse, especially the unlawful killing of another human being with malice aforethought
It is a fetus, by definition, without a functioning brain that cannot respond to emotions or pain. Until the neurology is developed after birth, scientists have never confirmed a fetus feels anything. Can you?

If the life of the mother is in jeopardy of going through the pregnancy because of complications, is the abortion still murder? Because, you can't have it both ways right? And if we let the mother die, isn't that murder too if the law says you can do nothing?

That's false. The developing baby reacts to his environment. He has a functioning brain with detectable brain activity.
Where is the science that tells us that? A reputable link please.

I notice a common tactic, leaping directly to, "the mother's dying, won't you let us help her?". The problem with that one is there would be very little resistance to abortion being used only to protect the life of the mother. It's not. By and large, it is used as after the fact birth control. There simply are not a million plus pregnancies every year that would kill the mother.
I know people personally where that happened.

That's meaningless when talking about the million or so abortions done every year. Like I've said multiple times, opposition to abortion would virtually disappear if it were only legal in those circumstances.
Simple just do what the Nazi's did, and begin using government to start sterilization programs on the poor ?? I know that's what you crats will come up with next. I don't know though, with this abortion stuff, it is far more sinister than the Nazi's and a sterilization program.
This is where you republitards go off the rails. Why would you sterilize someone that will want to have a kid at a later date when they can afford to take care of the child?
Guess I am dealing with 1st graders here. Go back and read if you must, but I was sarcastically speaking about the next step that the demon-crats will probably take if they can't get their free contraception. You know government will take care of everything right ? Hitler figured the same way, and so that is what the Germans began depending on. How did that work out for them ?

Please tell me why you hate women and hate sex? You cannot be a heterosexual and yet you hate LGBTQs.Or are you one of those who can only bed someone you look down on and despise as some sort of animal, but can find yourself eagarly between her legs. You are a disgusting moron.
Well looky here y'all.... I have reduced this poster to angry words instead of logical debate. Now isn't that special.... Good grief.

What "logical debate"? Not from your end. Good grief. Women and LGBTQs are not animals, yet you treat them as such. Is this because you are a heterosexual male with a penis? Do you actually think that you are special among humans? Men/husbands are not supposed to disrepect women/wives, or anyone else. Get a grip. You sound like someone who is "married" but treats your wife like she is a loaf of bread to you. Try some respect and remembrance of the promises you openly swore to her.
You sure do attribute a bunch of bullcrap assumptions and lies onto posters in an attempt to make a point. How does one have a logical debate with someone like you ??

In fact nevermind, because there is no debating logically with someone like you. You can ignore me now or I can ignore you. However I won't ignore the topic.
The use of technology, which should be available to anyone who wants it, would erase the idea that abortion is a problem. Just make the technology for avoiding unintended pregnancy available to all and see how quickly the "problem" of abortion goes away.

Give everyone access to birth control. The "pro-life" people are after something else that has no relationship to "saving babies," and it's evil.

I bet many of these same people like rapid-fire weapons, of no use in the USA, and go to shows.
The use of technology, which should be available to anyone who wants it, would erase the idea that abortion is a problem. Just make the technology for avoiding unintended pregnancy available to all and see how quickly the "problem" of abortion goes away.

Give everyone access to birth control. The "pro-life" people are after something else that has no relationship to "saving babies," and it's evil.
With all technology, a human being has to use it. If don't then it matters not what amount of tech or substance is out there.

Now are you one who would take it a step farther, and force it on the citizens or are you in favor of better upbringings, and proper education in a spiritual sense ??
How is abortion murder?
Because YOU believe a fetus is not a human...if it is not human what is it?

Murder is the unlawful killing of another human without justification or valid excuse, especially the unlawful killing of another human being with malice aforethought
It is a fetus, by definition, without a functioning brain that cannot respond to emotions or pain. Until the neurology is developed after birth, scientists have never confirmed a fetus feels anything. Can you?

If the life of the mother is in jeopardy of going through the pregnancy because of complications, is the abortion still murder? Because, you can't have it both ways right? And if we let the mother die, isn't that murder too if the law says you can do nothing?

That's false. The developing baby reacts to his environment. He has a functioning brain with detectable brain activity.
Where is the science that tells us that? A reputable link please.

I notice a common tactic, leaping directly to, "the mother's dying, won't you let us help her?". The problem with that one is there would be very little resistance to abortion being used only to protect the life of the mother. It's not. By and large, it is used as after the fact birth control. There simply are not a million plus pregnancies every year that would kill the mother.
I know people personally where that happened.

That's meaningless when talking about the million or so abortions done every year. Like I've said multiple times, opposition to abortion would virtually disappear if it were only legal in those circumstances.
It would only be meaningless to you, unless it happens to you.

That said, there are always the precautions that don't work as well, that have to be taken into account, which is why abortions are legal. Every possible scenario has been taken into account, and that is why the courts ruled in favor of it.
Of course it changes everything. A baby has passed through the portal to become a human being. A fetus is still in the stomach being turned into a human while it leeches off the host that will be its mother.

How neat and orderly. Just declare a group of people to be less than fully human so it's legally and morally justified to mistreat and kill them. Sound familiar? It's been done before, only using different criteria.

By doing that, it can ease their conscience, just as Hitler did with Jews, homosexuals and those of color. Abortion to me is killing a live person as life begins at conception.

Since there is no question that biologically human life begins at conception, they have to hide behind linguistic gymnastics.
It is impossible for life to begin at conception, because that is the beginning of the development process. If the zygote that becomes a Fetus does not develop to the stage of birth, and after, there never was a life. When Does a Human Life Begin? 17 Timepoints | DNA Science Blog

If there is no life, there is no development. Dead things don't change and grow.
the existence of an individual human being or animal. A fertilized zygote is not a fully developed human being.

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