Abortion Trade Off/Compromise

At least you made it clear that you don't give a damn about the life of a nine month old fetus
You have made it clear that you don’t give a damn about the life of a 6 week through 12 week fetus.

So why are you attacking anybody else when you must know that 92% of all abortions, including those on demand occur before the 12th week
My position is consistent with Roe versus Wade. Women have the right to an abortion on demand through the first 28 weeks and after that, she has had plenty of time to decide if she does not want to assume the risk of ongoing gestation to the moment of birth. A woman has to have some cause to abort a nine-month-old baby and I trust the medical profession to make that determination not some Maga white Christian politician, or sheriff. So that makes you a liar.
I would say up until viability. Then it should restricted.
would say up until viability. Then it should restricted.
And viability coincides with brain development at 22 weeks and the start of trillions of neurological connections that are required for a human being to achieve consciousness
No doctor is going to force a woman to give birth to a baby that will not survive. Stop your ridiculous fear mongering and fake bull shat
00020 22AUG25 ¥carsmyrplssx ¥ #20“ Democrats are a child sacrifice death cult.”

Deborah Dorbert was forced by the state of Florida to suffer 14 weeks of gestating a fetus after finding out in the 23rd week her fetus had Potter syndrome. It is a condition where there is not enough amniotic fluid to support the pregnancy and shortly after giving birth her would be wanted fourth child will die.

The fetus was alive in Republican controlled Florida meaning it wouid be a crime for a doctor to kill it.

The fetus named Milo lived for 99 minutes after “he” was born alive ¥beagle9¥. So, how dare you cross the Republican Party; Saint Ron DeSantis, Saint Donald J Trump, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò and most importantly Saint ¥CarsomyrPlusSix¥ when you ruthlessly and perversely embrace the Democratic Party child sacrifice death cult by calling for a doctor to murder poor little innocent and defenseless Milo Dorbert in the womb?

At fifteen weeks Florida is a ‘forced gestation to full term’ state. Soon to become a ‘forced gestation to full term’ at six weeks “heartbeat” state and little Milo had a beating heart up to the moment the newborn baby died a natural death And you wanted the death cult doctors to slaughter him in the womb. What kind of depraved monster are you ¥bevgl¥ Jesus H Kee-riced! What have you become?
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I see it the opposite way.

Show me a democrat passed law that includes restrictions even remotely close to the ones being passed in Republican States, as opposed to the "abortion up to the last second if the pregnant woman thinks giving birth will make her depressed"
Show me a democrat passed law that includes restrictions even remotely close to the ones being passed in Republican States, as opposed to the "abortion up to the last second if the pregnant woman thinks giving birth will make her depressed"
Like the ones passed by Republicans that only allow abortion when a woman is in imminent danger of death?

I can't find any examples of abortions such as you describe and I wouldn't make light of post partum depression.
Like the ones passed by Republicans that only allow abortion when a woman is in imminent danger of death?

I can't find any examples of abortions such as you describe and I wouldn't make light of post partum depression.

There is always going to be an over-reaction period when a side wins a fight it's been fighting for decades. Those laws will mellow as the harder supporters lose elections to more moderate people, IF that's what the people of the State in question want.

And you won't find examples because even if they do happen, they are covered by HIPPA privacy regulations.
There is always going to be an over-reaction period when a side wins a fight it's been fighting for decades.
The pro-fetus / anti-woman side has not won anything. You are on the “pro-choice for 16 weeks” side which allows 92% of all abortions as a choice. but you vote for the anti-woman Republican Party for other reasons I guess. Before Dobbs, the right wing Jesus extremists fighting for 13 week old fetuses lives by depriving women of their rights, didn’t damage the Republican Party on other issues. Women accepted their reproductive rights were protected as settled law. Not anymore. The GOP is screwed in swing states forevermore.
The pro-fetus / anti-woman side has not won anything. You are on the “pro-choice for 16 weeks” side which allows 92% of all abortions as a choice. but you vote for the anti-woman Republican Party for other reasons I guess. Before Dobbs, the right wing Jesus extremists fighting for 13 week old fetuses lives by depriving women of their rights, didn’t damage the Republican Party on other issues. Women accepted their reproductive rights were protected as settled law. Not anymore. The GOP is screwed in swing states forevermore.

They have won the ability to try to legislate this at the State level, which is what they were fighting for as a bloc. Now it divides into the more detailed groupings by the level of restriction they are comfortable with.

You, like other progressives, assume all women are abortion rights zealots, which is of course false.
Abortion is one of the crappiest debate subjects on the planet. People can NOT leave their feelz out of it. They just cant.
No facts, just emotion.
I disagree, the fact is the human growing in the womb is a completely different human being, with separate dna at conception, and should be afforded the rights of a US citizen.
The pro-fetus / anti-woman side has not won anything. You are on the “pro-choice for 16 weeks” side which allows 92% of all abortions as a choice. but you vote for the anti-woman Republican Party for other reasons I guess. Before Dobbs, the right wing Jesus extremists fighting for 13 week old fetuses lives by depriving women of their rights, didn’t damage the Republican Party on other issues. Women accepted their reproductive rights were protected as settled law. Not anymore. The GOP is screwed in swing states forevermore.
Wrong, women had a right to not engage in activity which caused said pregnancy, they should not get a special right to end a human life because ooops. Also why do men get no right when said baby is as much his, and don't say because he doesn't carry it that is the settled science of pro creation
They have won the ability to try to legislate this at the State level, which is what they were fighting for as a bloc.

They have not won the means to save the life of every fertilized egg conceived on US soil. That is what the religious extremists want. You are a pro-choice Republican who needs the huge bloc of religious extremist voters to vote for Republicans. You must see that Dobbs for you was not a win.
They have not won the means to save the life of every fertilized egg conceived on US soil. That is what the religious extremists want. You are a pro-choice Republican who needs the huge bloc of religious extremist voters to vote for Republicans. You must see that Dobbs for you was not a win.

They have won the means to fight it out at the State levels, and that's where me and them part ways.

Let Alabama be Alabama.

Like freedom of speech? What about freedom of association? The mother obviously empedes on that right. Should something be done about that? Lol, saying a fetus deserves rights is ludicrous.
Calling it anything but a developing human is ludicrous, and done for the purposes of dehumanizing that human
Calling it anything but a developing human is ludicrous, and done for the purposes of dehumanizing that human
Its a stage of development.
Even if that post made sense, it doesnt discount saying fetuses deserve their right to freedom of association :lol:
Its a stage of development.
Even if that post made sense, it doesnt discount saying fetuses deserve their right to freedom of association :lol:
Yes, HUMAN development, and they should be protected as such, human! They will never be anything but human, and deserve the protection.
Let Alabama be Alabama.

Assuming you are a rational human being who is affiliated with the same political political party that harms women in Alabama, do you accept that your vote for Republican, Senators and Republican presidents, caused six Catholic judges to end up on the Supreme Court who overturned ROE vs WADE? Your votes lead to women being harmed by not being able to exercise a right that you agree they have to get a safe legal abortion before 16 weeks of gestation.
Assuming you are a rational human being who is affiliated with the same political political party that harms women in Alabama, do you accept that your vote for Republican, Senators and Republican presidents, caused six Catholic judges to end up on the Supreme Court who overturned ROE vs WADE? Your votes lead to women being harmed by not being able to exercise a right that you agree they have to get a safe legal abortion before 16 weeks of gestation.

LOL, the dems harm women far more, just look at women's sports right now.

So being a mother is always harmful to a woman?

Take your anti-catholic bias and cram it up your ass.

They don't have a right to it. States can grant them the privilege if said State so chooses.

Where did I ever say it was a right?
Assuming you are a rational human being who is affiliated with the same political political party that harms women in Alabama, do you accept that your vote for Republican, Senators and Republican presidents, caused six Catholic judges to end up on the Supreme Court who overturned ROE vs WADE? Your votes lead to women being harmed by not being able to exercise a right that you agree they have to get a safe legal abortion before 16 weeks of gestation.
Heart beats at 6 weeks

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