Abortion Trade Off/Compromise

There are no moral people seeking to demand their government take license to cause harm to women by forcing full term gestation on women against their will

Moral people do not advocate killing the most innocent and vulnerable among us. Moral people do not champion and celebrate taking innocent human life.
There are no moral people seeking to demand their government take license to cause harm to women
Fuck you, insane and evil trash.

Being a mother is not “harm,” nor did the government “cause” that.

There are zero moral pro-aborts, you are defined by your promotion of violence and harm against innocent human beings.

Go back to the other thread and stay in your quarantine zone. You’re worse than Ebola.
Being a mother is not “harm,”
This is government caused harm

23SEP26 NFBW #7,941
to: -14 -4 ¥ The “incompetent cervix” diagnosis is not a crime or something that can be faked. •••• Amanda’s fetus was healthy throughout this complication and in Texas every fetus with a heartbeat has the protection of state interest that “forced” Amanda’s doctor to keep the fetus alive until Amanda actually became on the verge of death before her life could be saved by killing a perfectly healthy fetus. •••• It’s what happens when white Republican Trump Christians vote for lawmakers who pass laws since Dobbs that force doctors to make legal decisions instead of medical decisions when the fetus does not have a brain but is alive and healthy. That forces harm, mental and financial cruelty on women whether they want to be pregnant or not. •••• You beagle9 are a white Christian proponent of harming pregnant women through state force. You are not civilized at all or without evil in your heart.
The issue is going to be rectified by the side that has the more people willing to nudge out from the hard positions.

Right now the Pro-life side seems to be more realistic, at least some of their side does.

Pro-Choice right now seems to mean abortion for any reason to the moment of birth.
I see it the opposite way.
Fuck you, insane and evil trash.

Being a mother is not “harm,” nor did the government “cause” that.

There are zero moral pro-aborts, you are defined by your promotion of violence and harm against innocent human beings.

Go back to the other thread and stay in your quarantine zone. You’re worse than Ebola.
Being a mother against one's will IS harm.
being a parent is not fucking harm.
23MAY20 Men like CarsomyrPlusSix can become a parent with zero risk of harm to his fucking eggless body. His part in making a baby is all pleasure. He cannot produce gametes (eggs); he cannot secrete estrogen he cannot provide a site for a fertilization; he cannot gestate a fetus: he cannot go into labor and give birth to a baby, The only thing he does is donate some sperm.

Only a woman can be physically harmed as she is the only one capable of intentionally becoming a parent and therefore she should be free to assume the risk of harm to her body and even death that comes with gestating a fetus to full term.

Men like ¥cars+6¥, as an amoral political calculation, has been successful at demonizing the left simply by being an asshole against that freedom of choice in private that woman were guaranteed the past fifty years..

DOBBS ruined the ongoing succeeding culture war politics of agents like C+6 being a pro-fetus, woman and lib bashing asshole and now we can see him lose it with every post he writes.

00080 23MAY18 ¥ @cvrsmrplssx¥ #80 WHALESHIT, pro-abort filth.​
08101 23APR03 ¥cvrsmrplssx ¥ #8,101 {to: 08,100} “Go fuck yourself, bigoted trash. “ “You advocate harm to others, literally a violent death.” “It’s just that like your slaver peers in history, you hate those you want dead and don’t regard them as counting as “others.” “You’re scum.”​
08287 23APR14 ¥cvrsmrplssx ¥ #8,287 {to: 08,286} “It’s so cute watching the inhuman shitstain “NotFooledByW” sputter about in abject apoplexy and failure as his favorite murder weapon gets banned, as more and more states ban the killing he so wants to see happen.”​

Does anyone here believe somebody like C+ six would be able to engage in some kind of compromise on women’s reproductive rights?
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Being a mother against one's will IS harm.

00230 23MAY20 ¥ Independentthinker ¥ #230 “Then they should keep their legs crossed.”

23MAY20 NFVW: Men like ¥Independentthinker¥ can become a parent with zero risk of harm to his fucking eggless body. His part in making a baby is all pleasure. He cannot produce gametes (eggs); he cannot secrete estrogen he cannot provide a site for a fertilization; he cannot gestate a fetus: he cannot go into labor and give birth to a baby, The only thing he does is donate some sperm.

Only a woman can be physically harmed as she is the only one capable of intentionally becoming a parent and therefore she should be free to assume the risk of harm to her body and even death that comes with gestating a fetus to full term.

Men like ¥Indvpndntthnkr ¥, as an amoral political calculation, have been successful at demonizing the left simply by being an asshole against that freedom of choice in private that woman were guaranteed the past fifty years..

DOBBS ruined the ongoing succeeding culture war politics of agents like Indy being part of the extremist white Christian pro-fetus movement that gained strength in the wake of Roe.

Does anyone here believe somebody like Indy would be able to engage in some kind of compromise on women’s reproductive rights?
Well, at least you've made it clear the right doesn't give a damn about the woman, which we knew all along.
And you've made it clear that the only way for the left to demonstrate they "give a damn" about someone is to just let them kill whenever they want, which is demented and evil.

Par for the course, really.
And you've made it clear that the only way for the left to demonstrate they "give a damn" about someone is to just let them kill whenever they want, which is demented and evil.

Par for the course, really.
Your record of posting makes it quite clear that the woman comes second to the fetus in both rights and concern for. This is further clarified by your misogynistic attitude when it comes to harm, risks, and morality.

And in the end, what have you given us? States with the strictest abortion codes are the states with the highest levels of teen pregnancies, maternal and infant mortality and the lowest levels of support for women and children in need. Not that you care much about maternal deaths.

00230 23MAY20 ¥ Independentthinker ¥ #230 “Then they should keep their legs crossed.”

23MAY20 NFVW: Men like ¥Independentthinker¥ can become a parent with zero risk of harm to his fucking eggless body. His part in making a baby is all pleasure. He cannot produce gametes (eggs); he cannot secrete estrogen he cannot provide a site for a fertilization; he cannot gestate a fetus: he cannot go into labor and give birth to a baby, The only thing he does is donate some sperm.

Only a woman can be physically harmed as she is the only one capable of intentionally becoming a parent and therefore she should be free to assume the risk of harm to her body and even death that comes with gestating a fetus to full term.

Men like ¥Indvpndntthnkr ¥, as an amoral political calculation, have been successful at demonizing the left simply by being an asshole against that freedom of choice in private that woman were guaranteed the past fifty years..

DOBBS ruined the ongoing succeeding culture war politics of agents like Indy being part of the extremist white Christian pro-fetus movement that gained strength in the wake of Roe.

Does anyone here believe somebody like Indy would be able to engage in some kind of compromise on women’s reproductive rights?
Thanks for admitting that you refuse to compromise, continuing to say that women have the right to choose to kill a nine month old fetus. I totally understand that you would never compromise on that.
Your record of posting makes it quite clear that the woman comes second to the fetus in both rights and concern for
Liar. I promote equality.

This is further clarified by your misogynistic attitude
Liar. I have never displayed any such thing, because I have no such thing. Treating vile women who kill their kids like the vile killers they are is not misogyny, not at all, not by any reasonable metric. Of course, it is clear reason does not govern you, not one bit.
Thanks for admitting that you refuse to compromise, continuing to say that women have the right to choose to kill a nine month old fetus.
My position is consistent with Roe versus Wade. Women have the right to an abortion on demand through the first 28 weeks and after that, she has had plenty of time to decide if she does not want to assume the risk of ongoing gestation to the moment of birth. A woman has to have some cause to abort a nine-month-old baby and I trust the medical profession to make that determination not some Maga white Christian politician, or sheriff. So that makes you a liar.

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