Abortion Trade Off/Compromise

This is a bad faith ‘compromise.’

It usually isn’t until 20 weeks before a woman discovers she’s pregnant.
That's completely false. And if you spent ten seconds thinking about it, it would be obvious to you just how false that is.

Among all pregnancies reported, gestational age at time of pregnancy awareness was 5.5 weeks (standard error = 0.04) and the prevalence of late pregnancy awareness was 23 % (standard error = 1 %).

12 weeks is unreasonable and a de facto ban.
2/3 of all Americans oppose abortion beyond the first trimester. This means a lot of people who call themselves "pro-choice" have opinions in direct conflict with Roe v. Wade.

Whatever one’s personal, subjective opinion as to abortion – religious or moral – it’s not within the purview of the state to interfere with the private decision as to whether to have a child or not.

Individuals know best how to conduct their private lives, not the state.
It is well within the state's purview to protect the lives of innocents.
So you don’t believe in the “life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness” as stated in the Constitution?
Pro-abortionists clearly don't believe in life.

There is no one in the world who is “pro abortion“. No one.
Bullshit. Imagine a 1940 German saying, "You know, I hate the extermination of Jews, but I oppose anyone who tries to stop it."

You keep ignoring the facts. 75% of the women getting abortions live below or just above the poverty line. 60% are married or in a committed relationship and already have children. 1/2 were using birth control the months they got pregnant.
1/2 of abortions are due to the couple using NO birth control. Another fifth are due to the improper or inconsistent use of birth control.

Just imagine what it would do to the abortion rate, and the poverty rate, if they would just start using birth control and using it properly and consistently!
What about compassion for fetal life? Democrats don't seem to give a crap about that.
The GOP has been very vindictive about abortion, rather than compassionate. Even Trump said women who get abortions should go to jail.

Texas put a literal bounty on anyone who gets an abortion, or who even helps a woman get an abortion. That is just pure hate.

My wife is one of the most pro-life people I know, but when Virginia Republicans wanted women to be raped with a wand before being allowed to get an abortion, she became very, very cold in her fury toward Republicans.
I'm good with abortions for any reason by any sound method up to 16 weeks, with exceptions for the mother's life afterwards, and of course non-viable fetuses being medically removed as safely as possible.
I could compromise on that.
Pro-abortionists clearly don't believe in life.

Bullshit. Imagine a 1940 German saying, "You know, I hate the extermination of Jews, but I oppose anyone who tries to stop it."

1/2 of abortions are due to the couple using NO birth control. Another fifth are due to the improper or inconsistent use of birth control.

Just imagine what it would do to the abortion rate, and the poverty rate, if they would just start using birth control and using it properly and consistently!

Just imagine what you could do with the abortion rate if the United States had a reasonable minimum wage, mandatory paid maternity leave for women, child tax benefits, sudsidized day care, for every low income family, and universal healthcare.

Birth control is always going to fail and they’re always gonna be unwanted pregnancies. These things are always gonna hit poor people hardest.
It usually isn’t until 20 weeks before a woman discovers she’s pregnant.

12 weeks is unreasonable and a de facto ban.
Holy shit. No. Most women are not this stupid where they don’t know 5 fucking months later.

12 weeks is 12 weeks too late - we need an actual ban, but what you are saying is a lie.
Just imagine what you could do with the abortion rate if the United States had a reasonable minimum wage, mandatory paid maternity leave for women, child tax benefits, sudsidized day care, for every low income family, and universal healthcare.
Nothing. Nothing whatsoever. If we conceded to your every insane socialist whim, you’d still want kids to be killed on demand.
00001 23MAY17 ¥ Independentthinker #1

1. Directed at the left: If pharmaceutically induced abortions were a legal right during those first 12 weeks, would you accept the fact that after that 12 week period was over women DO NOT have the right to choose anymore and that after that 12 week period the only abortions that could be done are if the woman's life or her child were in danger?

08961 23MAY18 NFBW #8,961
{to: 00,001} White predominantly Christian MAGA believe the sanctity of life begins at conception. They are the anti-abortion voters that support the Republican Party’s existence. I do not see how you can negotiate for them:

Either the value of life begins at conception without exception or the woman has autonomy over her own body and she decides if the value of life begins.

It’s been settled and precedent for fifty years on the latter. The value of life begins at 28 weeks at an approximation of viability. The bottom line is for the government to do no harm to women. Keep them healthy, safe and as equals to men.

There is no reason to negotiate with America’s version of the Taliban. I go with fifty years of precedence and will watch the GOP groan and scream into a permanent predominantly white gun worshipping minority party
I've been thinking a lot over the last several months about the abortion topic and was wondering about a possible compromise. From what I understand, there can be a fairly safe pharmaceutically induced abortion up to about 12 weeks, which is around the time frame that most of Europe accepts abortions. Since miscarriages can happen during those first 12 weeks, not usually requiring a D&C, a pharmaceutically induced abortion wouldn't really be much different than a miscarriage which, unfortunately, happens 10%-20% of the time anyway. I would personally be very opposed to an abortive medical procedure that isn't pharmaceutical at any time unless the mother or the child are having life threatening complications. Rape and incest pregnancies would have to be aborted within that 12 week period. So, that leaves me asking the following main questions to both sides:

1. Directed at the left: If pharmaceutically induced abortions were a legal right during those first 12 weeks, would you accept the fact that after that 12 week period was over women DO NOT have the right to choose anymore and that after that 12 week period the only abortions that could be done are if the woman's life or her child were in danger?

2. Directed at the right: Assuming that my compromise would be enacted and made into law, would you then accept pharmaceutically induced abortions during those first 12 weeks, something that really isn't too much different than miscarriages?

I honestly think abortion is one of the best things. I think abortion should be able to happen anytime a woman wants.
1. Directed at the left: If pharmaceutically induced abortions were a legal right during those first 12 weeks, would you accept the fact that after that 12 week period was over women DO NOT have the right to choose anymore and that after that 12 week period the only abortions that could be done are if the woman's life or her child were in danger?


Here's a compromise I'm for.

If you don't like abortion, you don't have to have one.
If you need an abortion, you should be able to get one, no questions asked.

So, tell us, Lesh, do you support abortion at any time up to labor or after the birth has occurred?

I support abortion where the woman and her doctor consider it appropriate.

You're getting abortions now up to the point of birth, you're not compromising from that. I'm pro-choice, but that's just murder
Except nobody is having abortions that late unless something has gone horribly wrong with the pregnancy.
Well, as I have said many times, the Republican party would gain a lot of ground if they just banned abortions after the first trimester.

2/3 of Americans are opposed to abortion after the first trimester.

But the GOP is all about hate and brutality these days. There is no compassion to be found anywhere.

I'm not sure where you get that figure from, exactly.

Why should abortion be banned after the first trimester but not during it if you absolutely believe that Globby the Fetus should have more rights than the woman it's inside.

Yes, most people would prefer that if you are going to have an abortion, have it in the first 12 weeks. That's not always practical for everyone. Just like not everyone runs to the doctor when they have a persistent pain that later turns out to be cancerous. Are we going to limit cancer treatment to ONLY those who were proactive?

Many women don't know they are pregnant until they've missed two periods.
If you stomp on a sea turtle egg, the Left starts foaming at the mouth and calling for your death.

If you kill a human fetus, the Left says, "It just a clump of cells!"

That's because Turtles are an endangered species for a whole variety of reasons, most of them caused by humans.

Humans are not an endangered species.

Most turtle eggs don't become turtles. They never hatch or they are eaten by other animals. The ones that do, very few of them become adult turtles because they are eaten by predators. It's why a turtle has to lay hundreds of eggs in a lifetime to get to a few adults to propagate the species.

Humans have the opposite problem. Left to nature, we'd probably have an infant/child mortality rate of 60%+. But we've cured all those diseases, we've made our environments safer for us, so a human woman doesn't have to have six kids to make sure two make it to adulthood.

Abortion isn't the desireable solution. In Joe's Perfect World(TM), we'd have few abortions because people would be proficient in contraception and would only choose to have sex with people who are good parent material.

We don't live in Joe's Perfect World(TM).

Like it or not, abortion will be with us, not matter what the law is.

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