Abortion Trade Off/Compromise

LOL, the dems harm women far more, just look at women's sports right now.

So being a mother is always harmful to a woman?

Take your anti-catholic bias and cram it up your ass.

They don't have a right to it. States can grant them the privilege if said State so chooses.

Where did I ever say it was a right?
NotfooledbyW is under the assumption that her right before pregnancy was denied!
So being a mother is always harmful to a woman?
23May23, NFBW: Yes, Becoming a mother or to be precise; Gestating a fetus absolutely physically harms every single woman who consents to giving birth to one. Is that true or false Mr ¥martybgn? There is a risk of death that woman face when one of their eggs become fertilized.

You acknowledge that women have the right to terminate the life of the fetus, when they choose in private prior to 16 weeks of gestation, to avoid the risks of pregnancy. Including the financial harm at being pregnant, and giving birth and entails.
23May23, NFBW: Yes, Becoming a mother or to be precise; Gestating a fetus absolutely physically harms every single woman who consents to giving birth to one. Is that true or false Mr ¥martybgn? There is a risk of death that woman face when one of their eggs become fertilized.

You acknowledge that women have the right to terminate the life of the fetus, when they choose in private prior to 16 weeks of gestation, to avoid the risks of pregnancy. Including the financial harm at being pregnant, and giving birth and entails.

By that logic breathing is harmful because every one you take leads you closer to death.

They don't have the right. I don't acknowledge that. I believe that's the privilege they should have to balance by moral standards with my libertarian (small "l") leanings.
I believe that's the privilege they should have to balance by moral standards with my libertarian (small "l") leanings.
Do you actually believe it’s just a privilege for a pregnant woman to decide to prevent harm or risk of death to her body?
By that logic breathing is harmful because every one you take leads you closer to death.
All human beings from the moment of birth have to continue breathing to stay alive. No human being needs to gestate a fetus for nine months to stay alive.
There is always going to be an over-reaction period when a side wins a fight it's been fighting for decades. Those laws will mellow as the harder supporters lose elections to more moderate people, IF that's what the people of the State in question want.

And you won't find examples because even if they do happen, they are covered by HIPPA privacy regulations.
Prepare for a long fight to overturn this. We won't forget the extreme cruelty of those laws that you are calling an "overreaction". I think they reveal an underlying contempt for women. The Texas lawsuit is just one example.
Do you actually believe it’s just a privilege for a pregnant woman to decide to prevent harm or risk of death to her body?

Is it a right or a privilege to get a heart transplant?

It's the same question, only a heart transplant doesn't involve another human life.
All human beings from the moment of birth have to continue breathing to stay alive. No human being needs to gestate a fetus for nine months to stay alive.

A biological process is a biological process.

Women are built biologically to carry and birth new humans. It's just that simple, not some grand cosmic conspiracy to keep them down.
Prepare for a long fight to overturn this. We won't forget the extreme cruelty of those laws that you are calling an "overreaction". I think they reveal an underlying contempt for women. The Texas lawsuit is just one example.

They expose a contempt for life on the part of abortion rights fanatics. The irony is many of them would probably cry over a dead puppy but see fetuses as nothing but a lump of tissue to justify their positions.

Sooner or later someone is going to get one of those last second abortions, like when Gosnell did them, only now he can't be prosecuted under laws in NY and CA, and then we will see the abortion rights people's overreaction laid bare.

Right now those potential last second abortions are hidden, if they are happening at all, by HIPPA laws.
Learn to use the quote function properly or don't get a response from me.
I am using a quote function: it’s just one that you don’t like for some reason. It’s easier to track people who consistently try to change the subject and avoid difficult questions directed towards them. If for some reason you can’t understand the questions I’ve asked, let me know. I’ll try to explain them even better, but if you don’t want to answer it, there’s nothing I can do about that.
I am using a quote function: it’s just one that you don’t like for some reason. It’s easier to track people who consistently try to change the subject and avoid difficult questions directed towards them. If for some reason you can’t understand the questions I’ve asked, let me know. I’ll try to explain them even better, but if you don’t want to answer it, there’s nothing I can do about that.

It's the call out function, not the quote function and it's fucking annoying, as is replying to multiple people in a single post.

Get manners, or fuck off.
Get manners, or fuck off.

00264 23MAY23 NFBW #264 {to: 00,263 bgn} “Do you actually believe it’s just a privilege for a pregnant woman to decide to prevent harm or risk of death to her body?”

00268 23MAY24 ¥martybgn ¥ #268 {to: 00,264 nfbw} “It's the same question, only a heart transplant doesn't involve another human life.”

90001 23MAY24 NFBW #9,001 {to: 00,268 bgn} We know a heart transplant operation does not involve a fetus. So why did you bring it up as part of this discussion? •••• This is a constitutional human rights conflict between a fetus and its mother. It has nothing to do with a good heart versus a bad heart. •••• You are on record that a fetus does not have a right to life during the first 16 weeks of gestation. •••• So why do you support the political party that bans abortions prior to that number of weeks of gestation?

NFBW 23MAY24 Happy to accommodate. Now will you answer the questions summarized in post 90001?
I've been thinking a lot over the last several months about the abortion topic and was wondering about a possible compromise. From what I understand, there can be a fairly safe pharmaceutically induced abortion up to about 12 weeks, which is around the time frame that most of Europe accepts abortions. Since miscarriages can happen during those first 12 weeks, not usually requiring a D&C, a pharmaceutically induced abortion wouldn't really be much different than a miscarriage which, unfortunately, happens 10%-20% of the time anyway. I would personally be very opposed to an abortive medical procedure that isn't pharmaceutical at any time unless the mother or the child are having life threatening complications. Rape and incest pregnancies would have to be aborted within that 12 week period. So, that leaves me asking the following main questions to both sides:

1. Directed at the left: If pharmaceutically induced abortions were a legal right during those first 12 weeks, would you accept the fact that after that 12 week period was over women DO NOT have the right to choose anymore and that after that 12 week period the only abortions that could be done are if the woman's life or her child were in danger?

2. Directed at the right: Assuming that my compromise would be enacted and made into law, would you then accept pharmaceutically induced abortions during those first 12 weeks, something that really isn't too much different than miscarriages?
To answer your question #1. No. I would not accept your proposition. An abortion should be a decision made by the woman and her doctor. It's nobody else's business. Period.
Wrong, women had a right to not engage in activity which caused said pregnancy, they should not get a special right to end a human life because ooops. Also why do men get no right when said baby is as much his, and don't say because he doesn't carry it that is the settled science of pro creation
Men also have a right not to engage in activity that would cause an unwanted pregnancy. Both partners have a choice in the matter. The man's choice comes before the sexual activity happens. He can use a condom, abstain, have a vasectomy or have unprotected sex. Or he can discuss the possibility of a pregnancy before the act and decide if it is what they both desire. But once he deposits his sperm in the woman's vagina, his choice is over and now the choice belongs to the woman because that is the science of pro-creation. Men need to make their choice more carefully if they are anti-abortion.
To answer your question #1. No. I would not accept your proposition. An abortion should be a decision made by the woman and her doctor. It's nobody else's business. Period.
Gee, I would have never guessed what your opinion was NotYourBody until you just told me. But, since we're talking about bodies, I guess you don't give a shit about a fetus's body or life, even at the nine month mark.
Gee, I would have never guessed what your opinion was NotYourBody until you just told me. But, since we're talking about bodies, I guess you don't give a shit about a fetus's body or life, even at the nine month mark.
Women don't abort babies at the nine month mark because they suddenly decided they don't want a baby. I trust women and their doctors. Nobody else needs to be involved and especially not a stranger.

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