Abortion Trade Off/Compromise

Men also have a right not to engage in activity that would cause an unwanted pregnancy. Both partners have a choice in the matter. The man's choice comes before the sexual activity happens. He can use a condom, abstain, have a vasectomy or have unprotected sex. Or he can discuss the possibility of a pregnancy before the act and decide if it is what they both desire. But once he deposits his sperm in the woman's vagina, his choice is over and now the choice belongs to the woman because that is the science of pro-creation. Men need to make their choice more carefully if they are anti-abortion.
That shiiite don't fly, if they engage in consensual sex understanding the possibility, you then want to give all rights to the woman, as if she had no say, screw that, it is unequal protection under the law. Once she receives his sperm into her vagina, she no longer can simply kill what is equally his, see how that works pumpkin. You got one thing right, it is the science of pro creation and she knows it also.
That shiiite don't fly, if they engage in consensual sex understanding the possibility, you then want to give all rights to the woman, as if she had no say, screw that, it is unequal protection under the law. Once she receives his sperm into her vagina, she no longer can simply kill what is equally his, see how that works pumpkin. You got one thing right, it is the science of pro creation and she knows it also.
The woman has a say. She can decide to have an abortion or not. The man doesn't ever have to know she was pregnant unless she chooses to tell him. See how that works, cowboy? The woman has ALL the control at that point.
00264 23MAY23 NFBW #264 {to: 00,263 bgn} “Do you actually believe it’s just a privilege for a pregnant woman to decide to prevent harm or risk of death to her body?”

00268 23MAY24 ¥martybgn ¥ #268 {to: 00,264 nfbw} “It's the same question, only a heart transplant doesn't involve another human life.”

90001 23MAY24 NFBW #9,001 {to: 00,268 bgn} We know a heart transplant operation does not involve a fetus. So why did you bring it up as part of this discussion? •••• This is a constitutional human rights conflict between a fetus and its mother. It has nothing to do with a good heart versus a bad heart. •••• You are on record that a fetus does not have a right to life during the first 16 weeks of gestation. •••• So why do you support the political party that bans abortions prior to that number of weeks of gestation?

NFBW 23MAY24 Happy to accommodate. Now will you answer the questions summarized in post 90001?

Um, no, you didn't accommodate, so you get discommodated.

I don't know. I'm not a Democrat. Why does any politician hate women? I guess they think it gets them votes from the chest-beating wanna be alpha males
That doesn't sound like a very California thing, where the Democrats don't need votes from chest-beating wannabe alpha males.
Sooner or later someone is going to get one of those last second abortions, like when Gosnell did them, only now he can't be prosecuted under laws in NY and CA, and then we will see the abortion rights people's overreaction laid bare.

Uh, here's the thing. The reason why a character like Gosnell existed in PA was because PA had a ban at 22 weeks, which means the legitimate provides weren't providing them, but the folks in the Ghetto, nobody was watching their fly by night providers.

They expose a contempt for life on the part of abortion rights fanatics. The irony is many of them would probably cry over a dead puppy but see fetuses as nothing but a lump of tissue to justify their positions.

Compared to right wingers, who stop giving a shit about poor fetuses the minute the umbilical chord is cut.

Right now those potential last second abortions are hidden, if they are happening at all, by HIPPA laws.
Well, um, yeah, but I'll go one further.

The bigger problem is how do you enforce it. Do you do undercover stings sending very pregnant ladies into clinics and seeing who is willing to perform abortions? I couldn't imagine any lady cop on maternity light duty volunteering for that one.
Are you really defending Gosnell?

Nice attempt at dodging, but you know there are people out there like that.

"How do you enforce it" is the usual weasel response to someone who can't argue the actual point of the actual laws in question.

Sooner or later some woman is going to get some doctor to give her an abortion during labor because she complains of pain, and wants it over RIGHT NOW, and based on the NY and CA laws, it would be perfectly legal.
Are you really defending Gosnell?
Nope. Go back and read what I said, and then have someone explain the big words to you.
Come on, Marty, I know you aren't fucking stupid. Mean-spirited and silly, but not stupid.

"How do you enforce it" is the usual weasel response to someone who can't argue the actual point of the actual laws in question.

What would be the point of such a law? I mean, to make the misogynists happy, I guess.

I make the comparison to Prostitution laws. We have a whole bunch of these laws on the books in IL, but yet you can easily find a massage parlor, an escort service, an adult book store, or even an on-line person offering to exchange money for bodily fluids.

And anti-prostitution laws are a LOT more popular than anti-abortion laws.

Sooner or later some woman is going to get some doctor to give her an abortion during labor because she complains of pain, and wants it over RIGHT NOW, and based on the NY and CA laws, it would be perfectly legal.
I honestly don't know of any woman who would endure 8 months of pregnancy and say, "I want this over right now, please do an invasive procedure and chop up the baby I've been nurturing for 8 months."

If ANYONE is getting an abortion that late, it's because something has seriously gone wrong.
Nope. Go back and read what I said, and then have someone explain the big words to you.
Come on, Marty, I know you aren't fucking stupid. Mean-spirited and silly, but not stupid.

What would be the point of such a law? I mean, to make the misogynists happy, I guess.

I make the comparison to Prostitution laws. We have a whole bunch of these laws on the books in IL, but yet you can easily find a massage parlor, an escort service, an adult book store, or even an on-line person offering to exchange money for bodily fluids.

And anti-prostitution laws are a LOT more popular than anti-abortion laws.

I honestly don't know of any woman who would endure 8 months of pregnancy and say, "I want this over right now, please do an invasive procedure and chop up the baby I've been nurturing for 8 months."

If ANYONE is getting an abortion that late, it's because something has seriously gone wrong.

I know what you posted, to you Gosnell is an upstanding dude.

Abortion restrictions in the 6-15 week range are the most popular based on polls.

There was a girl who "didn't know" she was pregnant and then had the baby in a hospital bathroom and then left like nothing happened.

People like that do exist.
Women don't abort babies at the nine month mark because they suddenly decided they don't want a baby. I trust women and their doctors. Nobody else needs to be involved and especially not a stranger.
Do women have the right to abort a nine month old fetus or not?
That doesn't sound like a very California thing, where the Democrats don't need votes from chest-beating wannabe alpha males.
Maybe California is not as homogeneous as you think. Men control women no matter where they are. Some are content with less control than others I guess.
If she and her doctor determine that is the right thing for her to do medically then yes, of course. Dumb question.
What if the woman wants an abortion at nine months but the doctor says no? There goes her right to choose. But, I am a little confused. Are you now saying it isn't a woman's right to choose and that it is a decision both the woman and a doctor make together and if the doctor says no, then the woman does not have a right to choose?
What if the woman wants an abortion at nine months but the doctor says no? There goes her right to choose. But, I am a little confused. Are you now saying it isn't a woman's right to choose and that it is a decision both the woman and a doctor make together and if the doctor says no, then the woman does not have a right to choose?
Yes this is a medical decision a doctor and woman make together. Don't play stupid. A 9 month pregnant woman is unlikely to give herself an abortion. No reputable doctor is going to abort a healthy 9 month fetus nor would we want them to. We would want them to get the woman some help and figure out what is going on.
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15 is about the time that a person becomes all knowledgeable.
I had a good friend a long time ago who had teenagers at the time and I clearly remember him telling me that when they are teenagers, that is the stupidest they will ever be.

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